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#46: Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Ain't it grand? We've come a long way babee!
    • I love quirky Clay Aiken
    • Fascinating, outrageous Clay. Give me more. I want more.
    • The twisty tie confuses me EVERYtime
    • Still hotness after all these years!!
    • All that said - Orchestra, Band, Kazoo, Bongos, a capella - I'm there. Just sing for us, baby!!
    • If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where!
    • As long as he wears his smile all is well
    • That's not just any man... That's OUR man! You're a GOOD MAN, Clay Aiken!

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Scarlett - technical question - last year my grandson went and clicked on that virus warning thing and rendered his PC quite useless. His dad wiped it clean, and then we found out that wherever it was that his absentee mother got the computer from, there was no restore disc.

Sooooo.....I got his dad (my son) a refurbished Dell from ebay, for Christmas, and my grandson's PC is a Dell - so we used the restore disc from the refurbished computer to restore my grandson's computer.

Which now works fine.

Except they are both whining and complaining that they NEED new PCI-E cards.

Is there a problem with using the restore disc from one computer on another?

Heeeeee......I suspect that those who declare that opinions about, say, Clay's beautimous visage are all subjective (yep!) and then get illogically bent out of shape when others have differing subjective opinions - those people really think that their opinions are definitive.

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Sorry, for the big long-ass ketchup post....there was NO time in my day yesterday.

I lost the final ebay item I bid on last night. Thank goodness it got too high. It was an autographed Linda Huber print. I tried to steal it for $35. but it ended at $60.

Oh, too funny! A friend of mine won it. Does it help at ALL to know it is headed to a good, loving home? It's beautiful!!....and even $60 is a STEAL!!

It's too weird to see Clay on stage with someone else dressed as Sir Robin!

Isn't it though?? Truly, truly weird.

Jesus I have the crud... why can't I stop coughing..and now my ribs hurt. I don't think my flu remedies are working.

Annabear... I think I'm a few days in to it now..didn't do anything the first couple of days and now I'm driking robitussen and wallaflu by the gallons. Ain't working.

Me toooooooooo! :cry4: Haven't had a decent night's sleep since Friday; and I'm sure at work they appreciate me coughing til I barf......NOT!!

Typhoid Mary, please stand up! :(

from claylilly at CV:

I do have to say that if you did not see this man in the flesh last night, you have no idea how trendy and handsome he looked. He did not appear to have on any makeup, had on his glasses, and his outfit looked exceptionally well on him. I do have to say I am not a lover of a bow tie, but that's part of the reason I love Clay. He can change his appearance in the blink of an eye and always keep me guessing. He can be a dork or he can be sexy as hell but he is still Clay. I must echo BFS's comment, that if you weren't there, you just do not know how fashionable he looked!!!

Loved this part!! ...and can well imagine. His charisma in person overwhelms any look.

I guess the thing that I really don't understand is why people go to CLAY's messageboard--knowing that he reads there--and say horrible insulting things about how he looks, what he wears, and what he does.

This is like going to a friends' house and proceeding to ream them with every negative thought in your mind.

What is the point? What do they hope to achieve? It's bad enough to read the crap on other boards, but on CLAY's board??!!

It's purposefully hurtful.


Sorry if that makes me judgmental--but so be it.


Off to cough and try to stay awake at my desk......

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And sometimes its just personal preferences. Some people think he looks hot in glasses. Some don't. Some love his clothes. Some don't. Some like his hair blonde. Some. Some like snowflake hair. Some don't. Some like the glasses and orange suit. Some don't. Someone somewhere probably even liked how look at the Chicago book signing! But some didn't!

Different strokes for different folks!

Not to mention, anyone can look unattractive on any given day - and Clay is no exception. Its not really fair to diss the people who don't like how he looks and start calling them ugly. They are entitled to their opinion, as each of us are.

In a way, I agree with you. For me, I just know what I find attractive and what I don’t – it actually has nothing whatsoever to do with what Clay wants or how Clay feels. It’s all about ME. <g> And yes, I will freely post my personal preferences just like everyone else does.

That said – much of what is said about Clay is all about that person’s tone and choice of words. Nastiness is never called for, IMO. Like I would never point to other fans and call them ugly (not helpful, doesn’t solve anything and is no better than what people say about Clay), I would never say Clay looks ugly, or like a woman or whatever. I simply say that I don’t care for a given look – it says nothing about Clay himself, but about ME and my preferences. That’s the difference, I think.

Oh, that we could all look like Hannah Waddingham.

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On my way to work today I saw a sign that said "Couch Tomato Cafe." Cracked me up. Seems it's been in the Manayunk section of Philadlephia since the Fall of 2003. How could I have missed it? I've been to Main Street in that area where there are a lot of shops, restaurants, bars, etc dozens of times. It took a sign on a section of highway I rarely travel and a sign for the cafe sponsoring an anit-littering campaign to bring it to my attention. Now, I need to go there. If Clay ever comes back to the Philadelphia area, we need to hold an FCA get-together there! Love the logo!

The Couch Tomato Cafe

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On my way to work today I saw a sign that said "Couch Tomato Cafe." Cracked me up. Seems it's been in the Manayunk section of Philadlephia since the Fall of 2003. How could I have missed it? I've been to Main Street in that area where there are a lot of shops, restaurants, bars, etc dozens of times. It took a sign on a section of highway I rarely travel and a sign for the cafe sponsoring an anit-littering campaign to bring it to my attention. Now, I need to go there. If Clay ever comes back to the Philadelphia area, we need to hold an FCA get-together there! Love the logo!

The Couch Tomato Cafe

This is GREAT! I say we FCA women make a pact that the next Clay concert in Philly will find us congregating at this cafe! :cryingwlaughter:

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I'm more concerned about the freakishly obsessed haters.

Sadly, some of whom used to call themselves fans.

Yes, sad but true.

One of the reasons I'm still here is Clay's ability to surprise me..sometimes stun me... he's always interesting and never boring in look or in deed. I like him every which way. Can someone find the nerdy chic photos from the awards show..2005 I think..suit..was it an orange shirt with dark glasses. LOVE LOVE that look..Time Mag and snowflake, and orange shirt JBT some of my favorites.... surprisingly the photos other seems to love so much like Tyra are not in my top 1000.

Fascinating, outrageous Clay. Give me more. I want more.

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LOOK!!!! No mention of Jaymes's age in this comment!!!


This is from a Where Are They Now? piece from tvguide.com. :)

LOVE THIS!!! Is this a new picture (i.e. just 'discovered'?) And who is the other guy?


I am also afraid to look and see what song was popular on the day of my birth. Eeeeep!!

eta: ducky - too bad the Couch Tomato Cafe isn't in Wilmington!!

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SmartyPantsSuz from CV has posted her yearly "My Favorite Things" montage:

I think there's something in my eye now....

Aw, that was great! So many wonderful, memorable moments from 2008. And the ending was perfect.

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LOOK!!!! No mention of Jaymes's age in this comment!!!


This is from a Where Are They Now? piece from tvguide.com. :)

And a really hawt picture too. Yum. :wub:

Although I forgot to mention... they are a little behind the times since Spamalot is no more!!

OK - I looked up my Birthday No 1 Song - it's something by Tex Williams about smoking and gambling!

Never heard of it!! No Beatles songs were #1 on my birthday in the 60's! But "Right Here Waiting" was #1 on my birthday in '89!

And "Can't Buy Me Love" was #1 on mrchach's bday in '64!

Maybe more pix will surface from Spam's closing night? I sure would like some more!!!

Y'all saw these right?



Someone said he looks like Nicholas Cage in the first one!!


Although these aren't the closing night I was talking about!! :)

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On the topic of the day: It bugs me when Clay's look in a particular photo is interpreted as a personality flaw. Or when someone sounds really angry with him because of the photo, because he's not doing what they think he should be doing, or when someone thinks that his appearance in that photo is somehow a reflection on them.

The tendency to criticize Clay's looks often is something I have a hard time relating to, or being entertained by. I just don't tend to think in those terms about people. It says more to me about the type of person the critic is than about Clay. JMO.

I remember being pretty shocked when I first got on the boards and found out that there were people who made a habit of being hypercritical of another's looks. I know that is pretty naive, but I've been out of high school for a whole lot of years. I had no idea! The boards made me realize that somewhere out there, there were probably people who were doing the same thing to me. The idea that there are people out there who will judge me for what I wear and how I do my hair is really unnerving. Like wearing socks with sandals, or mixing blue and brown, or whatever is some kind of deadly sin. Gosh.

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SmartyPantsSuz from CV has posted her yearly "My Favorite Things" montage:

I think there's something in my eye now....

Mine too, thanks for bringing this over.

And cha cha trusty thanks...he looks so good, so handsome, so delicious in that photo...and those white pants...mmmm.

I just went to OFC to read some of the comments about Clay's last night's apparel and all the ones posted today are positive. I think that there are just a few fans who get super critical.

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Y'all saw these right?



Someone said he looks like Nicholas Cage in the first one!!

Hee, he does! And no, I hadn't seen those yet, so thank you for bringing them over!

Like wearing socks with sandals, or mixing blue and brown, or whatever is some kind of deadly sin. Gosh.

Heh, blue & brown is an awesome combo! ;)

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Thanks cha cha trusty

OMC The man of a 1000 faces!


Heh, blue & brown is an awesome combo! wink.gif

You know I figure if they go together in nature...blue sky, brown earth..then to heck with what the fashionistas say.

I have always loved combining green and blue but back when I was in high school, lo those many years ago, it was considered totally unacceptable..my response..I like it and I'll wear it.

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eta: ducky - too bad the Couch Tomato Cafe isn't in Wilmington!!

I thought the same thing, cha cha. It would be perfect, a trendy area that would appeal to your daughters, vegetarian options, affordable, not to mention topically relevant for us! Wilmington, DE is slim pickings, I'm afraid.

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And from earlier today:


QUOTE (wandacleo @ Jan 11 2009, 10:41 PM) *

I'm watching the Golden Globes while I wait for Clack.

Am I the only person who thinks the Jonas Brothers are weird little dudes?


I just don't get the attraction. I prefer singers who can actually sing. But then I'm not 12.

my niece is 12

her favorite singer is Clay Aiken :) but she doesn't think he knows he has younger fans

I think a lot of Clay's younger fans are afraid to speak up.

The ones (younger--- teenagers (guys & girls which surprised me) think they are not recognized because they can't afford to go to multiple tours & sit in the front

I can't afford that either but my age group is more represented

I think ???

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Like wearing socks with sandals, or mixing blue and brown, or whatever is some kind of deadly sin. Gosh.

Heh, blue & brown is an awesome combo! ;)

Heh, blue & brown is an awesome combo! wink.gif

You know I figure if they go together in nature...blue sky, brown earth..then to heck with what the fashionistas say.

I have always loved combining green and blue but back when I was in high school, lo those many years ago, it was considered totally unacceptable..my response..I like it and I'll wear it.

I always thought so. Who knew? Of course, that "rule" was probably brought to you by the people who wore pink and green together in college.

Or maybe it's black and brown that's a no-no. Oh no, what shall I do? I cannot remember the "rules."

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Like wearing socks with sandals, or mixing blue and brown, or whatever is some kind of deadly sin. Gosh.

Heh, blue & brown is an awesome combo! ;)

Heh, blue & brown is an awesome combo! wink.gif

You know I figure if they go together in nature...blue sky, brown earth..then to heck with what the fashionistas say.

I have always loved combining green and blue but back when I was in high school, lo those many years ago, it was considered totally unacceptable..my response..I like it and I'll wear it.

I always thought so. Who knew? Of course, that "rule" was probably brought to you by the people who wore pink and green together in college.

Or maybe it's black and brown that's a no-no. Oh no, what shall I do? I cannot remember the "rules."

I know nothing about fashion but I love color, particularly the cool & bright colors. Its rare that I am not wearing plums, fuchsias, blues or greens along with my blacks and browns. My home decoration is sage green and turquoise blue plus some whites and taupes and a little plum thrown in here and there in small accents cause I love purple. Its all light and airy, nothing dark but it suits me and I like it :)

cha cha trusty - Thanx so much for the pix!

Couchie (& others) - are you sure its still viral? I had an awful flu right before Christmas that went into a sinus infection but once I got antibiotics I was much better in a few days. That is why I was coughing in the cold air in NYC BUT I was not contagious because it had gone into a bacteria and I had been on antibiotics for a good week! Promise!! Hope you feel better!

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