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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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I have to say if I never hear the words "That's Clay Aiken?" again it will be too soon. Sounds like something was wrong with the old Clay Aiken and I happen to like him just fine and don't give a flying freak about NJU. I just don't. I have great taste and if I can be madly madly madly in like heh with Clay then so can millions of others. YMMV.

Enjoyed catching up now off to work. eyes prize and all that jazz. Welcome Iseeme. I've seen your name around. I know I have..Thanks for the explanation. I love seeing how people choose their names.

Waves to Txflwrgrl!

I have to agree - when I hear "that's Clay Aiken?" in an incredulous sounding voice I find very irritating.....you want to say "see what you've been missing while you've been trapped in your narrow-mindedness?" But, of course, I wouldn't! I think taking the Sir Robin role on Broadway was one of the most genius moves Clay and his team have ever made....and not just because of the publicity. Clay has reached new heights in self-confidence it seems and the "I can't dance" schtick will not work with us anymore. I prejudiced (ya think?) but I believe completely that Clay can conquer anything he puts his mind to. MAD talent. I knew he would be really good but I was not prepared to be blown away by his sense of comedic timing and those adorable facial expressions!!!!

Hi Couch - I've seen your name before too.

It's nice here. I like it!


Interesting re: your take on "THAT'S Clay Aiken?"...I only figure it's because the person is so out of touch, you know? I often run into people who, when Clay's name comes up, will say, "Oh, yeah---that skinny dude on American Idol. Whatever happened to him? He had a great voice!" etc. I mean, if the AI2 memories of Clay are all these people have, I can't help but think that any of pictures now associated with his music would evoke a "WTF!?!?" reaction...without it necessarily being a 'diss'...

As couchie said...I didn't really mind this when it first started and when Kipper said it. Totally understood what he meant. Its when the fans have given this phrase some sort of talismanic power or such an importance in their minds that they judge everything Clay does by it...that is when it got irritating.

laughn...great recap. I am getting jealous of all the special NYC memories y'all are having with each other. I love NY and I would love to explore that city with my Clay friends... oh well maybe someday. The next time Clay is on Broadway I will be there for sure!

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Oh Cool, looking forward to it.....It will be the second time I watch Tyra heee. From the pictures it looked like a happy happy fun clip...

Every time I see the lycos report I get a little chuckle. Go Clay. I'm just so hooked on my evil google...the search results just seem to make the most sense to me. Can't put my finger on why. Brainwashed I guess. Has he ever fallen off since Idol?

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laughn writes good great recap! My favourite part is this:

Ribbon playing with spears, pooped pants, penis-splitting looks of terror…kicks, shakes, shimmies…you’ve heard about them all before. When you walk away from that place, from the theater and Broadway, you start to forget little things. Luckily, those memories come back to you while you lay awake at two in the morning. They are the stuff dreams are made on. I guess that is fitting.

And if it logs me out one more time, I give up. :P

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I know you are having fun but i really can't relate to making fun of someone's looks.

Fear, you can relax. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm not making fun of Clay's looks---I'm only making a dig at the stylists or photographers or touchup artists who thought it was necessary to groom Clay's eyebrows within a 'hair' of their life for that gorgeous profile shot! I'm pissed 'coss they're 'purdier' than mine are! :cryingwlaughter:

As for the botox thing? I have to admit, Clayzorback, that I'm not sure what you mean?!?!?

Lawdy, gimme those Clay Aiken lips! :Thud: If there's any botox in there, I'll suck it out of 'em! :hubbahubba:

Anybody who utters Clay and botox inthe same sentence --- just show them THIS


Ooooh! That's awesome cha cha.

I was not making fun of Clay's appearance. I love the kid. Thought everyone knew that. *shrug* I just have preferences over which pictures I like the most and which pictures I think flatter him the most. I only meant, that in the picture chosen for the music pass, his lips look fuller than usual, to me. So I thought others, who are not in OTT in love with Clay like we are, might look at that picture and think the same thing. Now I admit I don't know what celebrities use to plumb up their lips, and believe me a lot of them do and some need to stop plumping, whether it is botox or collegen injections I'm unsure. I've talked about Clay's shell pink full luscious lips about a billion times in the last 5 years, but that never seems to get remembered. Only perceived disses get anyone's attention, when it comes to me. :cryingwlaughter: Oh well. I love Clay's profile pics the best. I love his lips. (I could suck on them until the cows come home ,or until gets hit with a cow) I love his cheekbones, his nose , his waldo, and just about everything else about his looks.

As for the weather? People have had to cover their plants for the last two nights and will probably have to tonight, too. WTH is with the weather this year? It's Spring people. The end of April for God's sake. Where is the 70 and 80 temps? I've been trying to turn my heat off for a month now. 20 foot ceilings mean huge heating bills.

As for "That's Clay Aiken?" I only hate it when certain people use it for their marketing blather. (Is that a word?) Other than that, I don't have a problem with it.

Great recap laughn. It sounds like you all had a great time.

Got to run to work. I didn't spell check so apologies up front.

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It's collagen for the lips - botox for the immobile face (see: Priscilla Presley)

Yeah, it only bothers me with the marketing blather too - I'm coming down on Couchie's on the NJU - in general, just don't care, because I do and still like the original Clay Aiken. Hell, I tend to dislike what the NJUs like anyway, looking at the best selling albums currently - as I own none of 'em.

I have been having TONS of fun lately, forcing myself to review the IT and NAT for my Ozzie friends - man, he was skinny - but MAN, that was fun! He was absolutely wicked so much of the time. Sounded good, looked good...

Hey! Aren't we supposed to be finishing up some recommendations? Get to work, people!

Ooooo! Newbies! I like newbies! Hey, y'all!

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Read backwards to see what the issue was with Clay's lips. Then I got all tangled up in looking at them. LOP. Lips of perfection. Natural looking, soft, pink, kissable. Then I had to drink a glass of cold water. I'm too old for these musings......

It's 39 degrees here in sunny California. I'm leaving for a round of golf in about 30 minutes and will be so layered up I probably can't swing a club.

Good news about the possible Tyra dates! I love how the two of them interact. He seems to be as relaxed with her as he is with Kimmel! I wonder how he'll be if or when he appears on Leno again - Jay has been pretty ugly in the last year! And does anybody think he'll go on Regis and Kripa? If he does, and she hugs him, I'm going to suggest a Clorox shower for him afterwards!!!!

It's still hard for me to believe that there are people who haven't heard about Clay since AI2. They must not watch much television or read newspapers or People Magazine or get Google Alerts (some of which are ridiculous) He isn't always in the forefront but someone is always mentioning his name somewhere......or do I just have an inner alert system that clangs when CLAY AIKEN pops up somewhere? Ahah - I'll bet that's it!

And speaking of Priscilla Presley - good Lord! I hope she sued her plastic surgeon! Haven't been in on any discussions of that particular topic so I don't know what really happened but she looks scarey sometimes.

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Every time I see the lycos report I get a little chuckle. Go Clay. I'm just so hooked on my evil google...the search results just seem to make the most sense to me. Can't put my finger on why. Brainwashed I guess. Has he ever fallen off since Idol?

Me too!

:welcome: to footloose & Iseeme!

Great recap, laughn! :clap: So glad you had such a good time. :) Welcome back to you, bottle, jamar, ducky, YSRN & anyone else I may have missed - I'm still working on my morning coffee! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

LAST DAY of work for me until next Wednesday and Thursday morning I leave for NYC!!! :dancingnana: :00000441: :7:

If any other FCA'ers are going to be in the vicinity of the Shubert Thurs. night, Ausdon and I will be meeting after the show for coffee - the more the merrier! :nanarow:

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Oh, I fixed the link which now tells allllll about Priscilla. I can't get over that somebody thought what they were doing was a good idea!

Ten days! I got 10 days to go! Woo Hoo!

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Thanks to 00lsee for this weeks lovely banner. I think this is my favorite new picture.

yup EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for Tyra dates. I can;t wait to see if the old chemistry is still there on camera. I certainly saw it still on the paparazzi shots!!!

Iseemee....interesting questions about TV promo. SO far we know he will be on The view...and Tyra...now I do hope we get Kimmel. But Leno, not really know how he has been lately...but I imagine he will be going there if his schedule permits. The other morning shows I hope we see him in are GMA, Today and CBS...Regis, I will be curious if he does make an appearance there. They can always schedule it when Kripa is not there. I do think Regis and Gelman likes Clay so I think its possible. I really don;t want to have to see her hypocritical face again...but they do have high ratings so they may want to do that too. I do want some primetime promo for him like DWTS. But I bet they already have their line ups ready since the beginning of the year so it may be tough to get on there.

I think...there will be several promo time for Clay with this CD. The promo for the release. Then he goes for a break during the summer. Hopefully at this time they have laid out some radio and internet promo that will keep the momentum going. Then by the fall they may be ready to bring out the second single and Clay can do another wave of promo for that to remind people of the CD for the Christmas sales. Then of course depending on when the tour will be there will be another set of promos for that.

What I think people need to remember is that every promo appearance is not free for Clay specially if he is singing. They need to pay for the band, for transportation and accommodations for the band...then if they bring their own stylist thats another expense. So if Clay sells really well I bet we get more TV promos if not...it may be just like ATDW. This is the same situation with videos. The expense for the video comes from the artist cut of the profits so this is not just up to RCA.

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.....or do I just have an inner alert system that clangs when CLAY AIKEN pops up somewhere? Ahah - I'll bet that's it!

And speaking of Priscilla Presley - good Lord! I hope she sued her plastic surgeon! Haven't been in on any discussions of that particular topic so I don't know what really happened but she looks scarey sometimes.

BINGO on both your sentences.

I don't watch entertainment shows or read entertainment mags but still a fair share of celebrity news gets through. Angelina is pregnant right? But when people don't really care it's sorta like chatter or background noise. One or two things may get through but not everything.

Priscilla..sigh. She was so pretty on Dallas. There oughta be a law.

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well according to the article KAndre linked her doctor is in jail now...wow thats so sad for her.

anyway...annabear and ausdon have a great time and hope you meet up with other FCAers.

was chatting with couchie about her trip and I am getting so excited for all of you that will be there for that time period. I will be like a huge Class reunion...hee. You guys better keep in touch and let us know whats happening or FCA will be liek a ghost town...

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.....or do I just have an inner alert system that clangs when CLAY AIKEN pops up somewhere? Ahah - I'll bet that's it!

And speaking of Priscilla Presley - good Lord! I hope she sued her plastic surgeon! Haven't been in on any discussions of that particular topic so I don't know what really happened but she looks scarey sometimes.

BINGO on both your sentences.

I don't watch entertainment shows or read entertainment mags but still a fair share of celebrity news gets through. Angelina is pregnant right? But when people don't really care it's sorta like chatter or background noise. One or two things may get through but not everything.

Priscilla..sigh. She was so pretty on Dallas. There oughta be a law.

I totally agree on both points. Celebrity "news" is more gossip than anything actually news-worthy and after 2006, I've heard more than enough CRAP (TM Clay) to last me A Thousand Different Ways (*pets the pretty*) thankyouverymuch!

DWTS - last season it was Wayne Newton who was so botoxed he looked like he was wearing mask, this season it's Priscilla Presley. Maybe they're starting a new trend other than ballroom dancing.....

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Still finding my way around......(afterall - it's only been about 24 hours...heh!heh!) but where is the link for Priscilla's dilemma? I'm thinking if she didn't wear such garish makeup it might not be so bad. But then, the woman is in her sixties and did the splits last night. I hate to tell you what would happen if I tried to do that! :lmaosmiley-1:

For those going to NY - if you haven't been before - and if you have the time, take the bus tour where you can get off and get back on another bus. We did that and it was really good for seeing alot of stuff in a short amount of time! We got off in Chinatown, had dim sum for lunch, shopped Canal Street (I got a loverly Coach knock-off) stopped at Ground Zero, etc. I think it was $39.95 but can't remember for sure. You can catch them pretty much anywhere in the Times Square area!

And I may be the only one on the planet, but I was underwhelmed with Junior's cheesecake! I did have a lovely glass of chardonnay on our last night there though!

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Hee! It's almost impossible not to dance in your chair while listening to the JBT on your iPod. It's absolutely impossible not to smile while picturing that CUTE Clay Aiken guy up there on the stage doing his thing! :flirtysmile3:

ETA: Lovely banner, 00lsee! :clap:

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Damn, forgot to welcome jamar back too! *waves*

ETA: from the CH:

Vincent at CB has a contact who provided the following info re the Tyra show:

No, these are 2 separate shows. [other show discussed was the Mother's Day show] The 500th anniversary show will consist of clips from the past, with a few fresh segments, including our guy's.

Tyra's segment with Clay has already been "taped " at the Shubert. (You've seen some related photos).

Now for the date issue...The latest news is that the date is now wavering between Wednesday, April 30th, and Thursday, May 1st, with the 30th now being the frontrunner!

The feeling is that it will be one or the other. These are the last couple weeks of the season, and the schedule is being tweaked to use final footage to its best advantage. I asked whether another change could be expected, and the answer was that it most probably would be one of the two dates mentioned above, but it will still be shown as part of the anniversary episode.

So, his whole appearance on Tyra will be about Spamalot and a fan? Will he not be singing, you know, something from his upcoming album? Seems like a wasted opportunity if you ask me.

Not that anyone did.....

Work is busy today. Had to be in early, have a work function after, won't be home until at least 10pm. UGH. I hate this! Its not like I am getting paid the big bucks or anything!

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We know he'll be on the View??!!!

How do we know this? When?

Anything else I've missed being a working girl again?!


I think it was mentioned in one of his interviews or articel about the CD as one of the TV promos.

here is a short but sweet interview in cosmo girl...

and CG...apparently the full Tyra shows is done taping. I think this is a way they can do that promo close to the CD release. We have to remember Clay has to work with the shows schedules and since he has been so busy with spamalot he really hasn;t had a chance to do these promo shows with a live performance.

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Damn, forgot to welcome jamar back too! *waves*

ETA: from the CH:

Vincent at CB has a contact who provided the following info re the Tyra show:

No, these are 2 separate shows. [other show discussed was the Mother's Day show] The 500th anniversary show will consist of clips from the past, with a few fresh segments, including our guy's.

Tyra's segment with Clay has already been "taped " at the Shubert. (You've seen some related photos).

Now for the date issue...The latest news is that the date is now wavering between Wednesday, April 30th, and Thursday, May 1st, with the 30th now being the frontrunner!

The feeling is that it will be one or the other. These are the last couple weeks of the season, and the schedule is being tweaked to use final footage to its best advantage. I asked whether another change could be expected, and the answer was that it most probably would be one of the two dates mentioned above, but it will still be shown as part of the anniversary episode.

So, his whole appearance on Tyra will be about Spamalot and a fan? Will he not be singing, you know, something from his upcoming album? Seems like a wasted opportunity if you ask me.

I'm just surmising, but I'm reading this as the Spamalot/fan stuff will be included in the 500th show, but that there will be another show with Clay scheduled around Mother's Day and that one will be a CD/singing appearance. In any event, I hope that's it.

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I am probably talking out of my butt here (I do not fart in your general directions, though *g*), but I'm still one to believe that him just appearing on a show sells albums. I think his personality is so winning and charming that he just oozes a "buy me" thing. (Heck, I'd buy him....but I'm poor...). So, I see the Tyra appearance, even without singing, as a good thing. But as I said, I know nuthin'. And I'm also selfish, because I'll see Clay on my TV regardless.

My dream appearance for him this go around is still The Daily Show on Monday, May 5. I would LOVE to hear Jon Stewart and Clay Aiken talk about politics. And -- Jon doesn't do it frequently, but he has had musical guests on his show.

But again, I know nuthin'.

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I'm just not going to angst over which shows he will be on, when he'll be on them, or what (or whether) he'll be singing. Any day Clay is on my TV is a good day. Clay's gonna be on Tyra? YAY! :)

Thanks for the link to the Cosmo article. Clay has a v.v. healthy attitude towards awards, I think. They don't make or break you, they shouldn't define you. IMO of course.

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footloose and Iseeme WELCOME to FCA!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

laughn! :clap: Great recap!!! Thanks!!!

I'm just not going to angst over which shows he will be on, when he'll be on them, or what (or whether) he'll be singing. Any day Clay is on my TV is a good day. Clay's gonna be on Tyra? YAY! :)

Thanks for the link to the Cosmo article. Clay has a v.v. healthy attitude towards awards, I think. They don't make or break you, they shouldn't define you. IMO of course.

luckiest... I agree with you. He's right, too. Elvis only won one Grammy and it was for a gospel album. Since radio play is paid for, why do the Grammys mean anything anyway. If they were tied to sales of cds, then they could mean something, but radio spins are just meaningless these days.

I am loving the new PR, whether it is contracted thru RCA or not, it's working just fine! Everyday there is something new appearing around either Spamalot or the CD. Awesome and exciting. I'm really thinking this cd is truely going to do very well. I'm projecting Platinum within this year onto my dream screen every chance I get!

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Thanks for the Cosmos thingy!

I hadn't seen that!

And - although I'd love for him to sing on Tyra, I agree that just appearing will add to his sales. No doubt, they will at least show the album cover. And, there might be a commercial aired as well.

And we know Tyra will gush about our guy! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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