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#38: The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness


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  1. 1. What should be our next thread title???

    • I love him. I want him to have a life.
    • Parker Foster Aiken, The little man is ... as loud as his daddy
    • Well, Yes, that is my baby, extended version
    • Clay creates family everywhere he goes.
    • "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"
    • Maybe Clay is holding that little guy on his chest, kissing his head. I don't care about anything else.
    • Yes, That Is My Baby or would Jack Black be coming after us for copyright infringement, LOL!
    • He's a Daddy! And that's just Joy on a Stick!

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Well I hope I don't make people uncomfortable with saying, IIT I'm sending lots of happy thoughts and good wishes to the parents and especially to the little one -- welcome to our world! It's a scary time because it's high risk, and I think if I were in that situation it would be good to know today that people are keeping you in their thoughts. Don't Save It All for Christmas Day-cakes and all that. Hasn't he given us enough love through the years? Maybe it's time to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. We fantasize enough about being the one, so it's probably the time to do the "walk two moons" thing.

Well of course, I will be over-the-moon happy for him if it is true. I believe that there have been plenty of posts of support made across the boards, enough so that he knows. I'm just uncomfortable taking any information as true until it is announced by Jaymes or Clay.

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Well of course, I will be over-the-moon happy for him if it is true. I believe that there have been plenty of posts of support made across the boards, enough so that he knows. I'm just uncomfortable taking any information as true until it is announced by Jaymes or Clay.

This is me. Prayers and best wishes for everyone go out without question, but I am truthfully not expecting any kind of announcement- ever. Not to say that the rags won't do their own"version".

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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Sorry I'm late to the Sterling Heights party. The Carolina blog was up early yesterday morning, however. The lead graphic by Ambassador of Love of LynninNJ's photos is the one Gibby posted. Here it is a clickable that will expand to 1024 pixels:


Since I usually blog on a three-day basis, the Meadowbrook celebration is already in place. :lol: Both segments include a slide show of photos from the concerts.


It's hard to believe it's been a year. Hello to the caravan of clayfans (you know who you are) that travelled to SH with us.

Here is an Anniversary Present from Luckiest1 and me.


Goldarngirl, I tried your YT link, which says you took this down. I'll check the CV vault. I was going to add your YT link to the "Listen" party. :)

thbirthdaygreet.gifto Texwriter and PermaSwooned!

ETA: I meant to mention there is a CA fan from Japan, Satoru, who has been posting English translations of her MySpace blog at the OFC. Her journey from the discovery of Clay on AI5 is very interesting, and she's and excellent writer.

You can locate her blog entries via the RECENT BLOG POSTS tab right under MEMBERS ONLINE on the blog side. There is a SHOW ALL tab at the bottom of the recent posts list that will take you to the earlier entries. Only check her MySpace blogs if you read Japanese. :)

Have a great day, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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Goldarngirl, I tried your YT link, which says you took this down. I'll check the CV vault. I was going to add your YT link to the "Listen" party. :)

I don't know anything about how to fix youtube videos, but I managed to get the Sterling Heights page created on our Goldarngirl site last night. So anyone without a CV key can download from here. As always, please make sure you are using a download manager because this server is not dedicated, and your download may stop and restart.


Ah, what great memories of that concert! The day started out with a gathering of Claynadians in my backyard, followed by heartsocean cutting her toe open on my back screen door. Eeeep! But she refused to go to the hospital, preferring to bandage it and hit the road to Michigan. I think we had 3 vehicles in a row, one of which got stopped at the border for a random spot check. They managed to catch up with us right before the concert, though. I met some FCAers in the stands, and I sat in the area of the amphitheatre that had the sun in our eyes. It was so nice of Clay to move himself over to our side so that we weren't blinded! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And then at intermission I went visiting, and ended up switching seats to the centre section. What a great vantage point for what was to follow! I will never forget MOAM, or Listen. Both were stellar performances. And let's not forget to mention the pants that somehow did not fall down. I swear he must have had them velcro'ed or something. :cryingwlaughter:

Good times, good times. I love when we have a summer of Clay. But I am enjoying this down time, too, to get back to other things that I haven't had the time to do for a while. Catching up on my torrents, reading books, getting out and about in this nice weather. I feel as though I try to pack so much into the 10 weeks of summer we get here. I need to move to a warmer climate, I think. :)

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Good morning.

Getting ready to work 4 days straight at the Flower Farm - and the weather is predicted for well over 100 degrees (but Cotton, it's a dry heat! Except it's humid in the growing fields because we water so ding dang much!)

Bear was back last night. I heard the garbage can go over and expected a mess this morning but he (or she) apparently could not get past the THREE bungee cords I have holding it closed!!!

No Clay content so


And Happy Birthday to Perma and Texwriter


p.s. That hair comes in a verra verra close second to JBT hair.....just saying...... :dancingnana:

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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Sorry I'm late to the Sterling Heights party. The Carolina blog was up early yesterday morning, however. The lead graphic by Ambassador of Love of LynninNJ's photos is the one Gibby posted. Here it is a clickable that will expand to 1024 pixels:


Since I usually blog on a three-day basis, the Meadowbrook celebration is already in place. :lol: Both segments include a slide show of photos from the concerts.


It's hard to believe it's been a year. Hello to the caravan of clayfans (you know who you are) that travelled to SH with us.

Here is an Anniversary Present from Luckiest1 and me.


Goldarngirl, I tried your YT link, which says you took this down. I'll check the CV vault. I was going to add your YT link to the "Listen" party. :)

thbirthdaygreet.gifto Texwriter and PermaSwooned!

ETA: I meant to mention there is a CA fan from Japan, Satoru, who has been posting English translations of her MySpace blog at the OFC. Her journey from the discovery of Clay on AI5 is very interesting, and she's and excellent writer.

You can locate her blog entries via the RECENT BLOG POSTS tab right under MEMBERS ONLINE on the blog side. There is a SHOW ALL tab at the bottom of the recent posts list that will take you to the earlier entries. Only check her MySpace blogs if you read Japanese. :)

Have a great day, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

Sorry about that, I got frustrated trying to wait for it to show. SO I took it down and reuploaded. Here is the new link


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I had that Sterling Heights wallpaper as one of my calendar pictures just recently. *sigh* And I wasn't even there.

Thank you luckiest1 and goldarngirl -- you're stuff is so great, I love it!

Came back from the doctor today, and I'm on my own! I can start going back to the gym now, and will start working on my own to strengthen the knee. WHEE!!!!

Happy birthday texwriter and to the lovely photographer Permaswooned! I hope you have a fantastic day!

ETA: For the cheescake lovers, and the people lucky enough to have one of their restaurants in the area: Cheesecake Factory Offering $1.50 slices on July 30

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It is beautiful day in Michigan today, light breeze, temp around 80, low humidity. The roofers are working away, so the car right now is in the garage with a pile of old roofing material in the way in the driveway. I had to get my report to the schoos district today so I hopped on my bike and rode it the their central office. Our school district has a lot of parents who put in a lot of volunteer hours. I turned in the report, with one school missing, they have not responded for my plea to get it in. We have 13 schools from K-12 and we had about 2500 parents volunteer someway and all total we had over 87,000 hours of time giving. I hoping if the one remaining school reports that we will hit 90,000 hours. That is a record for us. Just think if they would have to pay staff for this time.

I have not work my nursing job for almost a month due to taking vacation time. It is going to feel strange going back next week. Our summer census is usually low so they have not been bugging me to come in.

Clay content - I miss him and can not wait to his vacation is done. I hope that Jaymes pregnacny is going well. My friend keeps reminding me how this is such a gift. She lost 5 babies and finally had her daughter when she was in her early 40's. Her daughter is now 10 and keeps us laughing alot with statements that she makes. She was so serious last year when we got our tickets for Kalamazoo and her mother could not at that time get her tickets for Hannah, she looked at us and said we did not understand. That Miley was the biggest pop star out their in the world and that we were going to see a wash up pop star. We both looked at her and started to laugh. Her wish did come true and she did get to her concert also. Now a year later she is not sure she really likes Miley/Hannah anymore. She actually took her poster down in her room. I guess that is great about not being young and fickle.

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First concert? Bay City Rollers...in 1977...at the Illinois State Fair. Yep -- teeny bopper, and I screamed my lungs out. Ironic thing is that I saw Clay in the same situation, 27 years later. But at that show, they let us on the track, and we could have had a good old mosh pit that day. Still cussing myself that I didn't bring a sign that said "Dare you to stage dive, Clay!"

(I'm a little behind...)

I have to comment on the mosh pit idea...

Has anyone ever been there or done that? I've noticed in movies when that is done, there are two or three people under the person who dived, supporting them all the way through the crowd. And I've seen others who weren't supported, fall right thru the cracks!

I'm afraid that if Clay tried it, he would disappear forever!! :cryingwlaughter:

Saw Mama Mia yesterday, it was fabulous!! I will definitely see it again!! (Even if Pierce Brosnan can't sing, he still looks hot in blue jeans!!)

My First Concert? It was in DC at the DC Armory a few months after the Beatles appeared there, and I think I saw either the Rolling Stones, or The Lovin' Spoonful. I saw them both, at separate times, but I can't remember who was first!

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:rant: Ever have one of those days (weeks/months/years/lifetimes) where in trying to do something good for yourself in one area, you end up screwing up another? And you only realize it at midnight, when you're in bed, trying to get to sleep. But of course when the thought comes crashing to the front of your mind, you then can't sleep for anything even though you have to get up at the crack of dawn to go to work... :crapsign:

Clay content? I hope he's happy & healthy wherever he is and whatever he's doing. And IIU, I hope for a happy & healthy outcome for Jaymes, the baby and all involved.

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So matter of factly said isn't it. What's so funny is that I haven't really trusted the media in over a decade, if not longer, yet I guess at this point I'll be surprised if it isn't true. I can do all the IIU and IIT in the world, but in my brain I believe it. Can't help. Good thing I have no problem saying..DAMN you're stupid for believing that if it turns out not to be true. :cryingwlaughter:

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:rant: Ever have one of those days (weeks/months/years/lifetimes) where in trying to do something good for yourself in one area, you end up screwing up another? And you only realize it at midnight, when you're in bed, trying to get to sleep. But of course when the thought comes crashing to the front of your mind, you then can't sleep for anything even though you have to get up at the crack of dawn to go to work... :crapsign:

:thbighug-1: Hope it all works out for you, somewhere down the line....

Clay content? I hope he's happy & healthy wherever he is and whatever he's doing. And IIU, I hope for a happy & healthy outcome for Jaymes, the baby and all involved.

Me too!

Bella, thank you for bringing that over. I've always liked that People has covered all his UNICEF trips, and hopefully this one will help raise even more awareness for those kids! As for the father stuff....

So matter of factly said isn't it. What's so funny is that I haven't really trusted the media in over a decade, if not longer, yet I guess at this point I'll be surprised if it isn't true. I can do all the IIU and IIT in the world, but in my brain I believe it. Can't help. Good thing I have no problem saying..DAMN you're stupid for believing that if it turns out not to be true. :cryingwlaughter:

That's me in a nutshell as well. I'm still saying IIU -- IIT for now, but I do believe there's a small part of me that's saying "yep." I don't know...I just hope we find out something. Not positive on that either, and that's really OK, I think. But my curiosity will get the best of me -- or someone else in the fandom -- I'm sure.

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Bella, thank you for bringing that over. I've always liked that People has covered all his UNICEF trips, and hopefully this one will help raise even more awareness for those kids! As for the father stuff....

So matter of factly said isn't it. What's so funny is that I haven't really trusted the media in over a decade, if not longer, yet I guess at this point I'll be surprised if it isn't true. I can do all the IIU and IIT in the world, but in my brain I believe it. Can't help. Good thing I have no problem saying..DAMN you're stupid for believing that if it turns out not to be true. :cryingwlaughter:

That's me in a nutshell as well. I'm still saying IIU -- IIT for now, but I do believe there's a small part of me that's saying "yep." I don't know...I just hope we find out something. Not positive on that either, and that's really OK, I think. But my curiosity will get the best of me -- or someone else in the fandom -- I'm sure.

You're welcome. :)

A part of me is saying "yep" too, especially since there's been no official statement of denial. Of course, only time will tell!

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So matter of factly said isn't it. What's so funny is that I haven't really trusted the media in over a decade, if not longer, yet I guess at this point I'll be surprised if it isn't true. I can do all the IIU and IIT in the world, but in my brain I believe it. Can't help. Good thing I have no problem saying..DAMN you're stupid for believing that if it turns out not to be true. :cryingwlaughter:

YUP this is how I feel too.


Permaswooned and Texwriter

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For me I don't even think it's curiousity. OK..wait..hee I guess it is but not about his personal life and how things came to be or his relationship with Jaymes but how things will be different for the fandom. I mean even I have said I don't expect him to address it IIT. But for someone who does keep a personal life personal, he has shared some deeply personal things like his brother's deployment, birth of Quiana's baby. I mean say it's true.... for a man that brings his mom and all manner of family into his "act" will there be just silence about, let's face it, are there better a great source of ancedotes? Not saying he would use any kid of his for cheap laughs but there is joy and good humor to be found there.

I'm not demanding anything of him, won't be upset if he doesn't share, he owes me nothing, but in my own little way would like to do a small yay and stop saying IIU :cryingwlaughter:

Happy Birthday Permaswooned. I hope you have the day off and having a wonderful celebration.

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Well, I think you have to consider whether it is "his" child. If he was not romantically involved and is jsut helping out a friend, he would have to sign away his rights. I am thinking more and more he was just helping a friend because if he were "invovled" why would he be on the east coast, instead of the west coast?

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Well, I think you have to consider whether it is "his" child. If he was not romantically involved and is jsut helping out a friend, he would have to sign away his rights. I am thinking more and more he was just helping a friend because if he were "invovled" why would he be on the east coast, instead of the west coast?

we have no clue why he is where he is and if she's there or if he's been home a day, a week, or where he is going tomorrow.

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For me I don't even think it's curiousity. OK..wait..hee I guess it is but not about his personal life and how things came to be or his relationship with Jaymes but how things will be different for the fandom. I mean even I have said I don't expect him to address it IIT. But for someone who does keep a personal life personal, he has shared some deeply personal things like his brother's deployment, birth of Quiana's baby. I mean say it's true.... for a man that brings his mom and all manner of family into his "act" will there be just silence about, let's face it, are there better a great source of ancedotes? Not saying he would use any kid of his for cheap laughs but there is joy and good humor to be found there.

I'm not demanding anything of him, won't be upset if he doesn't share, he owes me nothing, but in my own little way would like to do a small yay and stop saying IIU :cryingwlaughter:

Happy Birthday Permaswooned. I hope you have the day off and having a wonderful celebration.

Well I suppose we all would love it if he can say something about it. At this point I am waiting for August...when the baby is supposed to come. If the Fosters said they will give a statement after the baby is born...I think Clay will wait then too. If he still does not say anything...I will just have to deal cos its really up to him

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Well, that is true, but there is always more unknown, than known. We just know some one claimed to sight him at home for a bit after Somalia. I think if he went to LAX, he would have been "seen".

Ack sunshine - what is that? must go out and investigatge!

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Well, that is true, but there is always more unknown, than known. We just know some one claimed to sight him at home for a bit after Somalia. I think if he went to LAX, he would have been "seen".

Ack sunshine - what is that? must go out and investigatge!

well I guess for me, we have no clue where Jaymes is so why would he be in LA. I just can't assume anything based on where he has or hasn't been spotted because it's all a moment in time and he would have a number of reasons to be in LA or NY or home. I agree with you that more is unknown..we know a teeeeeny minute bit of info about Clay....less than a percent when you get down to the nitty gritty.

I wonder how it feels for Clay and other celebs that so many think they actually know you and actually have a certain expectation with their little bit of knowledge. We've had this convo before...LOL...

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Well, I think you have to consider whether it is "his" child. If he was not romantically involved and is jsut helping out a friend, he would have to sign away his rights. I am thinking more and more he was just helping a friend because if he were "invovled" why would he be on the east coast, instead of the west coast?

As far as the "signing away rights" goes -- doesn't that depend from state to state? And with changes in laws, I'm not sure if that's a given anymore. I'd have to do some more research on that.

And I still say that IIT, there's a very strong chance that Jaymes will move her business to the East Coast.

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