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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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Karen eh? WORD to your entire orgasm!

playbiller sorry I didn't get the joke. My trigger finger has been edgy lately and I think it's time for bed. Thanks to Karen perhaps I'll have wet dreams (hubby is away this week) and will awake in the morning refreshed & with a regained sense of humor :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Clayzorback's WDC posts the other day made me think of one of my old siggys....and it took me this long to find it in my PB. (I really need to be better organized)


btw...I need new pictures of Clay....like now...*sigh* Is it July yet?

(very pretty home away from home playbiller!)

love that old siggy!!

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Karen eh? WORD to your entire orgasm!

playbiller sorry I didn't get the joke. My trigger finger has been edgy lately and I think it's time for bed. Thanks to Karen perhaps I'll have wet dreams (hubby is away this week) and will awake in the morning refreshed & with a regained sense of humor :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Don;t worry about it treenuts...you'll soon figure out that most FCAers just want to have fun and believe that TC should be doing Clay's publicity..not the fans.

You will soon get used to our quirky sense of humor...I also don't blame you for thinking Play may be serious... there are a lot of "proactive" fans out there.

welcome back Karen eh?

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Eeeeep, I was in the middle of writing a post and the IT guy came over and started installing new anti-virus software. Lost the whole thing. OK trying again...

I did a surf around the boards this morning and found it pretty depressing. Lots of people whining (still!) about covers, about $upport, about RCA, about symphonies...some excitement but it is always tempered with expectations of new! upbeat! symphonic rock! sound! (which would be cool, but is hardly a given at this point.) And don't even get me started on threads which are thinly veiled ultimatums for Clay to do or sing something in particular, or else! Or else what? Just go away already, it's no skin off his nose. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. :cryingwlaughter:

So here we sit, 13 days away from the celebration!!!!1!!!11!!!!! Let's get some excitement going!!!!!! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

I keep wondering and fantasizing about how he'll make his entrance this time around. Something low-key, like the last Christmas tour? Or something more exciting, along the lines of the past pop tours he's done? Kyrie through the crowd...coming out of the space ship....the "Fonz" with his girls.....what's next? This tour is going to be a different animal, I think....a hybrid, if you will. The evolution of Clay. I wonder how those rehearsals are going? I wonder if we'll get a teasing blog before the 4th? Me thinks yes. Boyfriend loves to tease. :)

I ordered a black DCAT shirt this morning. I think I might just break with tradition and wear it to my first indoor concert, in Syracuse. I think it's pretty classy looking.

Karen Eh, you CMSU. FTTR, FTTL, having Clay autograph as payee on a blank check - BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: I love your posts.

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heh, before I hit the road, I was wondering if anyone else was afraid of Treenut getting a meet and greet with Clay? She might hug him and make him swell. you know, allergies and stuff!

I guess that is my present to muski - and I am off to home!

ETA - I expect this album of Kelly's to sell very well, I think a lot of people will see the picture and buy it. The question is , if they don't like it when they play it, will they buy the next one so easily? But what do I know, I thought ATDW would sell better.

:cryingwlaughter: play that was so funny. I'd like to hug Clay and make him swell too. You know if I'm being honest here, hee, I looked at Treenuts screen name and found it sort of odd, since Clay is allergic to Tree nuts, that a fan would choose that for a screen name. I'm sure there is a good story to be heard about it. LOL

Oh, keepingfaith, it wasn't so much Michael jumping up and down, it was Michael's...ahem... bits bouncing up and down that some found disturbing...HA!

Clay is excessively hot.


Snowflake Clay was the hottest of all, though.

Must you make me go back and look for the "bits" jumping up and down? As many times as I watched that, I never ever noticed that. My focus was entirely on Clay and his hair and his tie and his excessive hotness. Now I simply must go back and look at MS and his bouncing balls, I assume............LOL

Clazorback, I so agree, Clay's passion IS on fire when he sings about his god. He erm...."comes alive" if ya get ma drift ;)

Oh to be sure, check out clack of Red Bank TFN and banter, I think it's jojoct's?

Anywhooo, Oh dear Mary & Joseph.....as the camera pulls out just watch that boy's pride swell (so to speak).

Whew, I'm ok, I'm ok. Really.....just need a cool down. :hubbahubba:

I am sooo NOT going to heaven

Now this is going to make my day, I'm sure. :eusa_whistle: Thanks for the reminder.

Hee treenuts I should say you are truly fitting in with this smutty crew...

I do agree, I really didn't mind LKL's questioning ...that is his job, to get celebrities to talk. I did feel that he wasn't hostile about it. I got the feeling he wasn't doing that to hurt Clay or get him in trouble. I know it may be weird but I got the feeling LKL was actually trying to be supportive and assure Clay it was ok to come out. Hee the only problem with that is that the guy is not even in the closet. I did get the impression that he ended up having more respect for Clay.

Yep, Treenuts is a bonafide smutter...............Welcome

I agree Ansamcw. It is people's job to interview and write about salacious stuff. That is what the general public is interested in and what sells. Not the good stuff people do. I didn't take offense at LK or Diane Sawyer or anyone else who is just doing their job. I may resent it on a personal level regarding Clay, because I love him. However, I realize he isn't the only one who gets targeted and I realize that it goes with the territory and that others are doing their job.

Clayzorback's WDC posts the other day made me think of one of my old siggys....and it took me this long to find it in my PB. (I really need to be better organized)


btw...I need new pictures of Clay....like now...*sigh* Is it July yet?

(very pretty home away from home playbiller!)

I love your siggie. I think the look on Clay's face shows just how much he is "getting into it" and how much he is liking it. :cryingwlaughter::clap:

Karen eh? WORD to your entire orgasm!

playbiller sorry I didn't get the joke. My trigger finger has been edgy lately and I think it's time for bed. Thanks to Karen perhaps I'll have wet dreams (hubby is away this week) and will awake in the morning refreshed & with a regained sense of humor :F_05BL17blowkiss:

That line CMSU............Welcome back to Karen 'Eh. Sorry I don't have the full picture of Clay, but you can be sure I have asked HIM, many times, to name HIS price. My shoe size is 7 1/2 Hee I assume that is the shoe size of a lot of women. Since every time I find a pair of shoes I like they are always out of that size.........

Nice digs playbiller. I have always wanted to hitch a trailer, or RV, to the back of the car and spend the Winter at the ocean somewhere. Like for 3 months just be a snowbird. Of course our Winters here are not that bad.

I'm whittling my to do list down. Today requires some housekeeping chores and then go pick up the drycleaning. Need to figure out how to work the new camera a bit better too.

Question? I want to have some DVD's that people have made for me copied. I don't have the ability to do that on my computer. Does Kinkos or Best Buy, or some place like that offer that service? Thanks...............

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I hate it when real life interrupts my Clay high.

Dealing with leaking water heaters and damaged floors today, women. After I give a half day at the office.

Anybody have an extra $40,000 or so? :scream:

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Karen Eh! Welcome back. You have been missed! And what do you know...your favorite photobucket is one of a set of my favorite pictures ever..... before snowflake (of the professional variety. I do love the fans pictures because they capture Clay is his natural element!!) And Bwh to FTTL FTTR

treenuts: yeah Clay fans continue to want to make sure Clay gets credit for everything he does...even if it's turning his feet around. Hopefully NOBODY is sending anything to Insider or whoever showed that but I doubt it. That's so 2003 anyway.

heee what the hell is tempered excitement. Is that an oxymoron? :cryingwlaughter: Reminds me of I love ATDW but..and the but went on for 4 paragraphs.

And yes YSRN I read your posts LOL. I read every word on every thread well except Harry Potter LOL. . It's really such a pleasure. If you're a caregiver or have parent worries come and join us in the Caregiver thread.

Lucky, I'm also looking forward to opening night. I have such a great time first night of every tour sitting in front of my computer and sharing it with everyone. I always feel like I'm enjoying it with the people who are there. The Clayboard cellcerts were always so fun. I still enjoy them too even though I have cellstream.

I expect CLay's voice on this tour..that's about it. I look forward to how he is going to incorporate everything. He knows how to entertain and mix it up. Oooh what's that letter we used to see all the time in the fandom..oh you know...the one that exrpesses UNBRIDLED excitement.. ..is it Y, no wait that's not right... B? hmmm oh yeah I remember... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Less than two weeks :Tour3:

heee oh and lol at "word to your entire orgasm." treenuts...

oooh Muski..sorry about your water problems... jazzercize tonight or is that out?

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I expect CLay's voice on this tour..that's about it. I look forward to how he is going to incorporate everything. He knows how to entertain and mix it up. Oooh what's that letter we used to see all the time in the fandom..oh you know...the one that exrpesses UNBRIDLED excitement.. ..is it Y, no wait that's not right... B? hmmm oh yeah I remember... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Less than two weeks :Tour3:

:RedGuy: That's what I'm talking about! :Tour3:


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The reason I posted that thing from the insider is that everything with the slightest connection to Clay gets reported and no one else noticed this? The fandom is either shrinking or has other thingsto talk about (concert?). I actually would rather people talk about this than people argue with each other. It wasn't a joke, joke, just a sort of how come I am the first person to report this? where are the legions of nutty fans other than me - joke. I know, there is a weird sense of humor that lives by itself in my head.

Just to show you how silly this show has become - a clip from inside edition that was on the same time video on the bottom - completely cracked me up and has absolutely nothing to do with Clay - for dog lovers only. Yes, yesterday's show was amazingly unnewsworthy. And if you ask me why I have stuff like this while I am cleaning - it was raining and there are only like 10 channels at the beach and I can't get radio and I never put a CD player in the place!

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I am absolutely getting ramped up for this tour. I got my tourpass badge from the CB today in the mail, I got a shipped confirmation email from CafePress on the black tees (faster than promised, woot!) I have all my tickets safely tucked away. I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!

What will he sing? How will he open the show? Will he do I Wanna Know What Love Is (pretty please?) with A or Q? Will Suzie surprise us anywhere along the way???? I am not demanding, but I reallllllllllllllllllllly want him to sing LAA (and since I'm beggin', on a stool, on a darkened stage, just him and a spotlight, please). Dun dun dunhhhhh... as I typed that, LAA came up on my player. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!1!!!11! it's a sign! *sticks out tongue at luckiest1* I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for the boards... meh. The portion of the online fandom that has become so inbred, so determined to mold Clay into their vision that they've lost site (or maybe never had it?) of who he is and what HE is telling us, what HE is showing us. Mehhh. I feel sorry for those who can't (won't) appreciate the beauty of ATDW, who can only feel disappointment for some 'might have been' instead of celebrating what is. Because in my opinion, what is, is glorious and worthy and wonderful. And in four weeks from yesterday, I will experience that glory from the fourth row in Syracuse. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1!!!!!!11! I AM READY!

et: Muski - $40K? Really? ACK I hope that's a gross exaggeration. Maaaaaaaan. titanic.gif

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I am absolutely getting ramped up for this tour. I got my tourpass badge from the CB today in the mail, I got a shipped confirmation email from CafePress on the black tees (faster than promised, woot!) I have all my tickets safely tucked away. I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!

What will he sing? How will he open the show? Will he do I Wanna Know What Love Is (pretty please?) with A or Q? Will Suzie surprise us anywhere along the way???? I am not demanding, but I reallllllllllllllllllllly want him to sing LAA (and since I'm beggin', on a stool, on a darkened stage, just him and a spotlight, please). Dun dun dunhhhhh... as I typed that, LAA came up on my player. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!1!!!11! it's a sign! *sticks out tongue at luckiest1* I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for the boards... meh. The portion of the online fandom that has become so inbred, so determined to mold Clay into their vision that they've lost site (or maybe never had it?) of who he is and what HE is telling us, what HE is showing us. I feel sorry for those who can't (won't) appreciate the beauty of ATDW, who can only feel disappointment for some 'might have been' instead of celebrating what is. Because in my opinion, what is, is glorious and worthy and wonderful. And in four weeks from yesterday, I will experience that glory from the fourth row in Syracuse. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1!!!!!!11! I AM READY!


I think I need to make a list (SHUT UP!) of things left to do before Syracuse. At the top of that list is buy some new glasses. Gotta have clear vision to see the man! Next on the list is buy a new pair of binocs...so what if I'm in the 3rd row? And as for signs....I swear to God, every freaking time I put my iPod on, out of 1,000 different songs on random, Right Here Waiting comes on. I mean, there are only two versions in existance (ATDW and David Foster gala) but one or the other finds it's way to my ears every time. Wheeeeee! :P

ETA: Hee, Maddy, these tickets are Best!Ever! for me! Two night of close seats...Syracuse & Canandaigua...and then I begin my march backwards. LOL. Chatauqua general admission should be v.v. interesting. I plan to hang towards the back and observe.....

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luckiest1, though I won't be sitting anywhere near as close to the stage as you, I share your unbridled enthusiasm! (Why am I thinking of horses?)

I've only been to two tours, Indep. and NAT, so have never seen Clay sing with an orchestra. That makes me one kind of virgin anyway. I don't care what he sings, just hope he's healthy and in good voice.

Couch Tomato, I'm glad your mom is doing OK.

ldyjocelyn, thanks for your suggestions re staying unspoilered. I decided it wasn't worth it to worry about it. I'm just so happy Clay is returning to TX-OK. Even my husband is looking forward to going to Tulsa. He's a sweetheart. Y'all will love him.

Clay called us his angels in his blog, so when I logged onto photobucket and saw this, I leaped on it.

Ain't nobody gonna stick an inky needle into me (not that there's anything wrong with that), but if you're looking for a work of art to cover your back...



And my first Clay photo in Photobucket...



A screenshot from The Way video. Some people didn't like that vid, but I thought Clay looked extremely hawt in it. When he leaned over against the building on the dark street.... :Thud:

Got to run and feed husband.....

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I've been away from the boards for a couple days... I've been spending time with my girls...

the two who are going to Ecuador at the end of the month... we've been studying Spanish...

and customs... and shopping for hiking boots and sturdy bras... :RedGuy:

Then we geeked out on "Dirty Dancing" one night, "Harry Potter" with Spanish subtitles... :lilredani:

and "The Last Unicorn"...

Yesterday another daughter informed us that "The Knight Bus has arrived..." so we went to a Library in Arlington

and geeked out on the Knight Bus for a bit too!


(I hope that works!)

try this: http://picasaweb.google.com/chachatrusty/0...549235037902082

(trying a new photo hosting, they say you can embed pix in webpages...

it's Picasa, but the first time it didnt work....)

Play - what beach are you at? I might be going to the Outer Banks over the weekend!

As you can see I have been busy with the family and haven't the slightest clue what all the Kelly hubbub is about....

Clayedover - can you clue me in as well??? Thanks in advance!!

I received my "Memory Almost Full" album in the mail yesterday. I have to admit it is packeaged in a very unique way!!

OT: And I REALLY wish CLAY would do something like THIS:


This is so much fun!!!!!!! eta: ask Paul to tell a joke.... :cryingwlaughter:

:TourExcite: :clap: :Tour3: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :DoClay:

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and since I'm beggin', on a stool, on a darkened stage, just him and a spotlight, please
Dark works....except there must be a light on his crotch.


And the $40,000? I just grabbed a number out of my ass. Unfortunately, though...we could use that amount and still have household things that need taken care of. I got two companies coming out to my house today---one for an estimate for removing old water heater and installing a new one (take out old tank model and install new tankless model outside house to give us more room in the laundry area)---he said aroun $3,500! Then a rep from a water damage control/restoration company is coming to assess the damage and give an estimate on cleanup and repair.

Meanwhile, my mom's assisted living place informed me yesterday that they don't have our payments for hte last two months!!!! HUH? How did THAT happen? So...I don't even want to tell you what the amount of the check I owe them is...got to do some fast shuffling of $$$ from this belabored account to that one and then to that one in time for...

you get my drift...

Guess it's time for another mortgage refinancing, huh? :scream:

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Hey I think I've been remiss in welcoming Maddy to main...hee that tattoo sure would give the term angelwinger a new meaning...LOL

I loved The Way video too. I really didn;t get all the brouhaha over the skateboarders. I think the fans just had a more negative reaction to it cos they wanted a more romantic treatment with Clay playing the sexy lead. But that wasn't Clay's vision and I totally respect him for that. I really thoguht the director captured what LCay wanted to convey.

and yeah he looked totally cute in that one...

OMG...its so funny...I have been planning this trip to CA with a totally wrong date in mind. I thought the first concert was Aug 1...and that I had to go to Couchies on the 31st. Anyway...I didn't want to leave on the 30th...thought it was making things too hectic since I wanted to spend some time with my Aunt. So I ended up leaving on Saturday...July 28th since no flight form here on the 29Th...hee. SO i will have more time to kill in SF before i meet up with the CA posse.. I guess I will just do my clothes shopping there. Better choices.

I also wonder how this concert will start. I don't think we will get any elaborate staging....what if we are treated with a full symphony version of .....invisible..lol

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Gorgeous day here. Too bad I have to spend it inside throwing out junk.....

Eeeeep, I was in the middle of writing a post and the IT guy came over and started installing new anti-virus software. Lost the whole thing. OK trying again...

I did a surf around the boards this morning and found it pretty depressing. Lots of people whining (still!) about covers, about $upport, about RCA, about symphonies...some excitement but it is always tempered with expectations of new! upbeat! symphonic rock! sound! (which would be cool, but is hardly a given at this point.) And don't even get me started on threads which are thinly veiled ultimatums for Clay to do or sing something in particular, or else! Or else what? Just go away already, it's no skin off his nose. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. :cryingwlaughter:

So here we sit, 13 days away from the celebration!!!!1!!!11!!!!! Let's get some excitement going!!!!!! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

I noticed that. My god, the tour is 13 days away. And they are still lamenting ATDW, RCA, Clive, lack of promo blah, blah, blah. They are trying to turn the symphony into a rock bad. They are demanding Clay dump the idea of singing with symphonies - except maybe for Christmas - even though Clay said he LOVES singing with them (capitalization his....). Oh - and no one over 30 counts and no one over 30 ever downloads a song. This from people all over 30!

And I love how suddenly many are saying how great an album MOAM was! Seems to me I remember back in the day reading how the songs weren't good and RCA picked the worst songs for Clay on purpose, and how the production sucked blah, blah, blah.

Does this fandom always have to have something to complain about?

I am glad I am here where we can get all fangirly over the fact the tour starts in 13 days!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :Tour3: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

I hate it when real life interrupts my Clay high.

Dealing with leaking water heaters and damaged floors today, women. After I give a half day at the office.

Anybody have an extra $40,000 or so? :scream:

Awww, muski. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I may buy a lottery ticket this week. If I win, I'll send you what you need! I promise!

Back to all the crap I have to do.....

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Just taking a quick ice tea break, then back to work. I wanted to HIGH FIVE Samtaycai and EBIRD for their posts at another board. Two very smart ladies. I love to read your posts. May I just say that I don't read what marketing blogs are saying. However, I know what I have been reading and it indicates that the baby boomers are the largest market out there, and they are the biggest buyers of music right now. The under 30 crowd is stealing it, for the most part. File sharing and illegal downloading is the biggest hurt put on the music industry. That's what I'm reading.

IMO, Clay has talent. It doesn't matter if he sings ballads or rocks it out. He will find an audience for whatever he offers. Talent is what sustains a long term career, and there will always be an audience for talent. Whether it is old or young or a mixture. Whether it is an orchestra backing you up or a bass guitar and drums or a combination of both. That's my 2 cents.

Looking forward to whatever Clay has in store for us. I expect I will have a great time and be surprised by his creativity. I always expected he would find a way to bring some up tempo to this tour, and I am looking forward to seeing what it is. Bring it on you master of ceremonies you!!!

:DoClay::allgood::clap: :TourExcite:

Yay for the pins being here............... :clap:

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I received my "Memory Almost Full" album in the mail yesterday. I have to admit it is packeaged in a very unique way!!

OT: And I REALLY wish CLAY would do something like THIS:


This is so much fun!!!!!!! eta: ask Paul to tell a joke.... :cryingwlaughter:

I know, wonderful packaging. And thank for that link - I hadn't seen that before! Won't work from work for some reason, but I'll try to remember to try it from home tonight.

I loved The Way video too. I really didn;t get all the brouhaha over the skateboarders. I think the fans just had a more negative reaction to it cos they wanted a more romantic treatment with Clay playing the sexy lead. But that wasn't Clay's vision and I totally respect him for that. I really thoguht the director captured what LCay wanted to convey.

and yeah he looked totally cute in that one...

I loved The Way video too. The problem is that when the fans build something up in their minds before the fact (i.e. Clay in a sexy role in a video) some tend to be disappointed with the end result, no matter what it is. No matter if is exactly what Clay had in mind. *cough*JNT05*cough*

I also wonder how this concert will start. I don't think we will get any elaborate staging....what if we are treated with a full symphony version of .....invisible..lol

I'm hoping for it! LOL I am an Invisible whore.....

And I love how suddenly many are saying how great an album MOAM was! Seems to me I remember back in the day reading how the songs weren't good and RCA picked the worst songs for Clay on purpose, and how the production sucked blah, blah, blah.

Does this fandom always have to have something to complain about?

Short answer: Yes. The revisionist history in this fandom can give you whiplash if you are not careful. I remember way back when we first got a whiff of this tour, how many people freaked out at the mere suggestion that he might sing songs from ATDW, and God forbid you dared to mention the possibility of him reviving anything from the demo albums or AI2. Since Clay's blog about singing lots of songs from ATDW, not to mention a unique walk down memory lane, things seem to have changed a bit. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: The pins are here! YAY! It's starting to feel real now!

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and since I'm beggin', on a stool, on a darkened stage, just him and a spotlight, please
Dark works....except there must be a light on his crotch.


And the $40,000? I just grabbed a number out of my ass. Unfortunately, though...we could use that amount and still have household things that need taken care of. I got two companies coming out to my house today---one for an estimate for removing old water heater and installing a new one (take out old tank model and install new tankless model outside house to give us more room in the laundry area)---he said aroun $3,500! Then a rep from a water damage control/restoration company is coming to assess the damage and give an estimate on cleanup and repair.

Meanwhile, my mom's assisted living place informed me yesterday that they don't have our payments for hte last two months!!!! HUH? How did THAT happen? So...I don't even want to tell you what the amount of the check I owe them is...got to do some fast shuffling of $$$ from this belabored account to that one and then to that one in time for...

you get my drift...

Guess it's time for another mortgage refinancing, huh? :scream:

(((muski))) I don;t want to really think about how much work we need to do to out house...a whole section of the ceiling in our living room fell off cos of a leak from the tub.Sigh. The one good thing about it...Hubby can do all the repairs himself. he just needs to find the time to do it. Of course the materials are super expensive as well...thats the trouble of having such an old house.

YUP...another round in the gerbil wheel on marketing of Clay Aiken. as far as I can see...he is doing things on his own terms, on his own time table...to hell with what the marketing surveys and book says. Its not always about the bottom line.

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I don't really like to speculate or extrapolate much in this fandom, it alwas seems to set up for disappointment, I am amazed that so many others have yet to discover this it is the same thing over and over again.

Whish is why I bide my time with silly emoticons and off topic stories that amuse me.

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I think this says all I need to say about experts who would manage Clay's career.

An interoffice softball game was held every year between the marketing department and support staff of one company.The day of the game, as hard as marketers tried the support staff beat the marketing department soundly. In their best tradition the Marketing Department decided to find their best 'spin' they could on the dismal result. They showed how they earned their keep by posting this memo on the bulletin board after the game:

"The Marketing Department is pleased to announce that for the recently-completed softball season,we came in second place,having lost but one game all year. The Support Department however had a rather dismal season,as they won only one game all season."

ETA: Pins!!!!!! :RedGuy:

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