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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Wow love that article...

I love the description of the next album....a possible May release....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE If he is still saying that in interview, then I think that means all is going well with recording. I think this is good cos the promo for him will be a good lead to the CD...


and did he say he was playing the piano??? OMG!!!

I am so excited...

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Has this article been posted? I didn't see it. Great article and possible MAY release of album!!!


I always miss something important while I'm trying to put together a post.

An Album in May!!!!!

ooooooh, Clay, this is for you!large-smiley-0031.gif

Now, let me see, :think: Album in May, :whee:

that means ( :bolt: a little extrapolatin' here)

TOUR in summer,


and he's playing the piano on Broadway..... :party20:

:fca: zena may need to rob a bank drugstore in the near future .....

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Zena--another worthy avatar! Is that your backyard? because if it is you need a trip to sunny NYC.

I'm not nervous about Spamalot, but I am definitely excited. Immediate reaction I expect to be polarized. But ultimately Clay will be judged by his performance over many many nights and matinees. That's the true test. I love the respect and the confidence in this latest interview.

This is not to say that Clay isn't enjoying the whole process. On the contrary, he is completely fulfilled by the experience and constantly amazed by those around him who do this on a regular basis. According to the popular singer, once you do Broadway, you can do pretty much anything. Clay is also astounded by the level of talent that has surrounded him during rehearsals. By the end of the day, they have filled his head with so much information that he has trouble remembering his own name! Clay admits that he was warned about the challenges he would face by another "Idol" alumnus, Fantasia Barrino. Thankfully, he is nothing but pleased with the result. He says that the show is "atypical of a musical," calling it a performance that's filled with "silly nonsense," which is what makes it so hilarious. Clay feels that he has really spread his wings by taking part in this, as the show doesn't even involve that much true singing.
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Yep it's going to be a good year folks. I never doubted it. And looks like things are right on schedule with the album and going well. He seems so happy and excited.

He's playing the piano and dancing? Lord, the boy does like challenges heee.

Wandacleo, thanks for asking about the Spamalot rules. THe mods haven't discussed it at all but I agree with keeping links off the board should anything pop up. I realize this could be a devisive issue but we won't be asking for ticket stubs before you can discuss Spamalot or engaging in any witch hunts either. Let's just see how things go, ok becaue I honestly don't know what to expect here. For those that sometimes feel like a have not in the fandom, my PM door is always open. Although considering Clay's baby mama had already had one child and was working on a second before I knew about it, don't know how in I am.

I'm off to the hospital in a minute.. very cute firemen/paramedics just left with mom. I guess I need to get used to the fact that this might be life as I know it.

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Oh no, Couchie. {{{{hugs}}}} for you & your mom.

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Couch Tomato: I hope your mom is alright.

Love that interview, I can not wait to May. I would love a summer tour but realize I will be gone one week out of every month, and with my luck he would be near me then. I know think positive.

I was watching idol and a girl auditioned from our little town, she went through. I was not listening that close so I missed her named.

I am watching the local news on Fox here and they did not make a comment on her. But I had to laugh because the Midland bank robber was shown twice and of course I recognized that concert shirt.

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Couchie Hugs and prayers for you and your Mom!

Jazzgirl Great to see you posting, hope things are going well!

Off to imagine a summer tour with our toned, buffed, dancing, piano playing BF!


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Oh couchie, I'm so sorry. It's been a real revolving door for your Mom of late. Hope they can stabilize her better.

LOVED the video and AI interviews. He seems really happy and full of excitement.

I can't believe I get to go dust off my suitcase. I really, really didn't think I'd get to use it.

But now, I'll get to go and see Clay and lots of my Clay friends.

You just KNOW he's going to be CUTE!!!!



Gotta go pack.


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{{{{couchie and couchie's mom}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Has this article been posted? I didn't see it. Great article and possible MAY release of album!!!


I wouldn't get too excited about a May release. I would bet money it will not happen. Remember, this is the man who said "soon". I don't think an album ever drops close to the first date - or month - we hear. When will he finish it? No way is he done yet! On Mondays? I think on Mondays he will sleep!

Nah. I still think it will be a late summer or early fall release. I just don't think a May release is in the cards. I just don't trust Clay's sense of time!

Looking forward to Friday! Hope I'll see lots of you there!

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I wouldn't get too excited about a May release. I would bet money it will not happen. Remember, this is the man who said "soon". I don't think an album ever drops close to the first date - or month - we hear. When will he finish it? No way is he done yet! On Mondays? I think on Mondays he will sleep!

May..scmay!!I don't care when it comes out. I know now it is really coming this year and he likes it!.

He sounds so up about everything...that's why I'm excited and nuttins gonna get me down!

(((couchie & mum)))

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{{{{couchie and couchie's mom}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Has this article been posted? I didn't see it. Great article and possible MAY release of album!!!


I wouldn't get too excited about a May release. I would bet money it will not happen. Remember, this is the man who said "soon". I don't think an album ever drops close to the first date - or month - we hear. When will he finish it? No way is he done yet! On Mondays? I think on Mondays he will sleep!

Nah. I still think it will be a late summer or early fall release. I just don't think a May release is in the cards. I just don't trust Clay's sense of time!

Looking forward to Friday! Hope I'll see lots of you there!

Of course this is not written in stone...but what makes me excited about this info is the fact that this is still the target date as of now....that means they are working on it, no delays yet and I think that means the work is going good with the producer and hopefully with the label. If this is the target date...then we will probably start hearing more about the album once Clay gets settled with spamalot.

About the recording process....I don't think we can tell how much time he truly has in the day to do this. They will find the time for him to record if he needs to. Clay and the label have a better grasp of the amount of work that has to be done...that is why I am optimistic, cos they wouldn;t be saying May if there is no way Clay can work on this during Spamalot...they know what kind of schedule he faces.

If its delayed...I won't mind that...it happens all the time and I do expect it to happen with this. But I will not be surprised if the May date holds...


eta: I also don;t think this date is only coming from Clay...this has to come from the label as well...

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Yeah...I don't really care if the album comes out in May, quite frankly....GAWD! The man needs some time to LIVE, you know? Broadway Jan-early May, 8 shows a week! Give the man a breather!

Besides....I won't have enough money saved up after my NYC jaunt in time for a May album. :cryingwlaughter:

I FLOVE the idea of a kickass late Summer/early Fall cd promotion tour--that covers the whole country! Then a brief Christmas tour with fewer performances, but spread out over a wider area. Yep, that's the ticket!

Oh, I feel GOOOOOOOD.... :DoClay:

Couchie...give your mom a hug for me and then give yourself one, too. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey, eHP...I just got a jury summons for Feb 5...yeah, right. Like I'm gonna give up my Houston trip for a jury summons. Psfffft! :imgtongue:

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I wouldn't get too excited about a May release. I would bet money it will not happen. Remember, this is the man who said "soon". I don't think an album ever drops close to the first date - or month - we hear. When will he finish it? No way is he done yet! On Mondays? I think on Mondays he will sleep!

May..scmay!!I don't care when it comes out. I know now it is really coming this year and he likes it!.

He sounds so up about everything...that's why I'm excited and nuttins gonna get me down!

(((couchie & mum)))

Didn't mean to bring you down. That was not my intent. Its just that in the past I have seen this fandom count on something like this and when it doesn't happen, all shit hits the fan.

Just trying to keep it real.

To me, the most exciting thing about what was said about the album was that this time its all him! I just wonder how some will spin it if the music on it is not what THEY think Clay should sing. It will be out when its ready and I can wait. Perfection takes time, honey! (tm CHA).

I think I will just go to bed and back into my non-posting hole..... Didn't think my comment was going to be all that upsetting. Guess my judgement was off again!

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LALALALA LALALALA LALALA stuffs hands in ears

I haven't recovered from the last album release, I really don't want to talk about another one yet. It is nice to have an escape hatch though.

The one thing about May is - just when does AI end? Is Clay still beating Simon as the most interesting on AI?

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Its just that in the past I have seen this fandom count on something like this and when it doesn't happen, all shit hits the fan.

Just trying to keep it real.

Don't go away, CG! You're right about the shit hitting the fan last time. It was ugly!

I tend to think of album release dates like construction finish dates - they're both likely to be pushed back. If you're told that the house or the renovation will be done on a certain date - just add a couple of weeks or months to it, and it's probably right. Album dates are the same. So it's good not to get our hopes up too high for a certain date.

But no matter when the album comes out - it's going to be an exciting time! He's excited about it, and so am I!

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Didn't mean to bring you down.

Didn't bring me down.

It is what it is. It'll happen when it happens.

That said, it's still exciting to hear Clay talk about it. Just me.

Didn't think my comment was going to be all that upsetting.

Don't worry. Nothing upsetting about your opinion. FWIW I didn't see anyone being all that upset or brought down by it. Again, just me.

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