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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Interview with Clay from Time Out New York: http://www.timeout.com/newyork/articles/ho...5614/clay-aiken

Thanks for posting the link! There's so much good stuff in that interview that I'm going to post the entire thing. There's some interesting stuff in here about fans!

Clay Aiken

The pop idol makes a surprising Broadway debut.

By Smith Galtney

Wholesome, God-fearing, ambiguously effete Clay Aiken unintentionally pushes more buttons than most so-called subversive artists. Just defending the 29-year-old North Carolinian, American Idol and pop phenom is likely to cause an uproar. Ask Rosie O’Donnell: Last year, she accused Kelly Ripa of being homophobic after Ripa derided Aiken for placing his hand on her mouth. (“I don’t know where that hand’s been, honey,” Ripa fired at him.)

On the phone, though, the lightning rod sounds utterly harmless, talking a mile a minute in a Southern accent and often bursting into high-pitched laughter. Before making his Broadway debut in Spamalot this month, Aiken called TONY from a tour stop in Jersey City to gab about “Claymates” and stage crapping.

So Spamalot isn’t how one expects Clay Aiken to invade Broadway.

And tell me why not! [Laughs]

Well, you seem like a traditional guy. It’s a pretty unconventional show.

That’s exactly why we chose it. If you’re going to branch out into a new field, well, go whole hog—try something different.

Never. And the first time I saw the show, I thought, This is stupid—there’s no plot. What’s the point?!? I had this image of Broadway having uplifting stories and melodies. But Spamalot’s just silliness and irreverence raised to a completely different level. I get to soil myself onstage!

What will your fans think of that?

If I’ve learned one thing in the past five years, it’s that you’ll never please everybody. But the people who’ve been so supportive of us, they trust us enough to have some fun here and there, and be a little irreverent. I won’t be soiling myself for the rest of my life.

Did you come up with the term Claymates?

No, it started when I was on American Idol. I didn’t really like it at first. I was like, Oh my God, how tacky! But now I think, If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. We’ve fully embraced it.

And there are Claysians, too.

There’s also the Claynadians. In Raleigh, my hometown, there’s Clayniacs. There’s even a group called the Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken! We appreciate them, but sometimes they’re like that cousin you love but can’t quite understand.

Ever worry you’ll get a limb torn off?

Maybe just squeezed to death. [Laughs] But the Claymates are just a section of the fan base. The overwhelming majority are very respectful, very protective and mothering. If I sneeze onstage one night, 15 people show up at the next tour stop with Triaminic. I’ve got far more mothers than I ever needed!

Is it true you’re allergic to nuts?

I’m allergic to a number of things: tree nuts, coffee, mints, chocolate. Some fans tried to introduce me to carob a few years ago. But it gave me the runs, so… [Laughs]

Speaking of which, is it safe to say Rosie O’Donnell had diarrhea of the mouth when she called Kelly Ripa “homophobic”?

Oh, God. I think people on TV say certain things just so they can get attention. I didn’t agree with Rosie. But I appreciated her trying to come to my defense, in one way or another!

What do you make of people nagging you about the “gay” thing?

I think the majority of the American public cares less about it than reporters like you do.

Has anyone ever confronted you about it in public?

I can’t come up with any specific incidents. But I’ve been called everything in the book at some point or another—gay, ugly, nerdy, fat.

You’re not fat.

After Idol, I was. Going from living in North Carolina, where barely anyone would talk to me, to a world where everyone knew who I was—it freaked me out. So I went on antianxiety medicine and gained, like, 20 pounds in a year’s time.

You must be used to the attention now.

It’s still odd, though. Now I just think it’s funny. Like last night: I was onstage and all these people were screaming, and in the back of my head I’m thinking, Are you people crazy?!?

Clay Aiken premieres in Spamalot Fri 18.

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It's no wonder I am not fit for anything except for walking the dogs!!

Walking dogs shows a good heart.

I think Nigel LOVES Clay, and Nigel is the man on the spot making the shows happen. I want Clay to be on the show again--I can't help myself. Bring me more Clay, in person Clay, video of Clay, snippets of his achievements since Idol--if they want to raise their ratings back to what they were, that's all they would have to do to draw me in. Bring on Clay and other previous Idols. Bring Clay and Ruben onto the same show. Give them a lot of camera time and let them shine, don't cut them. Let them show what accomplished performers they have become.

For too many years the show has dissed more than kissed the kids from the past. It isn't just Clay. Most don't even get a mention! Clay's had more AI "moments" than probably any other past Idol, what with the season 3 appearances, defending Paula and being in the audience in season 4, the Finale moment in season 5. Yeah, they've pimped Kelly and Carrie, and been nice about them, and they've mostly dissed Clay, but they can't stop talking about him either. Really, there's been no new Idol with buzz like Clay's since that finale appearance (Taylor, Kat, Jordin, Blake). Who can really compete with him, live, if you give him an audience that large in that circumstance where what counts is your ability to capture your audience in seconds? Where seasoned performers like Michael Buble have faltered and admitted that they were just plain intimidated (he did come on with short notice). Clay is a force that cannot be denied when it comes to Idol, and there's no doubt that he has consistently "brought" it for the nearly five years since his season. I want to see the show celebrate that.

I remember on season 4 that Fantasia sat right behind the judges and they didn't even introduce her! They love Fantasia!! The y always name her the best winner ever. Nigel loves ratings - what is to not love about Clay? Did anyone laugh themselves silly with the ratings for opening night of AI7? last year they came very, very close to ousting the AI2 finale, but missed by a hair this year on the night that received the highest ratings last year - pfft - not so much.

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I would like to know what Simon said since I'm not watching AI yet. I don't like the initial auditions because they do choose some kids to make fun of and sometimes it is very cruel. I agree that Simon is missing some parts. I read his book a while ago to see if he had those parts and I don't think he does. Different strokes and all that. So, can anyone tell me what he and Paula said because according to some, both dissed Clay? The hand wringing on some boards has me curious. I'm glad to see most here did not find it that offensive.

I LOVE the Spamalot pictures because it is Clay in full costume and to me, he looks like such a STAR! It's all very exciting to finally see what he will look like in this role. Tall, slender Sir Robin with those gorgeous green eyes which get highlighted by his costume. eeeeeeeeee!!!

All of you who are going to see him Friday....well...just have a blast and know that many of us are there with you in spirit.

Someone please tell me if he glory notes the OY in the "Jews" song!

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Skybar... it was an advice to this geeky auditioner. The kid was tall and thinwith glasses...but curly hair. He had this clip saying he wants to be a US president. He sang ok ...not Clay Aiken good but still was a pleasant surprise...I think it was one no and one yes, I think Paula was making a decision and they asked the kid if he would rather be on idol or politics and the kid said he would do anything to get on idol...SO Simon asked...do you promise not to do what Clay aiken did...have weird haircut and wear a red leather jacket...paula then said and sing Grease is the word...and she was all smiles. To me it was more like teasing. Simon always made fun of the hair and hated that red jacket.

BTW what was the hand wringing for? I don;t get it. I understand getting pissed at the perceived diss...but what are people worried about?

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Thanks Ansa. Since everyone who watched AI2 knows how Simon felt about that performance it was pretty mild indeed. It was not a diss at all, IMO. Just a mention of a famous AI alum.

BTW what was the hand wringing for? I don;t get it. I understand getting pissed at the perceived diss...but what are people worried about?

Maybe hand wringing is the wrong term. I was just reading comments like how mean and ungrateful and blah, blah blah....how they always do that to Clay and never give him a break. Many are supersensitive to anything perceived as a put down. Oh...you all know that already, huh?

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the lightning rod

indeed. :hubbahubba:

The only thing about this interview (which, I think, took place BEFORE the asshole from Newsweek brought up the same damned crap...) that bugs me is Clay's references to 'we' and 'us' instead of "I"...

Usually, I can just move on by it, but for some reason this time it was just WEIRD!

What will your fans think of that?

If I’ve learned one thing in the past five years, it’s that you’ll never please everybody. But the people who’ve been so supportive of us, they trust us enough to have some fun here and there, and be a little irreverent. I won’t be soiling myself for the rest of my life.

Did you come up with the term Claymates?

No, it started when I was on American Idol. I didn’t really like it at first. I was like, Oh my God, how tacky! But now I think, If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. We’ve fully embraced it.

And there are Claysians, too.

There’s also the Claynadians. In Raleigh, my hometown, there’s Clayniacs. There’s even a group called the Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken! We appreciate them, but sometimes they’re like that cousin you love but can’t quite understand.

Just weird.

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I know what you mean, muski. That struck me several months ago, and I've come to the conclusion that Clay likes to avoid "I, me, mine" as much as possible. I think I understand it, but it can be distracting when used so much. He must heavily identify his career self with the team.

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Shit. I must be the only one looking at Clay in that white suit and thinking, "dangling to the left."

I'm a sick person.

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Back on December 28th I did prophesy that "I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin." I think I was wrong. Let me venture to say, purely on the basis of the "sly look" (if that's what we're calling it these days) in his eyes, that neither the role of Sir Robin or that chicken are never going to be the same again after Mr. Aiken starts to Spam a lot.

OMG I want that bear!!!!

meeee too, merrieeee. Is it crazy to think I would probably spent as much for a bear like that than I would for a ticket to Spamalot cuz I could touch,squeeze,undress :blush: hug him over and over.

Good grief, zena, pull yourself together.

Who said that??????

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Dear Gawd, after being in a hotel for three days with internet that could only manage text, I'm so far behind I think I'm ahead.....it's SO good to be back! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Now......HELP PLEASE.......

Stupid Canadian needs airport advice from New Yorkers or experts

I can get a good flight deal from Jet Blue....but they only fly into JFK....

US Airways is more expensive.....(about $70) but they fly into LGA......


Really appreciate any/all advice and assistance.

AND...is that another cindilu2 banner?? :hubbahubba::hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

FC - Bear in mind I havent' flown into NYC for a very long time........

BUT - here's the skinny. JFK is farther away from NYC and you have to take a shuttle bus to the Port Authority Terminal on 8th Ave, which used to cost $15.00 but now may be more. You can also get limousines but I don't know how much they cost.

LaGuaria is closer to the city and you can get to where you are going a little easier.......

HOWEVER - I could be way behind the times on this information. I think you should ask if the hotel has a shuttle to either airport, and find out how you will be able to get into the main part of the city (Times Square) from either airport.

here are a couple of web pages that might be helpful:




and lovely banner!! I havent' read to see who made it, but GOOD JOB!

Now I must get some sleep!!! GOING TO SEE SPAMALOT!!! (Leaving in the morning!) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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This is insane. I'm not even going to NYC but I can't sleep. I've had the finale song from Spamalot running through my head like a siren since 4 am so I finally gave in to it and got up to look at more pretty pictures and stuff. *sigh*

Love the Sir Robin bear! I'd love it if they decide to sell some merchandise for Clay. They did sell merchandise at the Spamalot performance I went to in Toronto, but it was heavy on the Black Knight and the Killer Rabbit. Lots of buttons with slogans like "I Fart In Your General Direction" etc. But I don't remember anything specific to any of the individual knights (of the round table).

I thought that article was good, and in such a different tone than the Newsweek one! What a difference an interviewer makes.....heh.

I hatessssssss Slimon, I admit it. He's such an ass. I don't watch AI so I can't comment on any perceived disses except to say that, meh, just the fact that they keep bringing Clay up can't always be that bad of a thing. He's memorable. If he goes on the show again, I'll be thrilled because of the huge audience it has. It would be great publicity for him.

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The only thing about this interview (which, I think, took place BEFORE the asshole from Newsweek brought up the same damned crap...) that bugs me is Clay's references to 'we' and 'us' instead of "I"...

Heeeee.....since a lot of people blame anything Clay does that they don't like on Team Clay, his mom, Clive, RCA, his friends, The South, his current publicist, etc., etc., maybe he has just decided to be inclusive!

I didn't see any boards imploding over Simon's rather mild and formulaic remark, just a page or so of pfffft!

I wonder how many other wardrobe choices Simon even remembers.....I didn't watch straight through, but I only recall the Trio mentioning Clay and Kelly. And Paula saying Simon originally said he didn't "get" Kelly or something like that.

Loving animals is a good and admirable thing. But I have never trusted anyone who loved animals and did not like people, and Simon seems to fall into that category. Yes, I think he is missing some parts of his heart.

Clay really really gets so much mileage out of just being himself, I love it. What is obvious to me, just in this one week, is that no matter how carefully an interview is spun or structured or arranged, the wildly disparate media will reshape it to fit their own agenda. I think that with the internet, not only is the music business changed, but the traditional role of P.R. has been greatly watered down, anyone can post anything they like, instantly, it is like the wild west.

Unless the P.R. person never lets the actual talent speak at all, to which I say Bwahahahaha!

I want one of those bears, too.

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OK, I'm still up so I'm going to postwhore. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

New ET video is up, and OMG.......he starts the piano thing, does a little turn on the piano bench like he's going to launch into it.......and then stops. Such a tease. GAH! I'm going to die seeing this live!


Also this, from our own cha cha trusty at CH that I didn't realize:

Anyhow - Just wanted to share these

MOSAIC DESIGNS FROM ClayIzzaQT that I just received.

They are SPAMTASTIC!!!

This is a first in that she has provided a link to a HUGE version of the mosaic, suitable for printing! You can also just scroll thru it and see all the evolutions Clay's looks have gone thru in the past 5 years! And if you really want to, you can start small and try to find the pic of Raleigh hidden in each design.

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now I really CAN print it and frame it for my living room!

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Thanks for the link to ET luckiest1. I just woke up to go to the bathroom and was drawn to my computer and there it was. What a middle of the night treat that was. I'm going back to dreamland. He is SOOOOO CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!

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GAH, I can't stop watching it. Is that a copy of the shirt/tie combo from the Independent Tour? It looks almost identical, except I can't discern any stripes in it, and the original definitely had stripes. Plus, he always had the sleeves rolled up back then.

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It looks like the same shirt to me! Purdy.

I'm another one up for a moment and pleasantly surprised. Yesterday I had a two hour dental procedure, and I woke up just now to get some more meds and catch up on the boards while I wait for the good stuff to kick in. KAndre, you would not want to be me. A root canal would be easy-peasy comparatively, and I did it all with just novacaine. (I've had lots and lots of experience.)

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If anyone can rip that seven seconds of him playing the piano and turning, and turn it into a gif......well, there's no saying what I might do for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I've been texting with cindilu2. She's at the train station ready to depart for NYC!

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Wow. That was fun to wake up to! Much more fun than shoveling my drive, which I should be doing. We're those the guys from Jersey Boys rehearshing? Who knew they had a whole rehearsal "place"?

And that bear! Hee. How cute!

Eeeee! This is all so exciting! :bounce: I can't wait to hear the reports from the show on Friday night!

*this post brought to you by punctuation!!!!*

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OMG...how great is that...and I'm sure the TV version is different...where he probably answers the newsweek question.

GAH he looks so cute...and EEEEEEEEEEEEE he is goign to do the Russian dance!!!!

and he is soo right about the multiple roles...he has some of the funniest likes and moments in the show...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

safe trip to all going and I do hope they have merchandise!!!!

How cute is he!!!

Ahhhhh he is getting overwhelmed by the city...hope he has friends to help him along....

gah...did I say how CUUUUUUUUTE he is!!!!!

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Good Gawd--I have led a sheltered life. I never heard the term "chicken choker." Pretty much figured out what it means, however. Heck, until a few years ago I had also never heard of the term "package." One of my daughters who was then in high school explained that one to me.

It's no wonder I am not fit for anything except for walking the dogs!!

Yeah--Simon is obsessed alright. Plus, he's smart enough to know that a Clay mention will create buzz.

you're not the only one. i do not know what that means.

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Definition of "Chicken Choker" via urbandictionary.com

00lsee, I love the banner!

I don't have time to post them now, but if you have a membership to clayaikenpix.com, they have new high-res pictures from the GFI event. Guh.

That ET clip is so adorable. I love the piano thing. luckiest1, if I see a gif of him playing piano, I'll let you know -- after I steal it first! Just kidding, I'd let you have it. (Maybe we could work out a custody deal?) The whole clip was so informative, and so cute, and informative, and cute, and....

*sigh* I'm in love.

Damn, I have to give an orientation this morning early, and I have a terrible headache besides. It must have been the night for bad sleep at FCA.

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I have a newsflash!

Clay Aiken is frickin' CUTE! Seriously.

KAndre decides not to confess that she still hasn't had her 2nd root canal done, and is avoiding her dentist and the EVIL ONE like the plague...

In twenty-four frickin' hours I will be winging my way to New York City! Eeeeeeee!

And I agree with djs - the way impressions are conveyed have changed dramatically - especially for celebrities and people in the news - a PR person can try and influence spin, but really the genie's out of the bottle - people can't control the message anymore - and if they try too hard, that's seen as well.

That ET gig has had some of the very best returns of all the stuff that he's done. Clay simply has IT. It can't be taught, bought or spun. He is freakishly memorable, no matter what he does, like that weird little article said the other day. No one "vaguely" remembers Clay. AI brings him up more than any other contestant - to the point of false frickin' memories...and people just sort of nod their heads...of course Clay sang, "Saturday's Night for Fighting". Clay sang everything! Of all the things to remember, the freakin' red jacket from Grease. Sanjaya and his faux mohawk was only last year, but Simon brings up the red jacket from 5 years ago?!?!

Man, I can seriously pick me a boyfriend!

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Good Morning Everyone,

I love waking up to fresh clack in the morning! The ET video was great! Clay must have really lost weight if he can fit into the IT shirt, he was pretty skinny back then.

1 Day until Clay is on Broadway!

5 Days until Clay is on The View!

Everyone have a great day!


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