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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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In my studies I am most amazed at the comparison of CD cover #1 and the latest.

Is this the same guy???


Or for that matter, look at these two.


Or these two:


And while those are dramatic, these make me think he is a total chameleon!


Maybe he keeps changing his looks so he can go buy that milk without being recognized!

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You know, these people who make these gorgeous wallpapers are really helping me with my studies!

This one is from artquest......


Now I really must get to bed. I think I will burn the image of the darkened Clay in my mind so when I turn out the lights, I can see him staring at me......

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Just adding my EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs to those of everybody else. What a picture!

I have never seen him look more natural, more pensive, more serious, more stunning than in that cover shot.

Sure hope there are lots more just like it because that one is superb. I want a book full of them for the tour...or a calendar....or something.

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OOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo - I love those last few by Betty and artquest!!

this was posted over at the CH:


Here is the pose that came to mind when I first saw the cover...... I have that one on my desktop at the office.....


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my new avie...from GoodBabyBrush on CH

I called this in my photobucket account---Boy to Man

ETA: and may I just add here that

1. I hope Clay really is NOT hurt or sick, as I've read in stage door reports and

2. If he IS, I certainly hope---for my own selfish reasons---that he's better in time for Wed., Mar. 25.

Don't you agree, Gibby? : :smoke::praying:

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OMG - I love that new avie!!!

I just came by to drop this last wallpaper...... another shot that came to mind when I saw that photo!

Was this one.............


muski - I totally agree with you too - I hope he is OK and didn't hurt himself too much!!

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It looks fantastic on my widescreen monitor.

Should this be clickable?

From Linluvsclay at CB:

Patience, people, patience!! I just walked in the door ten minutes ago!! I'll start first with what is probably going to be on everyone's mind when they read about no stage door. I was there, and it was a longer than usual wait at the door. The wind had died down, so we all thought he would be coming out. Several musicians walked out, but no Clay. Finally a guy in a suit came out (never saw him before when I've been there or in videos) and announced that Clay wasn't feeling well and had already left the building. No one moved--no one was sure if we should believe him or not. I think we were all waiting for Jerome to come out and tell us what was happening. Then Tom came out and was immediately asked about Clay, and he said he hurt his hip and had already left. Several people told him that his comment would be all over the internet soon, and Tom gave kind of a surprised smile and then backtracked a bit and said that he didn't really know much about it; except that Clay was gone. My impression was that if he did know anything, the internet comments made him realize that he better stop talking. Once again, just my opinion. I left after that, so I have no idea if more was said by Tom or by anyone. I can tell you this--if he got hurt during the show, I have no idea when it could have happened. He was dancing, smiling, and having a great time all the way through the curtain call. And I was in the second row, and could really see his expressions, etc. He seemed ok, but we all know that the show always goes on with Clay, no matter what. But I have to say that I didn't see any kind of distress, pain, etc. He was wonderful--high leg kicks, lots and lots of shimmying, very high flip of the tunic at the piano bench and a full view of the tush, and when he fell onto the floor in the dead scene, the tunic flipped up towards his head, so there was that view as well. It didn't seem to go unnoticed by the fans! As I said, he was wonderful. I love the high notes he hits--so dead on and perfect. And I love the shimmy/come to me finger thing that he does--and he did it right in front of me. Talk about a thud moment!!

This was my third time going--first time was his opening night and I sat in the 7th row right orchestra. Second time was 4th row, seat 103. Tonight was 2nd row, second seat from aisle. Got a totally different picture from that seat because I was so ridiculously close. I mean the man was right in front of me!! Just a few feet away!! Don't know how I survived it. I found myself just staring at him when he was onstage; since I'd already seen the show, I didn't feel the need to watch it all. So when he was on, my eyes were on him and only him. I have a thing for his hands--don't know why, but I do. Big time. So I found myself staring at them since they were so close to me--and I was mesmerized by them. He plays with things with them--the helmet strap, his clothes, etc. And when he was "dead", I just kept staring at those hands that I love. My brain was having difficulty processing that yep--those were indeed his hands. I found myself going in and out of the "fog" that envelops you when you are so close to him. Intellectually you know that he's standing right in front of you, but yet you just can't quite grasp it or believe it. Do you know what I mean?

He was awesome. Totally awesome. Lots of little changes since I last saw him on Feb 20th. Lots more confidence when dancing--it's second nature to him now, and he seems to now have motor memory so that he no longer has to think of what he's supposed to be doing, his body just goes on automatic pilot so to speak and the dance moves are effortless. So that gives him a lot of time to do other things--like have more facial expressions that are hilarious, and more body movements like all the extra shimmies and little dance moves. He's constantly moving some part of his body. And moving it quite well!! Chasing the women around the stage was great, and he puts more oomph into it then when he first started the show. Really into it now!

Prince Herbert continues to make me laugh out loud. As does Lancelot when he discovers his inner self and lets it rip when dancing. Clay's guard scene has become a masterpiece. His timing is impeccable, and the laughs from the audience were prolonged. There were a few times when he had to wait to say his next line because the audience was howling. Again, his facial expressions are what makes the scene so memorable.

Not sure what else to say except that I love that man and would see that show every single night if I could afford it. Never again will I be that close to him, never again will I be close enough to see every single nuance, smile, move, and body part as I did tonight. And before I forget, with all the tunic flipping, I did get a very nice view of the thighs of perfection. Several times. That man is toned. And gorgeous. And just plain wonderful.

And then a totally different perspective from LLnepa:

I was there this evening and I'm way too tired to write a recap right now.....but I can tell ya that right after Tom Deckman mentioned Clay hurt his hip, he recanted.... it was like he looked up at the crowd and realized he had just given out info about Clay and should never had done that because he almost immediately added that he didn't know why Clay wasn't coming outside. You could tell by his voice and expression that he knew he said something he probably shouldn't have said and didn't want to be the one responsible for the mail bags of get well cards that would be arriving in the morning.

We talked on the way home about the expression on his face during the bottle dance that was somewhat indicative of possible pain. And also when he fall as the guard, after being stabbed by Lancelot, he fell to his knees first before hitting the ground. so, I do believe there is probably truth to the claim that he hurt his hip.

With it being the weekend and four shows remaining back to back...I sure hope its something a warm bath and some ibuprofen will take care of. Although, I doubt it.

Hopefully it's nothing major, and maybe Tom just realized he'd made it sound worse than it reallly was? In any case, knowing Clay, unless he's done something pretty serious he'll be dancing and singing up a storm on that stage again today. I sure hope so! We have FCAers in the house! :)

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Good Morning Everyone,

So sorry about Clay's hip; hope he got a good massage and won't have any more problems the rest of the week-end.

44 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

46 Days until "On My Way Here" is here!

100 Days until The Summer of Clay! (July1)

Everyone have a great day, I have a lot of Easter baking to do...I always make the traditional Italian egg bread...bread shaped into a basket with hard-boiled eggs in it. I make small ones for the kids and a larger one for us. Always make them on Saturday and that is breakfast on Easter Morning.

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Although I'm not a sideburns lover and have always thought Clay looked better without them, I do think they are appropriate for this picture. Being that he's so overly gorgeous with all his sexy/adorable features so prominently displayed, he needs them to add a more masculine touch to that face as photographed.

I absolutely love pretty men. My favorites were always Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, in their day, and then Rob Lowe in his -- and now Clay. Simply drop dead pretty men all of them. GAH!!!

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Here is the pose that came to mind when I first saw the cover...... I have that one on my desktop at the office.....


cha cha... I like that looking down pose from ATDW time. N.I.C.E! I thought he looked fantastic in those long bangs of ATDW and AI5, but he was never able to maintain that look. I think Jamie is a doll, but she just couldn't do that hairstyle. This new one is perfect for him and the cd. I also think there is a better chance that it can be maintained off the cd cover. At least I hope so, cause it is verra verra niiiice! :hubbahubba:

keeping... Orlando Bloom/Legolas! S.W.O.O.N!!! My crush before I fell head over heels for Clay!

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I wonder who was responsible for Clay's "look" when he did his Group 2 semi-final performance "Open Arms". Clay has always had these same features, it's not like he had plastic surgery. So if he can look this stunning..... ????

That early Season 2 'look' and the official pic they used at the AI site are the only ones of Clay that I really REALLY don't like. I have liked all the other pics I have seen of him. Didn't Simon say at one stage that he was "ugly"?

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I wonder who was responsible for Clay's "look" when he did his Group 2 semi-final performance "Open Arms". Clay has always had these same features, it's not like he had plastic surgery. So if he can look this stunning..... ????

That early Season 2 'look' and the official pic they used at the AI site are the only ones of Clay that I really REALLY don't like. I have liked all the other pics I have seen of him. Didn't Simon say at one stage that he was "ugly"?

I believe Clay was responsible for his look if I recall correctly. He resisted the sylists until either wildcard or top 12. I don't remember exactly...somethng like you used to be ugly but now you look handsome. It's been a few years.

I don't know why I haven't looked at a calendar. I didn't realize this was easter weekend when yesterday..and LdyJ mentioned Good Friday.

It's a great time to be a Clay fan eh? Hell it's always a great time to be a Clay fan.

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Clay is maturing, growing into his good looks. He's just one of those lucky S.O.B's men who get better looking with age.

Simon is ugly - inside and out.

I simply can't say enough about that cover. Nobody loves 'playing with Clay' more than I do, but I honestly can't bring myself to mess with it (yet anway, lol). I just want to look at it, and sigh over it, and wipe the drool off my keyboard over it, and occasionally lift my jaw up off the floor and start all over again.


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I got this really good video/web page in email this morning......


Great Music! (And there's a pause/play button at the bottom)

Although I'm not a sideburns lover and have always thought Clay looked better without them, I do think they are appropriate for this picture. Being that he's so overly gorgeous with all his sexy/adorable features so prominently displayed, he needs them to add a more masculine touch to that face as photographed.

I absolutely love pretty men. My favorites were always Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, in their day, and then Rob Lowe in his -- and now Clay. Simply drop dead pretty men all of them. GAH!!!

kp - I am a subscriber to the "pretty man" obsession! PAUL McCARTNEY!! I will also add a couple not quite so pretty but extremely talented ones like Dick Van Dyke, and Patrick Swayze. And I agree with all of the above and the addition of LEGOLAS! YUM!! :hubbahubba:

Shall we compile a list??! :cryingwlaughter:

lucky - I took Gibby's idea and sharpened it up a bit. It's fantastic to have a big Clay on my desktop!

I almost lost it all over again when I booted up this morning! :Thud:

Gibby - thanks for the inspiration!


here is a 1024x768 one

YOWSA - that is one pretty pretty man! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

eta: cindilu...... I agree about "playing with Clay!" I haven't done anything yet but 'make him bigger' [heee]

about desktops and the icons that get in the way of Clay's pretty face. If you right-click on an empty area and choose "Arrange icons by" and then choose "Hide Desktop Icons" you can eliminate that problem. To get to your shortcuts, just go to WinExplorer and access from there. (only a little bother for maximum pretty!) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Ooooooh, verra, verra nice, chacha! Thanks for posting that lurvely WP. I didn't have much time to play with it last night, so I'm glad you cleaned it up.

Heeeee, Couchie, Easter is indeed tomorrow. Right now I'm playing on my laptop instead of practicing Easter music. I printed off all of my flight and hotel reservation information, and looked around for more Spam tickets. Once just isn't enough, you know? But I'll need get my music together for Easter soon, darn it!

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I saw that cd cover picture about five minutes after it was posted on CH. Good thing I was by myself, I let out a audible gasp. It is one of the best picture they have ever done of him. I cannot wait for May. I set my work schedule up for the month of May. I will have to work the 5th, but made sure I am off on the 6th. My concert buddy and I already have our plans made for that day. Even though I will not be able to attend a cd release party near me, twelve hour shifts and a hour drive home pretty well will nix it, because I think it would be probably another hour or more to get to one.

After another week of many family members at my house because of my MIL funeral, I am going to leave tomorrow for a week of fun. First to Arizona for three days, then on to North Carolina for three days. I have to work on the 30th so have to get back. Will have a lot of catch up when I return, I am not taking my computer with me.

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