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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Good morning.

Great recap Trusty.....and

that will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze
I would definitely vote for that for the thread title!!!! Can you imagine 2003 Clay Aiken even SAYING "butt squeeze" to a fan? I think those dancing girls are probably giving him callouses on those sweetcheeks!!! I think while she's pulling on his tunic she's copping a little feel! And we KNOW Hannah grabs a handful.

I got up this morning at O'DarkThirty and ran into the computer, logged on to iTunes.......... :cry4:

It froze here again last night and my hydrangeas are not happy! Hopefully I'll still get blooms from them this year.

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I just got back from the weekend in NYC 2½ hours ago...........


Clay had been shaking everyone's hands so I knew to expect that. But What I Didn't Expect was that I would be looking right into his face as he asked me "what's your name?" I managed to collect myself long enough to tell him my name.... and then he manhandled me over to his left! and then someone said Smile! and it was over.

What I remember......... a few things flashed thru my mind during the 17.2 seconds we were in close proximinty of The Aiken. (Not necessarily in this order )

First, he is very tall.

Second, he had on a lot of makeup.

3, his white tails outfit is very slippery.

4, I wished he wasn't going to bend over so much (he crouched down because I am so short!)


6, I wish I could kiss him on the cheek!

7, Clay says "That'll be $50 extra for the butt squeeze."

8, What is he saying to me about a butt squeeze?? Was I supposed to do one and make them an extra $50?????

9, did I stumble when he 'guided' me over to his left? (He was very forceful, I like that in a man!)

10, I looked at him as he was saying the butt squeeze part and noticed STUBBLE!!!

11, it was over way too fast.

12, they handed me a piece of paper and I stared at it, and recognised Clay's signature on it, but it didn't register that it was the cardbord frame with the Polaroid pic in it, because it was still blank!


So I am not really sure why he thought I was squeezing his butt. It must have been me because Joy didn't put her arm around him! (WHY JOY????) I just remember feeling the slippery fabric and trying to find a comfortable place for my hand. Maybe since he was crouching down so far, my hand accidentally went below his waist. That is a slightly vague recollection. But as I mentioned earlier, it was only about 17.2 seconds.

so...... in review......... O.M.F.G. (repeat ad finitum)


chach... are you on Jerome's list now??? :cryingwlaughter: Congrats on getting a butt squeeze! Too bad you don't remember it. What good is it to get on the list if you can't remember what you did to get there? :cryingwlaughter:

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Re: donations...people can only give so much...sometimes it seems everytime you turn around there is a plea for money, whether it be UNICEF, BAF, Broadway Cares, etc. I think the Clay fans do a wonderful job supporting Clay and his charities but not all fans can afford to donate. Clay is very lucky that he does have fans who have the money to bid on auctions; I am always amazed at the amount of money that is raised and while I wish I could do more, financially, it is just not possible for me and probably a lot of other fans.

I applaud the people who work so hard to ensure that Clay's charities are successful, but some times I am bit uncomfortable with the tactics that are used to soliticit funds (not talking about anybody here); there are some fans who use guilt as a motivator and that turns me off big time.


Big, fat WORD to this, Kim! I'm happy that good causes are getting more attention and $$$$ because of Clay, but I can't open my pockets to everything he supports! (Well, except my obsession, that is...heh) I do what I can when I can and just can't/don't want to be a part of every 'group' effort out there.

I get to go home today! :dancing3::nanadance: Just counting down the hours now. I woke up with "turn around and seeeee what love's done to me---eee--eee---eeeeeee!".playing in my head..yep, I think there are some definite radio contenders on this CD. :songstuckinhead:

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It's not up yet, ansa. Maybe later today.

I've dealt with Itunes for many, many years and I have NEVER~ever~seen them update on a Monday.

I suspect RCA marketing either just grabbed the wrong date and it will be tomorrow; or they meant the WEEK OF April 21....and it will be tomorrow.

Either way....I think it'll be tomorrow! :lol:

So, is everybody ready to crash itunes at 12:01??? :cryingwlaughter:

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I love a smart, world-aware, articulate man. Clay Aiken is a smart, world-aware, articulate man. ergo...

I love Clay Aiken. :wub:

I love a HAWT, sensual, generous man. Clay Aiken is a HAWT, sensual, generous man. ergo...

I MUST HAVE CLAY AIKEN! :hubbahubba:

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I just got back from the weekend in NYC 2½ hours ago...........


What I remember......... a few things flashed thru my mind during the 17.2 seconds we were in close proximinty of The Aiken. (Not necessarily in this order )

First, he is very tall.

Second, he had on a lot of makeup.

3, his white tails outfit is very slippery.

4, I wished he wasn't going to bend over so much (he crouched down because I am so short!)


6, I wish I could kiss him on the cheek!

7, Clay says "That'll be $50 extra for the butt squeeze."8, What is he saying to me about a butt squeeze?? Was I supposed to do one and make them an extra $50?????

9, did I stumble when he 'guided' me over to his left? (He was very forceful, I like that in a man!)

10, I looked at him as he was saying the butt squeeze part and noticed STUBBLE!!!

11, it was over way too fast.

12, they handed me a piece of paper and I stared at it, and recognised Clay's signature on it, but it didn't register that it was the cardbord frame with the Polaroid pic in it, because it was still blank!


So I am not really sure why he thought I was squeezing his butt. It must have been me because Joy didn't put her arm around him! (WHY JOY????) I just remember feeling the slippery fabric and trying to find a comfortable place for my hand. Maybe since he was crouching down so far, my hand accidentally went below his waist. That is a slightly vague recollection. But as I mentioned earlier, it was only about 17.2 seconds.

so...... in review......... O.M.F.G. (repeat ad finitum)

AW, man, I'm so jealous!!! I would have thrown in an extra $50.00 for the butt squeeze! :hubbahubba:

Are ya gonna show us your picture?????

Love the new podcast! I think Clay is happy whenever he gets to share information about his charities with new people, and raise awareness. He's a keeper! :wub:

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Re: donations...people can only give so much...sometimes it seems everytime you turn around there is a plea for money, whether it be UNICEF, BAF, Broadway Cares, etc. I think the Clay fans do a wonderful job supporting Clay and his charities but not all fans can afford to donate. Clay is very lucky that he does have fans who have the money to bid on auctions; I am always amazed at the amount of money that is raised and while I wish I could do more, financially, it is just not possible for me and probably a lot of other fans.

I applaud the people who work so hard to ensure that Clay's charities are successful, but some times I am bit uncomfortable with the tactics that are used to soliticit funds (not talking about anybody here); there are some fans who use guilt as a motivator and that turns me off big time.


Kim, ITA. I used to feel guilt on every fund drive to which we were asked to contribute. I sometimes felt as if I was a "bad fan" if I didn't contribute. But I'm over that. One, I don't have much money and two, I have limited funds for charitable contributions and to be honest, Clay's charities aren't necessarily mine. I don't give because Clay tells me to - or because any of his fans tell me to. I give where my heart tells me to.

Can someone give a summary of the new webisode for those of us who can't watch at work????

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Can someone give a summary of the new webisode for those of us who can't watch at work????

Funny you should mention the charities in your previous paragraph....because the webisode is strictly about his work with the BAF and UNICEF. He singles out UNICEF for being international, and that his role (besides raising funds *g*) is raise awareness on these world issues. His discussion on the BAF is more about the purpose and function, with the summer camps.

That's a rough translation, I'm sure someone else can add more.

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I agree about the charities and I think that is why Clay tries and limits himself to just asking for a few when I bet lots of Charities want him (not to perform on TV though). I never the ghe UNICEF specials because I know that Clay is going to ask a lot thorugh the year and limit myself to scaterrings of money for each request and I skip the auctions and it doesn't hurt that the charity I used to give the majority of my money to has been absorbed in another one and and my particular interest has disappeared.

News - there are no more magnets available at spamalot. Too bad. I expect they will be running out of merchandise (except T-shirts because they are iron ons) as the time nears.

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BWAH... Hee, Chach! Butt Squeezes - $50. Hey, he offered! LOL!

News - there are no more magnets available at spamalot. Too bad.

Bummer! I forgot to buy any of the merchandise while I was there. Oh well. I'm over it.

I only brought the BC/EFA link in case anyone was interested in another option to donate IF they wanted it. I don't know why anyone would feel guilt simply knowing opportunities to donate/support a cause existed in the world.

I don't give because Clay tells me to - or because any of his fans tell me to. I give where my heart tells me to.

As it should be, of course, but I don't think anyone's "telling" you to. Simply providing an awareness of a need. I don't expect anyone to give to any charity ever, but if I can provide information about one that you might find interesting, I don't see the harm. When it gets pushy or overly repetitive, I agree, it can be annoying, which means you won't have to worry about me mentioning it again. :)

Just click anywhere on the video screen, Iseeme. It should open another window, and then you have to click the "Play" button. It takes a few seconds to start from there.

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Iseeme - try this:

1. Click on the little white triangle to the bottom left of the big pic of Clay, next to the orange bar.

2. A new window will pop up. Click on the little white triangle next to the orange bar in the new window.

3. You may need to install flash player; if so, a link for it should pop up.

Does it work for you now?

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cha cha...I think you should have slapped down another $100 and told him you wanted to try the other cheek as well. :imgtongue:

Donations? If I have it, I will share. If I don't, then I won't. There was a time I was on welfare and used food stamps. There was a time my family couldn't afford to have me buy clothes out of any store other than Goodwill. Now life is easier for me. I am lucky, I know. Now, I'm the kind of person who pays the bill for the family behind me at the McDonald's drive thru. It's all a balance in life.

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From the RCA Marketing guy, via the CH:

I have to apologize - the itunes date was my mistake - they actually 'flip' the itunes store early Tuesday morning - when all the new releases go up. I'm sorry about the confusion. The date didn't change - it will be up early tomorrow morning.

Regarding Walmart, the bonus track edition will be available (while supplies last) both in stores and via the website.

Again - sorry for the confusion on iTunes - it will definitely be up tomorrow morning.

The WalMart thing, to me, sounds as if it will be a hard copy CD. Thinking about that "price difference" that CG asked about -- my guess is that they know that most of the die-hard fans will want the extra track, and so aren't lowering the price on that one. But the regular CD? That $9.98 is definitely a sale price.

As for this whole money question -- well, I find that I'm pretty much a "throw money at Clay Aiken" and "throw money at things he asks me too" kind of person. Sadly. My husband will ask me to throw money his way, and I blow him off. Clay asks me to throw money, and I'm like "how much dude?" I will say that I haven't done anything for the Broadway Cares thing yet -- but I'm also hoping to be getting an autographed playbill any time now. *g*

ETA: austin360.com

Chattin' with Clay Aiken

Chattin’ with Clay Aiken

By Gary Dinges | Monday, April 21, 2008, 02:22 PM

So it seems we’ve lucked our way into a 15-minute phone interview with Clay Aiken Tuesday.

He’s making the rounds to promote his new CD, which hits stores May 6.

What should we ask? We know you’ve got some really great questions, so send ‘em our way.

Post your queries for Clay in the comments section below, or shoot an e-mail to gdinges@statesman.com.

Then look for our writeup — and, hopefully, an audio recap — later this week.

This is the second "interview" in 24 hours that has asked for fan questions (I think gather.com is also asking for questions). While I'm not crazy about that idea, I'm beginning to think I understand a reason WHY someone might ask for fan questions rather than come up with their own. It takes the responsibility off the reporters -- because you just know that if they ask a really stupid question, some of the fans will be ALL over them. (Of course, if a FAN asks a question that isn't well liked by the rest of the fandom...well, that's another story for another time).

I also remember back to my days of reading the teeny magazines, such as 16 and Tiger Beat. They featured questions from fans all.the.time. In a way, the more things change, the more things stay the same.

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I also remember back to my days of reading the teeny magazines, such as 16 and Tiger Beat. They featured questions from fans all.the.time. In a way, the more things change, the more things stay the same.

Yep. I remember that too. I also remember when a celebrity had ONE official fan club and if you had a question, it had to go through the President of that club, or it wasn't asked...Hee. Can you imagine the insanity on the Clay boards if that kind of stuff happened...?

(Yeah, I'm old as dirt. Why do you ask?) :cryingwlaughter:

Crap! I want to think of a question and I never can when I have the opportunity! agh!

...do you think if I started the question with, "IffffIfff-ummmmm, IfffIffff-ummmm...." Clay would crack up?

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Donations? If I have it, I will share. If I don't, then I won't. There was a time I was on welfare and used food stamps. There was a time my family couldn't afford to have me buy clothes out of any store other than Goodwill. Now life is easier for me. I am lucky, I know. Now, I'm the kind of person who pays the bill for the family behind me at the McDonald's drive thru. It's all a balance in life.

Yah, me too. And I do believe in "Pay it forward". Doesn't mean I expect everyone else can or will.

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Rocky's mom at CH asked this pretend question for Clay... Cracked me up...

Q: Any plans to combine last year's Christmas Stories with the "Bring Out Your Dead" scene from Spamalot and make this year's JNT a CITHalot tour? Tom can change "I feel....happy" to "I feel....merry" and you can launch into HYAMLC.

I just got my confirmed tickets for Kimmel on the 15th! YAY!

Not that I'm excited or anything! :cryingwlaughter:

lydj... BWAH! I'd love someone to do that iffnnmmm question. I'm positive that would crack Clay up! I'll bet someone does it at sometime in the future! It's just too good not to.

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Hello! Back from a long day of shopping but it was very successful! Emily must have tried on at least a dozen dresses and they all looked beautiful (when your a size 4 everything looks good!) and finally decided on the one...it is strapless with a flower motif across the bodice and down the side and it is sort of gathered to the side...hard to describe, but it was my favorite and I am so glad she picked it!

Then we had to pick out, shoes, tiara, veil, slip, bra...that didn't take very long...she wasn't going to do a veil at first, but then changed her mind when she saw it with the dress.

The best part is I also got my dress! I happened to wander over to the mother of the bride dresses and found two in my size, petite and the colors I was thinking of; silver and champagne.

Tried them both on, they fit! I don't need to have any alterations! . So I picked the silver one and now all I have to do is get shoes.

I am so relieved, I envisioned running around for 4 months trying to find a dress!

We also picked out the bridesmaid dress, so Emily will go back in a couple of weeks with the girls for their approval and sizing.

Whew! Time to get something to eat, I am starving!


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Very cool aikim -- much of the hard word is now done.

liney, I'd love to take credit for that question, but that was the beautiful laughn who suggested that.

From TV Guide this week:


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So....has anyone checked out that site that Clay's most recent webisode is on?


I'm actually quite impressed....a social site that looks like it might be something I'd be interested in! Who'd a thunk?

I've spent most of the last 2 hours there doing my profile etc....like I need something else online to waste my time on.... :cryingwlaughter:

But if anyone else also joined....please feel free to add me! There's already a Clay-nation group there (started by the site admin) with 23 of what looks to me like NJU. Cool!

Here's my Gather

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