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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!
    • That man just doesn't have quit in him.
    • Lordy, this guy makes me smile so hard. I love him
    • What boyfriend wants he gets!
    • We think we'll keep him!
    • Resistance is futile and once I heard that voice all was right with the world.
    • He's back. We're back. We're home again.
    • Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick!
    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!

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merrieee, I know what you mean! I get giddy too!

ETA: Newscom (see link on previous page, with user name and password -- sorry to make ya'll search!) has added a second picture.

ETAA: WireImage Pictures (just one so far...)

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I'm liking the jacket & jeans ensemble.... want to see his feet.... :whistling-1:

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From CV:

Notacanuck at CC wrote:

Clay's in the VIP room at the Roast. A quick shot of him talking to some guy from Dateline (didn't catch the guy's name -- I don't watch that show), with Billy Bush saying "and here's Clay Aiken ... ".

This is the Access Hollywood show. This is the first story.

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Getty Images

These can be made bigger, but with watermarks.

I'm just an editing fool...

From the CH:

zakus at CB wrote:

Hey from New York. Just called the Shubert and they said Clay is in tonight. I asked for the whole show and they yes.
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Awwwww, love the lip bite in the first one. Hope we get to hear some details of the roast.

I bet Clay planned on performing the whole show last night, too. Not saying he won't tonight, but if he is hurting too bad by intermission, I hope he doesn't stress it further. The whole up on the piano, bottle dance thing makes me nervous. But I'm sure he knows better than I! {{{Clay}}}

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Info on the Friar's Roast...couple of Clay jokes included (i.e. jokes about Clay)...raunchy as to be expected:



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Just thought I should pop my head in and say thanks to everyone for the well wishes, and for keeping my mother sane while I was busy worrying her :P Anyone that knows her, knows exactly what I mean :){{{{luckiest1}}}} Thankfully, I am feeling better. Still not great, but it helps me milk one more sick day out of work! Who wants to be going up and down the elevators to the CN Tower until 2am if they don't have to? Not me! But, thank you all again. It was much appreciated :)

{{{{{{ CLAY }}}}}}

I'm so glad you're feeling better, crimson! Rest up this weekend, okay? *HUGS*

Info on the Friar's Roast...couple of Clay jokes included (i.e. jokes about Clay)...raunchy as to be expected:



Yikes, it WAS really raunchy! Some of the jokes were pretty funny, and others were just plain dirrrrrty, and not in a good way. Ah, well, I guess that's par for the course. And that Clay was the butt of a couple of jokes just shows that he's still enough of a celeb for people to take notice.

He looked cute! I hope we get a bigger picture at some point.

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...and she looks even better in person....lovely picture, though! She is sooooooo little!!

I hate her. <_<


Now, Muski, you stop right now. You look damn good, so you have no reason to hate her! I'll have to spank you if you insult yourself again. Don't tempt me, girl!!


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I saw that 2 people had been found dead at Jennifer's house.

Later reports said her mother and brother were the victims.


Reuters - Jennifer's Mother and Brother Killed


CHICAGO (Reuters) - The mother and brother of Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Hudson were found shot to death in the mother's Chicago home on Friday, media reported.

You know what's really bad?

Reuters is listing it's source as TMZ!!!

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I never saw those stage door autograph pics before. Boy, he has some hairy arms!!!! :lilredani:

Lordy, this guy makes me smile so hard. I love him.

Thread title???

O.M.G... how can people do that sort of thing. Poor Jennifer... this is heartbreaking for her and the rest of the family. RIP!!!

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Info on the Friar's Roast...couple of Clay jokes included (i.e. jokes about Clay)...raunchy as to be expected:



Well, that's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Ugh.

What a tragedy about Jennifer Hudson's mother & brother, if true.

ETA from CH:

I just got a call from bigappleforclay from the Shubert Theater box office. As was just posted by lindylo, Clay will be out tonight. His role will be performed by Michael O'Donnell. Rick, Tom and Wally Dunn will also be out. The guy at the ticket window did not know why Rick, Tom or Wally were out. He reiterated that Clay had twisted (sprained?) his ankle. He did not know if Clay would be out tomorrow or the rest of the weekend.

Also, bigappleforclay asked at the box office about refunds. She was told that they are only obligated to give refunds if the performer's name is above the title of the show. Clay's name is not. So, they are not obligated to give refunds, but they are giving refunds at the box office as a courtesy.

I had great tickets for tomorrow night. I was planning on being in NYC tomorrow during the day for a conference and then meeting Valeda afterwards for dinner and the show. I am more disappointed for Valeda who was to be traveling overnight from Montreal to attend the show. Tomorrow night's show has a relatively big representing list from the CH, with most people coming from out of town, and some from pretty far away. Even if Clay were to perform tomorrow, the weather is calling for rain and wind, so the chance of a stage door does not look good.

The only thing missing from this "forecast" is falling couches in Shubert Alley. :(

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A 7 yr old boy, Jennifer's nephew, is missing from Jennifer's mother's home and an Amber Alert has been issued!

More from EOnline here

Jennifer was supposed to leave for Japan to promote her album and is on her way now to Chicago.


Oh my God. I cannot even fathom something as horrible as this. My prayers are with Jennifer. How will she and her other family members manage to function with all this to deal with.

It will keep me awake tonite. May God bless them and bring that little boy home safe.

It is more than sad.

eta: not sure if this is domestic violence or not, but it reinforces my prayers that Clay and his whole family be well protected. Thank God for Jerome and I hope they have other security on a 24 hr basis for the rest of his family. There are some sick minds operating out there.

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Julia (Jennifer's sister - who was featured quite a bit during Idol#3) is also reportedly missing, and the wanted suspect is someone called William Balfour. Julia's MySpace lists someone called William are her #2 best friend, after her mom #1... Jennifer being #3, brother Jason being #4. The little boy reportedly missing is Julia's son, Julian. So it appears William could be Julia's BF or husband.

OK, I don't have the facts, the above is what I have gleaned from the net. I cannot even begin to fathom how Jennifer must be feeling when so many of the most important people in her life are either dead or missing.

I had hoped this was not true but it now appears what's horribly true is that her mother and brother are murdered.

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Wowza - I like a good old fashioned dirty joke now and again - but that Friar's Club blog is... whoa!! I know our fella has a crooked halo and all, but I'm guessing there was a little jaw-dropping going on there.

How horrible for Jennifer and her family.

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I read the blog also and I just don't gets it. And that's not a typo. I could never say stuff like that and I'd want to rip the face off of anyone who said that to me. And it has nothing to do with saying cuss words, it's just so crass.

Really sorry to hear about what happened to Jennifer's family. I know she has a fiance and hopefully she has a lot of other people in her life who can support her right now.

Hope Clay's ankle feels better soon (not his soon). Not understanding what's going on with the other regulars though. During Clay's first run, I don't think Rick missed any shows, and although Tom was out some then, not like he has been this time around. Selfishly hoping that they will all be there when I go back again because its just not the same without any of them.

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horrible news about Jennifer Hundson's family.

My mom is doing well. The bleeding has stopped. They have no idea what the cause was..they could only rule things out with her various treatments. Anyway, they are still holding her hostage until tomorrow or sunday...her bp is high and they are monitoring a few other things. She's mostly pissed because we were going to drive to Reno to an Obama rally but that is out for her, probably for me as well. I don't want to be in Reno if they say she can go home. My sister and her family will go.

Wishing Clay a speedy recovery. Really, rest is the only thing that will help a sprain (is that what it is?). He needs to stay off it as much as possible.

That roast was a bit too much for me. 10 years ago I wold have laughed but I've become a fuddy duddy in my old age. A lot of comedians I used to watch and enjoy...I no longer do. But yay for one of my all time favorites DL Hugheley and his new show on CNN. Where is Clay's talk show! Come on Clay management... work it..get my boy a talk show.

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I'm sorry you & MamaTomato will miss the rally, couchie, but glad they're keeping her as a precaution. Better safe than sorry.

:hugs-1: to you both!

During Clay's first run, I don't think Rick missed any shows

Yep, he did. He was out, I believe on vacation, the entire week I was there in April. Hannah was also out that week, as it's when she hurt her knee. Both were back that Sunday, for the evening show anyway, and I was sooooooo happy that we got to see them!

Still sending healing thoughts to our brave {{{Sir Aiken}}}. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

As for the roast, I knew they were raunchy, but some of that was..... :yow:

What a terrible tragedy for Jennifer Hudson and her family. Prayers for strength for them to get through this.

I'm :offtobed: early tonight. So freaking tired I can hardly see straight. Heading out with a load of stuff for the condo in the morning, then priming the bedroom walls. Shopping for a vacuum cleaner and rugs in the afternoon.

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