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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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John Rich is half of the country duo Big & Rich. If you've heard the song "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" -- yeah, that's them. (I think the song is funny...)

Haven't heard of the song but love the title.

Wednesday already!!

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That song was big about 6-7 years ago, I had never heard of them before that time but because it was so popular people I knew who didn't like country even liked it. :) It's just a fun and funny song, look it up sometime!

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Honestly I can not wait for Lisa and Aubrey to get fired. It will be the highlight of the season. One would think that their careers would be over after the nasty poisonous personalities they showed but I doubt it. Unfortunately.

Oh the bromance continues.

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Gotta love the bromance!

Honestly is Aubs serious? Her conceit and blowing her own trumpet is so ott its hilarious to watch but maybe just for those that don't have to deal with her in person?

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5 Days until Clay is at the Family Equality Gala!:yahoo:

19 Days until peformns at the HarboringHearts Gala!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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We are having another freakishly hot day here. I'm trying to keep the dogs inside so they can breathe! To have the A/C on in May is unheard of.

I just watched that long preview and Aubrey makes me gag. Seriously. Do we know if this might be her turn to go home? Because I can't take much more of her. I may have to mute the scenes that she is in. At least Lisa isn't pitching a fit when she's only got Clay on her team. Or at least, I hope she doesn't.

How do you have Clay Aiken with his iconic hair and not use him with a blow dryer task? Ok maybe it isn't long enough but if it were up to me, I would. Also, how about we mention (or show pictures of) his Elle magazine spread? What? Ok, he's not all full of himself like Aubrey, so I guess not.

My son's baseball season starts this weekend so I'm not sure if I am going to home in time to watch CA live on Sunday. I may have to turn off my tweets so I don't get spoiled.

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No one has bid on the jacket from last week's CApp yet! I'm actually a little surprised by this -- I may have to think about it....

There's a review out there of Dee Snider's album, with a good review of Clay's song. I'll hook it up and add my comments later...

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4 Days until Clay is at the Family Equality Gala!:yahoo:

18 Days until peformns at the HarboringHearts Gala!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Review of "Dee Does Broadway" from the Dallas Voice

I waited with anticipation for track 8, "Luck Be a Lady Tonight." Teaming with Clay Aiken, this is the musical equivalent of The Twilight Zone. The song starts off gently only to screech into high gear. The juxtaposition is a fun one. Aiken clearly wins in the slower intro, but he holds his own against Snider's shrill vocals. Aiken can actually belt out a heavy metal tune and sounds in the vein of Ozzy Osbourne or Don Dokken. The potential that this song could have been a train wreck is easily dismissed and it turns out to be the best track on the album.

I'm looking forward to hearing the full track, just to see what Clay does with this. And yes, I think Clay can "rock out" easily, and enjoy his ventures outside the box. Having said that, I don't think this will ever be his forte all the time. He likes to be the crooner (I actually prefer the term "musical stylist"), and I'm OK with that.

Also from yesterday, via cartermatt.com

"The Celebrity Apprentice": Clay Aiken Fights Agains Internet Hate

Clay Aiken knows one thing by now after years of dealing with the public’s reaction to his sexuality — how to be comfortable in your own skin, and not give in to some of the bigotry and hate that often comes in your direction based on people with no right to judge. While the one-time “American Idol” star has continued to deal with both positive and negative situations ever since coming in second place all the way back in season 2, his appearance on “The Celebrity Apprentice” this season has catapulted him right to being front and center in the spotlight.

So how is he dealing with the nastiness now coming courtesy of some anonymous posters on Twitter? Let’s just say that he is taking a creative approach to the matter. Rather than ignoring them or acting hurt by some of the anti-gay slurs that have been fired in his direction, Clay instead explains that he most enjoys just pointing out how terrible some of these people truly are in order to educate other folks online:

“I occasionally retweet some folks just 2 highlight their ignorance & stupidity. I certainly don’t take offense from [stuff] said by idiots!”

Of course, Clay is far from the only person who has been forced to deal with some nasty comments online this season — Lisa Lampnaelli, Lou Ferrigno, and Aubrey O’Day are among some of the contestants who have become targets thatnks to everything from their body image to their behavior on the show.

When dealing with Twitter haters, what do you think is the best strategy — ignoring them, fighting against them, or trying to block them all simply so that they are not around? A new episode of “Celebrity Apprentice” airs on Sunday night, and by the end there will only be three contestants left standing.

Not quite sure how I feel about this one. I have to admit, it's interesting seeing Clay show his "fight," but I'm also a person who tends to "ignore" when that kind of stuff happens. (BTW, the tweets from yesterday are in the Twitter thread. If you need directions to that thread, let me know!)

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I'm thrilled he's responding. He took years of abuse from gnats and lowlifes without saying anything and look what that got him. For him ignore didn't work. The way he is doing this is very clever and just maybe some will get a new impression.....a correct one!

I cannot wait to hear the Dee/Clay duo!

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From Arsenio's Twitter:

@clayaiken Mall brush with a Claymate! They are very sweet, but really have love for u and make it clear they want you 2 kick my ass! LOL!


And then...back to Clay:

If u don't have HBO tonight you're missing out on 2 of my FAVORITE things... Real Time with Bill Maher and my pal@ArsenioOFFICIAL #jealous
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3 Days until Clay is at the Family Equality Gala!:yahoo:

17 Days until peformns at the HarboringHearts Gala!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Off to dinner tonight, and then to see Bill Cosby live. It's a good chance to see a living legend. Then, tomorrow morning my handbell choir is playing their last performance of the season, so I have to be up and out the door REALLY early. Add CApp tomorrow night, and it's gonna be a LONG day.

Anyone else doing something fun?

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How was the Cosby show?

I worked, slept and watched a lot of NBA playoffs today. Tomorrow I'm going to a birthday party for my favorite professor.

I'm looking forward to downloading the duet when it's available.

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Just got home from work. I'm working seven straight days this week with my brother and his family flying in for the coming weekend. AND I couldn't get the time off so now I'm having to work next weekend while everyone is having a fun reunion.....w/o me :cry4:

Oh well.....back to Clay....

Here's a link to it, ldyj: twitter picture

canuck at CC posted this -

There were some earlier tweets between Clay's cousin and a friend who didn't believe him that Clay was his cousin. The picture was his proof. Too funny. After he posted, another one of his buddies tweeted to wish him luck on CApp.

Dayum Clay looks skinny! That must have really been SOME cleanse he did!!
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My west coast son and his girlfriend have been visiting this week and I'm loving it. They are leaving later today. :cry4:

Running around as we have been doing, I get up shower, wash my hair and let it dry naturally. I haven't looked in a mirror or brushed it most days, so I know where Clay is coming from. I thought he looked cute. It's great that he loves his family so much to attend a family reunion with family members he hadn't met before. :wub:

Have a great day. I'll be back for TCA.

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How was the Cosby show?

Quite excellent. The lights dimmed, he sauntered on the stage, put on a microphone, sat down, and basically talked for two hours. Oh sure, there were jokes, but so much of the humor just flowed from the stories he can tell. I'm so glad we got to see him.

Thunderstorms around here now, and probably again tonight. Plus, hubby asked that we watch the finale of The Amazing Race live tonight, and that's two hours. Therefore, I'll be covering Clay's live tweets without knowing what the heck is going on! (At least for the first hour...)

I love that skinny dude. Glad to see his hair gets "wing-y" like mine does!

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an odd angel :cryingwlaughter:

Thread title?

jamar, I basically agree with you -- angle and lighting can affect so much with a picture. He still looks kinda skinny to me in this one, though!

New tweets:

You have quite a campaign going on! Happy Birthday @StephenRogrThat RT@laurenkato: please wish my friend@StephenRogrThat a happy birthday!

:-) You've got some dedicated friends! Thank them! RT @StephenRogrThat: Thank you SO much @clayaiken for making my birthday a 1 of a kind.

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Today I finished bringing summer clothes downstairs from the upstairs closet and carrying winter/fall clothes upstairs. I did some of this one day when lilyshine was visiting me in March! Two months ago almost! That's how weird the weather has been. When she was here, it was over 80 degrees almost every day. Then it got cooler, and now it's definitely hot again.

Am I the only one who trucks clothes from closet to closet that she hasn't worn in years? Just in case? :rainbowsmile:

I have a lot of clothes that I haven't worn since the last time I had a job. Hey, it could happen again! :twinklewhore:

At least I got my exercise for the day. :cryingwlaughter:

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