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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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You know, if you guys want me gone from this board, this is no way to accomplish that! ;)



god, I'm dying here. And a nice tongue one for Bottle.

Me too! Does the man even have a bad angle? He looks good no matter what way you look at him.

I just got home from the world's worst production of Fiddler on the Roof. My ears are bleeding! Chaim Topol should come beat the shit out of the guy who played Tevye.

TGIF! This has been the longest 4-day week in history.

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You know, if you guys want me gone from this board, this is no way to accomplish that! ;)



god, I'm dying here. And a nice tongue one for Bottle.

Me too! Does the man even have a bad angle? He looks good no matter what way you look at him.

I just got home from the world's worst production of Fiddler on the Roof. My ears are bleeding! Chaim Topol should come beat the shit out of the guy who played Tevye.

TGIF! This has been the longest 4-day week in history.


Thank god it's over BW!!

Waves to Scarlett! I can't wait to get travelogues from FCA's frick and frack. heee and yep I looked it up just to make sure this term I use a lot isn't insulting :cryingwlaughter:

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Welcome Peyton!

I had a lovely dinner last night with goldarngirl, cindilu2, FromClaygary & a visiting Claymate (hee) from Montreal, who apparently fell head over heels in love with Clay when she was given a copy of ATDW. We had a great time discussing our different Spamalot experiences, and making plans for new ones. Today I will miss one of our famous Ontario cluncheons, because I promised long ago that I would go into Toronto and attend a Rod Stewart concert with an old friend. Have fun ladies! This same friend found every excuse in the book not to come to the Toronto JBT with me 3 years ago. So I'm hoping that if I do this, she'll have no way to refuse the next time Clay comes back to TO. Hee, notice I inferred "when" he comes back. Hope springs eternal!

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Good Morning Everyone,

34 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"!


42 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


63 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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Those pix of Clay are mighty pretty. What a lovely sight to wake up to this morning! I was never that crazy about Clay in glasses...until Kalamazoo last year. Maybe it was the blonde hair and the new teeth that made the difference, but WOW!

Welcome, Peyton! We had a (minor) tornado go right through our property last year and I stood on the front porch and watched huge trees topple and big branches fly across our front yard. I suddenly realized that the porch may not be the safest place, so I headed to the fruit cellar. But it was really fascinating to watch and I had to drag myself away. Wouldn't want to be in a big one though!

Heading over to the London Clunch today (waves to cindilu2, goldarngirl, heinz and FromClaygary, see you later!) luckiest1, I'm gonna miss you, but enjoy your trip to Toronto. I had hoped to get to the dinner last night but had to work until 7 and it would have been another hour's drive after that. It was lucky I begged off, 'cause I was pooped after work. (We unloaded 148 cases of wine yesterday!) I was in bed by 10.

Thanks for the countdown, Kim!

Enjoy your day, everyone!

ETA: I just noticed this is post # 69. I'll drink to that!! :juul:

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Welcome Peyton!

Belated welcome from me too Peyton! We didn't have any tornado warnings in TO yesterday, but a funnel cloud was spotted a few blocks from my downtown office. Lots of pouring rain and a very dark sky too.

Today I will miss one of our famous Ontario cluncheons, because I promised long ago that I would go into Toronto and attend a Rod Stewart concert with an old friend. Have fun ladies! This same friend found every excuse in the book not to come to the Toronto JBT with me 3 years ago. So I'm hoping that if I do this, she'll have no way to refuse the next time Clay comes back to TO. Hee, notice I inferred "when" he comes back. Hope springs eternal!

We have a connection! My co-worker, who went to the TO JBT with me (and loved every minute of it), is a diehard Rod Stewart fan who will be at the concert tonight. She's going with two others, who each paid $600 Cdn for second row centre broker seats. They didn't care what it would cost because they feel that at 63 Rod may not be doing that many big tours again. Needless to say, she completely understands our fandom, but has "only" seen Rod 20 times since the 70's. Boy, the stuff I could tell her about multiples - concerts, that is - hee! :whistling-1:

Hope you London ladies have a wonderful clunch today!

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You know - I woke up thinking this morning . . .

Clay Aiken has a Baby!!!

How amazing is that?!

And I know The Manure Zone broke the story prematurely, but when you think about it, it's pretty phenomenal that Jaymes and Clay were able to keep that secret for as long as they did!

I think about him an inordinate amount of time! LOL!

I think I need a life! :cryingwlaughter:

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I had a friend who put off babies until she was older and more settled, then she went into menopause at 35, eep. And I had another that did not hit it until she was 60+, middle 50's sounds about right to me.

:::sob::: Middle 50’s?

Wow! Gibby those hummingbird pics are amazing!

I can't figure out how to get any better/closer/clearer pics because they fly away so fast!

Today, though, Sis called and I went on the deck to chat as DH was watching TV. The hummingbird came towards the feeder about 3 feet from me - his 'competition' came towards the feeder. The first guy chased the second guy off then zoomed back to the feeder again and gave me the stare down for a while before he finally went to 'dine'! He's really been guarding 'HIS' feeder!

You should see 8 of them fighting over two feeders. They’re like kamikazes. I was sitting out by my feeders earlier, about 5 feet from one feeder, and they were flying right up to me to check me out. They’re hilarious. My little cat was sitting on the balcony near the railing and one was flying on the other side of the railing and they were staring at each other. My cats are actually a bit afraid of them, I think. And no, I don't leave the cats unattended out there - I'm more concerned with them going over the edge than I am for the hummers. <g>

We did have one scary moment earlier today. DH called me outside and I discovered DH trying to rescue a hummer caught in the pergola 'tent' that's on the end of the deck. His wings were humming SO LOUD! It was unreal. I managed to reach up with my hand and guide him toward the zipper opening DH was holding back and he flew off! I think he was getting quiet frightened!

Their wings are very loud and I love that chirping sound they make. I have (if I’m counting correctly) about two males and six females. I think a couple of those are babies. I can hear them chirping at each other as I type this. The most I ever had at one time was ten.


What she said!!

Maybe that's the day he's getting married. *g* Sorry!


Staggers in, exhausted!......I have been making a list of fan reactions. I was gonna make a pie chart, but it got all slivery!

Disclaimer - this is just for fun, dammit!

Anyways, when the rumours first leaked, fans reacted thusly: <snip>

How did you know I ordered Burberry diapers! <g>

I love long haired Clay. As anyone who was with me or around me in Merrilville can attest to. <g>

Clay’s going to have a bit of competition on Broadway (and at the theater next door, I think) for the hordes of adoring fans. Daniel Radcliffe opens in Eqquis on September 29th.

Couchie, I don't remember if you are a Raiders fan, but I was at the game yesterday (and was way to tired to read or post once I got home) and they played well, but my Titans pulled it out in the end. <g> I had too much beer. <g>

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Yes, welcome Peyton!

I agree that Daniel Radcliff will be competition for Clay on Broadway, both ticket sales and stagedoor probably, at least for a little while.

I wish him well but hope Clay is still a big attraction. Like way big!!

The Shubert usher and even ticket guy said they had never seen anything like Clay's fans so I am hoping the fans who did not make it before, get to see him now and continue the love.

I know I am an AWFUL, AWFUL person! but broadway is one place where Clay seems to have been accepted as he deserves (in my eyes), so I sure hope he continues to get lots of love and stage door attention, even though it will be bitterly cold.

I am such a bit*h that way!

(I know, I will :gen069: myself)

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Good morning, FCA! :hello:

:hb2: to TimetravelerPax! :balloons:

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My God, Clay is BEYOND gorgeous. I have pictures from GMA and the CD Signing that I took, I just haven't gotten the chance to post them anywhere! Maybe I should. :)

Me Myb I agree that Clay seems so happy on Broadway and is very accepted there. I'm sure he loves actually working with other (very) talented people. :) He's amazing actor as well. It was surprising that he was coming back to Spamalot, but he seemed to love it when he was there, so if I think about it, it's not that surprising.

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Welcome Peyton

Let me tell you, if CLAY were going to be buck naked in that play instead of Daniel R., I'd MOVE to NYC and be in line every day--fighting off all the other women!

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Damn he can look so many different ways... innocent, all knowing, Sexy, goofy, open, guarded, mischievous..the list could go on and on.

Love him much.

Yep....and it's more than his looks that can be different. IMO, he can change from "teacher Clay" to "pop star Clay" to "goofy Clay" to "serious Clay" in a span of about 5 seconds. It's fascinating to watch. I'll be a voyeur to him any day.

All you Canada ladies, have a great lunch. *nom nom nom*

Welcome Peyton! Hope you enjoy it here....

I'm glad no tornadoes came through playbiller. While I've never been involved in one, I do live in an area that gets them quite frequently, so I'm always on my guard.

Pretty pretty pictures of a handsome, handsome man....

ETA: I just noticed this is post # 69. I'll drink to that!! :juul:


You know - I woke up thinking this morning . . .

Clay Aiken has a Baby!!!

How amazing is that?!

I KNOW!!! I find myself doing the same thing, and I keep rolling his name around in my head...Parker Foster Aiken. Parker Foster Aiken. It's such a cool name!

And I know The Manure Zone broke the story prematurely, but when you think about it, it's pretty phenomenal that Jaymes and Clay were able to keep that secret for as long as they did!

"The Manure Zone?" :hysterical:

I love long haired Clay. As anyone who was with me or around me in Merrilville can attest to. <g>

Funny, I didn't notice you saying anything about that at all...


Clay’s going to have a bit of competition on Broadway (and at the theater next door, I think) for the hordes of adoring fans. Daniel Radcliffe opens in Eqquis on September 29th.

So do you have tickets for Daniel yet? I'd love to see that as well. Hmmmm...

:hb2: TimetravelerPax!

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Couchie, I don't remember if you are a Raiders fan, but I was at the game yesterday (and was way to tired to read or post once I got home) and they played well, but my Titans pulled it out in the end. <g> I had too much beer. <g>

Yeah I could describe every game they played last year the same way and I think they were 1 and 15 or something almost as abysmal. I don't expect much.

Who is daniel radcliffe :hysterical::hysterical: Must be from one of those magical mystery movies I don't watch.

Happy Saturday everybody. My plan is to work work work all day. Who knows whether that will happen or not. See you on my breaks, Keep talking about Spam...it inspires me to keep working.

About Clay Aiken having a baby... heee sometimes I have to remnd myself that it isn't just his. eeep. So yeah I'll continue to hope that Clay and his son will be able to spend the majority of their time together. I often think about moving to a different state, somewhere much more affordable than the Bay Area and then I put it out of my mind because I don't want to miss the three or four times a week time I get to see my neice and nephew And they aren't even mine. I just don't want to miss anything during these growing up years. Maybe when they're teens and they turn into the hounds from hell I'll reconsider.

Happy Birthday TTP

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For couchie...this is how most people know Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter:


But this is how he looks in his new Broadway play...



Now you know why wandacleo wants to fight off the women if Clay appeared like that...

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Greetings, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Welcome to our board, Peyton! :hello:

Sounds like some fun gatherings in Canada -- Luckiest1, goldarngirl, cindilu2, and FromClaygary! :)

And thanks for the memories, Carolina Clay!!! :thankyou:

Hey, thank you -- that Fort Myers camera/clack exchange is legendary! :clap:

bday3.gifto TimetravelerPax!

Have a great weekend, all! :00000442:

Caro listen.gif

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Welcome Peyton!

I had a lovely dinner last night with goldarngirl, cindilu2, FromClaygary & a visiting Claymate (hee) from Montreal, who apparently fell head over heels in love with Clay when she was given a copy of ATDW. We had a great time discussing our different Spamalot experiences, and making plans for new ones. Today I will miss one of our famous Ontario cluncheons, because I promised long ago that I would go into Toronto and attend a Rod Stewart concert with an old friend. Have fun ladies! This same friend found every excuse in the book not to come to the Toronto JBT with me 3 years ago. So I'm hoping that if I do this, she'll have no way to refuse the next time Clay comes back to TO. Hee, notice I inferred "when" he comes back. Hope springs eternal!

Hope you have a blast at the Rod Stewart concert. He was in RI last week and DH had bought tickets last April--floor seats--vera, vera expensive. I couldn't go--had surgery and took longer than expected to heal. So, he brought a good friend and they LOVED it!!!! I got such a kick out of the fact that he kept calling me so I could hear the songs. Made me wonder if Rod's fans have cellcerts like we do. Wondered if somewhere folks were typing in red on message boards.

I was disappointed not to go, but only mildly so. Now if that had been a Clay Aiken concert, it would have been a totally different story.

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Good lord, if Clay ever appeared like that they better be getting a bigger theatre. And he'd need more bodyguards than just Jerome.

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Hello all!!

I got a call from my DH this morning just before 3 AM. He'd made it as far as Frankfurt, Germany. He's about halfway to his destination....so far, so good. Now I really miss him in earnest, though.

I have a zillion things to do, but am having fun looking at Ft. Myers clack. I loved that show. Clay was just ON FIRE, and the funniest EVAH!!! Take a look at Scruffy's Banter clack from that show to be thoroughly entertained.

Clay was having so much fun that night...and the whole audience did too.


BBL. Have a great day everyone!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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