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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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So much for the blog being private for fan club members. I found out about it from a Google Alert, and it had the whole blog verbatim. Regardless, I am happy that he blogged, sounds happy and is thinking of ways to introduce Parker to us. He can afford to fix his roof, and the main thing is that he and his little family were not hurt during the tropical storm. Life is GOOD. I have my Spam tickets. They are on Row A. I have never sat that close. I hope that we have good view of the whole show because I am going with someone who has never seen Spamalot before and is not a Clay fan. As for me, my eyes will be on Clay the whole time, and unless things change, he should be lying "dead" for ten minutes right in front of me. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I hope he cannot feel my staring at him for the whole ten minutes.

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It really doesn't matter whether the blog is private or not; anyone can cut and paste it and post it whereever.


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I didn't notice the subject line for his blog at first!

Did y'all see that? :F_05BL17blowkiss:


thanks for pointing this out! I went back to see what it is and it got me all schmoopie again!!!

He he self identifies as a dad!!! awwwww

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Y'all can thank me for the new blog, as I am out of town, and was off-line and in a training session all day. And to think I almost didn't bring my laptop with me, 'cause I thought it would be good to have a break from the internet. I know! What was I thinking?!


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...and re the Clay song? YUP!!

Is there any reason y'all are torturing us with oblique references? Details, please!!!!!!!!!

UNICEF Field Notes Video...(shallow note...Clay in white pants!)


How is it that he can look better than he has ever looked before .... AGAIN???

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Oh, wow! Is this our lucky day, or what? A blog and a new video? He looks wonderful, and he is very convincing. :wub:

jmh123, if you are talking about the references to a "Clay song" on Canadian Idol last night, it was I Want To Know What Love Is, sung by Theo Tams. He did a credible job of it, but of course, for me, it didn't compare to Clay's versions.

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I love the Unicef clip. He's never looked or sounded any better than that. I'm going to sell my house and give him all the money. He talked me into it. I doubt when Clay says our little guy, he means me or anyone like me. Maybe mommie and daddy--I bet he wouldn't let us anywhere near that baby. LOL!!!! Although, I might try if I got close enough. Yeah, Clay, Let me hold Parker. I promise I won't kidnap him or squeeze him too tightly while the rest of the fandom tramples me at the stagedoor. Heeee!!!!

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We've had EEEEEEEEEEEEEEs and OOOOOOOOOOs - I'll add the AHHHHHHHHs! :) What a wonderful, happy day!

So much for the blog being private for fan club members. I found out about it from a Google Alert, and it had the whole blog verbatim. Regardless, I am happy that he blogged, sounds happy and is thinking of ways to introduce Parker to us. He can afford to fix his roof, and the main thing is that he and his little family were not hurt during the tropical storm. Life is GOOD. I have my Spam tickets. They are on Row A. I have never sat that close. I hope that we have good view of the whole show because I am going with someone who has never seen Spamalot before and is not a Clay fan. As for me, my eyes will be on Clay the whole time, and unless things change, he should be lying "dead" for ten minutes right in front of me. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I hope he cannot feel my staring at him for the whole ten minutes.

Your seats will be great! I sat in A103 for my second show in April and loved every minute of it. Even if your friend isn't a Clay fan, the show is so funny and terrific.

cindi - Thanks for another wonderful banner and my new September calendar. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh, wow! Is this our lucky day, or what? A blog and a new video? He looks wonderful, and he is very convincing. :wub:

jmh123, if you are talking about the references to a "Clay song" on Canadian Idol last night, it was I Want To Know What Love Is, sung by Theo Tams. He did a credible job of it, but of course, for me, it didn't compare to Clay's versions.

I'm convinced!! I don't own a house to sell, unfortunately.

Thank you luckiest!! So Mitch is the awful one, Theo is the good one, he sang IWTKWLI, but it wasn't as good as Clay's? Was it a judge's pick?

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Saying there is someone who hates the subject of the baby isn't the same as saying someone hates babies, just saying.

Despite that this was posted quite some time ago, I will respond and say “yeah, that.” <g> Like I was saying – a problem with words.

Too bad about that 24 hour thing – now that’s tough luck.

Or pulling quotes from a conversation that occurred 24 hours ago and is long past discussion......
Oh, I thought that no one but a mod got to decide when something is no longer under discussion....anyway, logically and in the interests of being fair, those who work or travel should be just as entitled to respond about stuff they have just read as those who read it right when it was posted. IMO, etc. (Scurries away to see if there are expiration date guidelines somewhere).

Hee. Yeah.

What did we learn from his blog?

--He's still in NC at this point.

--Construction work on his house sucked.

--He's busy.

--He misses us.

--He loves his child.

--We'll get to "meet" Parker soon.


He loves *their* child. <g> He did say “our little guy” – which just made me totally schmoopy. I love him.

-he didn't 'really' learn his lesson about contests where HE has to read all the entries (like he said he'd never do again during JNT07) and he really does love his creative fans!

Heh. Good point.

-he is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!


"Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver."


Bwah!! I’ve not heard that one.

I know his life is none of my business but I have to say I'm thrilled it sounds like my major ship have been together this entire past month (Clay and Parker). All disclaimers from Bookewhore and everybody else apply.

You skeered me for a minute with your ship talk. Then I remembered. <g>

UNICEF Field Notes Video...(shallow note...Clay in white pants!)


Aaahhhhhhhhh…..he’s so HOT. Love the hair, love the pants, love the stubble, love the sunglasses on top of his head. Hot, hot, hot.

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But but but I bought my DD UNICEF Mosquito nets for her birthday! I'm going to have to buy some more now aren't I?

OMG I love Clay Aiken!

I have written the beginnings of a bio but I'm waiting for you know the offishul rules...they are coming soon right?

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Wow, the old one two punch of Clack. Blog/humanitarian video!

Clay is coming into our line of sight again, can't you just feel it.

BWAh - there was just an ad for Grease - now starring Ace from American Idol - do they know his last name? Starring? he is Kenincke, Ithink it is one ofthe smaller parts and no picture or anything, just a quick mention

NOTICE: this message expires in 15 minutes - that is right, you just have 15 minutes to reply to it or else it will be expired! Hee.

ETA - corrected spelling to give you less to reply to, time is ticking away people.

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*watches Unicef vid*


*types from the other side*

the *other side* being Hell of course, since that's where I'm headed cuz I am listening to a message about saving children and ALL I can think about is how much I want to do the hot Ambassador in the sexy white pants.

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Oh Lotus are you going to get to Houston? The eHP would love to indoctrinate meet you!

I stayed in an Embassy Suites on Congress, in Austin which was not too bad and you could see the thousands of bats fly out from under the bridge at night.

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NOTICE: this message expires in 15 minutes - that is right, you just have 15 minutes to reply to it or else it will be expired! Hee.

ETA - corrected spelling to give you less to reply to, time is ticking away people.

DANG!!! TOO LATE!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Thank you luckiest!! So Mitch is the awful one, Theo is the good one, he sang IWTKWLI, but it wasn't as good as Clay's? Was it a judge's pick?

Yep, sure was. His pick was "Good Mother" by Jan Arden. Then of course he also sang what may be his new single (if he wins), titled "Sing". They are making us wait until tomorrow night for the results, darn it!

Oooooh, love the screen caps, Cotton! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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The hawt humanitarian is back! Good Lord, he looked fine. I know everyone is drooling over the white pants, but I love the shirt -- what a fantastic color on him! And his hair and the stubble was perfect. I love it, too, that he seems to have his iPhone in his hand. *g* Finally -- his message is totally worthwhile.

*digs for quarters in the couch to make a donation*

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