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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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We've had about 8 trick or treaters so far...it takes two to hand out candy...one to give out the candy and one to hold the dog back...he is 5 months old but he weighs 20 pounds and barks at every little noise...glad I am not going to be home tonight, LOL!

I hear ya! My grand-puppy was here for a bit and, while she is only about 12 pounds, she jumps at the door and barks so much that she was scaring the little ones. It took one of us to hold her and the other to give out the candy. The kids seem to have petered off now, which is good, because I am watching Skate Canada and the men's event is about to start. :wub:

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I noticed Bookwhore; I was just thinking today that I had not seen you here in a while.

Same here! :3: How's that cute puppy doing?


Puppy is doing great! She's 4 months old now and weighs over 25 pounds. And requires constant watching, or she'll eat the house.

I can't believe we haven't had a single trick-or-treater! Good thing I bought GOOD candy.

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Starting to slow down here. I have had about 100 kids so far. Some very good costumes. I think they were so creative because it is actually warm and they do not have to have on layers of clothes.

Saw the ET clip, he really is articulate and comes across very caring. Does help that he looks really good, only wish is that his hair was longer.

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I've had exactly 3 Trick or Treaters.

I bought good candy too! :friends:

I've had about 20-25 so far...which is far less than usual, IMO. Oooh boy, more Reese's Peanut Butter cups for me!

Speaking of friends...reports are that Ruben is at Spamalot tonight. :)

Very cool! I've also read now, via the OFC, that Frenchie Davis is there as well.

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Making this a new post, because it's really a cool interview:

TDF: Theatre Development Fund

Clay Time

Clay Time: How "American Idol" Clay Aiken became a Broadway knight.

"Simon Cowell can kiss my butt if he wants to use that 'Broadway' insult again," quips Clay Aiken, the former American Idol star now enjoying a stint as Sir Robin on the Great White Way in Monty Python's Spamalot (now in its final months at the Shubert Theatre). "So often the judges on Idol will use 'Broadway' as an insult for a singer's performance. But I think there's more talent onstage here at the Shubert Theatre than in all of the music industry."

Aiken's casting, along with that of Idol contender Fantasia as a replacement Celie in The Color Purple, has raised a few eyebrows. Were these reality TV creations really qualified to strut their stuff on the Main Stem?

"I think one reason people who've been on Idol are showin' up on Broadway is that they're people who can do something live," Aiken notes, making a clear contrast with both film and TV actors and studio-produced pop singers, all of whom get multiple takes to get it right. "The talent for singing live—that's what you need here."

Of course, there's more to a Broadway role, even in a silly romp like Spamalot, than a good singing voice. There's also the acting and the dancing. Aiken credits author Eric Idle and director Mike Nichols with steering him well in the first department.

"Eric Idle was very complimentary, which always helps when you have no idea what you're doing," Aiken says. "Mike Nichols, in addition to being the premeir director of our lifetime, is very easy to work with. I like to think I take direction well, but I can imagine that sometimes a director might have a really hard job in explaining a part, and what's required. Mike comes up with the most colorful and hilarious ways to explain what he's looking for."

Nichols also stressed something you might not expect in such a go-for-broke comedy.

"Overall, I probably have a tendency to overdo certain things," Aiken admits. "Mike is big on subtlety and kept reminding us, 'You aren't funny—the script is funny.' It's all very silly, but what makes it funny is that none of the characters realize how stupid they really are, so it actually gets more laughs when the lines are played a little more straight."

As for the dancing, Aiken says simply: "Someone giving me choreography, that's just a catastrophe waiting to happen."

This North Carolina native, who still has a slight twang, is nothing if not forthright.

"I had absolutely no exposure to this material before," Aiken admits. "I literally thought Monty Python was a person. And the first time I saw the show, actually, I thought it was stupid. At the end, I thought, 'Really? It's so silly.' "

This impression was largely the result of what Aiken calls his "limited exposure to Broadway—show likes Wicked, you know, with soaring melodies and big plotlines. I looked as hard as I could at Spamalot and couldn't find the plot."

He's glad he gave it another chance.

"When I saw it again, I realized, there's still not much of a plot here—but it's the funniest thing in the world. It's very sarcastic and intelligent humor, and I'm an intelligent person, I like to think."

When he met Eric Idle, he recognized him not from his Python days but from the broad 1990 comedy Nuns on the Run. "I remember that film because it was the first time I ever saw naked boobs on-screen." (Not Idle's, we're presuming.) "And I'd seen John Cleese on Will and Grace."

Then Aiken dropped a whopper.

"I still haven't seen the movie," he says, meaning the 1975 classic, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, on which Spamalot is based. "I've been avoiding it like the plague. I mean, I play Eric Idle's part, and I'm sure I would just copy everything he did."

As you may have noticed, a big part of Aiken's disarming, country-boy charm comes out in his light but persistent self-deprecation. Asked if he ever breaks character to laugh at his colleagues' onstage antics—i.e., if he ever "loses it," he responds, "I lose it regularly—lose my place in the script, lose my place in the dancing."

But yes, he has broken up onstage, as well: "Rick Holmes, who plays Lancelot, is one of the funniest people in the world," Aiken avers. "And regularly while I'm 'dead' onstage, Rick will say something that's not in the script, and we just can't stop laughing. You know, in this show it's OK, because the audience can see that the people onstage are having just as much fun as they are, and the people up there—minus me—are so good at what they do."

Critics have been kinder than that, noting how well Aiken fits into the show. A future on Broadway could be in the cards for this Clay Idol.

Heh. Clay said "boobs." [tm Beavis and Butthead]

I love this entire interview!

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I love this entire interview!

:yeahthat: And that Clay Aiken guy, too. :flirtysmile3: Thanks for posting it, ldyj.

Also being reported by butterflyshine, who reported about Ruben & Frenchie being at Spam tonight (how cool!):

Jerome said Parker is chubby and cute!!!


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Cool interview! It really is awesome how well Clay fit into the Broadway world - so nice to see him get a little respect. I hope there is more Broadway in his future (aaaaaaaafter the OMWH tour of course :whistling-1: )

O/T, but I just saw a commercial for the Ability First Conference 2008 in London, ON - and the keynote speaker is Rich Donovan (2008 BAF Champion of Change awardee). Small world!

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Great interview!! I would love to see Clay get another role on Broadway. Seems a natural fit.

I wanted to turn out the lights..mom insisted we needed snicker bars although we haven''t had more than a few kids each year. I think somebody who shouldn't have one wanted a snicker bar herself.

I missed you lots Bookwhore!

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When he met Eric Idle, he recognized him not from his Python days but from the broad 1990 comedy Nuns on the Run. "I remember that film because it was the first time I ever saw naked boobs on-screen." (Not Idle's, we're presuming.) "And I'd seen John Cleese on Will and Grace."

Wheeeeeeee, Nuns on the Run! Love that movie. :wub: That was a great interview.

O/T, but I just saw a commercial for the Ability First Conference 2008 in London, ON - and the keynote speaker is Rich Donovan (2008 BAF Champion of Change awardee). Small world!

Is so!

Ok, I have to say a WOO HOO for Canada's Patrick Chan, who's sitting in 2nd place after the men's short program at Skate Canada. :dancingpickle: :00000442: :00000442:

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Lordy, here's a depressing thought. In 1990?? Clay was twelve.


And he might have seen it later on video.

Hee - yeah, I wasn't really crying about Clay. :hahaha:

BWAH..Girl I get you...I graduated from high school in 1980...and somwhere today I read Obama graduated in 1979. Don't know why that made me feel old, or like I've accomplished absolutely nothing in life... one or the other... :cryingwlaughter:

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I'm sure I'm way behind - DH and I just watched (recorded) Eli Stone.

But this . . .

When he met Eric Idle, he recognized him not from his Python days but from the broad 1990 comedy Nuns on the Run. "I remember that film because it was the first time I ever saw naked boobs on-screen."
. . .

just CMSU!!!

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Hee. This is not meant as a partisan comment, so don't take it as such

Sarah Palin is one week older than I am, which totally freaks me out, because I hardly feel like I'm old enough to be responsible for my own self - much less that I'm competent to run the country or whatnot. :imgtongue:

Seriously, I'm stil waiting for the day I feel like I'm a grown-up.

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