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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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Now how that morphed into talking about CAGC - that's just not my fault!

cindilu, whatchuu talkin' 'bout 'FAULT'? :P You really meant, didn't you, to say (with much sorrow)...

"Now how that morphedinto talking about CAGC--I'm sorry to say that I can't be given the credit for that."


liney....I had a feeling you'd appreciate my Hot Mama and her Hot BoyToy story.. :naughtywag: Trust me when I say that I was laughing, too....Yet....I SWEAR to you that I do NOT want to be around when/if she ever finds out. I mean it. You don't mess with MamaMuski. :unsure::blink: She's already threatening to rid this world of the housekeepers who (she swears) steal her talc and Polident and hand lotion. God only knows what she'll do to a man who's two timing her....

:think: Actually, my birth father DID two-time her and she divorced him...but that's another story. :imgtongue:

So as I flipped through an EntertainmentWeekly mag, I see that Randy Jackson is at it again---right on schedule predicting that THIS season of American Idol is going to be THE BEST!

"The under-21 crowd is blowing me away. We could have our most original top 12 ever. I was pleasantly surprised."


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Actually, EvilClive Mandated that bunny ears be worn by ALL persons attending M&Gs and by Clay every time he appears on TV doing publicity for his new rabbit-themed CD.

Well, that explains a lot!

You asked? sperm-buddy-icon.gif


Claygasm, life happens and you have to hope for the best because a lot of the time the best does happen no matter how it looks right now. Couchie, sometimes things have to reach a head before they can be solved, let's hope for peace before long.

For those who have suffered losses or are anticipating them, my heartfelt sympathies and hopes that we can all slog through it and come out the sother side


Well, I woke to sleet and freezing rain. It was horrible outside and I wasn't looking forward to the drive. But... I figured if I could get there, I could always crash at my Brother's house, which would have been news to them, hee. And so off we went, over the river and theough the woods to Morristown we went.

The bad news, no spamalot flyers, so I don't have enough to send out, random people will get them. Good news, excellent theater and a gorgeous clear and beautiful night to drive home in with cleared streets - the most dangerous place was my driveway which ended up a sheet of ice.

We had great seats in the 10th row on the aisle, but as I sat there enjoying the show, I was envious of some seats in the 5th row which sat empty. Aparently the sales were good for this theater, but there were a number of no shows in the "just us" seating area.

Clay, Clay, Clay - saved the best for my last concert - the theater had excellent sound, his voice was fantastic, he was so into the show, it made me so happy he did the show exactly the way he wanted it and did not take the expert advice of fans who knew how the show should really be staged and blocked and did it his way. And we got the son of God lighting to boot.

You know how people talk about Clay struggling for some notes? Well, not yesterday, it all seemed so easy for him straight through to AIW. I always have the Aiken fog, but the music washed over me and I just lived it in the moment without even trying to remember it all. Half way through the show, we slipped up to those closer seats I was coveting and met the people in front of us, one of them being a newbie at her first Clay concert, she said she will be going to the next one with about a million excalimation points in that comment, she loved it..

At intermission, MLK and Flying Penguin came over to talk to us and to remind me that we sat next to each other at Asheville concert, not dinner - I have no memory for people's faces, it is rude and I am so sorry. I do better with voices. Anyway, it was great to see them.

In the second half, Clay looked less like a yellowish blob and I could see the details of his face. After the concert, there was the great hair color debate. Is it the same as before or is it lighter and lighter? Why is his hair so light? Noit that it really matter, he always looks great.

So we had a drama free show until I read the boards last night.

Now Fear has traveled home and I hope she thinks the visit was worth it.

Tomorrow, I will start packing up the papers and scarves and posters and assorted flyers- while I did not get enough Spamalots, I did get other assorted programs and I hope that will help ease the lack.

Now if anyone wants to copy this review, feel freee, but please correct any spelling errors first. Thank You.


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I am really out of the loop - just hearing about the new bruhaha now. The very idea of being a "well known Clay fan" cracks me up. The absurdity of it all......

{{{{{couchtomato}}}}} - Hope things resolve in a positive way somehow.

{{{{{claygasm}}}}} - Thinking of you and your father.

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He has such a cute mouse! Or is it a gerbil?

(((hugs to all who need them))))

What a day! I can hardly keep up with the posts. You would think there was a rumour about Clay Aiken or something*g*

Signed "a not-so-well-known fan"

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I'm finally home: clicking the heels of my red slippers. Theres no place like home, theres no place like home. Thanks to play for putting up with me and my fussiness once again. For instance needing oysterettes rather than crackers for soup. Also I always have an eating tragedy when visiting her. This summer I had a huge staple in my salad, which of course I didn't see until I started chewing it. This time I found a piece of glass in my pasta, once again not noticing it until it was in my mouth. All occurred while eating out.

Thanks for the nice comments about my recap. Last night's concert was amazing. I told playbiller that prior to last night West Point was my favorite Christmas Concert. Now I'm looking forward to next years.

About today's events: What! You've got to be kidding. Most unbelievable thing I have ever heard. I should always stay in my padded cell.

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One thing I would like to know...is this the secret source that created such crack in the fandom over ATDW early this year???

Is this the person who was asking the fans to fight for this album and that he is no longer with RCA???

ya know...the sad thing about this is that this person would never have gotten anywhere if fans were not soo ready to believe Clay would act this way. I really do believe there are fans that are so eager to get enmeshed with him that they are willing to beleive he is all messed up and would impregnate fans...have cybersex with them and financially abandon his child...just the thought that Clay would ask the fans to help him fight RCA is so hard to believe. What kind of image do these fans have of Clay to be taken in...

I mean I have no idea what kinds of stuff fake Clay was saying to people but I wonder if this is why folks were so rabid about cetain things. They felt they were getting info directly from Clay and were really doing his bidding. Who knows. I'm sure there were some who just thought..oh the object of my affection sought me out and is making me feel special. It's truly sad. But I won't wallow. Clay handled it. And frankly there are more fun and exciting things going on. As Duds said...I HOPE some true lessons were learned.


Good points, both of you. It was definitely hinted that Clay was the source for the RCA stuff by some, or there was a lot of IF YOU ONLY KNEW MY SOURCE WHOM I CAN'T NAME YOU'D BELIEVE. Wonder if it was all part of the same crap?

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Don't anger the mouse...

Oh, GOD, 00lsee! This picture has me itching to search through my speshial folder of Photobucket to pick out the very best one to photoshop...

You know...like a strategically positioned mouse here?


or perhaps...


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Thanks for all the good vibes and thoughts and prayers everyone.

Unfortunately, we didn't get very good news. My father came through the surgery well, but during they found the cancer had spread too much to do much but remove an especially large tumor and do the intestinal bypass which will allow him to eat normal food. But the sad reality is that while he may regain strength and start to feel better, his time is limited. Not sure what if anything will come next.

Sucks royally, but life goes on. I just hope he has some good months ahead - and then doesn't suffer in the end.

So in the name of life goes on, I am heading to Williamsport as planned and I'm going to listen to my boyfriend sing and have fun.

Of course, I may end up not being able to leave Williamsport........

Oooo! Maybe Clay will get stranded there too with meeeeeeeeee!

So, anyone want to fill me in on what went on during the M&G???? You can just PM me.

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Awwww, CG, I was hoping for better news. Good for you for choosing a life-affirming action!!

Playbiller, nice recap!! Thank you.

A little tidbit from last night's meet and greet that got overlooked. The gal who has reported hers mentioned that Clay said he had done some promotion work (more than one thing) for Spamalot, so hopefully we'll see some original stuff instead of photoshops in the next round of advertising.

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One thing that strikes me about this whole mess is the desire for many fans to have that "insider" access. I think people were played because they wanted so badly to believe that they had information few others had, that they were "special" or "privileged" in some way, that they were not just one of the masses. It's a bit troubling to see how far people will go to pursue such status, what they're willing to believe and, worse yet, how much they're willing to pay.

Yeah, that!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: CG

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One thing that strikes me about this whole mess is the desire for many fans to have that "insider" access. I think people were played because they wanted so badly to believe that they had information few others had, that they were "special" or "privileged" in some way, that they were not just one of the masses. It's a bit troubling to see how far people will go to pursue such status, what they're willing to believe and, worse yet, how much they're willing to pay.

Yeah, that!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: CG

It kinda reminds me about a time around 10 years ago when some friends and I were taken in by someone pretending to be Carol Burnett. We were never hit up for money, but the whole thing took its toll. You just never know about things online and whether someone is who they say they are!

My daughter sent me this article about another person who got totally scammed by someone pretending to be someone else. CHECK THIS OUT!

Going back to bed now... got up to put laundry in the dryer! Leaving for PA about 10 am! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Don't forget to meet after the concert! Either in front of the theatre or at the brewery across the street! Let's see, Claygasm, lilyshine, and FromClaygary! You can't miss me and my daughter - we're both short and have long hair, hers is brown and mine is blonde!

hugs-1.gifto Claygasm!

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{{{CG}}} Sorry you didn't get better news about your dad. Hope you enjoy your concert tonight.

We are just hanging tight, watching the weather reports and radar about this massive storm headed our way today. I wish we could just get outta town this morning and beat it, but I have made plans to attend a local concert with my cousin tonight, and then leave for PA in the morning. If there is any possible way that we can get through the snow, we will be in Erie tomorrow. If they close the interstates....we may have a problem. Heh. So, FromClaygary, did you make to to Williamsport yet?

I can't believe they haven't released the Erie M&G emails yet. Why wait until the day before, especially with this storm looming? Makes no sense to me......

ETA: Don't think I've seen this Williamsport article brought over here yet.

Clay Aiken returning to Community Arts Center

This year’s holiday show, “Christmas in the Heartland,” will feature the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra.

In a recent interview with the Sun-Gazette, Aiken discussed “Christmas in the Heartland,” as well as how he’s grown since “American Idol.” Since being a contestant on “Idol,” Aiken said he believes he’s matured and learned the tricks of the trade when it comes to show business. When a performer is a novice in the industry, Aiken said it’s easy to be pushed around.

“Probably more than anything, I’m definitely more savvy when it comes to understanding how not be a pushover,” Aiken said. “When I was on ‘Idol,’ I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to anybody for anything. I think I’ve learned not to be taken advantage of.”

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I can't believe they haven't released the Erie M&G emails yet. Why wait until the day before, especially with this storm looming? Makes no sense to me......

When you get your M&G (yeah, I'm the glass is half full kind of woman) then would you please kick his ass for me too? My Cleveland show is looming with heavy snows forecast here as well. I have the good fortune of having another day of road plowing to help us. (bottlecap is along on this ride) Wishing all of you on the road tonight and tomorrow safe journey. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(((CG))) to you and yours.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Safe travels to all those heading to Williamsport!

7 Days (1 week!) until Christmas in Merrillville!

10 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

23 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

34 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Looks like I missed a busy day in Clayland, while working, preparing, packing and travelling...

{{{{{Claygasm and Dad}}}}}

{{{{{Couchie and family}}}}}

{{{{{jazzgirl and Mom}}}}}

And many hugs to all those who need them in the fandom.

Thanks to KAndre for the alerts and Solo for cyber-holding my hand in the plane, driving, getting to the hotel.

Couchie and the eHP have been filling my Inbox with the most hilarious posts about weather and food 'n stuff. I'll post a transcript from Williamsburg or Erie.

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Hi everyone!

I am hoping PuddinsJoy and I can still make it to Omaha Friday. Much of our area including us have been without power since 12/11. They are hoping to have it back on by 12/22.

I'll check back later.

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