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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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ETA: Attention Bay Area Peeps!

From Dotsann at CB....(by way of CV and the CH and getclayaiken [*waves at laughn*]...lol)

Program Manager of Star 101.3, San Francisco, CA, states as of today, they will be testing Clay's songs in the market next week. "Let's see how he goes for the wider public."

Star 101.3 FM

Oh, this'll happen while we're there!!! I may get to hear Clay on the radio? !!!!11!!!!1!!!

I wish I was gonna be there, too, but no SF trip for me afterall.... :cry4:

But YAY! for radio play! :clap:I think it can! I think it can! I think it can! :cheerleader:

A verra :bday: to jmh123!!! bd-party2.gif

It's Monday. Again. killer_rabbit.gif

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Good Morning!

Back to trying to sand my wooden bench.

In small doses! hee

Maybe I'll have it finished in time to prop the Christmas Wreath on it! :cryingwlaughter:

It's Monday!

Maybe we'll get another installment of the UNICEF blog today?

In any case - still - :Iluvclaysbutt: :013085001176249046:


There was some recent discussion of PayPal donations to UNICEF and not being able to designate the "direction" of the gift. I emailed UNICEF and got an answer today. Thought some others might be interested. :)


Thank you for contacting the U S Fund for UNICEF. You are right when you say the Paypal contributions go directly to the General Fund, but if you call me aprox 2 days after your contribution then we can “edit” the donation and earmark it for what ever program or region you want to designate it to. We are working to better serve our contributors and your comments are appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reply to this email with further questions or concerns.

Thank you for your support of the U S Fund for UNICEF and the world’s children.


Soraida Sanchez

Coordinator, Donor Data Management

United States Fund for UNICEF

125 Maiden Lane

New York, NY 10038

212 922 2592


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Program Manager of Star 101.3, San Francisco, CA, states as of today, they will be testing Clay's songs in the market next week. "Let's see how he goes for the wider public."

Star 101.3 FM


ETA: Well I hope he is tesitng OMWH but I decided to send some good karma... If they do indeed test Clay's song, I will indeed listen to their radio station.

Invisible got into the top ten of their playlist eventually and actually became one of those songs you almost got tired of hearing :hysterical: so I'll keep a positive attitude.

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Good morning - and a big happy birthday to jmh123...


WOO HOO for radioplay in SF.....unfortunately we don't get any radio reception up here at all other than Sirius satellite. I wish Clay would get on one of their playlists.

It's another warm day but the smoke is clearing somewhat. For now, anyway.

No Clay content so I'll just post a picture.

We can caption it "yayyy for radio play!"


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Happy Birthday to jmh123 and Belated Happy Birthday to kimiye!

Another 5 day work week. I get the impression it's going to be a loooooooooooong one. Hoping for another installment of the Unicef blog!

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I can almost guarantee...since I'm going to be pretty much off a computer beginning tomorrow afternoon until at least Thursday morning, due to my surgery, that he'll do his UNICEF blog during that time frame.

Ya'll can thank me later. *g*

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I can almost guarantee...since I'm going to be pretty much off a computer beginning tomorrow afternoon until at least Thursday morning, due to my surgery, that he'll do his UNICEF blog during that time frame.


Hope all goes well!

:wein: to a Speedy Recovery!!!

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I can almost guarantee...since I'm going to be pretty much off a computer beginning tomorrow afternoon until at least Thursday morning, due to my surgery, that he'll do his UNICEF blog during that time frame.

Awww ldyj - wishing you a quick recovery!!! And you know we'll have everything printed, written or displayed if he does blog while you're offline.

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kimiye, this is for you.


Sorry I missed it yesterday!

jmh123 birthday.gif

And...yayyy for radio play! (tm Iseeme...I think it can, I think it can, I think it can.

Karen Eh?...Are you feeling any better today? I sure missed you Saturday night. And you missed some good brisket.

GroupHug.gif So, 'hey' from the gang. LOL

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:dance2:Happy Birthday jmh! (honestly, what can be better than two dancing bananas???)


(ok, maybe that)

Hope it's a happy one.

ldyj, :F_05BL17blowkiss: I have been thinking of you and your knee and all that. (((hugs)))

ETA...It was kimiye's birthday too...???

bring it! :nanarow:

hope it was a good one!

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And all the best wishes that one day Clay looks at you like THIS!


00lsee, you don't need no stinking pajamas! merrieeee fell asleep in her clothes -- after we'd watched another 2-3 hours of clack ... after the Doorknob Debate. And, I discovered how much I love Christmas in July. Speaking of Christmas ....

keepingfaith, the guy we were talking about yesterday -- Andrew Lincoln!

Thanks Scarlett! :5: :6:

Found this on You Tube -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is9xHR11E3A...feature=related

and this earlier one where he got busted by his own video ... I love too ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4qSxM13jCw...feature=related

Googling led me to this bit of information about Andrew Lincoln --- He married the daughter of Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) and the flower girl at their wedding was Apple Martin, daughter of Gwenyth and Chris -- the Chris who should NEVER appear on HDTV sans make-up on that hickified neck, and who should always remember to shave as stubble is not his friend in High Def.

And, the Brazilian dude who played Laura Linney's secret love "Karl" ... his name is Rodrigo Santoro:



Here's a You Tube of an interview with him regarding playing Xerxes in 300:

And my Dear LadyJ: I'm so glad you're finally getting all fixed up -- and pray your guardian angel will keep close.


Note to the World: If at anytime you happen to notice a certain FCA mod driving an armed tank down your street --- for God's sake don't lie down in front of it! In my pre-admission questionnaire before I ever met the eHP I was asked if I could do 5-hour conversations over lunch. So, you guys needed lunch before? :cryingwlaughter: Actually, I was wondering if I'd been banned when it took me 45-minutes to get IN the house Saturday. So, KAndre and Scarlett, you didn't think I would actually let you LEAVE the house without delay, did you?

And, just so you know ....


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Happy Birthday to jmh123 and Belated Happy Birthday to kimiye!


:fest06: :fest30: :00000430:

Yippee about Star 101.3 in the Bay Area! I actually wrote them when OMWH first came out but never heard back, so I didn't write again. Maybe others did the same? That would be awesome. Couchie, you'll have to "represent" 'cuz I'm in another state so shouldn't bug them about playing Clay...You'll have to do the lobbying for me! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ok...so we survived the registration and the opening session with the minimum of confusion...time will tell.

I had to move out of my room today, but that's a good thing. They're moving me to a bigger suite--one that has a whirlpool tub and a bar area. I like that. :sleezy:

I love Clay Aiken. :wub: and :hubbahubba:

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And speaking of guardian angels ... ah the synergy .... here's a clip from Michael that includes Travolta dancing to Chain of Fools. This was all filmed at Gruene Hall in Historic Gruene in New Braunfels, Texas. If certain members of the eHP weren't so skeered of riding the rapids, we could have done a River Rat Tour of the Hill Country this summer. In KAndre's case, she's not skeered a'nothin' -- but the temperature of that cold, spring-fed Guadalupe is a deal breaker. A near-ice cold whitewater river doesn't bother me when it's 105 outside. Sitting in the tube, your rear end is numb in 3-5 minutes anyway, so WTH!


Actually, here's Gruene Hall, the oldest dancehall in Texas, in all it's ... ahem ... glory (again, Christmas in July):

FYI: There is a difference between country music, and a Texas dancehall party on Saturday Night. sure you can catch Delbert McClinton, Charlie Robison, and Willie Nelson, but you can also hear Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs, as well as The Band of Heathens, and the subdudes. There's always the Sweetheart Gospel Brunch! What's cool about this place is the Guadalupe running pretty much right through Gruene, which is the end of line for the rafters and about a six hour float from Canyon Dam, give or take, depending on how high the river on any given day. Check out the pictures:


Because there are places like New Braunfels and Gruene, I can't conceive of ever leaving Texas. Man, I love the Guadalupe River. I've had people ask me for years why I live in a "conservative" state. Truth is, I've never found Texas to be conservative in any way whatsoever. The most open, liberal, funny people I've ever known have been Texans; unfortunately too many of them aren't sober on Election Day. Word to the wise: Just because people get elected to office in Texas doesn't necessary mean they can find their asses with both hands. I know you're saying, "Now you tell me!"

And, since I missed the Lyle Lovett chat over the weekend. He has a ranch north of Houston in Klein, and still lives in the house his grandfather built. A few years back, 2002, I think, his uncle was flipped by a bull on the ranch, and Lyle went in and rescued him, ending up with a shattered leg. I think there were about 20 breaks in all and he convalesced for a loooong time. Lyle truly is a good guy.

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No Dictator-for-Life worth her salt stops for a couple of 'bumps'.

Hickies my butt - those were the kind of pimples high school nightmares are made off!

Chick, I like your guardian angels.

And of course we need lunch for 5-hour conversations - those little mini 4-hour ones have always been food optional!

And it wasn't our fault you knocked on the door in the middle of our Lawrence Welk marathon! There was a man in a gorilla suit we were fascinated by....

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Lawrence Welk marathon?? Well that explains a lot about the eHP! :hysterical: It also gives me flashbacks to my grandma's house...

I just got the word Tabard on FreeRice - now the Lancelot number is going through my head!

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Happy Birthday JMH

:00003653: :04: :cake: :EmoticonRingAround: :confetti-1:

Whoa! I had a great pat on the back today. At the gym a young (maybe 1/3 my age) woman came up to me and asked if I was a runner. She said I looked like I could do 5K. I asked if that was more than 50 feet because otherwise my answer would be no.

She than said that she told her husband about the woman in the front row who really kicks butt in aerobics class and even works out beforehand. She neglected to say the older woman in the front row. After I got up from the floor where I was kissing her feet, I told her thanks that made my day. You can't pay people to say that or can you? :shrug:

Have a great day.
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Happy Birthday... jmh!!

kf... funny, but I was just told yesterday to watch Michael the movie. That youtube was too dark to see anything, but I am going to get that movie now. Thanks for the reminder!

Fear... Congrats on the compliment! Way to go!!!

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Hi all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Just a very quick checkin from Starbucks....as I've been forced offline since Saturday afternoon, I thought for SURE something wonderful would have happened! But that's a NO by the look of things...

In Ottawa working, the hotel has no working internet connection and hasn't had since last week~hoping for tomorrow, if not I'm outta there.

Latah!! Someone PLEEEEEZZZZZZ call me if there's anything dramatic!!

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Best of luck tomorrow, ldj and happy birthday to jmh!

So, hubby painted my utility room yesterday; moved the washer back in from my kitchen and in the process gouged the kitchen floor...yet another project to do...sigh.


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Just decided to post one of my fave pictures of a real handsome man. I was talking to our IT guy this morning and we had to do a webex. He asked if that was Somalia on my screensaver. I said yes and that was Clay Aiken. He did not know Clay was a UNICEF ambassador, much less that this was his 5th trip. I educated the man. LOL I enjoyed that!

aikim... ouch! Poor floor.

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Heidi-Ho, I so remember field camp from back in the day. I graduated with my geology degree back in '75 and before I finally got hired to work in my field, in the field, I heard...."We'd like to take you but the wives of the guys will freak out with you in camp, and a second camp isn't in the budget. I think I spent the first six months of my career with a box of 48 Prismacolors and a bunch of contour maps.

I went to field camp in 1984; me, two other women and twenty guys. I had fun. <g> It was just that one professor who had an attitude and he wasn’t in charge of the camp – the structural prof was in charge, thank god, and he was cool. Hard work, but we had a blast. Bizarrely, that was the first place I heard Rocky Top; now when I hear it here (incessantly, it seems) it always reminds me of that time. We were in South Dakota and Wyoming – where was yours?

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I just had a weird situation.......thankfully my local internet carrier could help me and I didn't have to call the Microsoft Help Desk! I have Windows Vista - and use Windows Mail. All of a sudden about 2 hours ago I could receive mail but not send mail. There had been a Windows update this morning that had to be downloaded and, as it turns out, it had removed some of my mail settings. Fortunately the tech was able to walk me through what they should be and voila! All fixed! That's never happened to me before.....but if someone else experiences a similar situation.......just thought you would want to know.

Clay content........


There may not be any news to talk about but we always have pretty pictures!!!

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