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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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I've really come to believe that we will NOT hear from either Clay or Jaymes. The baby will be born and then maybe something will be announced about the father. WHo knows. I'm just waiting for some big career news. From my latest understanding, that hint that Faye allegedly made on the cruise in May about something exciting happening in summer that would change his life was career related...
I'm wit ya!

Oooh....I wonder if maybe he'll have a summer talk show? Hee! Jimmy Kimmel has a summer talk show...maybe Clay will be co-host! Or like an Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson! Or....maybe he'll have a variety show and will sing to us every week! (and then tour in the fall)
Hmmmm...not sure if I want him doing a talk show yet in this point in his career or not. Would be a pretty ironic choice, lol.

Fall tour will be verra hard for canfly to get to. I'd be like "yes, I realize that I just had 2 entire months off but I need 2 weeks more NOW so that I can go gallavanting across the country following Clay Aiken's tourbus.



Don't think that they'll go for that...


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From my latest understanding, that hint that Faye allegedly made on the cruise in May about something exciting happening in summer that would change his life was career related...

Boy I hope so. I would hate to think his mother spilled the beans - so-to-speak! IIT I seriously doubt Faye would be commenting on it.....knowing how secretive and protective her son is of his private life!

Oh God - was standing in the check out line at Safeway and picked up the NE. I almost lost my breakfast when I saw where "some odious creature" is offering his congratulations and hoping he can be the godfather. That is just all kinds of sick. I washed my hands in bleach when I got home.

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from CV:

I was just channel flipping and on CNN Headline they have some show on where they are highlighting celebrity/media scandals and commenting on how they were handled by the celebs. One of the commentators said, " Rule #1: The media is not your friend. Defending yourself will keep the story going."
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from CV:
I was just channel flipping and on CNN Headline they have some show on where they are highlighting celebrity/media scandals and commenting on how they were handled by the celebs. One of the commentators said, " Rule #1: The media is not your friend. Defending yourself will keep the story going."

Yup, Clay figured that out some time ago!

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Just read some more and read some emails. Honestly, I'm having a REAL problem with people saying Clay has deceived them, misrepresented himself, etc. The "I'll only listen to his CDs - don't care about the man anymore"

I really and truly don't get this mentality.

HOW, do they feel that he deceived them?

Tell them to go watch some Unicef footage.

Tell them to go watch song Long Island NAJNT footage.

We may not know everything that there is to know about Clay Aiken but just looking at those 2 things should tell them what kinda of man he is.

They're ready to condemn him for WHAT exactly?

I just wanna smack some people upside the head. So, if they believe he's the daddy, so what? Is that something so horrible? That somehow in their minds negates anything else he's done and makes him a bad person or what?


They may not agree with with his stance to not attempt to clear this up but did you see Brad and Angelina trying to clear it up when the rags were saying Brad was moving out and leaving Angelina? No. It was all over the newstands. Next thing you know, they're having twins. Oh and then they were born and had names and then oops... They've taken the exact same stance of not addressing what's being said about them.

I can't believe how we've gone from the high of spamalot a month ago to so many condemning for...something he may not have had done but hardly matters. He's being disowned cuz they believe that he's... having...a...OMG...a...baby?


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On the personal side, claytonic's post about David's new protege made me take a sidestep. You see, a few years back when MiniScarlett was born I made sure that I would have a lot of say on her name. A year earlier when DS was born I didn't get to have a lot of input on his name because I ended up with an emergency CS when DS's heartbeat was faltering and I was exhausted and out of it. I liked the name DS ended up with but it's nice to be able to pick. For MiniScarlett, I'd always loved the show Brigadoon (those hundred-years apart relationships just get me -- Brigadoon, Sleeping Beauty, Somewhere in Time, etc) and I liked the last name of the actress, Cyd Charisse. David's new star is very talented but I'm kinda sad that the name I picked (which was not very common for Filipinos at that time) could end up being a one-name celebrity one like "Madonna".

I prefer the spelling of your daughter's name, i.e. Charisse, it looks prettier!

"Charice" is actually a contraction of Charmaine Clarice. So she has become known by a name that isn't really her birth name at all.

HAHA gotta laugh, guess what, her fans are now known as people with "Charismatic" disorder or they are Pempengcoholics!.

ClayNation has started a trend!!

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Morning all!

I just wanna smack some people upside the head. So, if they believe he's the daddy, so what? Is that something so horrible? That somehow in their minds negates anything else he's done and makes him a bad person or what?
Yeah, that! :grrrr:

Nice day here, and I'm going to try and stay off the other boards, because I pretty much agree with all the rants here overnight. Just trying not to go there anymore, I get too pissed off. I think many people have assumed that Faye's comment about exciting news was about the baby, when that may well NOT have been the case. And I'd rather look forward in anticipation, or backwards at wonderful memories, than dwell on angst that has no reason or basis in fact. So, here's to tour news, or career news, and great clack. :cocktail:

ETA: Thanks for bringing over those wallpapers from Betty897X, ldyj! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Just read some more and read some emails. Honestly, I'm having a REAL problem with people saying Clay has deceived them, misrepresented himself, etc. The "I'll only listen to his CDs - don't care about the man anymore"
I really and truly don't get this mentality.

HOW, do they feel that he deceived them?

Tell them to go watch some Unicef footage.

Tell them to go watch song Long Island NAJNT footage.

We may not know everything that there is to know about Clay Aiken but just looking at those 2 things should tell them what kinda of man he is.

I probably have selective memory... what parts of these clips should I be watching and what would they tell me about "what kind of man he is"? MHO about the people saying that he "deceived them and misrepresented himself" is that they took certain experiences and memories, read out of them what they needed, projected even more stuff they needed on him, and expected him to spend the rest of his life continuing to fit the image they built in their heads. Everyone has their own private 'Fake Clay', though very few have attempted to communicate via text messages.

The Unicef footage and LI NAJNT footage will always be special to me, Unicef because of some things I did way back when and because I was at LI NAJNT, but my memories will always be my own and will necessarily be from my own POV. And for all that y'all may know, I could have edited the LI NAJNT footage to make him look like "my image of him", eg. like TMZ could make it appear that he did a Russell Crowe instead of simply blocking a lens. When Sinatra did something like what TMZ insinuates Clay did, people would have been doubled over or on the ground.

Oh, and the hat thing in LI wasn't real. I just put that in, fameho that I am. Just kidding. All I really did was delete the part where after asking for my name, he also asked for my phone number.

Speaking of names...

I prefer the spelling of your daughter's name, i.e. Charisse, it looks prettier!

"Charice" is actually a contraction of Charmaine Clarice. So she has become known by a name that isn't really her birth name at all.

HAHA gotta laugh, guess what, her fans are now known as people with "Charismatic" disorder or they are Pempengcoholics!.

ClayNation has started a trend!!

Thanks! I like the part where you can't say her name without smiling.

I'm more ok about it after having a couple of days to chew on things but.... I still wish I had staged a coup, taken over the Philippine government, and issued a Presidential Decree stating that no one could name their child Charisse (or anything that sounds like it) for the next 500 years... /jk

ETA: FromClaygary, Spikesmom & annabear, Thanks for your generous offers to help on the next Craft Sale - wow!!! I can't knit anywhere near as good as you (y'all) so I'm going to Knitters Connection on Saturday. Anyone up for a yarncert?

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I'm with Scarlett, in wondering how people ever thought they knew Clay. Despite his being in the spotlight so much and having video of his every move, how could anyone even think they knew what went on when he entered his home and the doors closed? I have a detective friend and I know how he could hear things going on in a house hundreds of feet away and even see into a dark house. That's how he gets evidence for divorce cases. I can just see some fans doing this. Eww!

I only know what he chose to tell us about his personal life and the rest of it , I just don't care. Some fans were shocked when he joked about his charitable efforts. I thought it was pretty funny when Jimmy Kimmel showed those Afghanistan photos of Clay and Clay kept saying photo op. All I can say with certainty is that he really cares.

Some fans will move on because of boredom, lack of information or their tendency to fill in the blanks. Some want to be peeking in his bedroom window, but wouldn't everyone draw the line there? I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.

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Just read some more and read some emails. Honestly, I'm having a REAL problem with people saying Clay has deceived them, misrepresented himself, etc. The "I'll only listen to his CDs - don't care about the man anymore"
I really and truly don't get this mentality.

HOW, do they feel that he deceived them?

Tell them to go watch some Unicef footage.

Tell them to go watch song Long Island NAJNT footage.

We may not know everything that there is to know about Clay Aiken but just looking at those 2 things should tell them what kinda of man he is.

I probably have selective memory... what parts of these clips should I be watching and what would they tell me about "what kind of man he is"? MHO about the people saying that he "deceived them and misrepresented himself" is that they took certain experiences and memories, read out of them what they needed, projected even more stuff they needed on him, and expected him to spend the rest of his life continuing to fit the image they built in their heads. Everyone has their own private 'Fake Clay', though very few have attempted to communicate via text messages.

ITA with this. I've tried my best to stay away from commenting on the "Clay that I thought I knew" stuff because, IMO, we ALL have an idea of Clay, it's just different for each and every individual. One of the things that I believe about being a Clay fan is that every single one of us has put Clay on a pedestal of some type -- to me, that's simply part of being a fan of his. Fans read things about him, or listen to interviews with him, and that gives some building blocks for that pedestal, based on our own experiences. It's just that some had the pedestal built really high, while others had the pedestal pretty short -- probably short enough that Clay could step off it without hurting himself that much. What many of us discovered these past few weeks was how high the pedestal was for each one of us, and how that differed from other people's perceptions.

Hey -- I now know what OPP stands for! *g*

In my case, I think I discovered that my pedestal originally was a little higher than I really expected it to be -- I was one of those "meet someone -- marry them -- have a couple of kids" people. I'd like to think that after 24 hours of thinking about it, that my pedestal just had a few of the bottom layers taken out of it, like a Jenga game, but the pedestal is still there.

IMO, much of this depends on how "emotional" or "logical" of a person someone is. I've decided for me personally that I can be fairly emotional when it comes to Clay performing, or watching an interview with him, or drooling over pictures. But -- when it comes to his career, his private life, and the gnats, I can be extremely logical. I'm not perfect, because I have gotten upset over a few things in each of those instances -- but I learned to let them go. The people that flummox me are the people that wear their heart on their sleeves regarding Clay in everything he does. My hope is no matter where you fit in my little scenario here, logic or emotion, that this fandom can learn from each side a bit, and come together. Probably a pipe dream, but there ya go.

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I agree with Scarlett, FearofH2O and ldyjocelyn especially this part.

IMO, much of this depends on how "emotional" or "logical" of a person someone is.

I have found a few of the comments this last week to be off the wall and distasteful IMO. I have absolutely no way of relating to them when I'm usually full of empathy for the feelings of others. This time zero, zilch, zip.

In fact, I've been wondering what the hell I'm doing here in this fandom and if I fit in. I'm keeping this very general and non-descriptive so it does not focus specifically on what other fans have said, but am trying to explain my emotional reactions which are based on what I've read the last week. Many may feel that Clay fell off of pedestal but my reaction is about the fans and my expectations, and the fandom fell hard this week. I don't often rely on others outside of my family but this is one of the times I let my guard down and expected something more/better from others that did not materialize. I think I read too many posts over the years that said, I will always love him no matter what but the tabloids knocked us down with glee with only one little kick. They thrive on controversy and taking the must mundane thing and twisting it to sensationalize and to get a reaction. We're not faithful. In my eyes, we failed a test.

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I've tried my best to stay away from commenting on the "Clay that I thought I knew" stuff because, IMO, we ALL have an idea of Clay, it's just different for each and every individual. One of the things that I believe about being a Clay fan is that every single one of us has put Clay on a pedestal of some type -- to me, that's simply part of being a fan of his. Fans read things about him, or listen to interviews with him, and that gives some building blocks for that pedestal, based on our own experiences. It's just that some had the pedestal built really high, while others had the pedestal pretty short -- probably short enough that Clay could step off it without hurting himself that much. What many of us discovered these past few weeks was how high the pedestal was for each one of us, and how that differed from other people's perceptions.

wow...I know this is a little early in the day for this, :lipstick: but I think you're brilliant ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

For me, I got into this fandom when I discovered his love of kids and the fact that he wanted to help children with disabilities. I never even watched him on AI, (well, more than just here and there).

I discovered along the way that I loved his voice. I still do. I still love his heart. Not much has shifted over this whole thing for me, except I feel hurt that he didn't give us fans a 'heads up' on all this, or comment after the fact. That's not much of a recovery for me. Not as much as say, the fan who feels that Clay has misrepresented his (or their) moral values. That is one pretty big pedestal to fall off from, and the mess of that toppling will take much longer to clean up.

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I agree with Scarlett, FearofH2O and ldyjocelyn especially this part.

IMO, much of this depends on how "emotional" or "logical" of a person someone is.

I have found a few of the comments this last week to be off the wall and distasteful IMO. I have absolutely no way of relating to them when I'm usually full of empathy for the feelings of others. This time zero, zilch, zip.

In fact, I've been wondering what the hell I'm doing here in this fandom and if I fit in. I'm keeping this very general and non-descriptive so it does not focus specifically on what other fans have said, but am trying to explain my emotional reactions which are based on what I've read the last week. Many may feel that Clay fell off of pedestal but my reaction is about the fans and my expectations, and the fandom fell hard this week. I don't often rely on others outside of my family but this is one of the times I let my guard down and expected something more/better from others that did not materialize. I think I read too many posts over the years that said, I will always love him no matter what but the tabloids knocked us down with glee with only one little kick. They thrive on controversy and taking the must mundane thing and twisting it to sensationalize and to get a reaction. We're not faithful. In my eyes, we failed a test.

I said I wasn't going to comment on this anymore, but this post really resonated with me; because this is where I am right now.

I am trying to understand certain reactions, but am finding that I have a very low tolerance for intolerance and feel like I really don't know this fandom.


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I never expected Clay to ever give us a "heads up" about his personal life; I always figured we would hear after the fact...he would do an interview and suddenly we would find out that he was married and had a family and I still think that was the plan all along...to make announcement after the baby was born and I still think we will probably not hear from him until after the baby is born and there will be an exclusive either on TV or in print.


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I have found a few of the comments this last week to be off the wall and distasteful IMO. I have absolutely no way of relating to them when I'm usually full of empathy for the feelings of others. This time zero, zilch, zip.

Oh good, I'm not alone!

I don't have Clay on any kind of pedestal (in fact I don't even understand the need to have a pedestal assigned to him) , nor do I have any expectations - I find him verra verra interesting, and love to listen to him and watch him. He certainly is maturing quite HANDSOMELY. I can't wait to see what he does next! I do assume he won't deliberately hurt anyone else (I honestly have not much sympathy for fan "hurt" when he doesn't do something they like, or whatever), so I'm good to go with whatever he does, bearing in mind it is really none of my beeswax.

I feel bad for him when crappy things are said or done to him, much as I would for anybody. The fan stuff is entertaining as hell, except for the freakish anger and instrusiveness.

Being a Clay fan has opened my eyes to some things that I previously disregarded, like asshole media and cruel jokes that disparage entire groups of people.

Heh, columnist Dave Navarette, who whines constantly about how Americans (which oddly enough, don't seem to include Latinos, for the sake of his whining) lump Hispanic people into a solid mass - he has a whole column today about how The Latinos Will All Vote For Obama, because The Latinos All Loved Hillary And Will All Vote Democrat anyway. A couple of years ago, I read a column on MSN or somewhere like that by a regular columnist , who is a rabbi, saying that even if Jewish people did not agree with a damn thing Lieberman stood for, they should vote for him because he is Jewish. Huh?

Ron The God of Irony, who has enabled me to giggle at some of the more ridiculous Clay fan posturing, has really made me notice this stuff, y'all!

Navarette reminds me of people who grandly purport to speak for The Fans. Both do some damage there, but would never be self-aware enough to see that.

I have said before that if he starts to hire fans or be influenced by individual fans, career-wise, he will lose a great deal, if not all, of his charm for me, and I honestly would not be all that interested in him. I would still think his endeavors are quite admirable, just would lose the ability to think of him as his own man, if that makes any sense. I want to see what CLAY wants to do!

This feeling has been strengthened by reading posts that pretty much are saying he should have thought of the fans and his career - with lists, in case he needed more guidance - before he dared to have a child or form a relationship. WTF?

As the wise Heidi has said elsewhere, people have somehow confused Clay and Clay-fanship with The Truman Show. Or their job.

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Lordy, y'all talked a lot since I went to bed!!!

Just in case this hasn't been posted . . .


And . . .

from the CB - lots of Nightline screencaps . . .


And yeah, lots of GAH!


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Whew - y'all are waxing too philosophical for me this morning. I think my cats slept the entire time I was gone this weekend and therefore decided to run steeplechases this morning about 04:45 to get rid of pent-up energy. If the coffee doesn't hurry up and brew I'm going to hurt one of them (not really......)

I don't have Clay on a pedestal - well, except the singing pedestal. I guess I always expect his voice to be awesome! Sorry. I'm shallow.

Was watching some interview or reading some interview last week where the interviewer made a comment about how fans "know" Clay because of AI, etc. I think therein lies the crux of the problem somewhat. For 16 weeks, or however long that cheesy show ran, we were up close and personal with these individuals. Then came a barrage of family vignettes, baby pictures, Learning to Sing (where he spilled nearly EVERYTHING - guess he felt he could share his personal life THEN) , meet and greets where every little word and nuance were faithfully reported, Nannys who were willing to share everything because of either the opportunity or the attention (until that was shut down) "fans" who knew other family members or friends who shared every little thing they could remember about "Clayton," fans who allegedly got involved with TBAF or other splinter groups who were getting involved with Clay's causes, people getting to know Kristy or Suzanne (I don't even remember who she is to be honest but her mother was blabbing stuff at RHT or something?) and on and on until the tabloid mess. Then there are a few intrusive interviews and rude questions and our pissy young man draws the line. He shuts down about his private life completely and throws up a seemingly impenetrable wall!!! Then the fandom gets polarized - (1) he has the absolute utter right to complete privacy even though he's a celebrity; and (2) how come he isn't being forthright about things anymore. The more some fans want, the less he's talking. Some still feel they should know his every move and when he does it. And some wear his "right to absolute privacy" like a badge!!Then comes Spamalot where we know where he is almost every night, see pictures of him almost every night, and he gets rave reviews for his performance. THEN we have a new CD coming out and the expectation runs verra verra high! Well-known successful producer, a happy Clay getting to record what he wants to do apparently without label interference, the Slovenian snippets which prove this CD is going to be kick-ass and hopes SOAR!!!!! At last Clay will be coming in to his own again! Most definitely a tour. Most definitely alot of TV gigs and God-knows-what-else! Yippeee skippeeee! It's great to be a Clay Aiken fan! Then the CD takes off like an arrow (not to be confused with a very fast bullet) and people start making excuses - CD sales are down, he didn't get enough promo again, RCA is truly the evil label, he's tired, etc. etc. ad nauseum. THEN the bombshell is dropped.....OMG Clay may have fathered a child with a 50 year old woman and not in the traditional way!!!! Instead of addressing the situation one way or another he remains mum as is his stance now on anything non-career related. People start putting their random, disappointed and critical remarks all over the internet and the tabloids are having a field day. Holy crap - this validates all the nastiness that's been printed about him in the past. He must be (fill in the blank) because.....(fill in the blanks!) Quite frankly - all of this could be similar to an ice-cold shower. I'm still not happy if its true and I ain't gonna lie about it. But I won't get into "he owes us an explanation" or "gee, it would be nice if he would make a statement" or "I don't care what he does as long as he sings" factions. Because it's just too extreme - no matter what anyone avows about their feelings on the subject. There is no right answer. There is no "you must feel THIS way about it" because it's all personal. I don't think you have to be an emotional person to have an opinion one way or the other. Some of us have alot of time and love invested in this young man and some of us did have expectations for his future in that he has always stated he wanted a family and children! While I love to look at him - I've never fantasized in THAT WAY about him. It would have pleased me tremendously to hear he was engaged to someone his own age, had that fairy-tale wedding and then sat and waited for little adorable Aikens to enter the world! That was MY dream for him. And there's nothing wrong with having that dream for him and I don't have to be an emotional person to have that dream for him. I had the same damn dream for my own son!!!

But now it seems like a fan is criticized if they wonder or care. And a fan is criticized if they don't care. Depends on what side of the polarization you're on I think.

I was with 2 NICU nurses this weekend and one of them had the People Magazine and was asking if it was true. I, too, gave the standard answer that all of the publicity was based on a crappy rumor website and nothing had been substantiated from either Clay or Jaymes. Then we started talking about 50 year old women getting pregnant who have never had children before. Both of them laughed. Said it happens but that without some kind of intervention it was pretty rare. And that intervention could take different methods and often many months!!! I mentioned that Clay had toured in November and December and had very few days off during that time period. Again - the skepticism! So who knows.

Right now I'm honestly more concerned about his career and this beautiful CD that has just dropped off the radar. Yes its getting spins but I just wish it was getting the attention I personally think it deserves.

Okay - Iseeme has now started the discussion for the morning. Have at it...............

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Don't have anything to do? Why not spend some time giving these sites hits. Click on the other links listed such as i

Tunes, etc. Listen to his songs, or watch his webcams. I just relistened to Mary Did You Know from i-Tunes. Create a little activity on these sites. His Myspace, I think it was, only has 3,000 some hits.........





See what is happening with his charity.


He's #4 on the most increased plays and most added list, but not on their top 20 playlist yet.


He's moved up to #28 on All Access


He's #28 on MediaBase, too


School's out for Summer....................... :clap: I just spent the last two days transplanting Lariope all around the base of my house, and my flowerbeads. I have tons of Lariope. It is a great ornamental grass and hardy. It multiplies fast, too. Plus made a new flowerbed at the end of the driveway. Put in some blue creeping phlox, a white azeala bush and some pink pampas grass. I've spent more on plants etc this year than in the past two, combined. Got some cuttings etc from friends, too. It's so nice to share the wealth but heck I paid dearly for some astilbe bushes, pink. I also found something so damn cute. I've never seen it before. It's called Hot Lips Sage. Little flowers that are white and at the end they are red shaped like lips. :cryingwlaughter: It's beautimous........ Get out and get some vitamins from the sunshine, people. Although today it is cloudy and rainy. So I guess I will iron and get things ready for my trip to Illinois, later this week.

IMHO some people are just having a hard time dealing with the idea that Clay is more than likely gay, more than they are that he is having a baby with Jaymes. I have never had him on a pedestal but always knew that sooner or later fans where going to be in for a rude awakening. Clay is not a Saint. He is not the savior for the music business. He is not a virgin saving himself for marriage. He does cuss, he does drink, he does lots of things. He is more than likely never going to be married and have children the traditional way. Jaymes is pregnant and it is Clay's. He asked her to do this for him. That's my reality and belief. If that is showing disrepest for Clay, then you can delete that, but I think it is high time some fans face some things about Clay, and not necessarily about his sexuality. I love him just the way he is.

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IMHO some people are just having a hard time dealing with the idea that Clay is more than likely gay

Oh really?

he does drink

Oh really?

I didn't realize you had such a close personal relationship with him to know these things for certain.


But as always - it's just your opinion.

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I've really come to believe that we will NOT hear from either Clay or Jaymes. The baby will be born and then maybe something will be announced about the father. WHo knows. I'm just waiting for some big career news. From my latest understanding, that hint that Faye allegedly made on the cruise in May about something exciting happening in summer that would change his life was career related...

Oooh....I wonder if maybe he'll have a summer talk show? Hee! Jimmy Kimmel has a summer talk show...maybe Clay will be co-host! Or like an Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson! Or....maybe he'll have a variety show and will sing to us every week! :clap: (and then tour in the fall)

Muski... telephone game... when I read the original post on what Faye said, the "that would change his life" was not part of it. I could be wrong, but I only remember something exciting happening in summer and then the addition that it was career related. I guess we'll wait and see.

I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.

Fear... too long for a thread title??? I like your thinking!


IMHO some people are just having a hard time dealing with the idea that Clay is more than likely gay, more than they are that he is having a baby with Jaymes.

Clayzor... in your opinion! Not in mine!

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Speaking of names...

I prefer the spelling of your daughter's name, i.e. Charisse, it looks prettier!

"Charice" is actually a contraction of Charmaine Clarice. So she has become known by a name that isn't really her birth name at all.

HAHA gotta laugh, guess what, her fans are now known as people with "Charismatic" disorder or they are Pempengcoholics!.

ClayNation has started a trend!!

Thanks! I like the part where you can't say her name without smiling.

I'm more ok about it after having a couple of days to chew on things but.... I still wish I had staged a coup, taken over the Philippine government, and issued a Presidential Decree stating that no one could name their child Charisse (or anything that sounds like it) for the next 500 years... /jk

Charisse is a gorgeous name! One of my sisters is named Charissa, so we have a connect-shun!

I never expected Clay to ever give us a "heads up" about his personal life; I always figured we would hear after the fact...he would do an interview and suddenly we would find out that he was married and had a family and I still think that was the plan all along...to make announcement after the baby was born and I still think we will probably not hear from him until after the baby is born and there will be an exclusive either on TV or in print.



Clayzor, thanks for the links. I have chosen to believe what Clay has told us - that he's straight. Could he change? Yes. I personally think, from seeing interactions with women, that he's straight, but really, that might be me projecting what I'm expecting to see. Until he starts singing with his penis, though, it's a non-issue for me. I don't even care, one way or another. And I don't expect that he will ever address that question again, nor does he owe it to me to address it. His private life is just that - private.

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Gibby said:

Until he starts singing with his penis, though, it's a non-issue for me

OMG - coffee spewed all over the keyboard! That is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I wish we could consider it for a thread title but I guess it would not be too kosher for those accessing FCA from work.

:cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

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