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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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I think he is a little YNW! I think he and his buddy Cameron decided to randomly put States names out there and have fun watching the fans extrapolate!

He so knows that is what is done in the fandom. Of course I would only say that here.

I might get trampled on if I said that elsewhere!

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Happy to see that Illinois was not on the list...and exciting to know that a real tour is in the works!

85 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

:Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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:bdayparty2:Happy birthday KAndre and CrazyforClay!

I am not sure that the tweet is related to the concerts at all. Maybe he just wants to know where to go on holiday? LOL

I don't know why, but ever since I switched over from a Blackberry to an iPhone (same phone number) I no longer get Clay's tweets as texts. I haven't changed the settings in my Twitter account. Must be a setting on the iPhone somewhere......

Check you Twitter settings. I had the same problem when I switched phones last year, and I think you have to authorize the new phone, even if you have the same phone number.

I think he is a little YNW! I think he and his buddy Cameron decided to randomly put States names out there and have fun watching the fans extrapolate!

He so knows that is what is done in the fandom. Of course I would only say that here.

I might get trampled on if I said that elsewhere!

I tend to think that about him too from time to time. He could probably easily tell us what's going on, but instead, he toys with us. I get the feeling he does that with his RL friends (see: the last two chats with Cameron), so in a way, I take that as a badge of honor!

If I remember correctly, way back when...Friday's used to be the day when news came out of the OFC. I'm wondering if that might be the case today. Clay knew this would be happening today, so he used Twitter to tease.

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I'll be much happier if all the tour dates are on the OFC so we can plan. I already bought one ticket that I'm not sure I can use. It doesn't bother me either if Clay is toying with us. Eventually the tweet will make sense. :think:

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Heh. Now he's getting a bit pissy!

Never mind. You'll get what you get, and that will be it. Done.

I know for many this is frustrating the hell out of them, and I totally understand that, because I sure would like to know if I should plan on a concert or not. But at the same time -- I don't follow the conversations between Clay and his followers all that much, so I'm guessing he's had a few too many people "tell" him what to do, and so he tweets this. I have to admit I chuckled at this tweet.

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I'm just going to wait until the official list is posted at the OFC and then I will either cheer or cry..not going to waste energy worrying about a tweet. Clay is entitled to have a pissy moment now and then..the fans sure do.


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jmh, it wasn't Dr Oz was it? I felt a little queasey with that one. Hope you both feel better soon.

Thanks. We didn't set out to do a cleanse at all. :) After some internet research, I think we had the norovirus. We are getting better. After an extra day at home, we headed for Penn Yan, and arrived last night. Lots of sleeping and still not much eating, lots of fluids.

Ldyj, get well soon!!




Guess I'd better not delete that one!

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I am so tired of fans taking everything and making a big deal out of it. The most vocal of these fans are the first one who complain when they do not get the front row at a concert. I also am tired of reading how he is lazy and does not want a career. I love the guy and want him to entertain for a long time but I can see why he would just say I am done. He always has to try and please everyone. Fans wanted him to tweet but if he tweets something that they do not like he is juvenile and pissy. I think sometimes he deserves to get pissy.

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This is why a lot of fans leave the boards but don't leave Clay. He probably read a lot of the posts on fan boards last night which gave me a headache. I'll take whatever concerts I can get. I guess I can't get worked up over a tweet from someone who doesn't know me from another fan. It's just not personal. JMO

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I am so tired of fans taking everything and making a big deal out of it. The most vocal of these fans are the first one who complain when they do not get the front row at a concert. I also am tired of reading how he is lazy and does not want a career. I love the guy and want him to entertain for a long time but I can see why he would just say I am done. He always has to try and please everyone. Fans wanted him to tweet but if he tweets something that they do not like he is juvenile and pissy. I think sometimes he deserves to get pissy.

Absolutely...Clay is supposed to be oh sensitive to their feelings and yet those same fans have no respect for Clay's feelings at all...they can be juvenile and pissy when it comes to that whole CA and Arsenio debacle and not care that Arsenio is Clay's friend , but Clay doesn't have the same right. Pisses me off to no end..he is human..allow him his humanity and take him off that damn pedestal!


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Wasn't that big torch thingy spectacular? And a nice sentiment. I loved it. (weepy sentimental fool emoticon?)

I missed the first half hour - slept in - it started at 5.30am here.

:ohthedrama: <==== I love this emoticon, thanks for using it Ldyj

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84 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

:Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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All I can say is the Opening Ceremony was bloody brilliant!

Oh and Clay the dancers were all volunteers not professionals!

I loved it! Fortunately I had lilyshine to give me some commentary that was actually useful, as opposed to the drivel of the network commentators. There was a lot of national symbolism that you also, merrieeee, understood, I'm sure--not the least of which was about what I kept calling "the hill". :P Anything you are in the mood to share here about the symbolism would be most interesting to me. I loved the national health segment and some of those doctors and nurses could really dance! Bean was hilarious--I usually don't laugh at him, but I laughed my face off. And I loved the segment with the Queen and James Bond. I think she's beautiful and such an amazing person. I was very impressed with the choices regarding the cauldron and the lighting of the torch, and also the choices of flag bearers. They did a fantastic job of conveying the meaning of the Olympic movement.

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All I can say is the Opening Ceremony was bloody brilliant!

Oh and Clay the dancers were all volunteers not professionals!

I loved it! Fortunately I had lilyshine to give me some commentary that was actually useful, as opposed to the drivel of the network commentators. There was a lot of national symbolism that you also, merrieeee, understood, I'm sure--not the least of which was about what I kept calling "the hill". :P Anything you are in the mood to share here about the symbolism would be most interesting to me. I loved the national health segment and some of those doctors and nurses could really dance! Bean was hilarious--I usually don't laugh at him, but I laughed my face off. And I loved the segment with the Queen and James Bond. I think she's beautiful and such an amazing person. I was very impressed with the choices regarding the cauldron and the lighting of the torch, and also the choices of flag bearers. They did a fantastic job of conveying the meaning of the Olympic movement.

For me that was the main reason I just could not get into the opening ceremonies..way too much symbolism for me and unless you really know your English history, I think a lot of people would be lost. It just did not keep my attention. I did enjoy the "Queen's" entrance..that was pretty funny. For me..I watch the ceremonies for the parade of nations..that to me is the most enjoyable. It seems like each host country tries to outdo the previous host country and sometimes it is just overkill.


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I really liked the opening ceremonies last night. My favorite part was Rowan Atkinson (Black Adder baby!) with the Chariots of Fire thing, followed closely by the James Bond story. However, I always choke up at the lighting of the torch, and I thought it incredibly cool that it wasn't some big celebrity or sports figure who lit the torch, but new young athletes. That was pretty awesome!

Woohoo for shortyjill! Clay just tweeted:

I think we're good in MI. Just need to sell soon. RT @mkcraig2: @clayaiken I don't see Michigan on your list!
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