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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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To AAIT and all the fanfreakintastic Clack gatherers... :F_05BL17blowkiss: (does anyone know who took those beautiful untagged shots?) :hubbahubba:

RL been kickin' my ass lately, so I didn't get a chance to respond to the 'spontaneous shout-outs' vs. the 'I know it's coming so I'm screaming already' conversation and the merits of both.

I just have to say, I think each fan should have the right to enjoy Clay as they see fit. We all have our own way of doing that. The Ethels, the CAPS, the OMG Woman, the shouters, the moaners, the people who bring the party hats or banners and pass them out before the show. They are part of the quilt, the fabric (TM CHA), of this fandom, and it wouldn't look quite as lovely to me if some of the color were missing.

I think if the planned applause, or the shout outs at the end of a number bothered Clay he would say something like he did in Clio about being respectful while gathering Clack. I know this last gig involved other performers, so it might have been a little more problematic, but I figure if Clay was going for the glory note, the skaters were probably trying to match it with some of their best stuff too...so a thundering round of applause might have been appreciated for their talent also.

I like to think that a long, long time from now, when I'm long gone, Clay Aiken will be sitting around talking with family and friends and telling stories of how at one time women threw panties at him, how his fans sang the words to his songs for him at his concerts, how they all held their breaths and waited for that last glory note....and how they all leapt to their feet when he nailed it.

Beware: this man is dangerously cute!


laughn....yup...word. There really is so many types of fans..so many ways to show love, support, respect, famehoness...hee...I learned that the best way for me to enjoy my fandom is just to accept and at times tolerate those differences. Not to say that I don;t get frustrated and rant at times...but after...I just sit back and enjoy or shake my head ...

KAZOO??? what the heck is that? this ust be one of those times I just shake my head in bewilderment.

Thank you so much to all that bring the pretties...

GAH...such CUTENESS!!!!

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Kim :console: I have to say those smackdowns make me leary of posting... even something that seems benign can get you in t-r-o-u-b-l-e... you're much braver than I....

Couchie and Cindilu2 - thanks for the pins - placed my order! They are so cute! :thumbup:

Hugs to all who need them...

And mucho thanks to the Clack goddesses and those sharing their LV experiences.... I should have taken this as my opportunity to visit someplace that really doesn't hold a lot of interest for me otherwise... dang. Looks and sounds like it was a fabulous time.... thanks for sharing!

Hee... I like this one... :yapyapyapf: and this one... :whew: Off to get lost in emoticons again... :headbangerf:

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Speaking of Britney Spears (which I don't like to do) I saw a video of that #1 or 2 song "Gimme More" just by accident. Oh my gawd, it is absolutely terrible and if her stripper antics on the pole aren't enough there's that voice that can't sing. It was just awful!

When Jesse plays the piano for Clay he doesn't pound the keys so hard that it overcomes the voice. DF should take a few lessons from Jesse.

heh, back from the doctor with a funny joke here. Seems like the radiologist reviewed my xrays and decided the doctor was wrong in declaring any breaks. Turns out the cast they put on my foot made it worse, taking it off was a good thing and, if the EMT people would have let me wrap my own foot, it would have healed from this very bad sprain faster. Duh. So, instead of being yelled at by the doctor, I was congratulated for correcting the mistakes others made. Hey, get enough breaks and sprains and your body knows!! Guess people won't be so impressed now that I went to LV with a bad sprain instead of a break. But I am celebrating having heat and being able to shower!

Well that's either good or bad news since bad sprains may be harder to heal than breaks, but I'm impressed that you went to LV with a bad sprain. How are you going to chase Holly with a gimpy foot? More Play/Holly stories to follow!! :cry4:

Loved the Claymate video. She is so cute and it appears there are more than just her in the credits.

I'm behind but tomorrow is another day! :whistling-1:

Wandacleo, hope you had a great time and got a little breathing room. You deserve it!

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Aw, Kim, we love you over here! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ansa, here's the definition of a kazoo:

A musical toy consisting of a tube that is open at both ends and has a hole in the side covered with parchment or membrane, which produces a buzzing sound when the performer hums into one end.

It's hilarious when a bunch of people play kazoos at the same time. Makes you bust up laughing so that you can't play any more!

Wanda, I'm glad you're still glowing from Las Vegas joy! It was a joy to meet you and see your smiling face. I'm still on a high today, too, even though I had to work today and I'm sooooo tired. I hope things are okay with your Mom . . .

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CG -- don't look at this next one, you won't like it (there's a hug involved, and your jellus nature will just come out again....)


HANDS OFF MY CUTE BOYFRIEND!!!!!!! :thdom2: :thdom2:

GORGEOUS pictures all you talented women!!!!

And remember - You need a C to have a CUTIE!!!!!!!

Quite a reaction CG :cryingwlaughter:

What's your feeling on this one? :imgtongue:


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jmh123, thank you so much for figuring out why my pics only showed up as links. NOW I remember using the IMG codes before, but totally lost that though last night. Thanks again!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Muski, thank you!!! I thought of you when viewing a couple of those images! Hoped you'd enjoy. Best of luck with your conference. I have no doubt you've done a phenomenal job on it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

AAIT... I now have your pic of Clay skating around the rink as my desktop! Thank you!!! I wish I'd known you were there in LV... I'd have hunted you down! I have greatly enjoyed your clack!

liney23, thank you so much! I feel so honored. WOW! He is such a doll! I wish I could have met you in Vegas too. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

laughn, thank you!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

My trip to Vegas was very short. I arrived at nearly 2pm on Tuesday and left at 11am on Wednesday, so quick trip. Reading the recaps and remembrances of folks, I realize all I missed. When I booked the trip, this was the best way to do it not knowing what some family situations would be at the time. So, the purpose of seeing Clay was achieved, but I also missed a lot. I'm so sorry to have missed seeing so many of y'all at the preparty. I did walk around some, but not enough, obviously.

Anyone here going to Williamsport, Erie or Cleveland? Those are my CITH stops.

I bet I see some of you at opening and closing weekends of Spamalot! Will try to do better at meeting more of you wonderful folks!!

Lots of :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I hate the Kazoo idea too and I think the books would be something he would like.

So I'm not invisible.

Thank you for your response. But it probably isn't going to happen...no one seems to be interested. Which is a shame as I found a great organization to take the books.

And now it looks like it's going to be glow sticks and faux candles fighting with the kazoo's for Clay's attention.

Happy Birthday Clay.....


rohdy...I'm another one who just didn't get a chance to respond to your post earlier. Sorry.

I like the book idea. Even if you didn't get a huge response, what's wrong with having only 29 books donated in his name? One for each year. Still sounds like a nice gesture.

I don't care for kazoos much and I'm not into glow sticks, but this sounds like it's going to turn in to one of those fan moment thingies I mentioned earlier. Hopefully, I will come to appreciate it later...lol...and so will Clay.

AAIT wrote:

Anyone here going to Williamsport, Erie or Cleveland? Those are my CITH stops.

:pickme: Cleveland whoo-hoo! provided it doesn't :snowing2: and leave me sitting an hour and a half away.

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I love the book idea, but then I'm a book person. It would be a great idea to do it at every concert - sort of like "Toys for Tots", but that would take a lot of coordination!

Folks are also talking about having Jesse or the orchestra play "Happy Birthday" for Clay. Unfortunately, that's a song that is still under copyright and they would have to pay for a public performance. Yep, some lucky person gets money every time you hear it on the radio or on TV.

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Thank you for your response. But it probably isn't going to happen...no one seems to be interested. Which is a shame as I found a great organization to take the books.

And now it looks like it's going to be glow sticks and faux candles fighting with the kazoo's for Clay's attention.

As much as many fans dislike the "organized" fan moments, I don't usually have a problem with them, because Clay usually seems to get a kick out of them. So if there is one overwhelming idea that most are going with, I'll probably go along. But I do think the books are a nice idea, and I would definitely participate in that.

And mucho thanks to the Clack goddesses and those sharing their LV experiences.... I should have taken this as my opportunity to visit someplace that really doesn't hold a lot of interest for me otherwise... dang. Looks and sounds like it was a fabulous time.... thanks for sharing!

You know, that is the same way I felt. Las Vegas really held no allure for me, other than the Clay ice show and a couple of other shows that I bought tickets to in advance. I don't drink, and I don't gamble, so I figured there wouldn't be much else for me to do. Was I ever wrong! We were there 5 days and we still didn't see everything we wanted to see! Oh, BTW I posted a few pictures in the members thread.....

Anyone here going to Williamsport, Erie or Cleveland? Those are my CITH stops.

Me! I am going to Erie, come snowstorm or sleet! It's only four hours....I will make it.

cameocat posted some pics at CV. I thought she caught some great expressions.

(I made them thumbnails because these are huge puppies)

th_LasVegas543cameocat.jpg th_LasVegas535cameocat.jpg th_LasVegas094cameocat.jpg

I love these! Especially the middle one. I think I'll send it to work for my desktop.

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AAIT wrote:

Anyone here going to Williamsport, Erie or Cleveland? Those are my CITH stops.

:pickme: Cleveland whoo-hoo! provided it doesn't :snowing2: and leave me sitting an hour and a half away.

Since I'm holding laughn's Cleveland ticket, I pretty sure she'll let me tag along to that one! :imgtongue:

I'll go along with any non-disruptive Kalamazoo plans - book collection in the lobby would be my preference. I've still got my little birthday penlight in honor of Clay's birthday from 2005, even though I was no where near Reading at the time. I think I held it up in my living room and drank a glass of Sprite to his health.


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Good Morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Loving all the Vegas Clack -- and many thnx to all who have contributed! My blog went up on the 7th with photos by Farouche and Lindylo, but I have saved several from the later postings by AAIT, PermaSwooned, SmartyPantsSuz, Cameocat, et al.

Thank you all for sharing your experience via photos, recaps, and videos! :clap:

I'm still glowing from my brief shining moments of Las Vegas joy.

Aikim It's not safe out there.

Yep, you think I would have learned that by now.


Kim, you have received excellent advice. Sorry to see the evil green ink in your post.

Play, glad you and your sprain survived the trip. Sometimes sprains are worse than a break. I have much experience with orthopedic doctors, beginning with breaking my leg stepping on a piece of soap and doing the split in the bathtub. I am limber as all get out, but the dang tub ran out. :lol:

:woman: Very cute pin designs, Cindilu2!

Happy TGIF! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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:fca: One of these days I am going to learn that not all boards are the same and that things that can be said on one board are not always welcome on another.

Have you been getting yourself in trouble again, Kim? *HUGS*

Yeah, forgot there are certain posters you don't contradict.


Not all boards are created the same ... this is true. But Aikim, sweety, I'm very glad you post at OFC because if you didn't Clay wouldn't have read your beautiful post and gotten so "misty" that he had to respond -- and even disclose personal info about the meds. That whole thing still resonates with me -- I can't begin to tell you how much it affected me that night -- and every time I think about it. That was one of the most special moments I've felt in this fandom. And I can't help thinking that Clay got misty about the "we were there from the beginning" comment because he knows what's ahead for him, or at least the long term career plan (which I believe must exist). Also, I think your post and Clay's response to it led him to answer questions in Chat that night, which led to Kareneh's name change!

Anyway, as someone relatively new, I find that some of the people who have been around from the beginning and have deluded themselves into believing they are essential to the fandom, not only can't accept differing opinions, but have a clique that runs around to Word and Ditto their every utterance. I hated that crap in the 7th grade and my attitude remains the same after all these years.

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From Invisible926 at CH:

NCT Kicks Off 25th Anniversary Season with Quiana Parler in Dreamgirls

North Carolina Theatre is very excited to announce that Quiana Parler will star as "Effie White" in Dreamgirls! Quiana has toured with Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson as a background vocalist and is thrilled to make her NCT debut in January.

Dreamgirls opens January 12 and runs through January 20 at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium and is presented by Progress Energy. Single tickets go on sale Monday, November 26th. Call Ticketmaster at 919-834-4000 or visit www.ticketmaster.com. Season tickets are still available - call the NCT Box Office at 919-831-6941 x6944!

Too bad I've been forbidden by my boss to take holidays in January....

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From Invisible926 at CH:

NCT Kicks Off 25th Anniversary Season with Quiana Parler in Dreamgirls

North Carolina Theatre is very excited to announce that Quiana Parler will star as "Effie White" in Dreamgirls! Quiana has toured with Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson as a background vocalist and is thrilled to make her NCT debut in January.

EEEEEEEEE! for Quiana! I hope they'll be a little Quack, because I'd love to see her sing a couple of big numbers.

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Good Morning All,

Thanks everyone for all the kind words. Keepingfaith I totally agree with your post...power really can be a bad thing in the wrong hands. Thanks so much for your kind words about my post...it is a moment that I will always cherish and maybe someday I will actually get to meet Clay and tell him how much that meant to me as a fan.

17 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

43 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

46 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

59 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

70 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!

And congrats to Quiana, I know she will be wonderful in that show!


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Anyway, as someone relatively new, I find that some of the people who have been around from the beginning and have deluded themselves into believing they are essential to the fandom, not only can't accept differing opinions, but have a clique that runs around to Word and Ditto their every utterance. I hated that crap in the 7th grade and my attitude remains the same after all these years.

Word. Ditto. :cryingwlaughter:

People Star Tracks has a photo of the "skating lesson": Star Tracks

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aikim, I totally agree -- and think he definitely falls into the CUTE category here....



Sorry rohdy for not replying yesterday to your inquiry. I really like the book idea too, but if it's not going to fly....*sigh*

laughn, I totally understand your "all kinds of fans" things, and in theory, I agree. But, like ansa, I do feel the need to rant and rave sometimes over some of the more OTT things I see or hear about. For the record: KAZOOS!?!?!? They are NOISY! Will cover Clay's singing!!! Bad idea, IMO. Also for the record: I don't mind planned visual shows of affections (birthday hats, glow sticks) nearly as much as something involving coordinated singing or such. JMO.

EEEEEEEE for Quiana. I hope someone captures some of that, I'd love to see/hear some of it. Also, I guess Quiana won't be at Clay's opening night at Spamalot.

Gotta run. Work calls.

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:cryingwlaughter: That man is such a ham! And I'd believe the act too, if the image of Clay gliding around on the ice singing "I Will Carry You" at the Hurricanes game wasn't so indelibly burned into my brain.


Man, how long until Christmas? I can't wait to see the Skating show on my TV!

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OTT'ness? I was just over at the OFC in the Skating thread and someone posted a picture of Sasha skating...she is doing a spin on one foot; with the other leg in the air...typical skating pose and Clay is seen in the background. The poster actually blurred out Sasha's lower area because she felt it was dirty that Clay was able to see that area while he was singing...it was a beautiful picture and the editing made it look Clay was pervert for watching while he was singing. I could not believe it when I saw it and what really made my jaw drop was that a mod saw no reason to remove it. A new low in the fandom in my opinion and I hope Clay doesn't hear of it.


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Quick post because I'm working and should NOT be here. Heh!

I had lots of fun in Vegas. Got back late, late Wednesday, had to work Thurs, had computer issues :cry4: , and it took me forever to catch up here and at CV.

It was so nice to meet several of you at breakfast on Tuesday. I was a little nervous about that since I'm so new here at FCA, but everyone was very welcoming. Then at the preparty, I got a big hug from couchie, which was terrific. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I wish I could have sat with all of you, but felt I needed to stay with my little traveling group. I also won a raffle prize -- the lap desk with my CUTE boyfriend's picture on it.

I love all the pictures and how cool is that skating lesson picture from People. Clay is soooo cute...what a surprise. :hubbahubba:

AAIT, sorry I missed you in Vegas, but I'll be in Williamsport, God willing and the creek don't rise.

Gotta go. Later, y'all.

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Good God....he is no more looking at her crotch in that picture than I am!!! Truth be told, I think her body angle is more away from him than the picture indicates.

WTH is wrong with some of these people? Surely that can't think he is still the virginal little boy from AI? Seriously...they can't, can they???

Loving ALL the clack from Vegas...thanks to all the clack gatherers...the pictures are beautiful.

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For those who don't like CD spoilers......SCROLL!!

Looks like this has been "held" for the new CD as follows from Brent Paschke's myspace.

I took "FORGET I EVER KNEW YOU" down because it is now officially on hold with Clay Aiken, who just finished recording it. This is amazing news for me, and it's also positive feedback on my journey, since it was written entirely alone.

Forget I Ever Knew You

Current mood: rejuvenated

Category: Music

This is a song Greg Critchley wrote. I met Greg when I first moved to L.A. in May of '06. I've now played on several of his demos and we're now also starting to co-write some songs together.

Greg is not only an incredibly talented musician but I also consider Greg to be one of my best friends here in L.A. He's a very insightful guy and has been a great friend and inspiration for me not only as a musician but also as a single guy in the biggest and most competitive music capital in the world.

Greg usually co-writes but he's recently written a few songs on his own. He called me to play guitar on this one in October. I told Greg that I thought it was one of the best songs he'd ever written. Greg and I recently went through the same situation in our life and this was Greg's reflection on his situation. I feel his lyrics in this song are incredible and they ring very true to how I'm feeling in my life at this point also.

I wanted to put this one up because I was very touched by this song and it's lyrics and I feel it came through in my performance.

Forget I Ever Knew You has apparently been removed from the site pending it appearing on the CD....but I REALLY like the other things I am hearing on his player on his myspace. It's very personal, of course, but this is the kind of music I love to hear Clay sing (kind of funky, bluesy ballads) and I'm excited!!

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