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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!
    • That man just doesn't have quit in him.
    • Lordy, this guy makes me smile so hard. I love him
    • What boyfriend wants he gets!
    • We think we'll keep him!
    • Resistance is futile and once I heard that voice all was right with the world.
    • He's back. We're back. We're home again.
    • Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick!
    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!

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Here is the link to the Obama montage:

If anyone wants to help ... the count on the Obama Love Story at Youtube is up to 299,923. Expect it to go over 300,000 soon.

ETA It is now at 300,253 +

That was fast.

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Good grief another decent article about Clay in print! I hope it is not me just projecting but are we taking baby steps here to give him a different and better image?

Although after looking at claylove's pics I like his image just fine.

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I'm gonna try and catch up at nights but the political thing is going to be taking up more time than I have. Seems like everyone volunteers and then they disappear. I'm actually getting pretty good at it. i may run for something myself.
:F_05BL17blowkiss: and you'd be great!

Thaks to all of you Gala attendees for the wonderful recaps and photos - there can never be too many! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Here's my only offering today - another People.com article!

Clay Aiken Announces Winning Writer of His Official Bio

Even though we've read this before, I enjoyed seeing it again.

this cracks me up. It's like someone said..clay aiken..we need clay aiken..what you got? LOL

Here is the link to the Obama montage:

If anyone wants to help ... the count on the Obama Love Story at Youtube is up to 299,923. Expect it to go over 300,000 soon.

ETA It is now at 300,253 +

That was fast.

i watched it several times last night and read a lot of the comments. when you see names like quoisha I pretty much can figure our right away they probably weren't Clay fans. heee. I saw several sentiments from people that they had never listened to Clay before and were amazed by the voice. I like that the video has opened up some people's minds and that could very well pay off in the future.

claylove -- thanks for the pictures...gorgeous!

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Good grief another decent article about Clay in print! I hope it is not me just projecting but are we taking baby steps here to give him a different and better image?

Although after looking at claylove's pics I like his image just fine.

Don't forget that this is, once again, People magazine. I tend to believe that online article that was published a few weeks ago, talking about his publicist not liking any of the tabloids...except for People. And frankly, I've always thought People was good to him (with the exception of album reviews). With the release of every single one of his albums, there has been some sort of blurb in their magazine, usually with pretty pictures. They covered the IT. They've mentioned every single one of his UNICEF trips, usually with a picture involved. I also think that the 2006 article was fantastic, and the picture that accompanied it was the most thudworthy picture ever.

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And I'm sure that a lot of people supported Clay's charity because of Clay. And now they will put their money elsewhere. Sure you would hope that people who spent a lot of time supporting the charity would have built of an affinity for the actual cause... but I'm not surprised that clay was the drawing power for many. I remember a while back that they were going to change the name to something less "clay" but honestly hope they don't. I can understand why they would though. Anybody know anything about that?

I see you already have the answer re the name change; but regarding the rest of your post~boy, do I agree! Maketh me very sad.

And I too am happy the name is not being changed at the moment. I'm a traditionalist, what can I say? :)

I have no problem with it at all for me, luckiest1~but some of the folks at the Gala did specifically request that MY pictures not be shown online.

I am confused......

I finally have a few minutes here to talk about not really a recap, because you all certainly know, far better than I do probably, what went on at the Gala on Saturday night. Our table was the second-worst one at the Gala :lol: and I SAW absolutely nothing. What I heard and what I FELT in that room was quite another thing.

Hee, I hope you are referring to my table as the first-worst. :cryingwlaughter: Seriously, at that distance I needed binoculars. But it didn't matter. Because the emotion was palpable. The voice was indescribably amazing. It was something I would have been devastated to miss. I am so glad I went, even though I will be paying off these visa bills for the next several years. And I am confused, because I've heard more than one person refer to the price of the individual tickets as more expensive this year than last. I am pretty sure that they were $250 both years. Unless my memory is failing again, which is entirely possible.

Hee, I'm confused as to why you're confused~but let me try again. I took pictures at the breakfast as well. When I did, there were people who said they did NOT want them posted online. I have no problem, though, with you posting the pictures YOU took of ME online. Does that help? :lol:

Re your table~yup, that was the one I meant was the first-worst! :hysterical: Although, because I can't use binoculars I call "special case" :lol: But the rest of it? Hell, yah!

....and I think the tickets last year were $100....pretty sure....but I could be wrong.

Claylove, THANK YOU for posting your pics! They are gorgeous as always!

Just a very small PPS to BFS's post quoted above~the name of the film is "INCLUDING Samuel".

ETA: I'm at JFK on JetBlue's free wireless, which is nice as I kill a few hours between flights. Haven't been able to see ANY of the clack as, once again, I am on the business laptop (sigh...). Yes, :lol:, I know I was there; but all I had was the audio and emotional not the visual, KWIM?? I'm DYING to get home and DL some of the good "stuff" and really SEE what was going on.

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....and I think the tickets last year were $100....pretty sure....but I could be wrong.

I know I only paid $100!

That's why I wavered about this year. 2 1/2 times as much!



Yup. Our table was pretty crappy - as far as the view.

But I had great table mates!

Only one of whom is upset with me for abandoning her to go stand against the wall! (I think!) :cryingwlaughter:

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Good grief another decent article about Clay in print! I hope it is not me just projecting but are we taking baby steps here to give him a different and better image?

Although after looking at claylove's pics I like his image just fine.

Don't forget that this is, once again, People magazine. I tend to believe that online article that was published a few weeks ago, talking about his publicist not liking any of the tabloids...except for People. And frankly, I've always thought People was good to him (with the exception of album reviews). With the release of every single one of his albums, there has been some sort of blurb in their magazine, usually with pretty pictures. They covered the IT. They've mentioned every single one of his UNICEF trips, usually with a picture involved. I also think that the 2006 article was fantastic, and the picture that accompanied it was the most thudworthy picture ever.

But even that litttle blurb about the bio is now showing up all over the web i.e. foxnews.com, AccessHollywood.com and for the most part the story is ok. Of course there are some digs (ha it wouldn't be the media if there weren't) but they are really benign!

I read an article this morning about Lance Bass saying he has to be careful how he acts on DWTS, due to him being the most visual representation of a gay man, in the Entertainment industry right now! Hmmm!

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Hee, I'm confused as to why you're confused~but let me try again. I took pictures at the breakfast as well. When I did, there were people who said they did NOT want them posted online. I have no problem, though, with you posting the pictures YOU took of ME online. Does that help? :lol:

Re your table~yup, that was the one I meant was the first-worst! :hysterical: Although, because I can't use binoculars I call "special case" :lol: But the rest of it? Hell, yah!

....and I think the tickets last year were $100....pretty sure....but I could be wrong.

Great, thanks for clarifying! Now, do you know the names of those who didn't want pictures posted? Are they FCAers? I just don't want to upset anyone.

Hmmm, I honestly thought I paid $250 last year as well. I guess my memory is failing me again. LOL. Not surprising.

Yup. Our table was pretty crappy - as far as the view.

But I had great table mates!

Only one of whom is upset with me for abandoning her to go stand against the wall! (I think!) :cryingwlaughter:

Hee, the wall was the place to be! I never sat down, and there was no one behind me to tell me to....worked for me. :)


I know I was there; but all I had was the audio and emotional not the visual, KWIM?? I'm DYING to get home and DL some of the good "stuff" and really SEE what was going on.

Know exactly what you mean, and you won't be disappointed! :)

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I'm just sitting here thinking. It's Tuesday. So in a few hours Clay and Jerome will head to the Shubert. But when he leaves the show tonight, he will have his little unconventional family to go home to!

That just makes me happy!

And - he will have the reward of working with his theater family after two days out and he will still be in his own afterglow, I suspect, from how wonderfully his foundation weekend went and how much money and goodwill were spread around!


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you know what I like..that it's 3 days later and everyone is still in the afterglow.

Yeah and i'm on my third pack of cigarettes, if you know what I mean and I think you do!!!

I keed I keed I don't even smoke :cryingwlaughter:

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Is it time to go home yet? I set a whole pile of clack to download last night and I am anxious to watch it. Hope the kids aren't expecting me to go grocery shopping or cook dinner or anything....they survived 5 days, what's one more?

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I made a cd of MBlovesClay's mp3's and it is gorgeous. She must have been placed smack dab between the speakers cause the sound is verra verra niiiice! The best so far! I haven't seen all the clack yet, but toni7's is great from the side just a bit. I like hers cause you can see more of Clay, like when he gestures, etc. MB's is very good and pretty close. Jojoct's is VERY close! I understand some more have been added, so my preferences may change.

I, too, like the one's where you can see the guitarist's reactions to Clay, us, and the music. For some reason that adds extra to me.

It was an awesome event and the best one I've not been to... tho last year's playing with the rings just might give this year's a run for it's money for being funny. This year the funniest that I've seen so far has been the zipping of the jacket and the playing with his bust and with the bear.

I loved the part where Jaymes reminds him about the babysitter! Awwww! is right.

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Thanks luckiest, I'm afraid I'm not as patient with my sister as I am with others. We know all the family secrets. :cryingwlaughter:

Couchie politics is a lot of fun but when I see the hours our guy puts in it's really intimidating.

Claylove great pictures. I have yet to download any video as I haven't been home much. We are doing a big rally on Nov 1 and I just got the band picked out. Heres their sendspace Bluegrass Band

I'm also suppossed to get drinks and food to sell for 300 people. :cry4:

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Claylove's beautimous Wall of Clay Gifs reminded me of Jack Nicholson looking at the Witches of Eastwick from a giant screen, at the end - only much much better!

Technical whiine:

My mouse had a sizeable kitty-chew on the cord, I scotch-taped it, and it only acts funny around metal. And I think I have worn out the springs, working online. Because it has started to lag. And even though I Windex it, it seems sticky, I hatessss sticky mouses. I do love Windex.

Soooooo I bought a new high-def logitech optical mouse (corded, because I hatesssss running out of batteries, and because I don't like it when my laptop has so many thingies sticking up from it that it looks like a control center in outer space) and it is so fast it is like I just learned how to use a mouse. Frickin frackin thing shoots all over the place. Yes I know I can adjust it, but I have it set in the middle. Now I know what 1000 dpi stands for - not as fast as gamers, but pretty fast.

And it is supposed to zoom in on stuff, but of course there is no model name category for it on the logitech site to download that software from.

I sent in an email about that.

And when I google the model number, most of the hits are in russian.

I think Radio Shack sold me the last one.

That's all!

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Not to belabor a point...but for him to sing RHW to those of who are still here made no sense to me...why would he be waiting for us when we are still fans? That is why for me, it makes sense that the song was for those who are still struggling or may have walked away. I tend to be rather logical in my thinking...not so much in the abstract.

Okay, I am done with the subject.

Time to eat dinner and then download some more clack!


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....and I think the tickets last year were $100....pretty sure....but I could be wrong.

I know I only paid $100!

That's why I wavered about this year. 2 1/2 times as much!



Yup. Our table was pretty crappy - as far as the view.

But I had great table mates!

Only one of whom is upset with me for abandoning her to go stand against the wall! (I think!) :cryingwlaughter:

:nono2: :nono2: :nono2::lipstick:

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