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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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skybar22Seems I have unintentionally touched a nerve here by bringing up ATDW/RCA. I am new here and therefore unaware of all that has gone down on this board. Forgive me. I was merely commenting on the EW blurb brought here and expressing an opinion which is obviously very unpopular here. Again, I'm sorry.

skybar... don't worryaboutit!!! We want people to give their opinions... just not 6 times to make us agree with them. :cryingwlaughter: So, you're good!

JennaZ. Just for fun (and not to raise our Seriously, I have high hopes about what this experience will do for many aspects of his career. I hope the creative, performing side gets even more polished by spending time with and learning from other professional actors and singers. (It probably wouldn't kill him to pick up some tricks on maintaining his vocal health and all that.)

But mostly, I hope that Clay gets to expand his list of professional contacts to include maybe network TV people and whatnot, and the whole experience leads to things we never even dreamed of for him. (My ultimate fantasy - Guest starring role on Pushing Daisies that lasts over several episodes and includes singing with Kristin Cheneworth and Ellen Greene.)

Jenna... Great wishes! I agree wholeheartedly!


pats skybar fondly...

You didn't so much touch a nerve as post when the people who agree with you (and there are a fair number running around here) have wandered off...think of it this way, since we are apparently the "mean" board, you can be a contrarian and people will think you're nice! And I'm one of the delusional who thought the promotion for ATDW was fairly appropriate for an artist of his "stature" - especially one that couldn't get radio play when RCA was pushing the fuck out of his actual multiplatinum album. I mostly agree with Couchie about Clive (except I have an increased level of indifference) because I don't think he thinks about Clay that much, one way or other, because Clay's not a diva-ish black female R&B singer. If he was, Clive would be slobbering all over him. I personally think Clive has more than a touch of jungle fever, but that's neither here nor there.

I have to admit, I was laughing my ass off at the way both he and the pianist were twiddling desperately trying to remembering how WAMLAW went - and making up whole chunks. And if I felt like being messy, I would drag back one of my pet peeves - the constant bitching about other people's melisma while pretending Clay doesn't love the hell out of that stuff.

I am also suprised at how much I like mature long-haired blond Clay - because I didn't care that much for teen idol blond Clay - though I still love chestnut long-haired Clay best of all!

My dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? Mike Nichols redoes The Graduate because he sees Clay's potential as a great dramatic thespian, spots me outside of Macy's, changes the role Mrs. Robinson slightly to suit me (all the while fighting off Diane) and adds several actual sex scenes, to make the play, ummm, "pop". That way, I don't have to worry about getting clack to all of y'all.

KAndre... WORD! Except I think it's a tie between chestnut long-haired Clay and blond long-haired Clay. Wonder why he thinks he looks ugle with long hair... the man is seriously gorgeous! :Thud: Love your Graduate scenario... hope it happens for you! :cryingwlaughter:


Berkely's post makes me even more excited!!

And a little be JELL-US that I won't make opening and closing nights.

•I hope for Clay that his cast sees the man's work-ethic, talent and ability to laugh at himself, his willingness to praise others and respect him for it and tell others that he is worthy of being there.

•I hope that audiences see his talent, his humor, his comic timing and enjoy and love him like "we" do.

•I hope TPTB see both of the above and jot his name down on their programs as someone to add to the list of those they want to work with.

•I hope that Clay has a blast, is proud of his accomplishment in this arena, makes new friends to treasure, becomes better friends with his feet :giggle: , and is deliriously happy that he said "YES" to this project!

•I hope for those who don't get to see SPAMalot will somehow, somewhere, sometime get to see at least snippets of this run preserved in the treasure trove of Clay History!

•I hope that when this run is over - whatever comes next is something that he feels equally happy and satisfied with. That he gets what he wants. What makes him happy.

Cuz when he's happy and smiling that dynamic smile from within, I'm happy!

Cotton... WORD to you, too! Man, you guys had some good wishes... very articulate and wonderful! May they all come true! Especially the bolded (mine) part!

jmh... GREAT post! I tried to quote you, but I got the multiple quotes all messed up, but I liked your whole post.

{{{{{{Claygasm and family, especially father}}}}}} I, too, was with both my parents when they died of cancer... not fun and takes a while to get over, but I have always been so thankful that I was able to be there with them, to hold their hands as they let go of the physical. We're thinking of you!

ETA: Oh, I see skybar came back... goody!!! We didn't chase her away. Hang around skybar, you'll get used to us.... honest! :cryingwlaughter:

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Berkely's post makes me even more excited!!

And a little be JELL-US that I won't make opening and closing nights.

My DH and I met doing Little Theater.

There is something so special about Openings and Closings!

Pee-of-Fear Opening Night :bitefingers: - so filled with aniticipation, excilleration, anxiety and joyous relief at Curtain Call.

Bittersweet Closing Night :lovesmiley2: - so filled with pride, sadness, gratitude and joyous relief at Curtain Call.

•I hope for Clay that his cast sees the man's work-ethic, talent and ability to laugh at himself, his willingness to praise others and respect him for it and tell others that he is worthy of being there.

•I hope that audiences see his talent, his humor, his comic timing and enjoy and love him like "we" do.

•I hope TPTB see both of the above and jot his name down on their programs as someone to add to the list of those they want to work with.

•I hope that Clay has a blast, is proud of his accomplishment in this arena, makes new friends to treasure, becomes better friends with his feet *giggle* , and is deliriously happy that he said "YES" to this project!

•I hope for those who don't get to see SPAMalot will somehow, somewhere, sometime get to see at least snippets of this run preserved in the treasure trove of Clay History!

•I hope that when this run is over - whatever comes next is something that he feels equally happy and satisfied with. That he gets what he wants. What makes him happy.

Cuz when he's happy and smiling that dynamic smile from within, I'm happy!

Ok, Cotton, this actually got me a little misty! I loved the whole thing, but especially the "dynamic smile from within" because that's what it is when it reaches those lovely green eyes! :wub:

Lots of good posts today!

I'm still at work waiting for a torrential downpour to let up. I didn't bring an umbrella & I'm parked in the complete opposite corner of the parking lot. <_<

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Instead of speculating, AGAIN, about how ATDW should have been promoted, I'd rather talk about how Spamalot is being promoted--with an enthusiastic, widely distributed press release, with well-placed online ads and concert fliers, with various newspaper interviews, and an appearance on "The View" and perhaps more.

Just for fun (and not to raise our expectations to some impossible level), what are your dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? What excites you most about this upcoming year?

Well, couchie, I hope the conversation has NOT moved along when we went to work, as then I'm going to have to bore you with my opinion, or more accurately...hopes....anyway! :whistling-1:

See, having to go to work (and drive for 90 minutes to get there) gave me some time to think about it. During that 90 minutes, with my Zen on shuffle, Barbra Streisand came up in the rotation. I don't have tons of Babs on my Zen, but there are a couple of my favorites....and I started thinking about her career.

As I'm Methuselah's cousin, I probably remember her from earlier in her career than many of you.

I remember her first being on Broadway, then becoming a big star on the "silver screen", in movies that were not musicals, but good movies with good music in them from time to time.

She played dramatic roles and humorous roles; she has quite an amazing comedic talent that you may not know about in these later years.

So, to eventually get to the point, what I'd love for Clay (always assuming it fits with his wants/needs/desires) is something similar to her career...being known primarily for his voice, but having many opportunities to develop his acting skills in movies fall-down funny and heart-breakingly romantic and sometimes both of the above...having the opportunity to use whatever modicum of fame he achieves from this to feed his soul with deeds good for the earth's children...and, when the time is right, finding the right person to spend the rest of his days with in peace and love and joy.

I hope it all comes true.

My hope...is that the industry will start to recognize his comedic talent as well as his singing. I think this is what will open all kinds of new doors for him both in TV and Movies. I also think that he fits in better with the New York side of the business...not the fluffy LA scene.

I've always thought he was much more comfortable in NYC too; I'm so happy he has this opportunity to see how it works for him longer term.

Cotton, loved your post!!

Claygasm, my prayers for a good solution for you and your Dad.

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AWWWWW y'all are making me schmoopie!!!

I am going to be a bit bipolar on this..going from excited to nervous just because I want to temper my expectations...but deep within me, I do feel like this year will be a great one for him.

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Well I'm back....did ya miss me...well did ya???? I can tell you I missed you all. We stayed in a Bed & Breakfast built in 1804 and it had free Wi-Fi and I had no lap top ! Boo Hoo!

I have to say this was the best funeral I was ever at!! Weird I know. It really was a celebration of my MIL's life and we had good times remembering stuff. I am so glad she went relatively quickly. We mourned of course but she had a good long life and was ready to go. I saw relatives I had not seen in 20 years. One mistook me for my 33 year old daughter......she is now my favourite relative! I guess the fact she doesn't see too well helped*g*

{{{{{claygasm}}}}} My thoughts are with you.

OK so who was at the Pittsburgh airport? They have a record store there and there was one lonely ATDW! Yes, it was front and center like someone had placed it there.....and no it wasn't me!

I am getting so excited about Spamalot. First I wasn't going, then I was, then I wasn't and now I am! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Welcome back, merrieeee...missed you.

Okay, so my father-in-law sent me this today.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the new year is a good time to keep up with your computer maintenance.

Perhaps you didn't realize that in addition to dusting your screen from the outside, it's necessary to clean it from the inside where you normally can't wipe.

Click on the link below and watch the difference in clarity.


Let me know if it helps you see Clay more clearly or not.

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Welcome back, merrieeee...missed you.

Okay, so my father-in-law sent me this today.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the new year is a good time to keep up with your computer maintenance.

Perhaps you didn't realize that in addition to dusting your screen from the outside, it's necessary to clean it from the inside where you normally can't wipe.

Click on the link below and watch the difference in clarity.


Let me know if it helps you see Clay more clearly or not.

Priceless! Wait'll luckiest sees this one.

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That is too cute, 00lsee! Thanks again for the Spamalot movie - I'm finally downloading this evening.

Welcome back, merrieeee!

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Welcome back, merrieeee...missed you.

Okay, so my father-in-law sent me this today.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the new year is a good time to keep up with your computer maintenance.

Perhaps you didn't realize that in addition to dusting your screen from the outside, it's necessary to clean it from the inside where you normally can't wipe.

Click on the link below and watch the difference in clarity.


Let me know if it helps you see Clay more clearly or not.

I clicked on it and all I got was a blank screen...is there supposed to be something there or am I being really dense?


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00lsee....now that just CMSU! :cryingwlaughter:

merrieeee! good to see you again...you WILL be at the dinner thing when I'm in Houston, right? :lilredani: and BWAH re: the lone ATDW the airport. Too bad I'm not going to be going through the Pittsburgh airport when I travel later; I could check to see if some store clerk jerk dared to move it to the back!

I'm loving all the good wishes being expressed for Mr. Aiken. And FromClaygary, I've sometimes looked at Barbra's career as one that warrants emulation. AND I've seen parallels with Clay. She's very politically-minded and socially conscious. She's earned respect for her work, yet has been reviled for her perfectionist approach to her directing, producing and acting--labeled 'difficult', 'bitchy', etc. And she's done it all, like you said. Now she's enjoying a loving private life, yet whenever she chooses to be in the public eye, people know her and listen. (INteresting...I wasn't much of a fan of hers when I was younger---as in when she was first blowing people away with her voice. But as an adult and a woman, I admire the hell out of her.)

Which has me thinking...(yeah, I know...something's burning and whatnot :imgtongue: )...what other famous person/singer has had the type of career we'd hope for Clay? Any ideas? :lilredani:

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{{{Claygasm and Dad}}}

merrieeee called to talk about flights so she could book the same flight KAndre and I are taking next week. Her call tone got me so confused that I attempted to buy a 2nd Houston-NY flight for the same weekend! Lesson learned: do not play amazing Clack while attempting to buy tickets.

00lsee!, awwwww!

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Ha Scarlett...just because Clay was "Right here waiting for you" no need to get confuzzled!

Well I booked my flight to NY so I really am going to see Sir Robin in a week! Oh boy did I really book the same flight as Kandre and Scarlett....Continental watch out!

Oh by the way another Sir Robin had merrie men so this one can have merrie(eee) women and I am first in line....so there! :lipstick:

oh muski I wouldn't miss the dinner! Is it still the 4th. How many from Houston are joining us? Everyone is welcome you know!

PS: Is it polite to bold ones own name?

OMG Gibby he is gorgeous!!!!!!! Love love love love the hair!!!!!

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That's awfully, wonderfully, gloriously pretty!!! :flirtysmile3: Thanks, Gibby!

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Perhaps you didn't realize that in addition to dusting your screen from the outside, it's necessary to clean it from the inside where you normally can't wipe.

Click on the link below and watch the difference in clarity.


Let me know if it helps you see Clay more clearly or not.

I clicked on it and all I got was a blank screen...is there supposed to be something there or am I being really dense?


Kim, it takes a bit of time to load. You made need to leave it for a few minutes and then check back to see it.

It's a pug licking the screen.

Welcome back, merieeee. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Gibby, looking at that GIF made me involuntarily scream out "Thirty Thousand Dollars!" Good thing I wasn't actually at the Gala, or I'd possibly be bankrupt.


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