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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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YAY for the London Posse! I have actually been to London ( YES the one in Canada) or to be precise I was sitting on a train that went through London in April. Thats close enough isn't it? I'd still qualify for membership wouldn't I ? ...... Or else I'll have to start my own posse......

I will join you in your virtual restaurant!! I've been to London!! cheers.gif party on dude!! oh. you mean the one in Canada??

Hee I've been to both Londons! I saw Maggie Smith in Stratford (Ont) as Lady "Scottish Play" and fell asleep!! :cryingwlaughter:

Hee, come one, come all! Even if you get the countries mixed up. And Scarlett, I vote for OCA - Ontario Clack Addicts. Has a nice ring to it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Cool that Clay will be involved in that CNN piece on July 6th - I had already marked it down on my calendar to watch, and YES!!!!! (tm the King, complete with arm movements) I verified that I was smart enough not to have cancelled CNN from my line up of channels. :lilredani:

One more day to work, then big boss flies home (YAY!). Then I get 2 days off, work Monday, and Tuesday is a stat holiday (Canada Day). Weird but I'll take it.

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ausdon - I was wondering the same thing!!! about what bad things could possibly be said about Clay going to Somalia?

I will join you in your virtual restaurant!! I've been to London!! cheers.gif party on dude!! oh. you mean the one in Canada??

Pull up a chair Cha Cha!! :drinking71:

Aww I want a First Edition FCA pin!!!!

Does anyone have one that I could buy?

Clay Aiken.....I love him!

I don't get to many other boards but what could possibly be bad about Clays Somalia comments? Am I missing something?

Some folks live to complain. Someone made a cartoon of Clay as a super hero and it was not seen as funny by some and one thought he came across as a little egotistical in the Somalia speech. I guess that is it in a nutshell. Don't ask! I just reports 'em!

Hee I've been to both Londons! I saw Maggie Smith in Stratford (Ont) as Lady "Scottish Play" and fell asleep!! :cryingwlaughter:

Clay as a superhero eh? Umm, what would his outfit be like? Tights? Would you see his hair?........

OH ! and of course what good deeds would he do? how many would he rescue?? etcetcetc...but back to the outfit..........


Merieee I think you'd better join ChaCha and I in our virtual restaurant to discuss this further! :twinklewhore:

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Hee, come one, come all! Even if you get the countries mixed up. And Scarlett, I vote for OCA - Ontario Clack Addicts. Has a nice ring to it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


Without a distinguishing "mark", there will be confusion. With the "e", I can list it next to eHP in the glossary.

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Man, it's amazing to me that Clay sings stuff I would roll my eyes at if anyone would say this in real life, but he sings it pretty enough that I would actually listen.


KAndre, I can't tell you how many times I've had that thought! I wouldn't listen to much of Clay's music if it were by anyone else. There are songs on OMWH that I truly like, even if they weren't by Clay, and that's what makes me love this CD so much, but SL isn't one of them. It's a pretty song. A relatable theme. I like the rhythm of the lyrics. Clay sounds amazing, as usual. That voice! But, it's not a favorite. I have subtitled it in my own mind: "Chick Song Number One." Now, there's nothing wrong with a chick song, sort of like a chick flick. I can get into those sometimes. I grab a box of tissues whenever Beaches comes on.

I can't wait to hear from Clay about his experience in Somalia. I'm ready to support the cause, for sure.

Cagney, a sturdy bookmark - brilliant idea! I've been waiting for an excuse to buy the music pass. It has my favorite picture from the recent promotion.

Off to Target.......

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is the original picture link to a larger photo? :cry4: that one didn't work for me!

It did originally when I posted the link, but then something happened. That's why I decided to post the original.

I love the Betty wallpapers. It's great that she is doing this. Is that all the songs now? I haven't been counting. :cryingwlaughter:

She's done 10 so far. From what I can tell, she still needs to do Falling and TRM. I'm not sure if she will do ones for the Muppet song and FIEKY -- I'll ask her next time I talk to her. And -- I will definitely pass on all compliments to her! Oh, and she says that once she finishes the series, she'll make WS versions of all of them.

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Hee I've been to both Londons! I saw Maggie Smith in Stratford (Ont) as Lady "Scottish Play" and fell asleep!! :cryingwlaughter:

I live in the country 20 minutes from Stratford (Ont) and work in two wine stores located there. In summer the place is alive with tourists for the Festival. As a matter of fact, my DH and I just saw "Taming of the Shrew".....didn't fall asleep, but we left after the first act, which was an hour and half long. It was good, but we both had to work the next day and we already knew how it ended...otherwise it would have been called.."Will He Ever Get Along With That Cranky Bitch?" ! :rolleyes:

Good luck with getting the job, Iseeme! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

eOCA, could be enthusiastic Ontario Clack Addicts, or, in the case of goldarngirl, luckiest1 and cindilu2, energetic, efficient or exceptional.

Have I mentioned lately... :DoClay:

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pets duckyvee's lovely, lovely brain...

Dang if that's not what it is...chick song! And in general I don't like chick flicks either (I'm sure there's one I like...though I can't think of one right now...hell, I didn't even like Love Story)

It's Friday! YAY!

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I love Sacrificial Love.

Hmm...now that I think of it, I love the song AND (in my rather...uh....full past of...uh....relationships) have actually had a couple of those in real life that were....


heh... :blush:

Nice song. :clap:

I actually think that this song's lyrics are the best after LAA. Or maybe I think it's the subject that is interesting. Some of the lines in it are really great, IMO---and I do love the way he sings it.

Great analysis, huh? :rolleyes::cryingwlaughter:

It's FRIDAY! Woo the hell Hoo! :lilredani::clap:

I hope Mr. Ambassador is safely home and resting (or not :sleezy:) and can go to Ruben's wedding!

Oh, and by the way.... :DoClay:

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It is going to be another hot one today. Yesterday it got up to 91, today mid 80's but the humidity is very high. Got up this morning and did a repair on a tent bag that my son had borrowed, went out and rode my single bike to test the new shifters my husband put on, then did some more weeding. I am ready for a nap and I need to go to the golf course shortly. My husband got home from his week long business trip late last night so I guess our vacation officially starts today. I do not work again till the 14th of July.

Clay content- Can not wait for his blog on UNICEF site, and hope they add a picture. I want to see him.

I really enjoy reading the comments on SL, this is one of my favorite songs.

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Oh wow, I didn't watch the news last night but just watched this video of the crash yesterday. I didn't realize it was a Waste Management transfer truck that was involved. I used to work for the Waste Management transfer station and I knew the driver that died. I can't believe it.

TGIF. Time for my Good News marathon.

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Good morning.

OMG Couchie - that accident sounded horrible. I don't care much for I880 anyway - it's pretty unforgiving if you have a problem. The commute must have been a holy mess. Glad you weren't involved in ANY of it.

Thanks for the well wishs on the job. This county is in pretty bad shape and there are alot of people out of work. But it would be nice if it came through! I don't need health benefits, etc. and am pretty flexible about hours - so that's an advantage. Hee! And like my neighbor said, alot of people out of work can't pass the drug tests! :whistling-1:

Got an email from UNICEF announcing the CNN show on Sunday. It also said they were announcing the newest ambassador. Wonder who that's going to be. I hope it isn't some fluff but someone who's going to take it seriously.

Just had a thought.....a couple of you have said recently you wouldn't listen to "X" song if Clay wasn't singing it - because of lyrics, or whatever. Do you think that's maybe why his CD isn't selling? Or radio isn't interested in him? Maybe there are people out there not as enamored of him as we are who think the lyrics or the sentiments are cheesy or whatever. Again - it was just a thought.

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Oh wow couchie. That's so sad to see that footage of that crash. Prayers are with all the victim's families.

ausdon, your restaurant/party scenario almost made me cry this morning. But you know what? You'd have Clay there with you -- and a LOT of FCA people in spirit as well.

Good luck Iseeme!

Yeah, I'm at TGIF too. I need a beer. I don't care if it is only 9:45 a.m.

Godspeed Clay, and may you make it home safely.

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Iseeme...thats true of any CD out there anyway. Even the most successful CDs will have people that don;t like it or don;t like certain songs so its tough to extrapolate two or three posters that didn't like certain songs in one board to the general population.

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Couchie...that's such sobering news about the truck driver. And I couldn't help but notice as I watched two video reports of the accident that in one the reporter said the big rig driver was 49 years old and the other reporter said he was 53.


I was in a local book store the other day, taking advantage of a 'going out of business' sale before heading to my bus stop when some commotion had me learning that just at that moment, the city had decided NOT to foreclose on the shop. This is a 'landmark' here in the downtown area and people were really affected when the story was in the news that the owner, now old and infirm, could no longer handle the rising rents, the detrimental effect of many homeless that hang around the entrance and just dwindling business in general, due to the big bookstore chains' proliferation. While I was in the store, the manager announced the 'reprieve'...then a young woman started asking him questions. She was a reporter for the local paper. I heard her calling in her story, spelling the manager's name many times over her cell phone connection...

Then as I was paying for my books, a man introduced himself to the manager, saying he was from the SF Chronicle and then asking the manager similar "What's going on?" questions.

Here's the thing, though. The manager was not a native English speaker and his accent was very, very heavy. I was listening as he answered the questions and I could hardly understand him. His name seemed unpronounceable to me and the reporter asked multiple times how to spell it. He asked the manager who from the city offices told him he didn't have to close and the manager said something like, 'I don't know his name...it was Dave...David but.." Then the reporter interrupted, offering a last name...and the manager said, "Yes, maybe..."

It just struck me how sloppy the whole news-gathering process was during this 'breaking' news. Then when the two video reports had a different age for the poor truck driver, it just all seemed to drive home the point that ALL news we see in print or hear needs to be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism! And, of course, then the whole celebrity 'news flashes' in tabloid, quasi-tabloid, 'respectable', blog-like and any other news outlet really do have a carte blanche to pretty much print and say what the hell they want to.

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Aw, Merrieeee, I will check forthe pin when I get home, I don't think I have an extra anymore. There was this pin frenzy when people grabbed things from my pin box in a crowd, I should have closed it but I was tryong to help a woman who did not get a chance to buy any early on and her husband was encouraging her.

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Just had a thought.....a couple of you have said recently you wouldn't listen to "X" song if Clay wasn't singing it - because of lyrics, or whatever. Do you think that's maybe why his CD isn't selling? Or radio isn't interested in him? Maybe there are people out there not as enamored of him as we are who think the lyrics or the sentiments are cheesy or whatever. Again - it was just a thought.

I don't know how to separate the two things....would I be listening to these songs if they weren't sung by Clay? That's a resounding NO, I don't tend to listen to much new music. Most of my favourite artists are older, don't get that much radio play anymore. But I don't think that the songs suck or the lyrics are cheesy (although I am sure there are people who think those things, which is fine). I listen because they're Clay, and I know they exist because I follow him. How do you separate the voice from the music? I can't do it. I think someone who isn't necessarily a Clay fan, but hearing them for the first time might be struck by the whole package....voice, music, lyrics....too. How do they come to listen to them? They hear them somewhere. So I think it's more of an exposure thing. More people need to become exposed to the music. As for why they aren't played on radio, I have no flippin' clue. They seem to have a bias against him (IMO). But maybe OMWH on AC will change that (if the "fans" would stop trying to sabotage it). Chug, chug, chug. *g* There are other means of exposure, other than radio. I think TV is great exposure. I think satellite radio (which does play him, I hear him in stores all the time) is great exposure. I think internet streaming and download sites are great exposure (think AOL music, AOL sessions, etc). I also think word of mouth is good exposure. Which is why I am not shy about letting everyone know that I like him. I gift CDs. I wear Clay shirts. I have a Clay license plate and Clay bumper stickers. I am a walking (and driving) advertisement. :lilredani:

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I recall reading a study about trends and how they related to social events, and the conclusion was that during hard times, people seek escape--in fashions, movies, and music. OMWH is really wonderful, but it's not escapist or fluff. People are worried sick about the mess this country is in--war, foreclosures, gas prices, food prices, crime, etc. I think that OMWH will survive in the long run and be admired, but people are trying to forget sad things at the moment.

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I think for me personally -- I just never try to answer "why?", you know? I truly do want his music heard, and think it will...on its OWN TIME. It may not happen tomorrow, or a week from now. But I can't predict the future -- maybe 3 years from now some television show will pick up on a song from OMWH and suddenly, every one and their mother will want the album. Things like that do happen. My key is that I truly try to have patience.

And then I wear my t-shirts and drive around with my license plate holder. *g*

I think it may be time...

SONG OF THE DAY: Something About Us

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I am not really a music person per se; that is, before Clay, I didn't listen to much music; the oldies or talk radio in the car, that's about it. Now, I listen to just Clay; sometimes the new stuff, sometimes the demo's or concert audio...but I enjoy him so much that I don't need anything else.

Guess that is why radio isn't such a big deal to me; I know it is important for him; but I just wouldn't have the patience to listen to the radio just to hear a Clay song...I would rather put on a CD.

It is interesting about OMWH, when you actually read the lyrics to the songs; they do all sound pretty depressing, but I don't get that feel listening to them...if they were all slow, draggy songs I guess I would have a problem with them...but I do think the CD is pretty upbeat despite the content and I do think that in these times, the messages are relevant.


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Something About Us...probably my favorite song after EIDN on the CD. As I mentioned, I sent it to my daughter to see if she would be interested in having it at her wedding, still haven't heard back from her yet.

It has just a jazzy feel to it and always reminds me of Frank Sinatra or Harry Connick, Jr.; that type of sound.

I suppose some might think the Romeo and Juliet type lyrics a bit cheesy, but it always reminds me of when I was dating my husband.


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Something About Us - I find the lyrics very moon/june/spoon - like every cliche ever written - I think that is deliberate - to reflect the hopeless romantic the corniness of love. The song is very 50s/60s it is meant to evoke older romantic notions again. I feel this is not a singers song, but a carefully crafted song to bring out certain feelings. Clay sings it fine, but it is not one of my favorites, I like others more.

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I think TV is great exposure.

luckiest, I agree and I hope that in upcoming tv appearances (other than UNICEF, of course :)) Clay will actually SING. I love listening to him and watching him interact in interviews. He's so damned funny and witty and entertaining and engaging and charismatic, etc. But he needs to let new audiences HEAR THAT VOICE at every opportunity, imo, in order to increase the numbers of people who actually buy his music or consider going to his concerts.

So although I'll take ANY television appearance of Clay's just because he's so much fun to visit with, I don't think JUST interviews do much to create new fans and purchasers of his incredible vocal and musical talent. Hopefully, a second wave of promotion has been in the works for a long time and Clay's management has arranged tv show appearances that include cd promotion via actual song performances! :praying: I do understand why he didn't get so many of those spots in May, but with months to work the schedules, hopefully his 'people' can work the magic they're paid to make happen.

I do NOT want to be here in the freakin' office today. Don't CARE about the five million meetings and events I'm supposed to be multitasking on. Don't GIVE a shit, really. :glare:

Is that wrong of me? B)

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Cool that Clay will be involved in that CNN piece on July 6th - I had already marked it down on my calendar to watch, and YES!!!!! (tm the King, complete with arm movements) I verified that I was smart enough not to have cancelled CNN from my line up of channels. :lilredani:

Yaaaay!! I just got email from UNICEF reminding me to tune in to this show and "As a UNICEF supporter you've shown that you want to be a close partner in the global fight to save children's lives. " I like that partner part.

And then I realized "OH NO!!" I might not be home of July 6th! :cry4: That's the weekend of our Annual Car Club event! I have to check out what time we'll be getting back. And also remember to set a recorder to get this show!!

The email also says there will be a new ambassador announcement. Wonder who?

We need some purdy pitchers..........




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