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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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The recent discussion caused a silly rhyme to run through my head today...

I love you just the way you are...but...if you could rearrange

Just a few things...You'd be perfect, Dear...if only you would change.

O-kay, then.

So, in other news: Clay Aiken killed me.


That's it, that's all. I'm gone. Dead and gone. Gah, people!

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Scrollworthy rant - Sorry Claygasm, you used some trigger words, so I am using them - stop using words that inspire me and I will stop quoting you.

After reading boards, I am in a foul mood tonight, when I should feel celebrational with my last show coming up and seeing the Christmas love eminate from Clay last night.

Who knows what really happened, but we all know Clay can be pissy and has a bad temper sometimes. Did he nicely ask the note taker to stop? Did he ask her nicely to relinquish the notes? Did he explain to her why he didn't want her notes to leave the room? Was she obnoxious and refuse? Who knows, but from the reports I read he sounded like he was just being pissy. Seriously, to have Jamie take her notes away like she had just cheated on a test?

Clay is human. He must have good days and bad days and be in good moods and bad moods. But he is also in a position where he needs to check his bad mood at the door during things like M&G. If a fan gets out of hand, he has Jerome. I personally cannot imagine what it was about some woman taking notes that would warrant what allegedly happened. I do know if something like this happened at a M&G I had won, it would have soured my entire experience.

Which is why I never enter to win M&Gs. I have my fantasies about Clay and I want to keep them firmly intact.

"Who knows what really happened" is the KEY phrase. It should keep some people from judging Clay like he is an damn axe murderer. I read a few boards and personally I am totally disgusted with the fandom. I joined this fandom because I had blood pressure problems and needed to keep off the political boards and not because I wanted to associate with a bunch of "people persons" that can analyze all sorts of things without actually like knowing facts. :wordpooper:

Personal annoyance point - Pissy - I HATE that term when assoicated with Clay - Pissy is a cat, or maybe a small child. I am sick of people feeling that Clay is a child. And for those that use it - I hate it when I the word toofy applied to Clay - he is not 2. I hate it I hate it I hate it. [/tantrum} But I deal with it and move on.

No one knows if Clay was in a good mood or a bad mood unless they were there and the stories that attendees come back with are filtered though their expectations, which are frequently outrageous.

Meet and greets are so generous and unheard of in this format, you would think some people would go to them with good manners - but NOOO-OOO-OOO - One person asks about tights - Hee hee we are talking about your penis Clay - isn't that cute????

Another person is asked not to take notes and takes out her pencil again after being asked not to - just lets not worry about Clay's feelings he has to be nice to us no matter how rude and thoughtless we are because he is nice to the mentally challenged. This is a case of someone feeling more loyalty to the fan board than to Clay -

Another person wants a picture with them doing devil horns behind his head, I am sure we all want pictures taken of us like that!

Clay is not a rag doll to do our bidding he is a human being and deserves to be treated as such. No means no, does not only have to apply to rape or to women.

Give me a break, this man is more than patient in that he does not just call off these meet and greets. Well, I must be the pissiest person of all times because I would have walked out at the tights question.

I don't see this as much of a fandom anymore, more of a board loyalty game and one upmanship in how rude people can be and get away with it.

Have I mentioned that I think some fans should get a life and stay the hell out of Clays'?

Thank you Wanda, I see you are set firmly in reality and it is refreshing. I have felt this way for a long time and I barely have a life. I need to do stuff that is not house related but people related again. I guess I should do more than have that kitchen warming party I was planning. too house related.

Well, I don't know a single person who doesn't pass judgement on people or criticize people. Heaven knows we all do it here to each other! So I think it is just human nature to do it to Clay. Clay isn't immune to this - nor to being pissy, in a bad mood, in a good mood, tired, grumpy, bored - whatever.

In other words - he's human!

You have no idea how often I swallow a judgement or criticism to cut people some slack. I really can be bitchy. There are only a very few people on my permanent crap list right now and most people can guess who they are, I really ignore absolutely anything they say and am trying to pretend they don't exist. I don't always know when people are kidding or can't tell if they know how their words read outside their personal voices and without the emotions, hence I cut themn slack, while sometimes posting a disagfreement. But I am going to look to see who wished Clay a bad opening day on Spamalot and going to add them to that ignore list! Can they still call themselves a fan or do the see the giant asshole when they look in the mirror? I think I can judge this person because there is no way that can be taken out of context!!!

End of Rant - you can read again.

One more concert Wheee.

Spamalot flyers. I got a few, not enough. I hope to get more in Morristown. If anyone I am sending the papers to does not need one, let me know. I assume it will only be distributed at sites near NYC. The NJU will never see them, the fans were grabbing handfuls. I felt guilty and left some and the person behind me grabbed all the rest, so it was pointless.

I love the hair comparison picture.poerhaps he is going backto his naturalcolor sothat he does not have two tone hair for UNICEF and he may not have a hair person in NYC, so he doesn't have to worry about roots. He really does look so mature, much sexier than the young boy look.

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And now for something completely different.....

A blog that wants hits and is about flowers. - I am not going to give a link this is just too obvious

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Clay Aiken May Give His Loved Ones Peace Lilies

Article Presented by:

Wesley Berry, AAF

Okay, I don't really know what kind of plants Clay Aiken favors when he gives houseplants as gifts, but given the popularity of the peace lily, it's pretty likely that he's given or received one or two in his lifetime.

it then goes on to talk abotu how you need tpo go to a professional florist yadda yadda yadda

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My internet connection has been all wonky for the last 4 days. They're coming tomorrow to fix it!! Wooo Hoooo!!

I tried to catch up by speed reading here, but I'm not sure if I caught it all. Am I understanding correctly? Clay confiscated someone's bunny ears in the M&G and Clive got mad about it and now won't let Clay release a single to the radio off the unrecorded album and now Clay's pissed and isn't doing M&G's anymore?

Sheesh, I just don't understand the music industry.


**gulp** Yes, sir, Mr. Aiken. I'm ready for my spanking now. :hubbahubba:


and then......


and also......... :clap: to play's rant. I often wonder how 'things fall apart' over such miniscule details. I come back after a few hours of RL and the fandom is in another uproar. I don't really understand it.

CG - I left you a goodie in the Photoshop thread! :nanarow:

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Play, can you put this in an mp3 so I can carry it around in my iPod?

Scrollworthy rant - Sorry Claygasm, you used some trigger words, so I am using them - stop using words that inspire me and I will stop quoting you.

After reading boards, I am in a foul mood tonight, when I should feel celebrational with my last show coming up and seeing the Christmas love eminate from Clay last night.

Who knows what really happened, but we all know Clay can be pissy and has a bad temper sometimes. Did he nicely ask the note taker to stop? Did he ask her nicely to relinquish the notes? Did he explain to her why he didn't want her notes to leave the room? Was she obnoxious and refuse? Who knows, but from the reports I read he sounded like he was just being pissy. Seriously, to have Jamie take her notes away like she had just cheated on a test?

Clay is human. He must have good days and bad days and be in good moods and bad moods. But he is also in a position where he needs to check his bad mood at the door during things like M&G. If a fan gets out of hand, he has Jerome. I personally cannot imagine what it was about some woman taking notes that would warrant what allegedly happened. I do know if something like this happened at a M&G I had won, it would have soured my entire experience.

Which is why I never enter to win M&Gs. I have my fantasies about Clay and I want to keep them firmly intact.

"Who knows what really happened" is the KEY phrase. It should keep some people from judging Clay like he is an damn axe murderer. I read a few boards and personally I am totally disgusted with the fandom. I joined this fandom because I had blood pressure problems and needed to keep off the political boards and not because I wanted to associate with a bunch of "people persons" that can analyze all sorts of things without actually like knowing facts. :wordpooper:

Personal annoyance point - Pissy - I HATE that term when assoicated with Clay - Pissy is a cat, or maybe a small child. I am sick of people feeling that Clay is a child. And for those that use it - I hate it when I the word toofy applied to Clay - he is not 2. I hate it I hate it I hate it. [/tantrum} But I deal with it and move on.

No one knows if Clay was in a good mood or a bad mood unless they were there and the stories that attendees come back with are filtered though their expectations, which are frequently outrageous.

Meet and greets are so generous and unheard of in this format, you would think some people would go to them with good manners - but NOOO-OOO-OOO - One person asks about tights - Hee hee we are talking about your penis Clay - isn't that cute????

Another person is asked not to take notes and takes out her pencil again after being asked not to - just lets not worry about Clay's feelings he has to be nice to us no matter how rude and thoughtless we are because he is nice to the mentally challenged. This is a case of someone feeling more loyalty to the fan board than to Clay -

Another person wants a picture with them doing devil horns behind his head, I am sure we all want pictures taken of us like that!

Clay is not a rag doll to do our bidding he is a human being and deserves to be treated as such. No means no, does not only have to apply to rape or to women.

Give me a break, this man is more than patient in that he does not just call off these meet and greets. Well, I must be the pissiest person of all times because I would have walked out at the tights question.

I don't see this as much of a fandom anymore, more of a board loyalty game and one upmanship in how rude people can be and get away with it.

Have I mentioned that I think some fans should get a life and stay the hell out of Clays'?

Thank you Wanda, I see you are set firmly in reality and it is refreshing. I have felt this way for a long time and I barely have a life. I need to do stuff that is not house related but people related again. I guess I should do more than have that kitchen warming party I was planning. too house related.

Well, I don't know a single person who doesn't pass judgement on people or criticize people. Heaven knows we all do it here to each other! So I think it is just human nature to do it to Clay. Clay isn't immune to this - nor to being pissy, in a bad mood, in a good mood, tired, grumpy, bored - whatever.

In other words - he's human!

You have no idea how often I swallow a judgement or criticism to cut people some slack. I really can be bitchy. There are only a very few people on my permanent crap list right now and most people can guess who they are, I really ignore absolutely anything they say and am trying to pretend they don't exist. I don't always know when people are kidding or can't tell if they know how their words read outside their personal voices and without the emotions, hence I cut themn slack, while sometimes posting a disagfreement. But I am going to look to see who wished Clay a bad opening day on Spamalot and going to add them to that ignore list! Can they still call themselves a fan or do the see the giant asshole when they look in the mirror? I think I can judge this person because there is no way that can be taken out of context!!!

End of Rant - you can read again.

One more concert Wheee.

Spamalot flyers. I got a few, not enough. I hope to get more in Morristown. If anyone I am sending the papers to does not need one, let me know. I assume it will only be distributed at sites near NYC. The NJU will never see them, the fans were grabbing handfuls. I felt guilty and left some and the person behind me grabbed all the rest, so it was pointless.

I love the hair comparison picture.poerhaps he is going backto his naturalcolor sothat he does not have two tone hair for UNICEF and he may not have a hair person in NYC, so he doesn't have to worry about roots. He really does look so mature, much sexier than the young boy look.

Play, can you put this in an mp3 so I can carry it around in my iPod? Better yet, put this and other posts into mp3's and let's have a podcast.


Tangerinee.... Tangerinee.... Gulp!... She got 3rd row Red Bank tickets for LonelyNoMore44 and me...

but when LonelyNoMore44 couldn't come I passed too so that a couple of friends could take our pair of seats....

cry4.gifcry4.gifcry4.gifcry4.gifcry4.gifcry4.gifcry4.gif .......Need some :AddEmoticons0426:'s

Whenever I miss something Clay, the pictures come back to say "Nyah! Nyah Nyah!"

I feel like that sports fan whose team wins game after game whenever she's not watching. 3.gif

So now I can't let go of Williamsport despite the weather reports...


And it doesn't help that whenever I look at the Williamsport Google map, Meadville is right there going, "Pbbbbttt! You were just 1 hour away in Pittsburgh during WAMLAW *brightly offers to hum a few bars*"

Could someone pour some logic into me?

Imagines Teacher Clay going... "Well you know that if you pass on Williamsport and you don't run into a snowbank/skid off the road, then there'll be lots more to see & do afterwards *cough* eHP roadtrip to Michigan Minnesota *cough*... 'course I'll be sporting a completely different look by then." *grins playfully*


And it's been too long since DC. I miss him... (Yes, I can see KF rolling her eyes :rolleyes: Hey, if people can whine after a 30-minute chat with him, I can pout over missing 8 shows)

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I don't see this as much of a fandom anymore, more of a board loyalty game and one upmanship in how rude people can be and get away with it.

Yep, in some places.

Appluase to your entire "rant", playbiller!!!!!!!

Actually, I find that I don't care to participate much any more, due to the constant carping by mature, intelligent women, heh, but a kind of good thing has happened - most of the stuff that used to piss me off because it seemed so ridiculously and pointlessly harsh now is just predictable and even funny. Like a Mad-Lib game.

MeetGate just seems like a little cousin of HockeyGate, and just as pointless. But it is certainly a classic overreaction, I feel like some posters just are really on the boards so they can criticise stuff, maybe if they couldn't vent they would explode or something.

It seemed to me like he was snarking and playing the teacher Clay role - although I must say this M&G format has morphed into a completely different thing than just saying hi to clay, for some - there are lists of questions and instructions, detailed recaps which are written with personal filters and then overreacted to wildly - shit, I wouldn't be surprised if he went back to the old format, it might be a relief.

That line from Where The Wild Things Are Comes to mind - We'll eat you up, we love you so! Although I think the love part has morphed into ownership or something.

I don't find that any of the crap has anything to do with Clay or my fandom, just my appreciation of the boards.

Wanda, people get a life? I think for a few that train has left the station. Clay's schedule - plan, rehearse, record, review, presidential committee, Unicef, BAF, interview, perform, time with family and friends.

Some other people's schedule, it seems to me - bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. I mean that for all the boards, it is not pointed at this one. All that bitching, in real life, from any of my RL friends, would wear me down.

(Weirdly, some have even vaulted right over to thinking Clay's entire life, 24 hours a day, should be spent toiling away to please them. WTF?)

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Love all the rants this morning. Go playbiller! Go djs111! Even after the lovely cellcert last night, I still went to bed pissed and disgusted with the fandom at large. I feel a bit better this morning. I'll feel even better when the next batch of m&g emails go out and one lands in my inbox. :cryingwlaughter:

ummm so, no talk about the fact that Clay doesn't like the bangs? heee we're slipping. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Hee, yes we are. God I love the look he's sporting right now. The closer he gets to the old Clayton Grissom, the more I swoon. The damned snow better hold off, because I MUST get to Erie to see it in person. And for the record, I never thought he was thrilled with the bangs look, just based on the fact that whenever we saw a picture of him in his off time (paparazzi, Unicef, whatever) he had them swept back. I love that he is performing with a more natural (for him) look now. :hubbahubba:

Ooooh, lookey how lucky I am! Top for me!

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Scrollworthy rant - Sorry Claygasm, you used some trigger words, so I am using them - stop using words that inspire me and I will stop quoting you.

Glad I could inspire you, play! (Not sure if I should be insulted or flattered..... :unsure: )

CG - I left you a goodie in the Photoshop thread! :nanarow:

Thank you, cha cha!!!! Look - she fixed my typo and now "Poughkeepsie" is spelled right! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


You know, as much as I dislike the glasses (and I do), I have to say the hair is looking better and those pictures from Red Bank and Easton are quite nice........

Yup, quite nice..... :hubbahubba:

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Good Morning Everyone,

9 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

12 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

25 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

36 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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Must get to work, but I just wanted to drop this off.

I do love a great big Clay smile to start my day!!


And I hope I'm not the only goof that's grinning like an idiot back at my computer screen... :lilredani:

Safe travels to anyone venturing out to this weekend's shows. Snow, snow, go away! :2:

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Playbiller No shit.

I'm very late.

But I see Wanda already said it for me!

There are some seriously entitled people out there.

I'd like to know how old the bunny ears person is because some were cutting her some slack thinking she was a teen. Well, judging from her post last night at CV, she is no teen. She just plays one in the fandom.

Seriously - if she can't see that asking him for a bunny ears (devil horns, whatever) pose is disrespectful and disenginuous - I just don't even know what to say.

But even worse than her mess - it's the people who got all up in arms bashing Clay for the whole thing.

Frankly, he has a right to be angry many times when he has been accused of being a 'diva'.

But - you know there are some people who have magic mirrors.

When they look in their mirror, they see perfection. They can't see their own zits, but they love finding them on Clay.

Yeah. I don't like the term pissy, either.

Maybe he should fart in someone's general direction! :cryingwlaughter:

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KAndre looks suspiciously at Scarlett....

Somebody is mocking moi! And yes, we will find some way of keeping you entertained as we trudge through the icy tundra that is Michigan the Arctic Circle Minneapolis Wait, I think the last one was right.

My, Clay is looking mighty fine.

Mighty fine, indeed.

As for pissy, I'll try to take into considerations some people dislike for the term, but it's such a precise definition occasionally as how I feel and how I perceive others. Oddly enough, my cats have never acted pissy that I can tell - total hellions, but not pissy. I can't remember described a child as pissy either - pissy for me has a slight connotation of "old enough to know better but doing it anyway in the most annoying fashion because I feel the need to make you pissy as well as well as being faintly vindictive with just enough of a moral high ground that people tend to grumble about you quietly instead of snapping your head off (unless you're a pissy teenager and then all bets are off)". You might be surprised how often that exact behaviour seems to occur around me. May be a little complicated for children, but I think cats could pull it off. I have stupid cats though.

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I have respect for people that post a negative viewpoint. I really do. What, I don't get is the need to post those views over and over again in various forms to try to validate that POV. Others have points of view that are very different. That's life. When they go all around to the different boards, they start to lose their credibilty with me. Just say no to bunny ears. LOL!!! I do feel badly that she embarrassed herself. That's not a good feeling. I do it quite often and I know.

"Bunny ears" is 21, I think.

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playbiller :14: :word:

KAndre I'm afraid Clay is definitely a challange to you in the field of world domination. :polon: Maybe you should get a new PR person? Look how it has helped Clay.

The way that man brings out all sorts of feelings in people , be it love, admiration or hate, he is a certainty for power. I'm so glad he is doing good for the world so far. :28: What if he decided to be evil. :devil: (Picture devil ears on him.)

He might expose KG stiches from all her plastic surgery and make jokes about her having sex with Hugh Hefner (who of course would say she is way too old for him.)

He might might permanently stich shut KR mouth and make her dance with Wayne Newton forever.

He might start a blog and draw pictures on P H, perhaps eating a big mac pizza.

He might bankrupt SC and hire him as a limo driver and pool skimmer.

Wait, maybe these are good things.

Hope you all have a great day. WooHoo, Morristown in the snow tonight. :lilredani:

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New article from GoErie.com:

Letters From The Heart (click to read more)

For his fourth holiday tour, somebody in Clay Aiken's camp had the bright idea of asking fans to write about their memorable Christmases. Aiken would personally read every submission, then choose four fans in each city to read their letters on stage during his concert.

After more than four thousand letters poured in, Aiken's eyes are aching. Better believe the person who dreamed this up is feeling his wrath.

"I've kicked myself a few times for having this idea," said Aiken, with a laugh, during a phone interview. "But trust me, I'm a control freak. I wouldn't have let someone else do it."

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Play - You go, girl!! :clap::clap::clap:

Tangerinee.... Tangerinee.... Gulp!... She got 3rd row Red Bank tickets for LonelyNoMore44 and me...

but when LonelyNoMore44 couldn't come I passed too so that a couple of friends could take our pair of seats....

Whenever I miss something Clay, the pictures come back to say "Nyah! Nyah Nyah!"

I feel like that sports fan whose team wins game after game whenever she's not watching. 3.gif

So now I can't let go of Williamsport despite the weather reports...


And it doesn't help that whenever I look at the Williamsport Google map, Meadville is right there going, "Pbbbbttt! You were just 1 hour away in Pittsburgh during WAMLAW *brightly offers to hum a few bars*"

Could someone pour some logic into me?

Imagines Teacher Clay going... "Well you know that if you pass on Williamsport and you don't run into a snowbank/skid off the road, then there'll be lots more to see & do afterwards *cough* eHP roadtrip to Michigan Minnesota *cough*... 'course I'll be sporting a completely different look by then." *grins playfully*


And it's been too long since DC. I miss him... (Yes, I can see KF rolling her eyes :rolleyes: Hey, if people can whine after a 30-minute chat with him, I can pout over missing 8 shows)

Aw, Scarlett, you're driving yourself crazy with what-could-have-been and what-could-be and how-can-I-see-him-more. It's pretty hard not to do that, since we have such a fantastic boyfriend! But at least you have a couple of shows left still!

:big hug:

The way that man brings out all sorts of feelings in people , be it love, admiration or hate, he is a certainty for power. I'm so glad he is doing good for the world so far. :28: What if he decided to be evil. :devil: (Picture devil ears on him.)

He might expose KG stiches from all her plastic surgery and make jokes about her having sex with Hugh Hefner (who of course would say she is way too old for him.)

He might might permanently stich shut KR mouth and make her dance with Wayne Newton forever.

He might start a blog and draw pictures on P H, perhaps eating a big mac pizza.

He might bankrupt SC and hire him as a limo driver and pool skimmer.

Wait, maybe these are good things.

BWAH, Fear!

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it then goes on to talk abotu how you need tpo go to a professional florist yadda yadda yadda

LOL..well clay is the most searched man on lycos.... that story has been out for a week or so. Expect his name on all kinds of crap that makes no sense so that they can get hits.

I woke up in the middle of the night and of course my tv was talking to me..>CNN saying check your flights, snow storms, midwest. CRAP.

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Clay looks like a sexy professor in some of the most recent pictures. A professor that I'd have trouble learning anything from, because I wouldn't be able to keep my thoughts on the subject matter! Course, there are things I wouldn't mind learning from him. I find this picture very inspiring:


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I hav e to admit I was in a "pissy" mood myself last night and I had been rantingto my sister until she told me to go post it or something, so she could get some peace and quiet.

Words are interesting thing, between Fear and I stands the word 'sloppy'. She finds this very very offensive and I find it a casual everyday word. We still are arguing over that word. Needless to say, I don't care if people use some words I don't like, I just wanted it on record that different words strike different people differently. (I have known many cats I would describe as pissy, but it might be because I have a tenuous relationship with cats in general, and my many tetnus shots speak for themselves, only one was because of a dog). It all just sort of tumbled out of me last night, a lot of it inspired by one series of posts that made me furious this summer on a place far far away from here.

Claygasm, there are some words that you use that make me have to stop and think - am I reacting to a particular word or to what you are really saying. A lot of time, I am reacting to a word you use. It is like tooffy. I know people like that and think it is cute, I just have a negative reaction and have to stop and adjust and look at what people are really saying and the affection that are really in their words. Some people are better at interpreting the written word and producing the written word, it just takes me longer to read, interpret and adjust my attitude to be appropriate. And this may be why I am not funny, just post funny pictures.


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Something they don't know about, didn't participate in, but are, nevertheless, worked into a lather over?

**contemplates being worked into a lather by Clay**

Don't mind the heavy breathing, I'll be fine. :smokelots:


And I hope I'm not the only goof that's grinning like an idiot back at my computer screen... :lilredani:

Hey! Who you callin' a 'goof'?? :cryingwlaughter:

I love his current look, glasses, hairstyle, hair color, the whole package. :)

....pissy for me has a slight connotation of "old enough to know better but doing it anyway in the most annoying fashion because I feel the need to make you pissy as well as well as being faintly vindictive with just enough of a moral high ground that people tend to grumble about you quietly instead of snapping your head off ...

You should get a job writing for Merriam Webster. This is exactly the connotation the word 'pissy' holds for me, too. I never thought of it in terms of cats or children. But then, I'm allergic to cats and avoid them at all costs, so am not familiar with their dispositions. Children I am very familiar with. Children get cranky, irritable and out of sorts. Which is why I only have two.

My random thoughts about the M&G. I don't blame the note taker for taking notes in the beginning. How many posts have we seen saying "Details, woman! We want details!" or "Take notes, fer cryin' out loud!" Once he expressed that he didn't want notes taken, though, I wouldn't have done it again.

As for the bunny ears. To me, this is similar to the people who wanted their picture taken with him with his hand over their mouth after Ripagate. He seemed to think that was hysterically funny and didn't seem to mind. So I can kind of see how the girl would have asked him if she could do that, based on history, without expecting him to object strongly. It seems with Clay, you never know what you're going to get, which is why he's so endlessly fascinating. Someone can go in with a totally innocuous question, never knowing if they're going to get a positive or negative response.

I don't know whether to hope I get a M&G or to be terrified to go.

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