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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
    • The man's a joy magnet!

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When he talks about his manager is he speaking of Sam directly? Or is there an interim manager? I bet his manager is British. It all started with 19, heh. Maybe they have to rewrite the song to say you can't have music management without the Brits? Perhaps Merrieeee can inform us on this more.

I like the articke, especially the restricted access to Clay in the future. I just keep thinking how much this writer wasted Clay's time and then used old crap and code words to "prove her point". I hope this article can get picked up by AP, but probably not, it was chock full of things. Of course the comment about the woman buttoned up crooked in teh third row is going to get me to check my clothes more carefully before going to a concert in the future.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE yeah!!! article...LOVE....Clay...LOVE MORE!!!

Karen eh...what an interesting story. thanks for sharing. I know that the few times I have been to concerts it has been really interesting to watch the fans when Clay is not there. I love the people that are just having fun...but for some people... being in the concert seem like work. Too much worrying about what NJU's say...or trying to see which fans are behaving or trying to get a better view of Clay or trying to get his attention.

Ok things I love about the article...

the quote from Hannah...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I love how this writer characterized the New York article as snark and mentioned the exaggeration in the way she imitated his accent.

The way the guy confirmed that Mike Nichols does not do stunt casting...Mike Nichols isn't known for stunt casting. And in any case, you are a natural at this. ....EEEEEEEEEEE

His characterization of his relationship with Simon Renshaw...that shows respect in both sides.

his answer about radio...what a great attitude...

Awww he has another family in this cast and I heart patsy...what a fun quiz

how truly grounded he is...

what he said about Simon...

How intelligent he sounds...

I like his answer about where he is on the spectrum...

Love his answer about the bitter kid from topeka...

I als found his answer about the work in idol really interesting

Oh, God, ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh....violence at a Clay concert! That reminds me of a story I was telling the eHP this weekend about something I witnessed at the Interlochen JBT. Without naming names since I don't know the name of the person who did it even though I recognized her from some concerts.....This took place during the last song of the first set, Ain't No Mountain High Enough. Clay had said something just before this in his banter about us being quiet or something to that effect. When he began ANMHE some of the young people there (plenty of students since this was a music school) began to drift down the aisles toward the front. Clay seemed to encourage it, everyone stood up, more people came down the aisles and the previously dead crowd actually started to rock out a little bit. The problem was a few people took exception to the aisle fillers and even though the energy in the place had just taken off and the concert got better, they got mad mad mad. They called out to the little old lady ushers to clear the aisles to no avail. This took place in the seats along the aisle immediately in front of mine. Right next to those seats stood a family. Mom, Dad, and two young kids. The angry angry person in front of me kept tugging on the woman's arm and was waving for her to go back to her seat. The woman ignored her and stayed where she was in the aisle clapping her hands and singing along with the rest of the crowd. This made the fan in front of me even more infuriated.....so much so that she reached out in the aisle grabbed the woman's long blond hair and yanked as hard as she could. The woman's head snapped back and to her credit she didn't haul off and deck her attacker right there and then.....she just looked at her like...."Are you insane?" She tucked her hair inside her jacket collar and told her husband what had happened. Intermission came within a few minutes, and an usher came down to ask if she had pulled this woman's hair. A little old lady usher. The fan denied it and the little old lady usher left. End of story. But you know that the next time that Clay plays northern Michigan this family is going to run right out and by tickets again. You betcha! :sport-smiley-002:

:thsigns053: I'm guessing that person wouldn't handle mosh pits or sod throwing very well.

...thought I'd mention...Clay is the #1 most searched person on Lycos this week. #3 overall.


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*Hugs that article v. tightly and won't let go!*

My team at work played a version of Patsy's quiz last week (I :heart: Patsy).

I confounded everyone with "I was in Times Square when the Giants won the Superbowl!!!"

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Being annoyed by OTT enthusiastic young fans is totally acceptable. Slamming those fans on the message boards, not acceptable at all, IMO. Why can't the fandom just accept that there will always be annoyances and just suck it up as what the nature of being fans is all about for some people? At the Pala concert I went with a male friend of mine who was not a fan. If I shared his impressions of the women who shushed him so they could give their cellcerts or get their videos or those who made him feel like an outsider, I think some would be really surprised. BTW, I'm not talking about anyone here, honestly. But there really is an aire of insider/outsider at these concerts and for newbies, like my friend, it was very uncomfortable. I just can't get upset by a few young women, who Clay seems to like or at least accept. He can definitely take care of himself and he does.

The BWW.com interview is the best thing ever. I find Clay to be exceptionally intelligent and articulate so when it comes across in an article, I say the writer did her homework and was not agenda laden.

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I loved that article. Respect, baby. I also loved the fact that Clay was # 3 on Lycos last week, and Spamalot sales are up 17%. I'm thrilled for Clay. Respect, baby. I love it.

According to finyanga at CH, revenues are actually up 24%.

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Adding my undying love for that article and the man in it... :flirtysmile3:

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I loved that article. Respect, baby. I also loved the fact that Clay was # 3 on Lycos last week, and Spamalot sales are up 17%. I'm thrilled for Clay. Respect, baby. I love it.

According to finyanga at CH, revenues are actually up 24%.

You're right skybar. They were. 24% was the gross. Thanks.

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Being annoyed by OTT enthusiastic young fans is totally acceptable. Slamming those fans on the message boards, not acceptable at all, IMO. Why can't the fandom just accept that there will always be annoyances and just suck it up as what the nature of being fans is all about for some people? At the Pala concert I went with a male friend of mine who was not a fan. If I shared his impressions of the women who shushed him so they could give their cellcerts or get their videos or those who made him feel like an outsider, I think some would be really surprised. BTW, I'm not talking about anyone here, honestly. But there really is an aire of insider/outsider at these concerts and for newbies, like my friend, it was very uncomfortable. I just can't get upset by a few young women, who Clay seems to like or at least accept. He can definitely take care of himself and he does.

I was at Pala and yeah it was appaling to me how people were holding conversations while Clay was singing. Not even a couple of glares could shut them up. They were yakking on about something or other...about a bracelet or ring clay was wearing and how the boards were going to explode..while Clay was singing. He was singing, did I say that? And my sister in law was at her first Clay concert. I think we care about NJU in theory only because at every concert they are their and Clay can clayvert them all on his own if we could just give him the chance. I don't like the hard sell clayverting either at concerts.

Sorry I missed you.

Now for something way more important...the article. I just love it. I loved every single answer. I love that he plans to stay true to himself when it comes to music. I think it's important to just pick the best songs he can. Songs that he loves and let the marketing plan come once you have the product. He has his head on so straight. This is why I just don't worry about him at all. He really has it together. Sounds like he has found a new temporary home and he is enjoying himself.

His opening night thoughts were insightful and funny. "They probably should have asked me to dance." BWAH

Also cracked up at this:

I can't hear the audience for the amount of breathing that's going on in my ear [laughs].


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I wanna know who are all the British people he's hanging around all the time....

eyes merrieeee with suspicion as she know the eHP has no problem holding out on fellow members...

me me me!!! In my dreams.

I also sent a short email to BWW thanking her for the respectful interview.

He came across as so intelligent, knows where he is going and I also felt he sounds just so ........CUTE!!!!!!!


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Sorry I missed you.

Sorry I missed you too, couchie. BTW, my friend left as a fan and said he would take me to any Clay concert I wanted to go to in the future. He actually did get me there as I don't drive anymore so I wasn't sure how he would feel. He did it for me but he was thoroughly impressed with Clay and smitten with Angela.

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You know, sometimes life just sucks. Sometimes you have a day that sucks big time. Yesterday I lost my power for about 10 hours - which means no heat and no water. Then my computer started acting up, including my disappearing email. Then today at work I sort of made a mistake - which wasn't really my fault but was ultimately my responsibility - that if I can't get some kind of papal dispensation will personally cost me over $1600 - which I do not have and have no clue where I will find it - and I keep thinking how that will affect my Clay budget!

So it was a super sucky day. Its been a few super sucky weeks. For that matter is been super sucky for over a year now.

But as usually, no matter how super sucky things may be, somehow, some way, Clay manages to put a smile on my face.

Today it was that Broadway.com article (with the wonderful AMA picture!). So much to love about it!

So much to love about Clay.

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I'm not going to compare myself to anybody. I don't know that I want to be on the spectrum.

... once you try to cater to the radio stations, you stop catering to ( a ) the listener and ( b ) me.

As long as I'm having fun, I'm going to continue to do it. When it stops being fun, I'll stop. But right now, it's fun.

I mean, if Simon uses that as an insult again, he can kiss it!

I'm like, "Oh wow, look at that person in the third row. Does she know her buttons are not in order?"

Well, almost all the people I work with are British; it's been that way for five years, so I just mimic them.

I've been swooning since watching Rewind on Saturday, through the eHPartay, and now this. Amazing it is, and yet not unexpected. What is it?

Clay seems to have a great relationship with Simon Renshaw, and I'm happy to know that. And the dig at New York magazine from Kathy Henderson was sweet.

I may commit this entire article to memory because I think I'm going to be reading it a few times.

When Clay's reaches 35, I may be ready to start thinking about the president thing.

Oh, and one more thing. He is so off the chain.

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But as usually, no matter how super sucky things may be, somehow, some way, Clay manages to put a smile on my face.


Claygasm, you really, really need this! I admire you for in the midst of all that is happening, looking on the bright side of life!

This article is the first I have heard of the car trip to see Miss Saigon. I do wonder how that came about and if someone was trying to encourage Clay as to career possibilities around him. Or if it was just a trip with church friends to see "Miss Saigon".

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