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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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Yep, the bangs are back and with a vengeance! Lordy! They're swept forward and across, covering his forehead completely! He's such a little shit....just messing with us...oh the boards will be ablaze with opinions about whether or not the bangs look better swept this way---in the opposite direction and without a 'part' of any kind...

Glasses still...wonder if he'll ever go back to contacts?

Oh and I was watching some clack today and dayum..he's making love with us with those hands and fingers! It's erotic watching him move them up and down and along the microphone stand and then grasping the mic and then around and down...

Gawd. :hubbahubba:

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Yay! The bangs are back! YAY! I think what's getting me about his hair lately though is the COLOR. I know it's probably lighting, but that color on him is gorgeous.

I hope everyone here who is scheduled to attend the show tomorrow gets to go....and those that try it, make it safely.

To everyone who was without power for the past few days -- I hope you find your freezers full very soon. And heat for your tootsies!

I've been pretty much staying out of the main topic of conversation lately. I totally understand that all sorts of celebrities have this kind of thing happen to them, so I guess I'm not surprised by the scammer. However -- those that fell for the scam? Man, I feel sorry for them, just because I feel sorry for people who have a real need for insider information. It sounds judgmental, but what is missing in their lives that they NEED this?

MUAH to all of FCA!

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I've been pretty much staying out of the main topic of conversation lately. I totally understand that all sorts of celebrities have this kind of thing happen to them, so I guess I'm not surprised by the scammer. However -- those that fell for the scam? Man, I feel sorry for them, just because I feel sorry for people who have a real need for insider information

One time I really did have insider information about an event Clay was going to be at. He was going to be given an award and it was not posted on any board! I cannot tell you the heady feeling I got when I figured out I "knew something you didn't".

I was totally sure of my source but I chose not to post about it. It was kind of delicious in a way knowing about it and it being my little secret. Now this was a genuine event and a couple of days later he was given this award. I really don't need to know anything else and I am quite happy being one of the normal fans...well maybe not so normal*g*

So I can understand now how some people could get carried away with the feeling of knowing that they really have (or think they have) "inside" stuff especially if it is juicy. Maybe it is like a drug to them. You get a little and you want more.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: to the FCA

Guess what? Even in my small frozen corner of the world I heard a rumour that FCA was that board who thought they were better than everyone else and just spent all their time criticizing other larger boards. I laughed and laughed. It's tough trying to just have fun isn't it?

we are better than everybody else :signs012: well we are..well I think we are...nope yeah we are..but then why didn't fake clay want to give us any scoop..cuz you we're the best. We deserved that insider. I'm pissed about this now. Cuz we're the damn best darnit.


ok cuddleduds CHECK gloves CHECK Hat CHECK Christmas tree CHECK I have no shoes... could not find appropriate shoes....

those bangs are on steroids!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: to the FCA

Guess what? Even in my small frozen corner of the world I heard a rumour that FCA was that board who thought they were better than everyone else and just spent all their time criticizing other larger boards. I laughed and laughed. It's tough trying to just have fun isn't it?

we are better than everybody else :signs012: well we are..well I think we are...nope yeah we are..but then why didn't fake clay want to give us any scoop..cuz you we're the best. We deserved that insider. I'm pissed about this now. Cuz we're the damn best darnit.


Too tired to post but just a big ole BWAH to this and so many other posts here tonight. I was out shopping and had a small christmas party with friends so had a lot of catching up to do...and as usual y'all are such funny, classy and smart ladies....so that does make us better...hee :lilredani: :lilredani:

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those bangs are on steroids!

Yep...read it on the Mitchell report. No scoop for you. *g*


Sorry I just gotta squeee a bit on my BB team! I usually only get to go to one game a year (they play down the road in Lincoln) and they always lose when I go. But for some reason this year they scheduled one of their non-con's in Omaha at the Qwest. So we braved some not so great roads and decided to go for it and get the $32.00 tickets. We were flabbergasted by our awesome just off center 6th row seats! And to top it off my boyz played their cute little butts off and beat the #16 team in the country!!!


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Meesa, PuddinsJoy, congratulations on the return of your power. I've been through a long outrage once, and while it was an ordeal in some respects, at least it was in September. I can't imagine it in this weather.
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those bangs are on steroids!

BWAH!!!! I so agree!!! He looks like he used the blow dryer to get more fluff or something and, man, he shouldn't have! LOL I love the man, but Albany was perfect to me and this is bangs and a half! Love the color tho! SWOON!!!

merrieeee.... thanks for sharing that viewpoint. You may be right about that being a reason a lot of people needed to believe this crap. To be "in the know" is a way to feel important. Very sad if that is the only way they can do it.

To me, Clay has always shown himself to be a classy, caring man. Only he could convince me otherwise and it ain't happenin'... period!

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It sounds judgmental, but what is missing in their lives that they NEED this?


those bangs are on steroids!

*snort* They ARE!

It's nice that Clay's giving us all something we like tho... singing of course, accompanied by no glasses, glasses, no bangs, bangs, long coat, short coat... pressies for everyone.

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mimefan uploaded her DC audio to the vault, and it's beyond gorgeous! I'm listening right now, and it's heavenly. I'm uploading this audio to my treo and ipod pronto, and am burning a CD for my van, as well. The audio quality on the WAV files is outstanding, and she did a really nice job of clipping the files so that they flow into one another nicely. What a wonderful Christmas treat!

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Wonders if this counts as a recap...

Solo's in my room giving me advice on winter driving, like explaining that that stick I found in my rental car, the one with prickly bristles near the end, actually has a name and a purpose. Awwww. she misses me since we haven't spent much time together on this tour. Or maybe this has something to do with the pre-DSIAFCD banter where Clay said "We're mean all year long and then December comes around and we decide to be nice to people." and then I could've sworn he looked in her direction before smiling at Q&A.

Great show, great voice, great ... uh, Solo said to upload DSIAFCD first.

Jojoct and I tried to call Eva since we went to a pub(the FCA post-show place arranged by cha cha trusty) with canfly172 and lots of Clay fans, to make sure she wasn't waiting on us. We filled the back room. People were walking by teasing us about just sitting there not uploading anything. *sticks tongue out*

Yay for Meesa & PuddinsJoy!!! And hugs to those who are still without power.

I ::heart:: the bangs on steroids!!! (tm:couchie)

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Hey, Scarlett! I wonder if any other FCAers are up at this hour? Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the show! And I'm looking foward to DSIAFCD, whenever you stop drinking long enough to upload it. Heeee! :704:


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Hey, Scarlett! I wonder if any other FCAers are up at this hour? Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the show! And I'm looking foward to DSIAFCD, whenever you stop drinking long enough to upload it. Heeee! :704:


Hi Gibby!!! :big hug:

Looks like it's still just us! Most of Williamsport seems to be sleeping in, maybe waiting for the ice to clear. Will attempt DSIAFCD tho the network here's dragging (I moved to the same hotel as everyone else) MUAH right back at you!

ETA: Oh hi BC! Snow's pretty though!

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Unfortunately, this girl is just the tip of the iceberg, I think. I think there are YOOGE games being played and she is just one of many players. It's sick. It really is.

Word, JJ. Too much backchannel stuff is not good. I wish everyone could be considered equal and have the same info. I think things would have never gotten this bad if people had come forward.

Oh Well- Clay looked handsome last night. I'm not much for emoticons but here goes. :hubbahubba:

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:snowing2: Since the upload speed is horrible, maybe this'll cheer people up: Winter Conversations :snowing2:

Hey peeps...so how's it looking. I'm not worried about getting to Minneapolis ..and when I look at individual cities they don't seem so bad..but I guess getting to each one may be a problem? or are we clear.

Any idea?


All I know is that it was ZERO FUCKING DEGREES today in Minneapolis.


I'm a little worried that I'm going to stop the car and dump KAndre's whiny ass into the nearest snowdrift. Does that count as a problem?

Solo (I can just hear her say, "Protectng my real name now, are we? Yeah, a lot of good that's going to do." )

Considering I have three times the <edited out byScarlett> you have, I figure you'l be a frozen popsicle stick by the time you pry my fingers off the door sill.

Somebody needs to tell Al to hurry his butt up with that global warming thing - he's got less than a week for it to kick in!


I was just planning to get in the designated car when Han tells me to. She's driving. I'll pull out my GPS to confirm her GPS directions but other than that, we go where she drives.


For the 19th and 20, I have 2 rooms at hotel name for $XX/night/room. Do we need both rooms? I think Scarlett is rooming with toni7babe and Invisible926 If we want to stay a 4-6 miles away, there are several places where I can get rooms $YY-$ZZ/night. It's supposed to warm up to upper 20s-low 30s while we're there (warm up to upper 20s-low 30s is such an oxymoronic statement). Let me know if I need to modify the hotel reservations.

Perusing One

Go ahead and cancel one of the rooms at the hotel name. Scarlett is staying with toni7babe and Invisible926. The forecast is calling for a little snow so I'd rather stay downtown at this point. That way KAndre can stay indoors from the moment we check in to the moment we check out and not a flake of snow will touch her delicate skin.


bwah... I love the way ya'll communicate

i got a nice big fluffly warm coat. I felt ridiulous with it on last night though


There are people we would end up killing with the kindness of our conversation. We won't discuss the people we would just end up killing.


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I can quite understand why Clay would not want to get involved with a fan, after learning of all this sturm and drang and crapola and drahmah and byzantine labyrinth of dark and sometimes illegal subplots - there seems no way to tell a regular normal person from one who is texting every detail of a relationship, embroidered like crazy, to 100 of her closest friends. No way to tell if a look or a word or a glance will set off a hound from hell.

I am just beginning to understand how strange his life, and the lives of other popular celebrities, must be. Every move scrutinized, lies and fantasies reported as if they are true, to people quite eager to believe because it makes them speshul - people angry with him over stuff that just did.not.happen, and some of those angry people out for vengeance. I can just get a glimpse of what it must be like for Britney, a bit.

I would build a fucking Great Wall of China between myself and fans - imagine not knowing if one or more of the strangers you are obliged to let hug you might be a totally insane nutbar.

And it looks like there are quite a few of them. And they all look "normal".

I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.

Thank you so so much, all you picture and video amd recap providers!!!!!!!! Especially since, unless I win the Lotto, I will be missing this series altogether. (Combination of money and to a greater extent, time off from work)

Too much backchannel stuff is not good. I wish everyone could be considered equal and have the same info. I think things would have never gotten this bad if people had come forward.

I think the lure of knowing stuff that others don't is pretty damned strong, as is the desire to feel superior.

Of course, it looks certain that if one is easy prey for that sort of thing, one is quite open to being manipulated like a dancing puppet, for money or just plain meanness.

Over a hobby, what a freaking crazy world.

Bwahahaha! Scarlett - having met some of your group up there, I can almost hear y'all saying that stuff! Thanks for sharing some funny funny "banter"!!!111!!!

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Good Morning Everyone,

Looking out my window at 8-10 inches of new snow; it looks pretty, although I don't think hubby thinks so, since he is outside shoveling and cleaning off the cars so we can head to the grocery store and fill up my new fridge!

6 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

9 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

22 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

33 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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Well, last night was awesome!! I'm sorry I didn't get to see Scarlett, but I did (briefly) meet chacha and chachadotter before I lost them when I stopped to grab my Raleigh peeps.

They wouldn't let us in to the Bullfrog....nothing personal I'm sure. :cryingwlaughter:

I was sitting next to Farouche and I see that there are already some beautiful pictures taken from "my" viewpoint...squeeeeeeeeee!!! He looked absolutely beautiful last night, and my first view of the concert was incredibly emotional and waaaaaaaay too short!

I'm looking out the hotel window so far this morning and thinking "hmmmmm"...dunno whether getting out of Dodge is going to happen today or not...and I just looked at my hotel for tonight in Erie and I see that it is 2 DAYS cancellation policy!! WTH is up with that??!! So I pay for tonight use it or not I guess.

Luckiest1, I'm thinking about you three....how's it looking up there? Canfly172 and Topaz68 are here as well, so if I can find them again, we may choo-choo train it on to Erie.

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djs111 wrote:

I would build a fucking Great Wall of China between myself and fans - imagine not knowing if one or more of the strangers you are obliged to let hug you might be a totally insane nutbar.

And it looks like there are quite a few of them. And they all look "normal".

Yeah, I've thought that before. I admire anyone out there in the public eye. My own kid has been involved in local politics...local mind you...and the crap that he's put up with has boggled my mind. National, International celebrity must be like a walk through the looking glass.

I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.

I nominate this for a thread title.

Right now I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child. hee.

Note to bottlecap:...remain calm!!!111!!! It's not as bad as it looks outside...No! Don't look out!!...just trust me...All Is Well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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