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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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And I think the opposite. There's no way to know of course but to me addressing crap would become Clay's full time job. I actually like the way he handles the tabloids. Yes if it's about someone he loves rather than himself he usually addresses it but I see the frenzy about this story being about him. And then again, if it's true, I think the interest in it would only ramp up. What if the key points of the story are true: AI, his, best friends, going to raise it together. Do you think the media will say..ah Clay..thanks we'll leave you alone now? Or will they all still be trying to be first to bring us the baby pictures. How would he have to "spin" it to make it palatable to those snickering. He can't. The only way to stop it is for it not to be true at all and make a fool of the media. Or of course go on with his life and as they move on to the next sensational story which will happen in a week or two. Yeah it will ramp back up about August, but it will either way, whether he talks or not.

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I read all kinds of stuff on other boards saying "we" need to know, etc. There is no "we". Why don't people just own their own feelings and stop acting like they speak for everybody else, it is annoying and a bit embarassing.

djs...I do agree with you here. It's presumptuous for any ONE person to say 'we' need something from Clay...some fans need things, yes...and some need different things...


(Muski takes a moment... :hubbahubba: )

I needed some things from Clay before this whole bruhaha and I still need those things...

What things, you ask? :lilredani:


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I wish the focus WAS on his music and his CD. But sadly it isn't.

Frankly, I think that's a battle all artists have. The media would rather talk trash about singers than talk about their music. I've seen numerous interviews where the interviewer focuses on the life issues of the artist rather than on the music.

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Perhaps this is why we all have such varying disagreements, it is in some people's nature to evaluate things initially to see what they feel is wrong according to their own ideas of life, and others might just first say Oooh!! Cool! Is it actually hurting anyone? No? Then Oooh! Cool!

That is not any kind of morality statement, it is just what I have observed on fan boards and in real life. I don't think the rose-colored-glasses contingent is making a determined effort to see the happy because they think it is the Right and Moral Thing To Do, I think they might very well just be cheery by nature.

Anyone remember The Fucking Cheery Car? I had it moved to FCA and the bar is open 24/7, just clean up after yourselves, BYOB of whatever you like, and tipping is appreciated. I am researching what kind of snacks to offer - Cheez Doodles haz too much carbz. Mixers and ice are on the house.

I've been hanging out in The Fucking Cheery Car a long time, and moved to FCA when it moved over here. Don't know if I'm cheery by nature, but by nature don't spend a lot of time on thinking about what people should do other than what they do. Tend to accept a lot of things others might not. Might come from having a pretty odd family. :cryingwlaughter:

KAndre fondly remembers building the Fucking Cheery Car and is of the opinion she should have enough minions by now to clean up behind her...stops and thinks for a second (and did some research) - nope, she was just the first passenger...a number of fucking cheery people (many of whom are in here now followed) and then ldyj opened the car for business! Being chugging along fuckin' cheerily ever since...

I remember it well. MUAH to all the other Fucking Cheery people!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

The majority of celebrities at Clay's level - I know jack shit about. I also know I know relatively little about most celebrities anyway. Lots and lots of people honest to God do not care one way or another about celebrities.

Not interested in celebrities myself. When for a period of time I actually watched the entertainment shows and read the magazines because Clay was in them I felt like I was losing brain cells exponentially. It's just not my thing. Most of the people I know are the same.

KAndre - there are probably many people who feel the way you do. But whether or not you cite statistics about the population and the circulation of tabloids....there is still a reason they are in business. There is still a reason the TV mags have the viewership they do. There is still an element of our population that thrives on the seamiest of gossip and spreads it lovingly to all who will listen. There are people who read NE and Star and Globe and believe every single word they read as if it were the gospel truth. There are celebrities who's image is tarnished because of this. I think Clay is one of them.

I'm just glad that Clay doesn't live his life marching to their drum. I admire him for not letting them dictate his life, even if it affects his career negatively.

I'm sorry but who the hell is doing a claymate movie...

Looks like it's all old film from 2003 and 2004. I confess I didn't watch most of it--been there done that, but I can see how it could be interesting to claytonic since she wasn't around for all that, and is still too far away to join in parties and gatherings and so forth. So claytonic, I'm interested if you want to tell us what you learned or saw or how it interested you, OK??

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I wish the focus WAS on his music and his CD. But sadly it isn't.

Frankly, I think that's a battle all artists have. The media would rather talk trash about singers than talk about their music. I've seen numerous interviews where the interviewer focuses on the life issues of the artist rather than on the music.

And you know what? IF TRUE - Clay could probably have gotten a lot more press for the release of OMWH if he had worked pending fatherhood theme into the mix. The cynic in me says it would have been a great angle to the whole learn and grow and mature thing. Oprah would have eaten this story up. IF TRUE - because Clay didn't talk about it then, I would assume he didn't intend the alleged fatherhood thing to come into the public domain until after Jaymes had her baby, if even then. IF IF IF. I know nuthin', I just speculate.

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There is a series of YouTube vids all about Claymates. Just uploaded today. I wonder if some of you are in it....

Hmmm.....you mention a "series" but I only see one; are there more I'm not seeing?


You will see the others from that link. There are 5 YT videos called Claymates: Chapter (1 through to 5)

Thank you!

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Cheery car? COUNT ME IN!! That's part of why I'm here at FCA. I'm in this fandom for the fun, not for the angst. I'm a social worker at a hospital, and believe me, I see more than enough angst. Lots of really, really horrible angst. I'd go crazy if I then came home and wallowed in it on message boards.

So, here's to the cheery car!!

:cocktail: :nana::cocktail: :nana: :cocktail: :nana:

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Hoping for cat pee.

Hee! Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for the kitty, whose name is Sebastian. I picked him up from the emergency vet this morning to the tune of $650, and transferred him, IV tubes and all, to the regular vet, who gave me another estimate of $500. Yee haw! :cry4: But he looks good, and is apparently producing plenty of urine through the catheter. Should be home by tomorrow if all goes well.

What makes it "chai"? Is that the boiling of the milk in the microwave? I make tea weirdly. I put 2 teaspoons of sugar in a mug, cold tap water (cuz hot is soft water in our house), teabag and boil it in the nukrowave. Then add some milk after.

The type of tea bag is what makes it Chai. I buy the Starbuck's Tazo brand of chai tea bags. You can also buy them made by Tetley or lots of other companies. The key to making chai tea is that it should be at least half milk and half water, but I usually made mine with straight skim milk.

Awwww. Poor kitty. My orange kitty had that. Not fun.

Which kitty? Friendly fat kitty or skeerdy cat?

Sebastian is the skinny one, who is solid grey and has the extra toes. We call them oven mitts. LOL. He is the one who takes a while to warm up to visitors, but he is a sweetheart once you get to know him.

Awww, crap!! :sorry: I've already seen your further post that said kitty is OK....so awww, crap!! Are we getting the feeling this Gala wasnt' meant to be for us two?? :hugs-1:

Yeah, I'm definitely starting to feel that way. :(

So~iseeme, I completely understand your concern; but, as others have said, Jaymes' age doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the health of the baby. It can; it can not. My Downs BIL was born when my much-loved MIL was 34.

And having said that.....I am SO not a religious person....but, I strongly believe that IF it is God's will that this baby NOT be healthy; can you IMAGINE a better person to be its father than Clay?? Lord, what a great choice you made, in that case!

Re "someone who has talked about being a father and having a family"....I'm confused....isn't that what he's doing???

WORD. IMO Clay will be a great father, regardless of the baby's abilities. Here's hoping the baby is born healthy, of course. And yeah, I just don't get it......IF this is true, then this IS his dream come true. Just because it isn't someone else's dream FOR him, doesn't make any less HIS dream.

canfly re the driving....my spathyfillium can't drive either...and that's the only "us" there is in this house...unless you're volunteering to fly up and drive me? :lol: Gawd, I would LOVE that!

WTF is a spathyfillium? :cryingwlaughter:

DJS, I'm ashamed to admit this as it might get me kicked out of FCA, but I don't drink, except for water with lemon. :kotz0: So I guess i can't get in the cheery car with ya. :cry4:

By the way, I really like Eric Roberts more than his sister also. He's just so real and uncheerful.

Non-drinker here too, but long time member of the Fucking Cheery Car! Definitely high on life! (well, usually....yesterday was an exception!) And I have no idea who Eric Roberts is (can't picture him, haven't bother to google or IMDB him) but I love Julia Roberts, so there! :P

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WTF is a spathyfillium?

A Peace Lily! Very good Feng Shui to put one near any electronic equipment!

Chai tea is tea made with spices added, originated in India, usually served with a healthy addition of milk or cream or non-fat chemicals.

I do not mean "healthy" in the "good for you" sense of the word!

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I wish the focus WAS on his music and his CD. But sadly it isn't.

Frankly, I think that's a battle all artists have. The media would rather talk trash about singers than talk about their music. I've seen numerous interviews where the interviewer focuses on the life issues of the artist rather than on the music.

Bingo! In this media driven society of today -- unfortunately people are more interested in "juicy" than "good album."

I think another thing to remember too -- Clay's music doesn't appeal to everyone. His voice doesn't appeal to everyone. It's a foreign concept to "us" because in many instances, that's what brought us together. But there are just as many people who hear Clay totally differently than we do. In some cases, this can change -- but Clay's made it pretty obvious to me that HE'S not the one that's going to be changing his music to make more people like him. And so, I can't really hope that people will focus on his music when they don't even like it in the first place.

Anyone remember The Fucking Cheery Car? I had it moved to FCA and the bar is open 24/7, just clean up after yourselves, BYOB of whatever you like, and tipping is appreciated. I am researching what kind of snacks to offer - Cheez Doodles haz too much carbz. Mixers and ice are on the house.

I've been hanging out in The Fucking Cheery Car a long time, and moved to FCA when it moved over here. Don't know if I'm cheery by nature, but by nature don't spend a lot of time on thinking about what people should do other than what they do. Tend to accept a lot of things others might not. Might come from having a pretty odd family. :cryingwlaughter:

KAndre fondly remembers building the Fucking Cheery Car and is of the opinion she should have enough minions by now to clean up behind her...stops and thinks for a second (and did some research) - nope, she was just the first passenger...a number of fucking cheery people (many of whom are in here now followed) and then ldyj opened the car for business! Being chugging along fuckin' cheerily ever since...

I remember it well. MUAH to all the other Fucking Cheery people!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Good Lord, I'd forgotten that I was the person who opened the FCC here! Can someone hand me a drink -- since it's before noon here, a Diet Coke with Lemon would do just fine!

The majority of celebrities at Clay's level - I know jack shit about. I also know I know relatively little about most celebrities anyway. Lots and lots of people honest to God do not care one way or another about celebrities.

Not interested in celebrities myself. When for a period of time I actually watched the entertainment shows and read the magazines because Clay was in them I felt like I was losing brain cells exponentially. It's just not my thing. Most of the people I know are the same.

I used to be WAY more interested in celebrities -- used to watch ET faithfully every night. I think for me, though, I started sensing a change in the tone for many of these shows; it used to be fun to watch the red carpet stuff for a premiere, and it gave me information about new releases in music, TV and movies too. Now, though -- it just seems to be more gossip to me.

I know I'll get shot for this, but I still do read People magazine regularly. The thing is, I read every.single.article in it with a huge salt block attached. I know there are many people out there who don't -- and as part of my job as a information literacy librarian, I work with students on this very concept. Unfortunately, there's too many people out there who don't see that being aware of the source is part of the problem -- and in the end, I just have to give up on them. I'd drive myself bonkers otherwise.

couchie -- Fuzzy Treasure Trail. Tequila, Peach Schnaps, Sprite, and orange juice. I still haven't made one yet to come up with the ratios, but I do have the makings for one at home....

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There is still a reason the TV mags have the viewership they do. There is still an element of our population that thrives on the seamiest of gossip and spreads it lovingly to all who will listen.

I'm sure you're right about that element of the population. Maybe these are the people buying Amy Winehouse records because she's so "in" and "cool" and "now." Yes, with all the publicity she's had, not to mention radio support, and that really cool meth addiction, not to mention the smack, it's no wonder she won Grammys this year. Now with this hot new ravaged look, she may be up for an Oscar by 2009 -- definitely a People's Choice Award, don't you think?


It just seems like the publicity Clay gets (other than Spamalot....) has pretty much been about his alleged lifestyle, where he puts his foot or his hand, his fears and foibles (all of which are human) etc. rather than his beautiful voice, a finely-crafted CD with beautimous songs on it, the absolutely wonderful things his foundation does for children with disabilities, or his UNICEF efforts. Yes, all of the good stuff gets mentioned occasionally but it also gets buried under the crap.

I think the term "yellow journalism" was coined in the 1880's or 1890's. It's the devil we know. And that's all you can do in most cases, recognize the devil when you see him and turn the page.

See, I am so cynical in the morning.

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I haven't said it for a while but I love Clay Aiken :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think he is strong of character and conviction. I feel he has shown me by his actions and deeds is that he has a great capacity to love. He is far less judgemental than those who would judge him. His voice touches me like no other, that's all I need to know really. Except where can I buy a ticket to the Fucking Cheery Car ?

luckiest, your kitties are very pretty, I'm glad Sebastian is on the mend but sorry your pocket book took such a hit.

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I used to be WAY more interested in celebrities -- used to watch ET faithfully every night. I think for me, though, I started sensing a change in the tone for many of these shows; it used to be fun to watch the red carpet stuff for a premiere, and it gave me information about new releases in music, TV and movies too. Now, though -- it just seems to be more gossip to me.

I know I'll get shot for this, but I still do read People magazine regularly. The thing is, I read every.single.article in it with a huge salt block attached. I know there are many people out there who don't -- and as part of my job as a information literacy librarian, I work with students on this very concept. Unfortunately, there's too many people out there who don't see that being aware of the source is part of the problem -- and in the end, I just have to give up on them. I'd drive myself bonkers otherwise.

I agree that the tone of those shows has changed; even since 2003 there's been a big change, to the point where even the promise of Clay won't usually be enough to get me to watch. Of course there hasn't been much good stuff about Clay on those shows, so maybe that affects my attitude, but the Anna Nicole stuff really did me in. There was a time in my life when I read People, back in the early 80s for a year or two. When I see an issue now at the dentist's or wherever, it seems to me to have changed in tone as well. I remember really enjoying the stories about real people most, and it seemed as if there was a lot more of that than there is now.

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Can I be in the cheery car even if I'm more of a whateva person? I'm just accept things as they are and then deal with them, just as I do with my own decisions. Sometimes I make a decision that works great for me, others are not so great, like that 20+ marriage of mine, but I deal with it and move on.

Part of the reason that I love Clay is because he is not afraid to make his own decisions and take risks. Sometimes his choices haven't been the greatest for me, but they worked for someone else, like the CITH. I like more Clay interaction, others like more straight music. Spamalot was a risky decision since some of his fans freaked about him being in something with "bad" words in it and all kinds of naughty stuff, but it worked out great for him, and for those of us who got to see it.

As far as the media, even though some people don't think Clay is an A list celebrity, to me the press attention proves otherwise. Daughtry and Kelly may have higher sales currently for a single cd, but what do we actually hear about them. No one really cares one way or another. Carrie is really big right now and I'm seeing lots of stuff on her and her boyfriends, probably not much else on her because I actually think she is pretty boring material, so they go the boyfriend route because she is a pretty girl.

I think about 2 different cases of media trashing that has effected how I've looked at the people involved. One is Jodie Foster, who has ignored the media, and never addressed any of the rumors, and the other is Tom Cruise, who seems to go out of his way to change media perception. The media did make me wonder about their sexuality because anytime something is planted in your brain, you wonder, but I wasn't worried about it one way or the other because I wasn't sleeping with either of them. What did change for me was how I saw them and I have to say that I came to respect Jodie Foster so much more and lost a lot of respect for Cruise, although his weird behavior didn't do him any favors. No celebrity can change how the media treats them, but they can control how they react in response to it. Clay's way is much classier, and in the long term, will probably earn him respect from others who aren't fans, except those nuts who have nothing better to do than being idiots.

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jmh, I think the change for me was the OJ Simpson stuff -- maybe because IMO that's when the "hard news" media became just as tawdry.

Yes, People still does do "real people" stuff, and there's almost always at least one article like this in every issue. I think one of their weekly regular features is about regular people doing good -- I remember reading one just recently where a lady is now running a service that donates diapers to mothers in need. IMO, though, those things get ignored -- and I wish I knew the reasons why.

No celebrity can change how the media treats them, but they can control how they react in response to it.

justclay, you said a mouthful there -- and I agree with every word, especially in regards to one Clay Aiken.

The FCC car welcomes "whatevah" too.

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Just in case your blood pressure is going up . . . here's my advice:

Remember the article just before all this "broke"?

The one in which Clay described our wonderful freedom of the press?

And -

"Just because someone says it, it doesn't make it true." â„¢CHA

I PRAY that for ONCE, fans will NOT respond to these birdcage liners and try to defend Clay or complain.

They. Are. Not. Worth. It.

If you need to - stop reading the boards.

Go get a book you put down and start reading it again.

Go listen to OMWH.

Go watch Clack.

Do something that will make you feel good.

Please don't let these rags ruin your day. Or your fandom.

Don't let other people wave these crap stories in your face.

You don't have to react. Consider the source.

And for goodness sakes, don't go out and buy them!

That's just my opinion. And now I'll get off my soapbox.

Hugs to all who need 'em,


. . . who is reading a book and not the trash - cuz to me - that's what it is - trash.

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Unfortunately, I got sucked up in the whole OJ mess, but it did almost become entertainment for me. Not the tragedy itself, but the actual circus that came of it. For me the big turning points was the situations with Anna Nichole and Paris Hilton. I couldn't believe that every single channel that had some kind of news program, and I use that term loosely, were treating this stuff like it was earth shattering news. I don't mind actually reporting the stuff, however I do expect things like accuracy, silly me, but then let it go. It gets annoying, especially when there are so many other things that could, and should, be covered.

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Sorry, not trying to raise anyone's blood pressure. I can remove them if you like.

No, luckiest! That's not what I meant.

I guess I was being pre-emptive! (Hell, know that's spelled wrong)

I'm sorry. I was actually posting before I saw your post.

Some people want to read. I'm just saying, if folks are having a hard time with it.


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