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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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heh, before I hit the road, I was wondering if anyone else was afraid of Treenut getting a meet and greet with Clay? She might hug him and make him swell. you know, allergies and stuff!

I guess that is my present to muski - and I am off to home!

ETA - I expect this album of Kelly's to sell very well, I think a lot of people will see the picture and buy it. The question is , if they don't like it when they play it, will they buy the next one so easily? But what do I know, I thought ATDW would sell better.

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Oh, keepingfaith, it wasn't so much Michael jumping up and down, it was Michael's...ahem... bits bouncing up and down that some found disturbing...HA!

Clay is excessively hot.


Snowflake Clay was the hottest of all, though.

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Oh, keepingfaith, it wasn't so much Michael jumping up and down, it was Michael's...ahem... bits bouncing up and down that some found disturbing...HA!

Clay is excessively hot.


Snowflake Clay was the hottest of all, though.

Am I hopelessly out of the loop? WTH are we talking about ... his bits??? Wait a minute, do I want to know???

And who in the world is "Groucho" ... I've heard this name but I don't know who or what it means. Should I?

"Snowflake" Clay is a good example of his chameleon stylings ... the day before he was on R&K and I didn't much care for his hair that day. Then the next night BAM!

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Muski, can you let me know if you got the PM? I don't know how to work the PM thingy I guess. For some reason, I show PM space as being used, but can't find the #$#$%# thing anywhere. Would hate to have to recreate the tome. Couchie hit some of the highlights in her post.
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Muski, can you let me know if you got the PM? I don't know how to work the PM thingy I guess. For some reason, I show PM space as being used, but can't find the #$#$%# thing anywhere. Would hate to have to recreate the tome. Couchie hit some of the highlights in her post.
Hi! I think you have to click the option at the bottom to "add a copy of this message to the sent messages folder." If you didn't save it and the recipient PMs back with your message quoted ... there you'll have it!
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Clayzedover...yeppers, got it and thank ya! (I think :RedGuy: ha!)

oh and

Snowflake Clay was the hottest of all, though.
Hee! I remember the first time Couchie saw Snowflake Clay---it was at my house and was my desktop...she saw it and sorta froze and said,

"Where did THAT picture come from?"

She referred to it multiple times before she left that night... :cryingwlaughter:

She might hug him and make him swell. you know, allergies and stuff!

I guess that is my present to muski -

BWAH! playbiller! I've always fantasized about hugging Clay and making him swell, too. :whistling-1:

And keepingfaith, the LKL Clay is one of my favorite iterations of the man, too. So beautiful and composed and mature and HAWT! God, his hair and stubble and ...he really was beautiful that night. And pppffffttt to that old co-crypt keeper (partner is Clive, of course), Larry King! He was so annoying and he did teter on the edge of bullying our man. But Clay's so suave and cool under pressure.

And that, as KAndre put it, is EXCESSIVELY HOT. :Thud:

Edited by muskifest
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Clazorback, I so agree, Clay's passion IS on fire when he sings about his god. He erm...."comes alive" if ya get ma drift ;)

Oh to be sure, check out clack of Red Bank TFN and banter, I think it's jojoct's?

Anywhooo, Oh dear Mary & Joseph.....as the camera pulls out just watch that boy's pride swell (so to speak).

Whew, I'm ok, I'm ok. Really.....just need a cool down. :hubbahubba:

I am sooo NOT going to heaven

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Eeeeee keepingfaith, thanks for the AI5 goodies! Niiiccceee

Ya know, I didn't even go on line until October and even then it was just you tube for several weeks. Then I discovered the boards, FUN, and then I discovered "the ugly" underbelly, NOT FUN. So I would rather ignore all about the "other Marx brother" and his cohorts, jay's pee and et al.


heh, before I hit the road, I was wondering if anyone else was afraid of Treenut getting a meet and greet with Clay? She might hug him and make him swell. you know, allergies and stuff!


see my signature

And keepingfaith, the LKL Clay is one of my favorite iterations of the man, too. So beautiful and composed and mature and HAWT! God, his hair and stubble and ...he really was beautiful that night. And pppffffttt to that old co-crypt keeper (partner is Clive, of course), Larry King! He was so annoying and he did teter on the edge of bullying our man. But Clay's so suave and cool under pressure.

And that, as KAndre put it, is EXCESSIVELY HOT. :Thud:

I love reading how others found the LKL interview interesting as well. Ya know, as far as Larry being nasty, hmmmm I guess he's just so use to getting something out of his interviewee and when he felt Clay wasn't

"coughin' up the goods" he was determined to get "something'. Is this making sense to anyone else? Anyway, so I think he finally let go, at least it looked that way, when Clay admittedly said "if I'm completely honest I don't know that it didn't have something to do with the panic attacks getting worse" or something to that affect. That was when he told Larry that because of the rumors, lies or what have you that he just felt everyone was looking at him thinking about it. I wanted to cry for him right then and there and somehow I knew that was both difficult and smart. Larry said after the break "we are back with my man Clay Aiken". Odd how he felt so much better after Clay said all that.

Ego or admiration?....you be the judge.


God I love Clay Aiken. How schmoopy is that :RedGuy:

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Awwww treenuts, love your story. I love those stories cos for me it validates Clay's talent...he does continue to draw people in...

CG and Clayzedover...I kinda see both sides...I agree that Kelly shouldn't be paying for the hateful way her fans behave. In the same way we hate the way some KC fans after Clay because they hate his fans. We can;t be hating a behavior then doing it as well. I also do understand that its human nature to feel some satisfaction in thinking that some of the hateful Kelly fans must be hurting right now too.

Bottom line for me...Kelly is a great singer, a really nice girl and is Clay's friend so I hope she is not suffering too much from all this negative publicity. I do think the media is going OTT on this. I think its a bit premature to say its all a flop when the CD hasn't even gone on sale yet.

I think right now I want to focus on...

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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Hee treenuts I should say you are truly fitting in with this smutty crew...

I do agree, I really didn't mind LKL's questioning ...that is his job, to get celebrities to talk. I did feel that he wasn't hostile about it. I got the feeling he wasn't doing that to hurt Clay or get him in trouble. I know it may be weird but I got the feeling LKL was actually trying to be supportive and assure Clay it was ok to come out. Hee the only problem with that is that the guy is not even in the closet. I did get the impression that he ended up having more respect for Clay.

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Cindilu..thanks for the Good News wallpaper. It's gorgeous!!

Yeah -- and I was one of the few friends who said "no way, I don't want to be a mod." See what happens when you spend enough time with couchie and Ansa? They have their way with you...*g*

LOL..whoo hooo. It was just a matter of time. BTW, you finished your 06 Xmas song yet? :cryingwlaughter: In all honestly, thanks for everything. It's LdyJ that keeps the bots and trolls away from here. Although I did manage to catch the lesbian love website spammer the other night.

Claygasm: I loved the Practice for the first few years. I came to Picket Fences late so look forward to seeing the first couple seasons! LOL at the Raleigh/Durham DCAT shirts heee.

I don't have a photobucket account either Ansa..I think I just always uploaded stuff to FCA if I needed to share. Maybe I'll get one too.

KANDRE...just heard on the news you don't need a passport for Canada..pushed back another 6 months.

Atinal - Agree about CV. Back when it first started I would read over there and even post a little but couldn't keep up so finally just stopped going over there, except to read a story.

My mom ALWAYS comments on the size of Clay's feet.

Got to run - all those wanting to visit at the beach, just bring shoe horns - we are talking 8X20 and that includes a ful bathroom, kitchen, dinette set, couch, chair, full bed, bunk beds and clostes! With the dog, even I get claustrophobia!

Do you have pictures of your view Play?

Treenuts - not only did you do a great job with your quotes...I loved your story about becoming a Clay fan. I also enjoyed the Larry King interview. The man is so composed. Thanks for sharing it... so have you caught up on every peice of clack ever taken yet?

Evil Houston Posse. KAndre and her band of renowned. The sultans of bling. The masters of style.

Love this discription of the eHP.

I guess, couchie, for me, it just goes back to that thing Clay said for his fans to do. IGNORE. If Clay fans did not go to KCE and engage those people there, and engage Groucho and other sickos like him, then perhaps they wouldn't keep up their shi* towards Clay. I dunno. It just seems to me that it takes two to continue a fued, so to speak.

Don't know how much engaging was going on at KCE cuz I do think they banned Clay fans rather quickly or their lives were made pretty miserable. But agreed. I haven't been to a KC site since IT tour or followed her career. The thing we all should have learned by now is that all the idols pretty much face the sam thing and we have more in common than difference. But bascially people need to learn that they are all in the real world now and the competition is over. But I honestly didn't know there was much Kelly gloating out there cuz I've only read about her here and in the Kelly thread at CH. And really, don't see anything of note.

Snowflake Clay was the hottest of all, though.

Yes he was KAndre. That's when I first noticed..oh his hair is long and he gorgeous! heee

Don't want to hear about Sandecki's bits heee.

Muski, can you let me know if you got the PM? I don't know how to work the PM thingy I guess. For some reason, I show PM space as being used, but can't find the #$#$%# thing anywhere. Would hate to have to recreate the tome

Isn't that a pain in the ass. I have the code now I think to fix it so that mails you send are automatically saved. I'll try to fix it soon.

Ansa: I can't really judge how much pub this whole Kelly thing is getting. I mean I haven't heard anything outside of the Clay boards. Is it on ET everynight or something?

Treetnuts..heee you are adding a lot to the board. I'm glad you found us.

Off to stress class heee.

Where the heck is Georgia..anybody hear from her and is she ok?

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Clayzedover, thanks for stating your thoughts on the Kelly hate. While I don't agree with what you said, you stated it in a rational manner and to me, that makes all the difference in the world.

For me, no matter what may or may not have transpired in the past, the important thing is Clay and Kelly have become great friends. In the beginning, she didn't know him. She was barely 21 years old. Who knows what she did or did not do, and did she know better. However, something happened during the IT that seemed to bond these two and she has been nothing but supportive of him since. They obviously care a lot for each other. Clay is no fool and he doesn't bury his head in the sand. I am sure he is well aware of the origins of Groucho and of what has gone on with some of Kelly's fans. If it doesn't bother him, if he can put it aside to become friends with Kelly, what can't Clay fans put it aside and stop the venomous posts?

I don't care if anyone likes her or her music or gives her a half a second thought, but I do hate it when, on a board that bears Clay's name, there is such hatred expressed over and over again about someone who obviously means a lot to Clay. Clay is someone they claim to care about. If you care about someone, you don't bash someone they care about - no matter how you may personally feel about them.

JMO and all that.


I swear. It's really gotten to the point that I don't WANT to click on any board except this one (and maybe CH to see if there's any cool sumpin' sumpin' to smut on or download :whistling-1: )...I'm not comfy walking barefooted on eggshells, if you get my drift, and it seems that I feel that I need to tippytoe around people's potential reactions to posts elsewhere.

That's too much work...and energy. Got too much of the first already and not enough of the latter. :cryingwlaughter:

I know what you mean, muski. I try not to go anywhere else, but all too often I can't help myself. I only post one other place and I swear there I feel like I am often banging my head against a brick wall!

Thank God - and couchie, ansa, and all the many, many, many, many , many admins and mods - for FCA!!

Oh, keepingfaith, it wasn't so much Michael jumping up and down, it was Michael's...ahem... bits bouncing up and down that some found disturbing...HA!

Ewwwwwww!!! I had just purged that image from my brain after someone brought it up last week and now its back!! :scream:

Clay is excessively hot.


Snowflake Clay was the hottest of all, though.

YUM!!! Now that is a much better image for my brain!! :hubbahubba:

Bottom line for me...Kelly is a great singer, a really nice girl and is Clay's friend so I hope she is not suffering too much from all this negative publicity. I do think the media is going OTT on this. I think its a bit premature to say its all a flop when the CD hasn't even gone on sale yet.

I agree - especially about the media. And its so unlike the media to go over with this kind of thing!! **she says dripping with sarcasm**

I think right now I want to focus on...

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:


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LOL..whoo hooo. It was just a matter of time. BTW, you finished your 06 Xmas song yet? :cryingwlaughter:

When I cleaned my office two weeks ago, I found some of my notes for this and said to myself that I really needed to get on that. Well, guess what? I did it tonight -- think of it as Christmas in June.

OCOCE ratings!

My apologies for putting it off. It was actually easier to complete now that I wasn't a bit burned out of the song. (And yes, I do think you can burn out on Clay stuff on occasion. Sue. me. )

Other than that, I don't have a lot of time to post this evening. Hubby is leaving for four days tomorrow, and I'm going somewhere else myself over the weekend. Sigh...I miss him already.

But in two weeks -- for me -- the adventure begins!


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Sheesh, I don't even know if it's ok to link stuff here but here goes anyway. I'll just have trust in a mod to catch it and remove it if not. Otherwise -

I found this kinda humerous crammed in amongst all the "crap" reporting of the Idol: A Musical reviews/blogs.

Honestly, if ya have nothing nice to say just don't say anything at all. Of course, as far as Clay baby goes, that may mean his name might not come up anymore :( God I hate the ignorance of the general media (term used loosely) at large

Anyway, read for a laff.....or not.

Constantine! - BWAH


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I think the idols that have brains know that they are each the only other people that experienced what they did and the more successful ones do befriend each other. Of course, some idols are easily going to be never has beens (anyone else reading the Chris Sligh Thread over a TWOP - a laugh riot, but sooooo, soooo mean.)

Because you asked.

Home away from home

trailer.jpg <- this looks much better now since I have upgraded the plantings and painted the deck peach and white - very tropical. I also lower the awning all summer. This is a prior dog.


Now, my view is not so great, but it is quiet because almost no one is there during the summer week days, except my retired neighbors. 1/2 a block to the ocean, 2 blocks to the bay -and the end of an island in dead end peacefulness.

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I forgot something - I have to write to inside edition - it was on, while I was cleaning up to leave (the trailer always looks better when I leave it, than when I am in it. )And this was on TV - I had to sit down and watch - they had a medical miracle on!!!!!

What could the miracle be? Why it was a man who could turn his feet around backwards! Not only that, but so could his son. they showed doctors examining their feet and not being able to explain it.

Well, I have to send a link to Clay can turn his feet backwards video to them.

link to story

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Clayzorback's WDC posts the other day made me think of one of my old siggys....and it took me this long to find it in my PB. (I really need to be better organized)


btw...I need new pictures of Clay....like now...*sigh* Is it July yet?

(very pretty home away from home playbiller!)

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I forgot something - I have to write to inside edition - it was on, while I was cleaning up to leave (the trailer always looks better when I leave it, than when I am in it. )And this was on TV - I had to sit down and watch - they had a medical miracle on!!!!!

What could the miracle be? Why it was a man who could turn his feet around backwards! Not only that, but so could his son. they showed doctors examining their feet and not being able to explain it.

Well, I have to send a link to Clay can turn his feet backwards video to them.

link to story

NO playbiller, I emplore you Resist that urge, PLEASE!

Sorry, but I wish the media would focus on Clay's other talent. Let's wait for them to do a piece on his wonderful concerts coming up maybe. I get a bad feeling in my tummy when I think of what they will do with that "circus act" this time around. In the beginning they thought it was cute on the shows, now they will just use it as one more way to ridicule him.

Perhaps I'm out of line but I have some strong feelings on this and I apologize for yelling.

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Hee. Proactive. That's one word to call 'em. :lol:

ldyjocelyn... thank you SO much for finding that article... not that there was much more than what I had quoted :lol: but I've been looking (half-assed) since 2003 and didn't know where to find it. There's a reason you're the librarian! Hee.

Me? I've been wracking my brain trying to create some Javahelp files for a software development project. We created some templates for running the books through one tool and out the other end comes HTML and java help. It took me two freaking weeks to get all the tools sorted out to run the thing and on only the 6th attempt, success!!!! YAY! Now I just have to write the books! Bwah! First draft: Tuesday. :lmaosmiley-1:

Off to try not to dream of Darlene Maroulis! :lol:

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I'm baaaaaaaaaack!! Man, it felt good to sleep in my own bed last night, and pet my dog this morning. YAY! I spent all day unpacking, petting, and trying to figure out where I left off in tour planning. Have I done everything I'm supposed to have done? Good question. I'll keep working on it.

keepingfaith asked about the attire at the Linda Ronstadt concert in Jones Hall a few weeks ago. People wore everything you can think of.....some were dressed up, some were dressed waaaaaaaaaaay down, most were dressed somewhere in between. I saw plenty of jeans and capris, a fair representation of sundresses, and even some shorts. I think I wore a pair of capris and a blouse....my favourite turquoise encrusted (plucked that there expression right out of mah Vogue magazine) sandals. I'll probably wear something similar to Clay's concerts.....and as an added bonus, when I was going through the piled up mail, I came across a Macy's mailer which which featured my turquoise encrusted sandals in white at 40% off. You may see me in white pearl encrusted sandals instead...if I dare buy a tenth pair of sandals this year. Oh, they were so pretty!!

I love footwear. Ergo....

What is it about that stance that is like an aphrodisiac?? I love the way the pants legs hang over the boots, and the angle of that foot. RAWR!!!

I think it's possibly a subliminal thing....particularly the 'angle of the foot'....you know, since the foot is often used as a metaphor. :happy-male-133:






Dayum. :Thud:

What you don't see in this picture, is me putting that smile of pleasure on his face..............

I would very much like to see the uncropped version of this pic. I have money. I can pay you.

Name your price. What size sandals do you wear?

I got a little busy while I was away and even though I was able to keep up reading, I wasn't able to post much of anything. I have to say though the discussions over the past week have been great and I would have loved to get my oar in but it just didn't happen.

I did click on all of the meet and greets I'm eligible for (can you say hand speed record in front of the children?) and got a 10 out of 11 confirmed via email. I thought that was a pretty good percentage. I can't imagine what meeting Clay would ever be like....other than having a total internal meltdown, forgetting my name, etc. When I try to decide what I'd get him to sign all I can think of is to have him sign his name as Payee on one of my blank checks. A kind of symbolic thing, eh? I suppose having one of those in my hand willl help me out if I really don't remember my name.....or where I live. :D

Before I go back to the nametags that I was supposed to do while I was gone....but didn't....this is the first pic in my photobucket account.


YUM!! Speaking of fingers.....there's a lot can be said about a strategically placed thumb, as well.

Edited by Karen Eh?
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