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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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hey all...... been lurking mostly lately...... had a lot going on in RL.....

mainly a lot of back, neck, and head pain from clumsily tripping at my sister's house and knocking my head on a door molding. (yeah, "I ran into a door!") :D I had a big goose egg and subsequent black eyes for about a week.

In the past couple weeks I have celebrated all my kids' birthdays (two at a time ya know..), been to the Obama rally the night before the election (6 hours of standing, walking, and dancing)... hiked 3 miles in the foothills of the Blue Ridge, coping with my dau & SIL who have moved in for a couple of weeks, insomnia, chiropractic appts, etc etc... you get the picture!!

anyhow.......... TGIF!!! and no plans for the weekend!

Altho, Holiday season is starting and while SOME of us ( :hello:merrieee) may have finished addressing Christmas cards... some of us haven't even started thinking about them, and meanwhile the Christmas ads are starting on TV and the Christmas displays are starting to appear in the stores and it's not even Thanksgiving yet!!!! It's all downhill from here!

I invited my SIL's parents to Thanksgiving and was preparing to go crazy on the house getting ready for their five-day visit, but I had a big WHEW moment a couple days ago when chachadotter#1 told me they decided not to come. woooo hooo - shhhh! don't tell anyone I said that!! My saving grace, my niece, decided to have the whole fam over to her house this year - the whole 25 of us! It's great and I am sighing another big WHEW that I don't have to have it at my house this year!

muski.......... I had a root canal last year. The main thing about it, and I don't want to scare you because with me there was no pain involved, the MAIN thing was that I had to sit in the chair, sitting still for so long. And then deal with adjusting to the crown. Not too bad all in all. GOOD LUCK!

couchie - did you ever get your CD back?

cotton - hope your SI goes away soon!

Gibby - prolific much? :D (you go girl!)

Also - anyone wanting to know how I made the Sir Robin costume - please feel free to PM me! :D


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From CH:

Spamalot after show report:

KSChristian4clay just called me. She said the show was excellant. Clay was a little hoarse when he first appeared in the tower but better as show progressed. He did well with his solo. He did not sing the AMEN.

He did not pose for pictures tonight. Pictures tonight were 20.00 with LOTL, Patsy and King Arthur.

Barricades are up at SD but they do not expect him to come out but they are waiting anyways.

ETA: He did not come out to SD

This one is from Ms Crabtree, who has been in NYC all week, trying to see Clay. I'm glad it eventually worked out for her and her group!

AAAHHH!! Success!! He was ..... well, the words intense, passionate, and transforming come to mind. I have to say that I really didn't notice the hoarseness. The horseness, yes (especially as the dead guard when the tunic was above his waist and in the white suit) - the hoarseness, no. I thought he sounded great.

Actually, the whole cast was wonderful. I was a Jonathan Hadary fan. Still am. This will definitely date me, but to me the new king is sort of like watching Foster Brooks do Arthur. That being said, I have to admit that he's very Python. The only line that really doesn't work for me is, "Patsy's family." There's just not the chemistry there IMO.

We admit to being a little disappointed that he didn't do pictures tonight. Perhaps the thought of all those people with all those germs didn't sound very appealing. We were soooo happy just to be there though. It was most definitely worth the wait.

Yes, we're going home tomorrow.

From CV:

Report from Claybella:

Photos after for BC/EFA had no Clay, but were with Patsy, LOL, the King and only cost $20. No Clay pictures until tomorrow night. At SD now people just cheered David Hibbard - I could hear it! Big cheer for him.

CLay was hoarse during show but did great job. Lots of energy from cast AND audience. Claybella misses Hannah. She isn't sure he'll do the matinees this weekend.

I said so how was Clay and she said: Gorgeous legs! Great smile. Tell me something I don't know!!!

She met Melissa. Lots of other fans.

Full house!!!! Lots of NJU. Lots of applause for Patsy and the big numbers. Audience gave the cast the love. The peasant was in B101 and a cute little old lady. She shook everyone's hand and the knights all fawned over her. Claybella said it was very cute.

So tomorrow they are going to the matinee even if Clay is out so they can see what his understudy is like.

ETA: Pngndancer had her picture taken with David, LOL, and King but David was kneeling in front of people and she wanted to have him close to her so she asked if she could have him next to her and he pulled her over to him and said you betcha baby. She's in heaven! When she gets back next week, she'll post her pix.

And a very detailed one from butterflyshine at CV:

Hey there, decided to go to the show tonight...got to meet some old and new friends...Claybella and friends are in the house and so are Stargazer and friends...

The Orchestra was sold out and there was a good mixture of NJU and fans. It was a very lively crowd, and thus the performance were hysterical....

I did not hear the hoarseness in Clay's voice, I didn't and I listened for it. As for not doing the matinee tomorrow, I believe that is just speculation, b/c there was nothing said to indicate that...I guess there is a chance of that happening, but I doubt that it will...

Some highlights:

--"bring back anyway" staring intently at his helmet strap

--continues to be a bit more snarky with this crowd than with Jonathan

--continues the sing songy anyways that i just love

--pokes the dead with his triangle striker

--When Rick does his Scottish remark and dance, Clay mimics it and is very cute

--when the dead starts to sing, Clay holds up the triangle as if he is warding off evil forces

--He pokes Tom during the scene

--I am really loving Merle she has become so much more comfortable in her role and did a fabulous in the Song Goes Too Long

--Came out as Sir Robin holding his chicken by the feet

--When Clay started yodel, Rick did his own little dance

--Clay tripped a bit over one of the Jello Dancers

--LoL hits Clay when he gets too close

--Threw glove over Clay's head and Clay cowered a bit

--LoL did her drop like it's hot line

--cute little extra dance movement at the we won in KOTRT

--The dice girl grabbed him around his neck

--during the God scene...Clay did the pray and quake

--When he found the grail he raised his arms in victory and gave the peace sign

--Find your grail did the peace sign

--When he dismounted his pony at the castle he did his leg assist and had his tongue out

--When Rick did the "fart in your general direction" line he gave each of them a raspberry

--When Clay did his rude gesture line...he pointed several times and tapped the King on his shoulder before delivering the line

--raises fist while waiting for the rabbit

--the Oh wow was a bit deeper

--Rick did the more slow hump when taunting tonight and the other taunters raised their game a notch

--during the run away scene Jenny threw her skirt in his face and swatted him on the butt

--did his first part of runaway with his fist in a defensive posture

--David's solo he added a heel click and one foot turn...he is amazing

--Rick's Knights of Ni line he sang a really bad version of And I will Always Love you by Whitney Houston and then said "crack is whack"

--When Clay did his oh yes for putting on a musical he danced in a circle

--high tunic flip

--this puzzled me at the end his solo while still on his knees he opened his mouth very wide and kind of stuck out his tongue, which was very white, not sure why he did this, but he did

--solo was very well received

--guard scene...ears out

--at one point when he kinds of space out the King he licked his teeth like the were fuzzy hung over...not that i would know anything about that

--coming with you was delivered a bit sing songy...loved it..

--ribbons fondled and sniffed

--when he was killed he dropped his spear with a real clunk, instead of taking it down with him

--Lance changed his dance instead of hip thrust he did more a hip sway during his YMCA Gay dance...very cute

---He was a bit more exaggerated as brother Maynard...he changed the delivery during it "towards my foe" was dragged out a bit...and he did a few other changes, very funny

--Rick added a line for B101 that it short for an urban street slang...yea boi....

--Peasant freaking adorable, an older lady, named Rose, she is just a little bit of a thing, she was clearly a fan...David and the King helped up the steps, then b/c she was so short, the King dropped to his knees...Rose shook both the King's and David's hands...pointed to Clay, which Rick acted was for him, and then she waved him aside and pointed at Clay, the King said him, I don't know who you are talking about, that is Robin...the audience was laughing hysterically...made sure shook all the knights hands, including Clay...she shielded her eyes trying to see the audience and Clay mimiced her...so cute...Clay waved at her and Rick blew her a kiss

--The King was so taken by her, he couldn't keep it together when he got on his knees to propose...he was laughing so hard....

--Clay's dance at the end was like he was do a whip over his head and then cracked it...very sexy and cute....

--Rick did the Broadway Cares Speech...and he was adorable he thanked the audience for being so responsive and gave Rose a shout out and then said that if we enjoyed the show half as much as they did, then they enjoyed it twice as much as the audience did...it was really cute...you could tell Clay took a moment and realized Rick was correct and was kinda of amazed by Rick...

--While Rick was talking Clay put his palms and mouthed lots of money...

--They are selling a Christmas CD which has songs by Merle and Jenny

--Pictures were with Merle, the King and David...$20.00 ...I got one and it is very cute...

--Rick said at the end as the financial markets lurches toward total collapse...let's sing Always Look on the Bright Side of LIfe...and followed that by saying on matter how screwed you feel, always remember that someone is more screwed...

the cast was really on fire tonight...

this recap may travel....

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Good Morning Everyone,

Busy day today; going to do some Christmas shopping (hee, I wrote my Christmas cards out last week-end) and then come home and clean house; the dust bunnies are taking over!

12 Days until Clay is "Talking Turkey"!


15 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! :yahoo:

50 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


72 Days until Golfing for Inclusion! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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I am so glad to hear that he performed last night. I just hope he did not come back to soon. It is hard to believe that it has been one week since I saw the show. We had been afraid that he would not do the show because he was out on the Tues. before. I know that I would have been disapointed because it took so much for us to get there. I really felt bad for those who missed him this week. As disappointed as I would of been I would of understood. Illness happens and I for one would not want him singing if it would hurt his voice.

Got to get some work done today. I got up later than normal, usually I am up at 6:30 but today I slept till 8. It is cold and rainy here and they are saying we will have snow tonight. I just got done washing my kitchen floor now I need to start another project. Also I should go out and do some Christmas shopping. My boys are so hard to buy for. They get everything they want so when it comes to Birthdays and Christmas it is hard to find the perfect gift. Last Christmas we got my son and his wife a video camera to film their new arrival due in May. That was never used because of the death of the baby in February, but she if pregnant and due in April. Next week we find out the sex. They have been kinda quiet this time, I am sure they are really scared. Once this baby is born ok the excitement will be there. Ok now to find the energy to be productive.

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Luggage finally made it home last night about 7:30 p.m. This means, of course -- LAUNDRY!!! Blech.

muski, sorry to hear about your dental work. I've always firmly believed in doing regular check-ups and brushing my teeth twice a day, and so far, it has paid off for me big time.

YAY CG -- I'm glad you're getting to see Clay again. At this point, I'm starting to count the days until my trip to NYC!!!! I'm also going to have to convince my husband that I want to see Spam more than once. LOL. Our hotel is just down from the Shubert, so if nothing else, I should be able to do a few stage doors, if he's doing them, that is.

I'm bummed...I missed out on getting the Christmas story book from the BAF. It sounds as if they went very quickly. Do you think they'll reprint? Or does anyone have an extra that they would be willing to "sell" me, for my own donation to the BAF?

Also, repeating a request from yesterday -- is there a rip of the UNICEF PSA that came out a few days ago?

So very glad he's back with the show, and those that were trying all week to see him were finally able to do so.

This needs to be on this page, IMO...


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Back from my shopping...Carson's is having a great sale today so I was able to get some Christmas dishes for 50% off! They are actually for Emily for Christmas...after the shower and wedding I was at a loss as to what to get her; thought about and realized she probably didn't have a lot of Christmasware so I bought a few things to start her off and some pretty kitchen towels and potholders. Hope she likes them!

Off to start my cleaning...dishes are done...hubby washed them while I was out...let's see if I can talk him into vacuuming now!


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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too.

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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too.

Me too, great idea!!

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Happy Saturday, FCA! Hubby and I are going to a movie in a few minutes----James Bond. James ain't Sir Robin, but he'll have to do until January! :cryingwlaughter:

Beautiful weather here in the Bay Area---hard to believe it's November as I look at the flowers and sun and whatnot...

Gibby, I'm curious about what you mean that you're recording music? 'Splain, please? :lipstick:

cha cha---take care of all those bumps and bruises...and may I suggest some vino as a lovely treatment option? :lilredani:

Later, friends! :BlowKiss:

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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too.

Actually, that IS quite a good idea. Plus, I just thought of an added bonus -- muski and I each share the same first name. We could each make a donation (if muski can afford it, that is), with just two takes of the same "sign."

Laundry sucks.

cha cha, I'm sorry to hear about your black eyes and bumps and bruises. Hope you are feeling better.

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Also, repeating a request from yesterday -- is there a rip of the UNICEF PSA that came out a few days ago?

I thought it was in the vaults, but I guess not. I ripped the UNICEF PSA from youtube and converted it to wmv. Now I'm exhausted and need a nap... :Imok:


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Also, repeating a request from yesterday -- is there a rip of the UNICEF PSA that came out a few days ago?

I thought it was in the vaults, but I guess not. I ripped the UNICEF PSA from youtube and converted it to wmv. Now I'm exhausted and need a nap... :Imok:


Thanks bottlecap, you deserve your nap now. :hahaha:

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Thanks bottlecap! It really surprised me to come back to the vaults after being gone a week and finding only 4 clips added -- 2 stage doors, the Dr. Phil clip, and a broadway tv clip. I was rather bummed that the PSA wasn't there!

Have a good nap....

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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too.

Actually, that IS quite a good idea. Plus, I just thought of an added bonus -- muski and I each share the same first name. We could each make a donation (if muski can afford it, that is), with just two takes of the same "sign."

Will take however many signs you guys need on Thanksgiving weekend -- assuming he's ok with it. Suggestion -- you can be v. creative with the signs and personalize them (eg. with icons/pictures that say something about yourself, a message, etc), by sending me a .jpg by Friday and I'll print them out at Kinko's. I'm not sure that the polaroid resolution will allow complex shading & photos to come out well but relatively simple ones should be fine.

ldyj, I'd put something about your Broadway question on the sign someplace

Smuttiness limits are up to Jerome... just don't get me thrown out. LOL!

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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too.

Actually, that IS quite a good idea. Plus, I just thought of an added bonus -- muski and I each share the same first name. We could each make a donation (if muski can afford it, that is), with just two takes of the same "sign."

Will take however many signs you guys need on Thanksgiving weekend -- assuming he's ok with it. Suggestion -- you can be v. creative with the signs and personalize them (eg. with icons/pictures that say something about yourself, a message, etc), by sending me a .jpg by Friday and I'll print them out at Kinko's. I'm not sure that the polaroid resolution will allow complex shading & photos to come out well but relatively simple ones should be fine.

ldyj, I'd put something about your Broadway question on the sign someplace

Smuttiness limits are up to Jerome... just don't get me thrown out. LOL!

Scarlett :thbighug-1: :thbighug-1: .....I will get you a .jpg before then....eeeeeeehhhhhh!!!!!

Claymatron if you need me to do you a .jpg I can do that. PM or email me.

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Reports from the CH and CB say that Clay is out for the matinee. Poor baby. I hope he gets better soon! I also feel badly for those people who have traveled long distances to see the show and Clay.

Scarlett -- MUAH! I'll try my best to get something to you by the end of the week!

Is there anyone here affected by the California wildfires? Scary stuff. I hope everyone is OK, and that there won't be much more damage or many lives affected.

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Sorry to hear Clay is out for the matinee, but probably best to just take it slow and not push his voice. Looking forward to Claybella's recap of her M&G and tour!

Random thoughts I had while cleaning the bathrooms today:

"Does Jaymes have to remind Clay to the put the toilet seat down?"

"How hard is it to wash down the sink after one brushes their teeth so the toothpaste does not become cement! Perhaps I need to give the family a demonstration..mutter, mutter"

"I bet Clay and Jaymes have separate bathrooms...wonder who does the cleaning? Probably have a maid service"

"How many bath, body and hair products are really necessary?"

"Perhaps I need to put instructions for putting a new roll of toilet paper on the spindle right next to the holder..."

"I really need to clean the linen closet out more often..throws out 5 half-used tubes of toothpaste"

"Does Clay clean out the sink after he is done shaving or just let the hairs accumulate? I bet those hairs would fetch a pretty penny on E-bay"

Yes, I have no life! :wacko:


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Ahhh, hope he feels well enough to perform this evening. Maybe he's going to stick to one show a day for a bit, until his voice comes back. {{{Clay & those with tickets}}}

O/T: I have a request for anyone who is in a professional position that might have some contact with police - doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, law enforcement, etc etc. My son is doing a project for his Police Foundations course and he has a short questionnaire on use of force, i.e. pepper spray, tasers, etc. that he needs filled out by a cross section of people. If you are willing to help, please PM me your email addy and I'll send it to you. I think it's only 2 or 3 questions, and you don't need to provide your name. TIA.

ETA: Oooh, thanks for the Unicef PSA. That's the first time I've seen it. Interesting that he didn't have to give his name - he's such a recognizable figure, I guess. Cool!

Hope everyone in NC is ok this morning - apparently there was a nasty tornado overnight in the Wilson area, with a few people either missing or dead. I called my friends there this morning, and they and their families are all ok, thank goodness.

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Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures:

Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money.

ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.

I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too.

Actually, that IS quite a good idea. Plus, I just thought of an added bonus -- muski and I each share the same first name. We could each make a donation (if muski can afford it, that is), with just two takes of the same "sign."

Will take however many signs you guys need on Thanksgiving weekend -- assuming he's ok with it. Suggestion -- you can be v. creative with the signs and personalize them (eg. with icons/pictures that say something about yourself, a message, etc), by sending me a .jpg by Friday and I'll print them out at Kinko's. I'm not sure that the polaroid resolution will allow complex shading & photos to come out well but relatively simple ones should be fine.

ldyj, I'd put something about your Broadway question on the sign someplace

Smuttiness limits are up to Jerome... just don't get me thrown out. LOL!

EEEEEEEE!!! so hope they go for this. Don't see why they'd turn down the $$$$

:thbighug-1: Scarlett, and :thbighug-1: FromClaygary for the great idea!

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Sorry to hear Clay is out for the matinee, but probably best to just take it slow and not push his voice. Looking forward to Claybella's recap of her M&G and tour!

Random thoughts I had while cleaning the bathrooms today:

"Does Jaymes have to remind Clay to the put the toilet seat down?"

"How hard is it to wash down the sink after one brushes their teeth so the toothpaste does not become cement! Perhaps I need to give the family a demonstration..mutter, mutter"

"I bet Clay and Jaymes have separate bathrooms...wonder who does the cleaning? Probably have a maid service"

"How many bath, body and hair products are really necessary?"

"Perhaps I need to put instructions for putting a new roll of toilet paper on the spindle right next to the holder..."

"I really need to clean the linen closet out more often..throws out 5 half-used tubes of toothpaste"

"Does Clay clean out the sink after he is done shaving or just let the hairs accumulate? I bet those hairs would fetch a pretty penny on E-bay"

Yes, I have no life! :wacko:


I bet at least a few... Surely nobody is as pretty as them without even a little bit of help? :D

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The original file I posted for the UNICEF PSA won't play in WMP (although it played in VLC), so I tried another converter. This WMV file is smaller, but it played in WMP for me.


Seriously, I guess I've napped and stalled long enough. Now I have to do laundry, and thanks to aikim's good example, I suppose I better clean my bathroom, too. :chores012:

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