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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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Well, Now, muski!

You sent me to YouTube! I always get lost over there! That's why I haven't commented!

I loved the reminder of Funny Man! The bits were some of my favorites!

I've also been watching Shrek - checking in during commercials and when I hit the pause button on the remote! :cryingwlaughter:

Thanks for the link to the Funny!

I just love him!



I'm on TOP again! *g*

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Yikes I;ve gotten addicted to guitar hero!!!


anyway...too tired to comment too much...just going to do a general


y'all have kept me busy validating through the day...hee

Tay...your name is making me do a double take...thats what I call my daughter Taylor...

hope you all feel at home now!!!

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Cotton, what channel is Shrek on?

Shrek's on TNT! I'm not Cotton, but I'm also checking in/catching up during the commercials. :)

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Aww, I love the way he leans over and gets the wallet out of his hip pocket to show to Jay!

Cotton, what channel is Shrek on?




I have satellite tv.


I thought I his submit 10 minutes ago!!

I love him reaching for his wallet, too!

And, apparently, so did the audience!

I don't think Clay and Jay realized it!


From yaknelle at CV

Stole this from a post at the CH. It made me smile.


Can't do fancy links.

My Shiny Teeth and Me! montage . . .


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One problem with the boards is that one person's perception of lack of respect is another person just not loving something about or associated with Clay. I have had many people tell me I am being disresepctful toward Clay when I say I don't like his hair or his clothes or a song choice or jokingly talked about someone associated with him. There are some fans out there who love everything Clay does and think all his choices are wonderful etc. That is fine and if it makes them happy I say go for it! But they have no right to expect everyone to feel the way they do.

[i agree there are some posts I have read that are down right nasty toward Clay. But they are in the minority. While I hate the hate Clive/RCA conspiracy theories, I don't think they are necessarily disrespectful to Clay as much as they are just wacko! The only disrespect I see in them is MY perception that they are painting Clay as a wimp, a victim, who can't stand up for himself.

I think we as fans are entitled (and I am sure some will jump on me for even using that word!) to say if we don't like something about Clay and his choices. He is entitled to totally ignore what we say! Who out there never tells the loved ones in your life when you are disappointed in something they do? Who out there thinks your nearest and dearest are perfect and always do everything right? You can love someone to death, think they are wonderful, enjoy being with them, never get tired of them, and still not agree with everything they say or do. Being a fan of Clay to me is no different. I am still here after all these years so obviously I like him. But I also do not think he is perfect. I think he has in the past - and will in the future - make poor choices and many mistakes. I have not always nor will I always love every song he sings. His hair has looked like crap at times and fabulous at other times. I have rolled my eyes at things he has said and cringed at others. I am sure I will again in the future. And I think I have a right to express it when he does something that I don't like.

But I am still here. I think my fandom is in a better place lately because I have put it more into perspective with my real life. But I am still here.

I like Clay despite his faults, poor choices and bad hair. Maybe its because I know that he will turn around and make excellent choices and have great hair if I hang around long enough.

He is interesting and he entertains me. Until those things change, I will be here, and I will be here expressing when I love something about him, or when I don't. And I see nothing wrong with that.

I have to agree with much of what you say. But I will disagree with the part that i bolded. From what i have read, one does not stand up against Clive Davis and not feel his wrath in one form or another. And from what I have read, Clay did stand up to him and i think he has paid the price.... and still is.

I do think that the fans defending him makes him look like a wimp and maybe that is what you are saying.

ETA: I was once told that just because I don't like something he does or something about him, does not mean I have to post it on the board...... that it serves no purpose. I agree with that also......

so guess that makes me wishy-washy/on the fence/a wimp and easily swayed????

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One of my favorite phrases from the CD is in SAU -

"Crazy laugh, a photograph". He hits the "c" in Crazy kind of hard and holds it a second. And "photograph" - he breathes the word in his lower register - just Gah inducing. Love it!

Well, now, it's time for beddie bye!

I am "FAAAALLin' " . . .


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"Well Now" in Everything I Don't Need...very sexy!


aikim... ditto!

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: Shiness on CH posted this link that a friend sent her. It's to a page about prairie dogs...but look at the first picture and hold your mouse over it...some text will appear.

BWAH! :lmaosmiley-1:

Oh, no he DIDn't!

muski... LOVED this. So funny!!! And, cute!

BWAH again! :cryingwlaughter:

If your cheeks aren't sore from grinning after watching this montage of funny Clay moments on nighttime talk shows, something's wrong with ya'!

He's so CUTE! and funny!

muski... I really enjoyed that. He is just so good on talk shows. Even tho Leno still makes fun of him, I think he likes that fact that Clay can not only keep up with him, but actually treats him normally (no holding him in awe) and can sometimes zing him even.

:welcome10: to Tay and Go and lurker friend of CG who is our 1000th member!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I don't think any of us will ever know about Clive and Clay's relationship. He certainly seemed enamored of him on GMA when he presented him with the double platinum plaque!!! And that was after Clay stood up to him! Success kind of negates alot of things. Clive has been crucified for making Clay sing covers....and yet someone on this board in the last day or two offered the opinion that maybe Clive was responding to people wanting to hear Clay sing songs like he sang on AI..............covers! Again - who knows!

IMO some in the fandom think they have to defend Clay or provide guidance to him - as if Clay can't take care of business himself. That's what I've always read into the diatribes on RCA and Clive Davis. It's alot about people making comments and spouting opinions based on verra verra little fact or no fact at all. I think sometimes people forget that Clay has a top-rated management team that probably knows a thing or two about negotiation, looking out for their client's best interests, representing their client in all things relative to his career....you know, stuff like that! Nobody knows what Clay's contract was. Nobody knows if Clive dislikes Clay or likes him. It's all fan conjecture and alot of angst has resulted from that conjecture - not to mention a few boards have become absolutely poisonous.

Whatever and whenever - Clay was allowed to make the CD he wanted to make. He was allowed to choose the producer, the songs, and probably had a great deal to do with choosing the arrangements he liked - and he managed to get Quiana and Angela gigs. So someone at RCA still believes in him and his talent. I guess we'll find out when it's time for the next CD to roll around.....

Another pretty picture - and a happy, happy face with a beautiful smile - and then I'm off to bed.


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She is beautiful!!! And she looks happy, too!


I've had Something About Us on repeat for about an hour now!

I'm still not tied of it.

He absolutely caresses this song!

I know I am probably late for this discussion, but I just love this song!! It is one that I can listen to on repeat for an hour also.

bolded part...... excellent description!!

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I agree with your rant, Iseeme. And, as I said earlier, if these people (i.e. Roger et al promotion) had any inclination of the venom spewed at them by some fans, why would they try their best for Clay, That might make some hold back just a bit.

It just struck me as fans interfering with Clay's career and not supporting it.

And there is always the part where I believe a lot of the RCA "inside" information came from the FC people and was spread around as fact and some people are so invested, they would rather mock the people involved then do some introspection and review how they were personally influenced.

This is just a disagreement on a topic between us, TooOldForthis, please don't take this as anything personal

I would insert the platinum presentation here, but I don't have access to that file here. Anyway, I am fascinated by that presentation because it was the night after the 20/20 interview and Clay wasw not told why he was there, so he was standing there nervous and Diane said there was soeone who wanted to see him and this shadow passed across his face in a second I think he thought it was the sperm donor. - and then Clive came out.

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I know i've been posthoing today but I put in 9 1/2 hours of work.whoo hooo.

I love Shrek! Hated Shrek2. Didn't bother with Shrek 3. Wait, was there a Shrek 3?

Play my perceptions were the same as yours about Diane's suprise guest that day. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was just Clive.

So, Couch, are you telling me I can't brag about acceptance since all it took was breathing?

that pretty much sums it up hee

Welcome to all the newbies - all 794 of you! :cryingwlaughter:


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ETA: I was once told that just because I don't like something he does or something about him, does not mean I have to post it on the board...... that it serves no purpose. I agree with that also......

so guess that makes me wishy-washy/on the fence/a wimp and easily swayed????

This is pretty much how I am, I don't say much of anything about what I don't like. For the most part it isn't really important. I only like his hair once in awhile and not often at all since Jaime has been doing it but when I don't like it someone else does, so what are you going to do. I didn't like his teeth in the beginning but now I like them just fine. The thing is, I always like Clay and that doesn't change.

It doesn't bother me what anyone says if they say it with affection.

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I agree with your rant, Iseeme. And, as I said earlier, if these people (i.e. Roger et al promotion) had any inclination of the venom spewed at them by some fans, why would they try their best for Clay, That might make some hold back just a bit.

It just struck me as fans interfering with Clay's career and not supporting it.

And there is always the part where I believe a lot of the RCA "inside" information came from the FC people and was spread around as fact and some people are so invested, they would rather mock the people involved then do some introspection and review how they were personally influenced.

This is just a disagreement on a topic between us, TooOldForthis, please don't take this as anything personal

I would insert the platinum presentation here, but I don't have access to that file here. Anyway, I am fascinated by that presentation because it was the night after the 20/20 interview and Clay wasw not told why he was there, so he was standing there nervous and Diane said there was soeone who wanted to see him and this shadow passed across his face in a second I think he thought it was the sperm donor. - and then Clive came out.

No problem. We all have our own opinions and filters.

We each have our own reasons for feeling the way we do and i respect that. Only time will tell..... actually, we may never know....... why things have happened the way they have.

I have always said that we do not walk in his shoes, we do not know how the contract/s is/are written and all we can do is speculate.

But, I do know that Clive is not to be messed with.... at least that is what a couple of books have indicated. Clay is smart enough to never let on .... at least too much......... that things are not the way he wanted them. ..

Yes, all seemed well between Clive and Clay on GMA that day. .... did not last long though from all indications.

I really do not base my feelings just on what others say. I do listen/read and observe and add it all together. I try to stay objective, look at the overall picture, ask myself questions, the whys and what ifs etc. I don’t always like the answers I come up with.

It was much more fun in the early years before I became so wary and distrustful. But I am aware of this ...... and when things get to me, i back off and become that fan again.

The man fascinates me...... what can I say.......

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Clive was at GMA because Clay sold 600K albums in a week. That was pretty huge and Clive was there to get his face time and take some credit. Clay was probably just another guy in the stable that Clive wanted to continue making the company a boatload of money. Unless one of them writes a book and fill in the blanks that's probably all we'll ever know. I just don't think the man gave Clay all that much thought but again something else we'll probably never know..unless Clay writes a new book... Learning to Dance? Clive was making a fortune off Rod Stewart and probably thought he can make even more with a guy who could actually sing. That decision could have been just a business decision that contained no malice whatsoever. Iseeme I agree with what you said. Clay isn't alone on an island surrounded by sharks. He does have people and a voice of his own. It's what all of us in life have to deal with on our very own jobs - now they may not involve millions of dollars but we all know how business works. This isn't an extreme, Clive is innocent post and Clay has no issues with him.... I know all about the man but the amount of stuff being attributed to him got to be ridiculous.

ok my favorite clay word ever is from Idol... Unchained Melody

You know the ..I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed your love...well it's the next I that does me in every time. Go take a listen. I wish I knew how to talk music better because Clay does some things that are so uniquely him. I heard them on Idol and I still hear them today. It's those things that make me swoon. One of these days I'll have to come up with some examples which means listening to ever song Clay ever sung. hee I'm up for that challenge.

LadyJ? NEXT? I think SAU has been deciphered every which way. I hope we return to my favorite song because we were all kinda ignoring song of the day for the first few.

OK I can at least try not to post ho:

Heaven montage...and oldie but goodie and one of my favorites

KAndre...ok chick flicks..The Truth about Cats and dogs? Sense and Sensibility?aha Imitation of Life? I'll get you yet. heee

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The only indications of trouble between Clive and Clay Qualification - that I know of came from insiders and some of them were dreaming the inside information they got, at least two different bad sources were identified, so I need facts - that goes beyond filters.

Here is the thing, mostly the people who really have inside information don't talk about it and half the information from the "people who know people in the family" is screwy or misinterpreted because it went through so many ears like playing telephone and we don't always know which is which, so we end up back in - we just don't know. I remember people being mad because Clay was not at Clive's grammy parties - well, he wasn't up for any grammies and he hated parties - kinds of makes sense for him not to attend even though it would have been good business. - it was more a fan interpretation that he was not invited. I am pretty sure any artist who was on the label could get an invitation. Having some business experience, yet no real knowledge, I bet a lot of the freedom Clay got with this album was negotiated with ATDW.

Happy birthday Fear - penguinpartybum.gif

Hmm let's add this because I forgot to get you a card thbirthdaygoose.gif

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*Gulps down now-melted frozen daquiri* Thank you Iseeme! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Welcome Poison Ivy! If I've missed someone, I'm sorry...LOTS of newbies lately!

Some family came over from out of town...we had a nice visit.

Hmmm...favorite phrase? I'll have to sleep on it. I love the way Clay sings so many phrases, it will be hard to pick favorites.

I loved that Youtube of Clay and the talk shows. I'd nearly forgotten about the very early Leno and Kimmel shows. So many good memories. He seemed like a different person to me on that first Leno...

Off to bed.... :nightienight:

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Ooh! You added my fav! :013085001176249046: and you NAMED it something Impossible to remember!!!!

But I still :013085001176249046: !!!



I like him. :hysterical:


Okay. I couldn't sleep . I'm gonna go try again!

Otherwise I'll fall asleep on the beach tomorrow and come home in some kinda weirdass burned stripes or something!

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I remember people being mad because Clay was not at Clive's grammy parties - well, he wasn't up for any grammies and he hated parties - kinds of makes sense for him not to attend even though it would have been good business. - it was more a fan interpretation that he was not invited. I am pretty sure any artist who was on the label could get an invitation.

Hmmmmmm.......I remember people being mad because they assumed that Clay was invited but was so "stubborn" (hatesssss that word applied to anything but children) that he refused to go and therefore lost any chance he had to schmooze with others in the industry and so his career was ruined. Then that assumption somehow became fact and was used to underscore other "errors" Clay made whenever Clay did not do what some fans thought he should do.

I think this is what made me step back a bit - because it is, to ME, fucking boring to read pages of criticism based on nothing but (sometimes self-serving) conjecture and assumptions. For me, there is no point to it. Heh, in fact, now that I think of it, it is fucking boring to read pages of criticism, period.

And yeah, it is kinda funny to see the scrabbling way history is rewritten by those who drank the fake Clay kool-aid. Like the rest of us got zapped by the Men In Black flashy thingy. Or believed them in the first place.

And really, when I read stuff like how Clay should dial back the philanthropy until he is a rock stah or change his backups or friends or home base to something more rock-stah-worthy, I think hell, you are not a fan of Actual Clay, anyway.

I confess I am only interested in what he actually does, without self-anointed-fan-filterers deciding on the meaning.

Sometimes I feel like this: :wtfcat: or maybe just this: :damnprocessing:

and lately just like this: :image13:

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There IS no "well now" in EIDN :lmaosmiley-1:

Oh yes there is! :hysterical:

One of my favourite Clay sounds ever. Sorry, I just don't hear "well, well". I hear "well, now". In every version!

I am supposed to be up washing floors and vacuuming and doing 750 loads of laundry since I have no kids this weekend. Figured I'd get a lot done. Only all I've done is sit here and watch youtubes and downloads and torrents and DVDs and even went to a movie last night. :lilredani: But as soon as I find my motivation I am going to get started and put on an All Clay mix to keep me company. So I may be back with more "fave sounds" soon. Or not. :imgtongue:

Wheeeeeeeee! couchie did something admin-y! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

BWAH, saw someone on another board ask "where is everyone?" Hee, they're over HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE! :smartass:

Cool new emoties. I like it when they are in the little screen to the left. I'm too lazy to hit "show all" and search for more.

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I recently read this quote from an interview with Herbie Hancock.

“Human beings are not just one-dimensional. I’m a musician, but I’m also a father, a husband, a son, a citizen, a friend, an African American, an American—and at the root of all that, I’m a human being. My vision comes from my humanity, not from my being a musician. That opens it up, completely removes any walls.”

It made me think about the one-dimensionality of the narrow interpretation of "Rock-Star Clay". I prefer the multi-dimensional, always engaging real man even though I may not agree with everything he does or says.

Here's a link to the whole article.

Hancock Interview

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Good Morning Everyone,

7 days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF!


Everyone have a great day!


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