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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Good morning of the last day of Spamalot! Why oh why do I have Google Alerts turned on! Yet another asshat critic calling Clay schmaltzy and implying he's pandering to his Claymates with this CD and no one else will probably like it. Then I think about Michael Buble who just seems to get away with it. I have to ask WHY? Nothing against Buble, but he doesn't have the voice Clay does, he sings covers, etc.etc. Is it the tabloid crap? Is it his overzealous and energetic fanbase? It just makes me sick that he gets such little respect from these people. But then when I hear the music they DO like........I have to question their taste! For those of you who live in the SF Bay Area and read the SF Chronicle......there is a film critic that is just horrible. The only films he likes are off-the-wall avant garde small distributed movies. He's totally panned more than one Academy Award winner. This tells me his taste is not only eclectic but that he delights in screwing with his readers - knowing they will hate him, knowing they'll see the movie anyway, and he's had a long and financially rewarding career. Sometimes I think that's what happens to Clay - these critics tee off on him to get readers all het up. Unfortunately it might keep people from buying the CD. By comparision, if Julia Roberts or Tom Hanks is in a crappy movie - people will go see it just because they're in it! (hope I'm making sense - it's early here on the West coast.

I want to get to a place where he is and say "I don't care!" But I do - and it does hurt! He's soooo happy about this Cd and already the critics are panning it. Makes me think he'll never be able to have a critical success no matter how talented or good the music is.

As for the illegal downloads - I HOPE that people who are doing it are also buying the CD. However, I have read rationalizations such as "I don't have the money to buy the CD so I'm downloading it" .......hopefully this is an isolated incident or two!

Kind of surprised the liner notes haven't been leaked......I think we saw them posted a week or so before ATDW dropped.

Oh - and I specifically saw a mod at CV state they would not allow a link to the blogsite and not to ask people to send it in pms. That was yesterday morning so don't know if that changed during the day.

I hope that Clay is looking forward to the next stage of his career when he gives that final salute tonite! It's been a great run, a great gig for him, it shut up alot of people who didn't think he should do it or could do it, and he's more than proven to himself he's capable of more than singing! I'm very proud of him as well!

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Play, I definitely respect your passion for this issue. It's a major problem and almost any song you've ever wanted to own can be found for free. But I would be a hypocrite if I threw a stone because 90% of my ipod is from torrents and my ipod is 30 gb.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee last day for Spam and then lots of good times to come.

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You know I am not pure in this sense because I know I have some Clack that is not on the up and up but everything that can be bought I will buy.

I lent ATDW to a co-worker and she ripped it to her computer. I went out and bought another copy as it annoyed me to think that she had "stolen" it.

I did not even go looking for a site to D/L OMWH. I think I can wait a few more hours.

I'm going to miss the Spamalerts! It has been fun but I think we are all on to bigger and better things.

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Play I understand where you are coming from and I will not argue about the morality of illegal downloads....BUT I am totally not concerned about this because this is what viral marketing is all about.

First of all about the fans that are doing it, I bet most of them already have several copies preordered and will be buying the cd first thing on May 6. So Clay probably won't lose out on that. Yes they are giving these sites hits and brings attention to these sites for illegal download but I don't think it is necessarily bad for Clay. I guess there will be people that already like Clay but just dl Clay instead of buying it...I don't think these people would've bought the CD anyway even if it was not leaked. There is always a way to get songs on the net if you know where to look.

We all know that Clay has a huge image problem that keeps some people from actually checking out his music. BUT how many times has it happened that the voice simply clayvert people when it is given a chance. Most of the nonfans that will dl this album are probably doing it out of curiosity. Most of them would probably never buy a Clay Aiken CD without hearing it first. But if they can DL it, some of them may get clayverted and several things can come out of that. They may end up going to one fo his shows...they may buy his next CD...or they may just recommend this cd to others. Since Clay does not have radio to introduce people to his songs...then he has to rely on TV and the internet.

Now I am not saying illegal dl is not a problem for the industry and that artist don't lose money because of it or that I'm advocating it. I just don't get too angry about it cos its a situation that cannot be stopped, is happening to all artist out there and can actually benefit Clay in the long run IMO.

Last Spamalot day...I am so glad so many FCAers are there to experience it. I will be shedding a tear or two with you just as I did during opening night. Show Clay extra love for those of us who couldn't watch it....

very anxious for your reports!!!

Recently, a friend and I were discussing this situation and she said she read somewhere that the record companies are acknowledging the situation, i.e. there is nothing they can do to stop it, and they are actually going to allow downloads and focus on other music industry methods of making money. (Concerts, mechandise, etc.... what we've all discussed before).

Dedicated fans will always buy the CD, especially if it is a special edition for the launch, and it comes with some special merchandise, like a collector's item. This is not a perfect analogy... but it's like a favorite author. Dedicated fans will buy the book, and others will borrow it from the library. In times of economic hardship (where sky-rocketing gas prices have drastically pushed up the cost of essentials such as everyday food items), the temptation for downloading music will be too strong for many people, especially for those who don't give a hoot whether Clay Aiken's CD gets to gold or platinum sales, even if they think he has a great voice.

Although I'd absolutely be thrilled for Clay to win a Grammy, the most important thing is that he is happy and that he achieves his dream in life. Career achievements and great wealth don't equate to health and happiness. Let's not forget Britney.

very anxious for your reports!!!

I just can't wait either. The recaps here since January 18 have be pure joy, and pure entertainment for those of us who always knew we would not make it to NYC.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: everyone!

Unlike most of the rest of the Clayworld, I'm down in Raleigh! Have finally given up on their wireless which booted me off every 5 minutes last night and am trying the wired....so far so good.

Airline lost my luggage, which I am now waiting for....nice hotel, very happy with it....normal traveling stuff!

I'm having dinner with a couple of special friends tonight so won't be around to listen in to the final night (not that I could on this connection anyway); but we'll all be thinking about him! What an amazing trip this gig became! I'm so, so, so thrilled for him.

And now~on to the next! I will not, NOT be downloading OMWH in any way other than through Itunes when my email comes. I can wait until Monday night, to celebrate with friends an accomplishment about which Clay is proud, and enjoy (most of) it for the first time. I did watch QVC :lol: but can't wait to hear the CD version of those.

Have a wonerful time, everyone in NYC! I know I don't need to tell you to make sure he feels the love.

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playbiller, I understand having strong feelings about Clay's album being leaked. With so many opinions, it's unlikely there will ever be a consensus on this topic. I admit my first instinct was to worry about Clay's sales, but then I relaxed. I have faith that Clay is a smart man and has smart business people advising him. This has become so commonplace, I'm sure leaking was anticipated and factored in. I'm actually delighted it didn't happen sooner.

Wow...last day for Spamalot.

Can I bear it?

Yes, I believe I can...It's been such a good run. I'm thrilled at how well everything has gone for Clay during this whole experience. I haven't written my recap yet, but I wanted to express one thing. When I was in the theater, realizing I was about to see my last show of my wonderful Spam weekend, I felt down-hearted about it, desperate for it not to be over. My kid texted me to not get let-down that this was my last show. I texted back, "too late, I'm already sad". But as the best show ever unfolded in front of me, from such a terrific seat as I had for that last show, I began to feel a welling up of passionate joy that has lasted til now! What a high! What a wonderful way to end...on fire, lit up, glowing. Instead of feeling sad, I felt elated.

That's what I hope for Clay, as well. It's been such a great time, so successful! He's made so many new friends...I'm sure part of him will feel sorry to leave all that, and all of them. But I hope, for the most part, that Clay enjoys uplifting feelings of pride, excitement, relief, anticipation, love, happiness, and satisfaction.

He done good.

He has said before that every cool new experience in his life has seemed like the best yet, until the next great thing comes along and he thinks that is the best yet. Spamalot was fantastic...maybe the best yet...so, Clay, now it's on to the next, best, great thing.

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!! My laptop now has a US IP (at the hotel), so I was able to download OMWH from Amazon. You have NO idea how thrilled I am!!! :cryingwlaughter:

Only thing....it didn't ask me for payment information! Just went ahead and downloaded....scratches head........what's up with that?

Did anyone else do this? Do they bill you or something?

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CG here posting on muski's laptop, First one up, still trolling for matinee tickets for today! Couchie Thans for coming over to our place last night! Twas fun,

I don't care about the album leak. I very much doubt it will have any significant impact on his sales. Won't angst about that.

LOVED Spam yesterday and will be verra, verra sad when it is over tonight! I love that show and Clay in it and the acceptance he has has with his new family. Now we have to go back to all the asshats.

Oh well. At least he'll be singing purdy to us!

Must go. Still not too good on a laptop and still have to troll for matinee tickets!

Later peeps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Do you realize that the counter at the top of this page is down to "1"??? Whooo hooo!

If those on his fan boards who have downloaded the song early have already ordered from itunes and amazon and Walmart, etc, then I don't have too much of a problem with them downloading the song early except the part about giving the person who leaked it hits/money. It's the ones who will download it and not buy it that bother me.

I have had people ask me to burn them a Clay cd and I tell them that if they can't afford to buy one, then I will buy one for them and I do. Besides, this time Clay has songwriter credits on this cd, so he will get more money than his usual paltry 40 cents or whatever tiny bit it is as the singer... so he is losing more this time.

Read that Neil Diamond is supposed to be #1 next week. As long as Clay is in the top 3 or 4, I will be ok with it.... I guess. I really hope that since this cd came out better than RCA expected that they will help to make it have legs. I want at least Gold again and really am hoping word of mouth and further promo get it to Platinum. They'd better make one of the uptempo songs the second single or I'm gonna f*rt in RCA's general direction!

00lsee... WORD!

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Hey y'all. We are getting set to go out and about in NYC for a couple of hours and then head over to the Shubert for the matinee performance. I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to feel like, being there today. I am so lucky and happy to be able to be here for this.

The weather is cold and overcast as it has been since we arrive but thankfully, no rain as forecast! Just some misty stuff last night, but we are carrying umbrellas just in case.

As for the topic du jour........I do see most of your points, playbiller. However, I have mucho illegal stuff on my laptop/iPod so I have to also agree with couchie. It's a complicated issue but for me, personally, I'll be waiting until midnight on the 5th/6th (hee, which is it?) If I was sitting home, instead of here, I'd like to say that I'd have the same mindset, but I am not sure I could promise it.

OK, see y'all on the other side! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: FromClaygary, I wonder if it's because the CC you have on file on that site is a Canadian CC? We might try it from here, too, and see what happens.

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ah, I think my ick is how openly people are admitting to the download, rather than keeping it backchannel and less public,. Little drops, little drops, album water torture. I even went to one board where they posted the link openly. Where do you draw the line, guess that is my question. IS it good for morale of other fans to kow there are haves and have nots again. It is not like it is a million years away. But then again, I have no interest in investigating every possivble writer and did not listen to any otehr versions of the songs. Just not interested.

Running off, if anyone finds Rock and Roll mom, give her my number. need to meet her before the show, I don't want to haul the posters around through the show, bags are complicated enough. It should not be so hard to get rid of stuff.

And it looks like one or two waiting list people will be served, heh.

Off to run.

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!! My laptop now has a US IP (at the hotel), so I was able to download OMWH from Amazon. You have NO idea how thrilled I am!!! :cryingwlaughter:

Only thing....it didn't ask me for payment information! Just went ahead and downloaded....scratches head........what's up with that?

Did anyone else do this? Do they bill you or something?

If you have an account with Amazon, which I assume you do, they just bill your card. You'll get a notice in a day or two.

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I think the difference between Micheal Buble, Josh Gorban and Clay is that the other two had neat little boxes that people can put them in from the very start of their careers. Groban was pop/opera and Buble was adult contemporary and being schmaltzy or appealing to an older demographic was a given. I think its very clear that Groban and Buble are not going for top 40 or for the really young and "hip" crowd. Clay on the other hand does not have a clear box. When MOAM came out they were targeting the young teen crowd thats why they brought out Invisible first, and The Way video featured skateboarders...thats why he was all over the teen magazines. Then he comes out with a classic Christmas album and a cd of covers... that was targeting an older audience. This creates confusion about his image that critics do not like cos they like being able to put people in boxes. I think part of the problem is also with his fans. There are a lot of fans that keeps insisting that Clay try for that younger hip crowd. But as Clay has said its like putting a square peg to a round hole. That is why he is getting criticized because he is Clay and not JT or Daughtry because critics are still looking at him from a top 40 POV.. I think Clay is trying to establish what his music is about with this CD and that its not about being hip...not top 40 but its simply good music that appeals to people of all ages. I don;t think it will be easy for critics to change their view of him. Hopefully some critics start to see him in a new light...but it won;t be easy to change everyones perception with just one CD.

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Wow...last day for Spamalot.

Can I bear it?

Yes, I believe I can...It's been such a good run. I'm thrilled at how well everything has gone for Clay during this whole experience. I haven't written my recap yet, but I wanted to express one thing. When I was in the theater, realizing I was about to see my last show of my wonderful Spam weekend, I felt down-hearted about it, desperate for it not to be over. My kid texted me to not get let-down that this was my last show. I texted back, "too late, I'm already sad". But as the best show ever unfolded in front of me, from such a terrific seat as I had for that last show, I began to feel a welling up of passionate joy that has lasted til now! What a high! What a wonderful way to end...on fire, lit up, glowing. Instead of feeling sad, I felt elated.

That's what I hope for Clay, as well. It's been such a great time, so successful! He's made so many new friends...I'm sure part of him will feel sorry to leave all that, and all of them. But I hope, for the most part, that Clay enjoys uplifting feelings of pride, excitement, relief, anticipation, love, happiness, and satisfaction.

00lsee, you stated it perfectly. I expected some sadness last Sunday night, but that show was beyond my dreams and the state of elation hasn't ebbed. Nothing but pure joy, and that joy can never be taken away. I could ask for nothing more. I don't think I could have handled more emotion. The cup runneth over -- and not just for KAndre and LOTL! *g*

As far as the leaked download -- there are those who believe it is done intentionally these days. I remember in 2006 that we had the entire ATDW available as a Clear Channel Sneak Peak for ten days before the drop date, and while it wasn't downloadable and did have an annoying voiceover, still it was there for however many visit Clear Channel websites, and I'm sure the peer-to-peers had it available as soon as it was released, if not sooner. I haven't run into a link for the OMWH download, so it must involve some sleuthing, or knowing somebody who's forwarding the link. I can't imagine that it's widespread. Of course, maybe everyone has it already and I'm pulling up the rear again -- but, I want that CD with his gorgeous picture on it in my hands, and I want to hear the songs with kbps at CD levels. Downloads, even the iTunes downloads, don't compare to CD quality.

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I was just on the Ellen Show web page, and Clay's CD is prominently displayed in the right-hand corner. It says, "The voice that catpivated millions returns with an all new album. It's the perfect Mother's Day gift available everywhere May 6." There's a link to the Amazon Clay page. Thousands of people visit Ellen's web page on a daily basis, so great placement for Clay! Her website is: http://ellen.warnerbros.com/

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KF I don't have the link either, I don;t think its that widespread. As soon as I heard about the leak I was curious if it got to the p2p sites already...but I didn't find anything. I realize this is something that would take a bit of effort to obtain. I debated about trying to find the link...but then I do want to join everyone else's excitement as we listen to that baby the first time on May 6...so it was an easy decision for me.

I was just on the Ellen Show web page, and Clay's CD is prominently displayed in the right-hand corner. It says, "The voice that catpivated millions returns with an all new album. It's the perfect Mother's Day gift available everywhere May 6." There's a link to the Amazon Clay page. Thousands of people visit Ellen's web page on a daily basis, so great placement for Clay! Her website is: http://ellen.warnerbros.com/

thats pretty cool...thanks for the info.

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Interesting news about Ellen's webpage. I wonder if by chance she'll be having Clay on her show again! Or does she just put stuff on her webpage because..... She tapes in LA so wouldn't it be loverly if he dropped in when he was out here for Kimmel!!!

Read the Washington Post review..............Good Lord - somebody peed in that guys Wheaties the morning he wrote that! It's so ridiculous it's almost laughable, except alot of people read that paper. He's still harping on the Presidential committee - which has absolutely zilch to do with Clay's CD, his voice, his music, etc. But to give the CD an F! Sheesh.

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Sally at CV posted this link to a blog about music critics, which pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject.


IMO, there are no "real" critics around anymore- whether we're talking music, movies, theater, food- whatever. There may have been, at some point in the distant past, people who were so totally involved and knowledgable about and open to music of all kinds, that they could appreciate and wax rhapsodic about different genres. Now, it's all about the sound bite- shallow, ego-driven attempts to appear cool, and to cram their taste (or lack thereof) down other people's throats. Sadly, when we start worrying about whether Clay is cool, or whether he will appear cool to the NJU, I think we're falling prey to the attempts of these ass-hat reviewers to belittle us. I think Clay understands this- just as he understands that being thought of as "cool" is a meaningless exercise in futility.

Personally, I don't seek out reviews of any kind- mainly because I don't know who these people writing them are, and even if I did, I don't have any respect for them, so why should I care what they think? If they had any discernable talents in any area of the music industry- writing lyrics, composing, performing, production etc- they'd be doing that instead of exposing their egos through their tearing down the work of others.

In that interview the other day, where the guy asked Clay why so many people seem to hate him, one of the words Clay used in his answer seems to sum it all up for me-"threatened". I really believe that there are a lot of people-particularly "men" (using that term very loosely!) who are extrememly threatened by Clay. The ones who are the most insecure about themselves can sense his power- he radiates charisma, intelligence, humor, talent- and (bright) women are extremely attracted to that. It is incredibly threatening to these poor schlubs, so their MO is to try to tear it down in any way they can. I find them all pathetic.

Enough about them!!! I am so bummed that I decided not to attend today's final shows. I hope that everyone there- from the fans to his colleagues to the behind-the-scenes people at Spam- will show him the love today-long and loud- just as I wish that I could! :clap:

So looking forward to OMWH- no bootleg copies or leaked downloads for me! I took the whole day off from work on Tuesday (hmmm, when was the last time I took a vacation day off from work that wasn't Clay-related?)so that I can relax and play Clay over and over and over.... and enjoy the beauty of his voice- and of his heart and soul, which I just know will come through every line that he sings.

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I don't see a review of OMWH at the Washington Post. All I see is Madonna. Could this be a "review" from an online blogger at WP? They have a few of those stringers for the online editions and I think that's where the questions about Clay attending the "Commission" meetings came from and I don't think it was ever in the print editions.

Which reminds me -- does anybody other than me remember someone asking Clay about that commission at a M&G last summer, and he said that it was a "joke" -- meaning IMO that it was a waste of time and just window-dressing instead of having any real impact or meaning. It wasn't a paid position, only an advisory one. If he felt his advice was going nowhere ... why waste his time? Clay never did any pivoting or hornblowing from that appointment, and the only time I remember him being asked about it publicly was on Kimmel, and he downplayed it with a joke.

With too many people like "Hell of a job, Brownie" getting big government paychecks and doing absolutely nothing in catastrophic circumstances -- how dare anyone criticize Clay for foregoing meaningless, advisory committee meetings fronted by party regulars with no intention of doing a damn thing other than fostering illusions of engagement. I think Clay saw the political scam and wasn't interested.

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I don't see a review of OMWH at the Washington Post

It wasn't a blog - it was a scan of a page that did quick "hits" on music, theatre, etc. It's in their old thread - don't know where they archive that. They started a new main thread a couple of hours ago.

They quoted one of the songs, mentioned the Presidential committee, and basically said the CD was crap - and gave it an F!

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I read this over at CH and wanted to share. It is a beautiful post by propounder regarding some of the reviewers and the distain of many for the age of Clay's fans and what does that have to do with the merits of his CD anyway for pete's sake...

What's up with some of us here?! *Trouts self and continues* We, fans and supporters of the extremely talented and big-hearted Clay Aiken, made him a star. We enable him to live a very fulfilling life and to improve the lives of and bring joy to uncountable number of people. We are ashamed of ourselves? I happen to think we are the coolest, just like Clay Aiken. Regardless of our ages, income levels, body sizes, political affiliations, races, nationalities, what we have in common is the ability to recognize and appreciate the rare gem that is Clay Aiken. We don't need the criteria of the self-proclaimed cool people to recognize real talent and to enjoy such talent. THAT is cool. Clay is proud of us, he needs us and he thanks us.

The best revenge is success. Clay is pissing the "cool" crowds off to no ends and so do we. I don't give a damn shit to what "they" have to say and will never ever be deferential to their conformity.

Who cares what we are called? Claymates? Housewives? Like Tyra, Hannah and various industry big shots? Welcome to the club and I wouldn't hold their looks, money and success against them.

Clay's music is wallpaper? Uncool? I'm seeing into the future with Clay and Kipper acknowledging each other on the podium, awards in their hands. And money in their banks. And we will proudly accept their thanks for making it happen.

I won't wast a perfectly good fart on those who review by memo.

Too many still want Clay to be cool and I wonder why??? The youngsters who want to be the fans of the cool artists are always leaving one artist for the next cool one who comes along. Clay has fans who love him and support him and what he cares about and won't leave him as long as they/he are around. He knows and appreciates that and has been trying to get out there that he is not cool and is ok with that and, JMHO, doesn't want to be cool cause he knows only cruelty from the cool people.

I, myself, am supporting him and watching him make his own place in the world and be the coolest thing eveh in his own way. I love his attitude that he is going to do whatever he attempts the very best he can and just be himself and people can like him or not like him and that is up to them. He's awesome and a great role model for me!

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That was good...but I like this one just as much:

As a person with friends in the audience at QVC, I'm astounded that ridicule of them is considered fair play here.

This is one lesson the fandom has apparently not learned. Disdain for middle-aged women is alive and well, even among middle-aged women. As long as we're doing it, how can we blame the critics for doing it?

Coming from a part of the world where people travel hundreds of miles to learn from a great and wise teacher, it's amazing to see how many in the US will travel an even greater distance to see Hannah Montana and (as far as I can see) do little more than worship at the altar of youth.

I thought that I at least belonged to a fandom that "made sense", where I take home more than empty euphoria, perhaps learn something about myself and others and help build a community where I'd be safe, accepted and respected. All this age talk today is worrisome.

Why are the dollars of the 18-24 age group so valued?

In the past, this made sense because:

- there were so many of them and more and more arrived every year

- young people spend instead of save; happy people think believe they'll never be sad ever again

- there was a need to establish brand loyalty early

However, things have changed

- more and more people are turning 45 instead of 25

- young people don't have as much to spend; outsourcing wiped out many of the entry-level positions in all industries

- brand loyalty is not as big a deal as it used to be; with internet forums & opinions, people can praise one version of a product and then quickly renounce the next version as a dud

Shouldn't the people here in this fandom should be the most valued customers of all?

But we aren't. We're ashamed of ourselves. We let critics say that we don't matter. And we believe them. Then we tell ourselves that we don't matter. And we hide ourselves from cameras and refrain from clapping, laughing, making too much noise. Because we might be noticed.

This seems like something many of us grew up with and accepted ("You've got to be taught...") but it's high time to change and we need to be aware of this in every aspect of our lives.

1. Separate your entertainment dollars from the causes you support

- What is the proportion of donations you gave to the following causes in the past year?

children, malaria, safe water, HIV research

(social services, health care, employment, training and housing) for those who work in the performing arts

acceptance of individuals regardless of abilities

- What did you spend on these?

parental care, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's

(social services, health care, employment, training and housing) for yourself and others like you

acceptance of individuals regardless of age

I'm not saying that we shouldn't be spending on causes supported by people we admire. What I'm saying is that Team Clay should start promoting and supporting causes that impact individuals in the fanbase; instead of, "I value you and thank you for your contribution" how about "I value you and care about how you are and how you're treated".

How many people in the Schubert audience today are in danger of losing their jobs within the next 5 years due to age discrimination?

Who's going to fight for them?

2. Enjoy life yourself directly not vicariously through others

Get rid of thoughts like, "My time has passed. Let others do and I will watch."

3. Value the things that last

4. Teach others to value knowledge and experience

5. Keep repeating to yourself: I'm not dead yet!

I refuse to be marginalized by anyone for any reason. And that includes ANYTHING I like, especially one Clay Aiken.

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play, I appreciate that you edited a bit... you didn't need to on my account, but I do appreciate that you considered what you said.

I do understand what you're saying, but I think it's a different world these days. I downloaded the music, uploaded it to a sendspace and gave whoever wanted it the files that way, so no haters were laughing at me... and honestly, fuck 'em if they were. We share; if one person on a board can't buy it, I've no doubt that many of us have made up for that times at least six. I know I have.

When I was a kid, we made cassettes for each other (heh, so maybe it's not really a different world after all). And when we could afford it, we got the album for the cover and the better quality recording and just to have it. As for "legal" or "moral" clack... no such thing. It doesn't matter if it's for sale; it doesn't belong to us. Every concert, every AI taping... all stolen, if you really want to get technical about it. T-shirts, pins... all of it.

I do believe most of what is leaked is done purposely. I actually got google alerts that there were downloads of the album available, so it's not like it's hidden in some sekrit place. Or even that anyone needed to search the p2p sites. It came delivered via google to my mailbox.

I have no problem being excited on May 6th. I want the CD... the quality of it; the tangibleness of it, the cover... I wanna pop it into my car and put the top down and siiiiing. So yeah, the early download isn't stealing my thunder for actual release at all... it's just foreplay, and for me, cuz I'm the type that takes a while to settle into things (teeth, hair, songs, first reactions and all that), it's actually good for me to have a head start. :)

Not to burst any bubbles, but those ads are pulls from guptamedia. Nobody directly places ads on their sites, really. They just pull from advertising feeds, based on the tags incorporated into the ad and the topic of your own website or blog. It's great that those ads are appearing on so many sites all over though. The positive power of the internets at play.

I don't remember that question about the commission being posed to Clay, KF, but I agree wholeheartedly with your point.

I think Clay saw the political scam and wasn't interested.

My emotions are all over the place about the ending of Spamalot and the beginning of a new era of musicality from Clay. I'm alternately sad and happy and jellus and proud and excited and wishing I was there and, and, and... you name it!

This pic from dancermom got to me... it's from last night...


Clay owns that alley right now. And tonight he'll say good-bye to it. And that's the LEAST of it.

Have a kick-ass time today/tonight everyone. Represent!

Clay says he's not gonna shed a tear... yeah, right. Hell, I'll probably well up and I'm not even there.

He knows and appreciates that and has been trying to get out there that he is not cool and is ok with that and, JMHO, doesn't want to be cool cause he knows only cruelty from the cool people.

Not just yours... good point!

{{{scarlett}}}, you are such a wise woman.

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In my book,, once a person thinks they are cool, they are just self-important, and no longer whatever the hell "cool" is.

Anyways, on this lovely day, I just want to daintily say:

Fuck the "onlookers" who evidently have no life, so they criticise others' fun

Fuck the people who consider "onlookers'" jaded opinions as more important than the good times of others - they have even less of a life.

Enjoying the recaps immensely, thank ya all!

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