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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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I had actually managed to get absorbed in some work and forgot :o until around 9, despite watching the clock earlier impatiently waiting. When I tuned in, he was starting to get pretty hot under the collar about people telling him how to do promotion for his tour, and Cameron stepped in just in time and changed the subject. I won't be able to see the first part until they get the video up.

I like the way it was set up this time, with them side by side, and Cameron definitely makes Clay more comfortable. Sounds like they checked out the questions in advance this time too. They were better organized this time than last.

I got a big kick out of it--he was in a really snarky mood. Reminds me of my Asheville meet and greet. He snarked on us non-stop, but I knew that he "knew" a couple of the others pretty well as fans, and those are the ones he was snarking on the hardest. He was just as "mean" to Cameron as to us tonight; so I figure that he loves us a lot! (on some occasions, despite our collective selves) I imagine he loves "us" more than I do most of the time. But I :wub: FCA.

Oh, and he looked effing fantastic didn't he?

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He really was cute -- looking very good.

He did say that LBAL will be sung at the Gala, and that's the only time it will be sung live (way too high for him most of the time). Arsenio will host (as I suspected). I think that's a cool role for him, actually.

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I totally love the chats....we get to see a different Clay then the on-stage persona. He really lets loose, and when others were calling him mean, I was thinking "you go Clay!" I tend to grin/snort/laugh out loud 99\% of the time. I was thrilled when he called Judy in Toronto at the end, as I know her from the Toronto cluncheons and she is a sweetheart. I don't know why, but when he asked that last question about who he was mistaken for, I couldn't think of anything to type.

I am so happy I am planning to go to the Gala this year as it sounds ike it's going to be great. Now, to get tickets.....my daughter was going to help with that, as I am in training all this week from 9-5 at work, but sadly my BIL passed away yesterday, so the kids are all heading up their dad's place today for the funeral. However, we are online during the training, so I am hoping to be able to keep an eye on the boards and buy tickets myself. I know last time the time was supposed to be noon but ended up going on sale at 10, which is why I'm kind of worried.

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Good luck ticket buying Luckiest and everyone else. Looking forwrd to the surprises at the Gala.

I really enjoyed the chat too. Clay is such a regular guy it was like listening to my sons and their friends. He is so fortunate to have choices in his life. I'm looking forward to the day he has a husband who can be part of the chat and our state can recognize freedom for all. He has come really far in openness in the nine years he has been in the public eye. The surprise for me was that he doesn't confide in anyone when he is hurt. I can relate to that.

Waiting for the painters today. We are going to have a new house by the time we are done with our home improvements.

I hope everyone has a great day.

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The video from the chat is up already. I started it just at about the time I left it last night, so I actually might be able to finish it before I leave for work!

Exotic shorthair cats? Interesting. I like my mutt cats, and I still think he'd like my cats. Oh well.

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I enjoyed the chat but as soon as they went live, I lost my scroll and chat box so I couldn't ask questions or respond to anything..pissed me off..happened last time too and I don't know why...I so wanted to try and answer some of Clay's questions.

He was in a very good mood last night and funny as heck and I did enjoy listening to him..never saw anyone get so excited about shampoo!

Kind of sad about the "tour" because I was hoping I would have that since I can't go to the Gala and now I am wondering if there will even be a stop close to me..getting the feeling it may be only on the east coast. Seems like maybe it will come down to if you want to hear Clay sing..you have to go to the Gala. I was really hoping more would come from his CA appearance but it doesn't seem like it.

And yet he was happy and that makes me happy...I want him to be happy in his life. He really has given us so much over the last 9 years and if the singing part comes to an end, I have plenty of clack to enjoy. But I really hope that doesn't happen.


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I also get the feeling that there might not be very many stops on the "tour", but I"m more concerned that the dates are going to get announced willy-nilly. The PA concert already goes on sale on the 21st, and if nothing else is confirmed by then, I'll buy tickets. And then later if something closer gets announced, I'll buy more tickets. And our weather in December is so unpredictable that there is no saying whether or not I'll be able to make the 8 hour drive or whatever it is. But hey, it's all good, I'm not complaining, I'd rather have these types of problems than no tour dates at all! :)

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:haha: He couldn't keep his hands out of his hair last night. Funny thing is that I got a haircut yesterday, and when I saw his I thought, that's MY haircut. I was running my hands through my hair all day too. It has so much body. It wasn't the shampoo though--it was the gunk she put on it like a trowel before she blow-dried it. I'm tempted to try the shampoo because his hair did look great, but it looks like mainly what it does is to moisturize hair damaged by repeated hair coloring, and 1) I have something good for that already and 2) the last of my artificial hair color is officially GONE! :cheerleader:

So Clay have two hair things in common at the moment; he said that was his natural color he's been sporting!!! It's darker than I thought it would be. I imagine it looks different depending on the light, but it appears to be a fairly dark blonde with red overtones. (Heh, hang around a salon for an hour and I think I know something.) What do y'all think? I guess the theory that he was turning grey is incorrect, and also that those light roots only looked that way because he nearly always died his hair darker, trying to hide the red. But it ain't that red, Clay.

And mine ain't red one little bit-- :deepsnow: But it used to be a very dark brown with auburn overtones.

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While I am thinking about it, I think I will do an emoticon purge one day soon as ldyj suggested. So please check and save to your computer any fairly obscure emoticon that you don't want to lose, OK? That way I can put it back if you regret its deletion. I definitely won't be taking anything that is used frequently, or even semi-frequently.

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jmh, I think it's more a strawberry blonde. Maybe with an emphasis on blonde. It's pretty though. :)

My hair is what you said yours used to be, dark brown with auburn tones. But over the last year I've spent a lot of time in the sun and now I have natural red highlights.

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I'd love to join in the hair discussion, but I've got to head out early this morning. I'm at an all-day workshop 2 1/2 hours away, so must leave for work very soon. In the meantime, I'm wishing jmh good luck for us today, as she attempts to get Gala tickets. I'm positive she'll do fine -- and frankly, from what I've seen, it looks as if there really isn't a bad seat in the house. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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I'm thinking it's near impossible to determine Clay's hair color by chat as each computer may show different shades of yellow and red. So I'll go with lighter than he likes it to be. jmh, will I recognize you at the Gala? :huh: My hair gets shorter with each haircut, but I'm not minding it with all the sweating I've been doing. The painters' disconnected my tv in the sunroom and put everything in the center of the room. I'm having Mr Fear DVR a few shows on the TV he watches so I can see them during the daytime.

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Good luck to everyone getting tickets today, wish I was one of you but keeping my fingers crossed I will have concert tickets to buy soon!

Grocery shopping this morning; yesterday I cleaned my stove inside and out..such an exciting life I have, LOL! But honestly, I could get used to not working..it really has been so relaxing.

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Eeeeeeeee it's a good day!

Yes, it is! But I am still shaky from the ticket tango! Really happy to be able to see so many folks after way too long!

Was this tango any worse than others?

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Eeeeeeeee it's a good day!

Yes, it is! But I am still shaky from the ticket tango! Really happy to be able to see so many folks after way too long!

Was this tango any worse than others?

Almost as bad as some, but a good outcome with effort. I couldn't pull anything at all in the Mezzanine for the first 20 minutes on line. I was also on the phone and talked to Bernice, who said Mezz showed unavailable and took about 10 minutes to set me up with Row N center. I bought because no one seemed to be doing any better. Then I heard that the National may not have made the Mezz available right away, so i called back to customer service, where a very nice agent wasn't the least bit surprised that the seats may not have been released on time, and set me up with Mezz Right Row A, aisle. She seemed much more competent than the first lady, but if she manages to correctly bill my AMEX, it'll be proven.

Seems to be a pattern where additional or thrown back seats become available 20-30 minutes into the sale.

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Good luck to all in the ticket tango today!

I will most likely never get to a gala :( so I am one who will miss the clack.

Are there any screen caps (shame on me for asking I know) of the chat and his cheerful, gorgeous haired self, mysteriously floating around anywhere?

Yea, Im desparate for any morsel these days *sobs*

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Do you not have an OFC membership? You can rewatch the entire chat there. It's only $9.99 for the year.

We tried for mezzanine but nothing was coming up so we grabbed orchestra seats instead. I am sure the view will be good from anywhere. I plan to bring binoculars in case there are no screens, because I hate not being able to see facial expressions.

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I'm in the "will probably never get to go to a gala" boat with treenuts. I feel ya. But congrats to all those who got tickets today. :)

I saw someone post caps up at CV but they were promptly removed because they are OFC content. I haven't been on the OFC message board in ages so I don't know if some got put up there or not. I or someone else can always make a few too.

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Eeeeeeeee it's a good day!

Yes, it is! But I am still shaky from the ticket tango! Really happy to be able to see so many folks after way too long!

Was this tango any worse than others?

Yes, just as bad IMO. Had no luck online, called and got somebody that I could not understand, got transfered to someone else, got cut off and had to call back. I was starting to panic!!!! Finally I did get seat in the mezzanine that I am very happy with, Row A seat 109.

Anybody here sitting close by? Are Houston peeps going? Would love to see you all there like last year.

Luckiest, hope to see you there!

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Couchie, ldyj, lilyshine, and I are in Row B Mezz. 101 -104. Kimiye and playbiller are also on row A Mezz. according to other boards. And merrieeee!

YAY, FCA is in the house! :cheerleader:

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