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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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I guess I'm not easily amused. I find a lot of the "humour" on the boards these days to be not so funny, but rather dismissive or disrespectful. I think 'snark' has seen better days.

Personally, I'd love it if someone who no one has ever heard of wins this contest! :)

Amen, sistah.

Not a funny joke, really.

Wow I had no idea that you would find this offensive. My apologies.

I didn't say offensive, I said I don't find it funny (and for the reasons luckiest mentioned). I won't criticize something that the person who wrote it didn't post - I just find it un-funny. Don't delete on my behalf.

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Snark is in the eyes of the beholder and some beholders have more of a history with people who use it not to be so much funny as mean, so it colors our interpretation of other things we read.

It is like me not liking blonde jokes - I usually don't yell at friends when they tell them and others seem to enjoy them, but there are some people who tell them to get my goat and it just makes me more sensisitive than can seem reasonable to others. While I feel my emotional reaction is perfectly justified because I had to deal with someone who I knew told them just to bug me, they would sneak a glance at me after they told the joke and smirk.

FYI, the last company I worked for have now topped offending me more than when I was laid off, now they have lost my personnel information and want me to be aware that I am now susceptable to identy theft. Thanks crappy company. - how did they lose it, pray tell? They copied them to tape and were sending them to the salt mines (where they store such stuff) and some tapes are missing from the truck - and my information has been identified as missing.My information has not changed in 4 years, I do not work for them anymore - what the heck were they backing up? This is why they are losing money, not because they employ a few Americans still. Personally, I think they are lying about how they lost my information. They used to lie about this stuff to clients all the time when I still worked there, they lose it when they send live information to India for test data.

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Lotus, I didn't get to see what you posted, and would like to. Personally...I like to make up my own mind about things like this. If I don't like it (as I'm reading it), I'll scroll.


Which is what I did - but we're allowed to say when we don't care for something, right? Or does that only apply to Clay? I'm never quite sure about that.

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I guess I'm not easily amused. I find a lot of the "humour" on the boards these days to be not so funny, but rather dismissive or disrespectful. I think 'snark' has seen better days.

Personally, I'd love it if someone who no one has ever heard of wins this contest! :)

Hey maybe that's me. I wrote one in under 150 words. It's to the point and absolutely not funny or snarky. Never could do that very well. :hysterical::wordpooper:

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It seems to me as though we have too much time on our hands.

Unfunny jokes.

24-hour rules.

Bio guides.

Why don't we all just rip off our clothes and do a naked I-love-Clay dance and forget all this shit and have a good time??

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Lotus, I didn't get to see what you posted, and would like to. Personally...I like to make up my own mind about things like this. If I don't like it (as I'm reading it), I'll scroll.


Which is what I did - but we're allowed to say when we don't care for something, right? Or does that only apply to Clay? I'm never quite sure about that.

Sure you can say so and people if you find it funny you don't have to take it down...whatever it was. Could spark some interesting conversation actually...whatver it was LOL. I find that the tolerance levels for things are just going to be all over the place.

Ldy was speaking TO Lotus and not chastising you Cindy for not liking something. As for respecting Clay - I think we are fine here, perfect? By whatever standard you hold, probably not. We do our best.

or what wandacleo said.... I wonder how she'd do with mod edit powers LOL

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Damn! Did I miss the drama about humo(u)r? :ohthedrama:


Oh, DO please repost, Lotus! I could use some diversion... :women23: :humor00239: :titanic::dan: :thcid_3BBE149B-59C6-45CF-B77F-7

We seem to be sharing a day today, muski. If I get to 5:30 without killing hurting maiming yelling at someone getting fired, it will be a miracle. Regardless, I WILL be stopping on the way home tonight for some adult beverages! :bier:

In the mean time, here's a little joke:

Can you solve this puzzle?

You are riding on a beautiful white horse.

On your right side is a drop off.

On your left side are several ostriches being chased by a lion.

In front of you are four large gazelles which won't get out of your way and you can't seem to overtake them.

Behind you is a stampede of horses.

What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation?

(Think carefully before you answer. Also, try to have a witness!)

For the answer click and drag your mouse from star to star:


Get your drunk butt off the merry-go-round!


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Of course I can't speak for Luckiest, but I guess since I have been reading - or used to read - the same thinly veiled swipes at Clay and his family for years, that stuff kills the funny, for me. Shrug. We all read things with different filters.

Wandacleo, BWAH!!!!!!!

Wandacleo, you can read it at the CH, it is on the next-to-last page or so.

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Lotus quoted Jemock's version of Clay's bio from the CH. I wasn't intending to make up anyone's mind for them! I just stated my own opinion. I'm sure others will find it funny, just as she did. Que sera, sera. :lilredani:

I know you weren't. That's why I want to address the issue more to the person who takes things down..I've seen it happen before. Be strong people!! :cryingwlaughter:

I'm honestly not much of a skit reader - although there are a few people that I find incredibly funny. Others, even some popular others, not so much.

And if someone can put back the link that would be great.

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Oh good grief. If anybody thinks my stupid post was a swipe at Clay, that's ridiculous. If anything, it's a parody of MY fangirliness, which is at times over the top.

I'll post it myself:

Maybe his bio should read like a CH recap:

OMG! Raleigh! Grape Dimatapp! Auto theft! Goat stuff! American Idol! PANTS!! He was ROBBED!!! Tour! OMG what was that MOVE!?!? Panties! Bubel-Aiken! Swoon! Release parties! Miss America! WTF Dick Capri?!? American Music Award YAY! Another tour! Grindage side seats OMG!! NYT Bestseller, that copy is MINE back off bitch!!! UNICEF! Holy crap his hair looks GOOOD!! Take my money, Clay!!!Take my check, but don't cash it until the 15th!!! The WORK!!! OMG!! He sings like an angel, get those damn dancers outta my sightline, GAWD!!! Aww, Clay and the chirren!!! Where's my thudmat?!?! Where are my ovaries?!?! He eyefucked multitudes!!! Another album?!?! Are we made of, money?!? holy shit I need 22 copies STAT!! What the fuck is wrong with amazon?!?! HDD is WHACK UGLY AND STUOOPID! AW, a new Christmas cd!!! He's like God's littlest angel, except with nice cheekbones and a really big peepee! that I want to seesee! ACK! His hair looks like POOO!!! My brain had a Clayfart! Eat some playdough! Go to the Gala with a nice dress and $80000 in pocket money!!! GAWD I HATE BEING POOR!!!!OOOh, look free Chrirstmas stories! YAY! Christmas + death +whimsical dead leeaches = paydirt!!!Farouche, get over here NOW and read this story!! Jaimie was all "OMG go-go-beewts, I laughed at that one, don't hold the book up too high and I was all "you talk to him like a normal person, and she was all Well, we try to, can you move your hand from between your legs to on your hip maybe, and we asked for black clothes but I'm sure irridescent pink will be fine too!!! Just read this story about the plight of the orphaned wingless pigeon colony at the North Pole and how they all died and Santa didn't get any of his catalog orders on time, so they were substituting FRUIT BASKETS!! OH THE HUMANITY!!! And OH the chirren were crying and saying "Dear Santa, bring me back my ez-bake you STUPID ASSHAT unless that GI Joe comes with a cute prom dress because I'm all out of Christmas cheer, if you know what I mean and I think that you do..and then OMG!!!Brett gave you something that beeped for lost car keys, and Faye gave you the space shuttle again -HA HA HA that never gets old, not even after 10 freakin years!!! BWAH!! Woohoo! *High five*Fast -Forward 2008--SPAMALOT!!! OMG! SWOON! THUD! LIMP! CHECK CREDIT CARD BALANCE!!l LOOK FOR SOMETHING TO HOCK!! omg! YODELING!!! Nice sweatshirt, Clay!! Oh, but wait! Makes lots of money, YAY!!! Fans AND NJUs love him, YAY!!! *Waves from the roof--GOODBYE CLAY!!!OMG WE LOVE YOU!!! Present Day: Oh lookie!!!! Little bittie baby!! Yay!! This poop doesn't look right?!?! Oh noes!!!Oh look! Some of that Brazilian bat poop drink! YUMM!!! Clay takes a break, hatches a baby Robin, rests a bit in the comfy home nest, and then BACK TO Nooo Yark Citie!! for even More a Lot of Spam! And in summation, Clay was cut from his high school musical, but he's not bitter. Not anymore. Amen.

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It seems to me as though we have too much time on our hands.

Unfunny jokes.

24-hour rules.

Bio guides.

Why don't we all just rip off our clothes and do a naked I-love-Clay dance and forget all this shit and have a good time??


Jemock, welcome to FCA, where fans of Clay come to bicker. :hysterical:

One third of the bit was on the poor picked on Christmas stories, which I thought was a little much, but it was worth it because it produced this sentence:

Jaimie was all "OMG go-go-beewts, I laughed at that one, don't hold the book up too high and I was all "you talk to him like a normal person," and she was all "Well, we try to, can you move your hand from between your legs to on your hip maybe, and we asked for black clothes but I'm sure irridescent pink will be fine too!!!"
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Poor picked on Christmas stories is right, I enjoyed a lot of them, was touched by so many of them. The thought of the writers being on message boards and reading about thier stories being mocked made me feel so sad, It can't be fun putting your self out there, exposing your heart and having people not like what you write and post about it on a board you read or hear about.

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Did y'all see that at Goodsearch, the search engine for charity stuff, it's CLAY! and the BAF who's highlighted as

Look who's doing good.


A purdy little picture on the home page and then, when you lick click on his purdy little face, it takes you to an even purdier bigger picture!

I read through the article and thought, Hmmmm, no mention of Idol in this bio. Then I saw the first four words ... American Idol Clay Aiken .... which totally pleases me. I don't like American Idol contestant, American Idol runner up, or even American Idol winner (which I've seen more than a few times), but just American Idol Clay Aiken, I'll take that. It's dead on accurate.

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I've had too much real life lately and have been posting too rarely, but wanted to bring over something I linked at CV late last night. I simply found it interesting, given all the hoopla that Clay's TV themes interlude got at last year's SRHPT:

'Tis a pity that Clay wasn't available for this gig *g*. He's a man ahead of his time.

USA Today

Emmys, Josh Groban will salute TV theme songs

By Bill Keveney, USA TODAY

LOS ANGELES — It's the story of a man named Groban, who is singing TV theme songs we all know.

In a musical tribute, singer Josh Groban will perform bits of memorable themes at the 60th Primetime Emmy Awards on ABC (Sept. 21, 8 ET/PT).


"Think how important they have been to the popular culture," he says. "You don't really hear the respect being given to these seemingly simple but memorable-forever themes."

It will be interesting to see what Groban does with this task. I can't quite see him doing "The Jeffersons" dance! *g*

Scarlett, that was indeed a thoughtful reminder about how everyone can help to make a difference. I hope you and our other Texans stay safe from Ike.

I try never to be maudlin about other people's opportunities that seem so right for Clay... but that??? ^ ^ ^ just sucks.


not being maudlin either, but it seems kinda copycat to me. :D

can't see a chicken dance either... but did you see JG on Kimmel's video? (around 4:14 and at the end)

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I am out of lurkdom, big time on this issue. Anyone who has the talent to make us laugh (well most of us) in this day and age, gets my vote for....well, maybe Vice President or even President. Whenever I hear that Jemock has posted anything, I run to read it. It always makes me laugh out loud and I hope to meet you some day, Jemock, to thank you in person. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I do think that Clay would find your "bio" hysterical. He has quite a sense of humor and knows how to laugh at himself. My 2 cents.

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Hi All

I just got back from a doctor's app't and read what happened after I deleted Jemock's post which I had brought over from CV.

It was another lesson for me in board etiquette, not to react so quickly and to contact a moderator if I have any questions about the appropriateness of a post.

Being relatively new to this board I am really conscious of not wanting to offend and there is a lot of fan history that I have yet to learn. I would hate to become one of the posters that others routinely skip over or have on their ignore list.

If I had been here I would have reposted it but am glad that Jemock did.

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Oh good grief. If anybody thinks my stupid post was a swipe at Clay, that's ridiculous. If anything, it's a parody of MY fangirliness, which is at times over the top.

I'll post it myself:


see I like your style in coming over here and posting. That's how you do it people. Not little whispers about how mean we are!!

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