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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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I loved reading about the bear bidding. If I had the money to be able to do such things, I'd do 'em!

This latest great recap of the show with so many details is great! Thanks for bringing it over, ldyj. :clap: And Quiana looks so cute with her new hair cut!

Progress report on my homemade "Clay as Sir Robin" teddy:




I'm not sure about the wig.... it doesn't come out as long once it's on the bear's head. I'm looking for another style. It & the ears are just pinned in place for now.

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Well, I went upstairs and picked a bear from the collection, it is 12 " and much thinner than yours, although it is articulated as well. So far, asll I have done is undressed this bear. I still have to order the pieces.

Interestingly enough, it is an off white bear with longer fur face.

My alternate is an 18 inch blue and green bunny. heaven help me if I buy antoher stuffed animal. I think I still have a few hundred up in the attic.

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Progress report on my homemade "Clay as Sir Robin" teddy:


"Sir Robin" is absolutely adorable!! If you are seriously thinking of making more and selling them, I would love to have a couple!

I have no idea if this will work, but way back during the AI tour, my cousin and I brought Clay the gift of a teddy bear. It was right after we had first heard of his new foundation, so we put a card around the bear's neck with some donations in it. Here is our "Clay bear". We weren't talented enough to make him, though- just picked out the clothes- including a WWJD bracelet.

OOPS- didn't want all of the pictures in my photobucket account to show up- there is a particularly horrendous one from my summer M&G with Clay that I vowed would never be seen by anyone but me- and I don't even particularly want to look at it! I'll have to see if I can figure out how to add just that picture.


YAY- it worked!

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You have bears in your attic? :unsure: I guess I shouldn't complain about the squirrels in the backyard then.

Heh, the majority are only 6" long. Little bears, not so troublesome. Although..... There was the 6 weeks I lived with a squirrel in my house and more than once woke to a tail waving in my face. I guess it didn't want to sleep alone. It was only a baby that fell out of the tree,into my laundry basket, but then could not be caught, too small for the trap I had. Sadie was very old and she just liked to watch the quirrel, didn't even bother barking. Quite unlike Holly and her mouse hunting prowess.

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Annabear...be careful! People are clamouring everywhere for some sort of Spamalot bear. You could find yourself with a nifty little side line job...

I am available to work from my home....shall I work on perfecting the extensions necessary for little red wigs? LOL

Okay...in 7 hours I will be winging my way from Michigan to Florida for 10 days.....please try to keep the racket down in here....this is supposed to be a restful vacation! Anything exciting happens, like someone gets married or announces the lead in a new movie musical or say...details on a cd....someone let me know. I will be checking in........

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OOPS- didn't want all of the pictures in my photobucket account to show up- there is a particularly horrendous one from my summer M&G with Clay that I vowed would never be seen by anyone but me- and I don't even particularly want to look at it! I'll have to see if I can figure out how to add just that picture.


YAY- it worked!

Awww! So cute with the plaid shirt & jeans. :wub: I'll be sure to let you know when I finally finish if you'd like to order one, laljeterfan. :)

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yes, extensions would be perfect, laughn. I wish there were a craft store locally with more of a selection than Michael's. Online ordering is always so iffy.

I'd love to go into 'mass production', but I'd have to charge too much in order to actually make a living! I did it for a little while right after I left college. We had a wonderful co-op craft store that had been in business for about 20 years - true handmade, high-quality items like clocks, pottery, fiber arts, oil painting, quilting, stained glass. At times I brought home more per month than working a regular full time job. At times being the key phrase, unfortunately. I do things now more as a hobby and for charity events. I used to travel for shows/sales, but now my time off work is for traveling to concerts! I design all of my own patterns and try to buy as little 'ready made' as possible, things like the rubber chicken for example.

ETA: Ooooooooh, Florida!!! Have fun & safe travels, rohdy! And, yes, get to work on those extensions, will ya?! :cryingwlaughter:

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annabear, do you have a costume shop nearby? I would think getting a wig and taking it apart might be better than what Michael's has to offer. Plus one wig should provide enough hair for several bears.

ok, I'll shush about Clay bears now...unless, of course, anyone wants to talk about bare Clay....then I'm in. :imgtongue:

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annabear, do you have a costume shop nearby? I would think getting a wig and taking it apart might be better than what Michael's has to offer. Plus one wig should provide enough hair for several bears.

Good idea. May have to take a trip downtown, but it might be worth it.

ok, I'll shush about Clay bears now...unless, of course, anyone wants to talk about bare Clay....then I'm in. :imgtongue:

I had to do a double-take & make sure that wasn't muski posting there! ;)

And now I'm off to :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt: so I can get up early for day 1 of a 2 day "Project Management" workshop tomorrow.......

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I had to do a double-take & make sure that wasn't muski posting there!

annabear....you called? :cryingwlaughter: Reminds me of the most recent board acquaintance whom I met in person. She hugged me and said, "YOU'RE muskifest? Oh, I love your posts...you're the horny one, right?" :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter: Hee! That CMSU!

Just got to my hotel room here in Portland after a plane trip, site visit and dinner. Niiiiiiiice. :clap: Will be driving tomorrow a couple of hours to visit the U. of Oregon campus in Eugene...then driving back to get a plane home. whew.

Great recap by dksfriend! LOVE details! I just get an idiotic grin on my face whenever I think of Clay now---just knowing he's having so much fun and spreading those talented wings of his.... :wub:

Gonna kick back now and enjoy the alone-ness in an anonymous hotel room. Ahhh...little pleasures. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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annabear since you have a lot of people clamouring for a bear have you thought about just making the costume available?

I know a lot of us have ::mumble something:: err a lot of bears that all we would have to do is dress!

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I had to do a double-take & make sure that wasn't muski posting there!

annabear....you called? :cryingwlaughter: Reminds me of the most recent board acquaintance whom I met in person. She hugged me and said, "YOU'RE muskifest? Oh, I love your posts...you're the horny one, right?" :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter: Hee! That CMSU!

Just got to my hotel room here in Portland after a plane trip, site visit and dinner. Niiiiiiiice. :clap: Will be driving tomorrow a couple of hours to visit the U. of Oregon campus in Eugene...then driving back to get a plane home. whew.

Great recap by dksfriend! LOVE details! I just get an idiotic grin on my face whenever I think of Clay now---just knowing he's having so much fun and spreading those talented wings of his.... :wub:

Gonna kick back now and enjoy the alone-ness in an anonymous hotel room. Ahhh...little pleasures. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


What can I say? I do love to read your posts. They put that idiotic grin on my face whenever you smut. Makes me wonder if Clay ever reads this board and what kind of smile he gets on his face. I have a feeling that he would enjoy it too. :naughtywag:

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Never mind: I was having trouble putting some things on my IPod, but I called in my resident expert and she helped me out with it......

Oh, annabear, I love merreeee's idea about the bear costume. A miniature one that would fit one of the hundred or more beanie babies that I have packed away would be great!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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I know we had stripedshirts recap - but there's one here, too!

Broadway Bears Auction Raises over $127,000: a Full Report

A recap of the auction and pics of the bears.

Scroll down to see Sir Robin.


Monday, February 18, 2008; Posted: 1:18 AM - by Eugene Lovendusky

Today's the day the Teddy Bears had their picnic! And they brought along all their Broadway-loving friends for another successful and entertaining Broadway Bears auction, presented by Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS! And much to the thrill of bear and fan-boy alike, the 11th Annual event raised over $127,000! (official totals pending)

The three top-winning Bears were Cyrano de Bergerac ($8000), The Lion King ($9000) and Spamalot ($17,000)!


And this little tidbit:

Lot 35: Sir Robin (from Spamalot) signed by Clay Aiken and David Hyde Pierce

Tidbit: This was the hair-raising moment, ladies and gentlemen! The live audience up against the telephone-bidders, this Bear was the highest-winner of the evening! Plus, the rubber chickens cluck and lay-eggs!

Top Bid: $17,000

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OK - I am starting to freak out about the upcoming blitzkreig trip to NY next Saturday. What should I wear - willl I freeze or roast on the bus? What coat should I wear? How much 'stuff' should I take with me? do I need a new bag??

AAAAKKKKKKKKKK!!!! :Boss: :bananaflip:

We are going on a bus (leaving abt 10 am) and will be traveling/in NYC all day and then will get back on the bus and come back to DC arriving at 8:30 or so AM. So you can see why I am freaking!!

I am imagining all these different combos of dress....... HELP!!!! :noidea::drugsneeded:


eta: page 69!!!! :lick lick lick: :D

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OK - I am starting to freak out about the upcoming blitzkreig trip to NY next Saturday. What should I wear - willl I freeze or roast on the bus? What coat should I wear? How much 'stuff' should I take with me? do I need a new bag??

AAAAKKKKKKKKKK!!!! :Boss: :bananaflip:

Hey CHA CHA I am so totally with you on this! :Boss: Except I've got four weeks and four people to pack for! :Boss: ( Just today got more itinerary from travel agent) Good Luck! :Boss:

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Clay had a night out last night. From butterflyshine posting at CV:

back from a wonderful evening at the Metropolitan Room. Sean McDaniel, and Ben Cohen performed the music from a new play called: Big Tent-the Tammy Faye story. What a fabulous evening. The playwright was there very, young and talented. They had a variety of Broadway actors perform,and they were awesome. Quiana performed the last number and was fantabulous.

she received the nights only standing O.

Clay was there, he was seated at the last moment. he looked awesome, purple v-neck, brown tie, brown shirt,hair brushed oo to side. everyone behaved. no one bothered him. I could was seated facing Clay and the stage, from where i was sitting he really seemed to enjoy the show.

i took some pics, but not of Clay.

After the show he went downstairs to meet the cast and talk to Quiana.

great venue, great show...pics to come.

ETA: Sean and Ben composed the music for the show, and it is awesome, they are wickedly talented.

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Good Morning Everyone,

75 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

77-84 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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