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#50: He puts a happy face on my heart

Couch Tomato

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    • You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken
    • Clay Aiken - Luxuriously Enticing
    • The House of Aiken de la Clay
    • I'll take Clay any day
    • Our cool boyfriend and his thudworthy thighs
    • Those boys!! Double the CUTENESS / Double the FUN!

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Awww, they're so cute, luckiest! Let's see - I think I can figure out who's who... Jersey has the overall darker forehead (left & behind) and Piper has the darker 'wrinkles' on her forehead? :puppykiss:

Another beautiful day here - sunny, cloudless, almost 70. I bought a flexline leash for Gnocchi yesterday so he can run a bit more when we walk in the grassy areas. We took several walks today. He loves to run, but he's a bit hesitant to get too far away from me. :chores002:

Totally random, but maybe w/a little more walking I won't resemble that emoti so much... :huh-bwah:

Thunderstorms moving in now. We're under a tornado watch until sometime in the early morning. :thtwister2:

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to claylove, i'll print 'The Story of Adam and Eve's Pets' for my friend who has 21 cats. She believes it's her mission to take care of cats.

Here's a quote for people who love God, Clay, pets, somebody or something else:

"Love delights to be with the beloved object; to see the face; to hear the voice; to be near the person; to be kindly addressed by; and above all, to revel in the delightful consciousness of loving and being loved again." -Anonymous

That is why I'm here. I love Clay; I love your posts and I learn things from you all, FCAers.

Ooops, not really a dogwalker. I used to be more of a dogplaymate, catsitter and a horse rider. Now I don't have any pets but my relatives and neighbors have.

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Love the pictures, luckiest1....who's who? They look SO much alike! Is that Piper in the front of the right picture?

Just wanted to remind everyone that NC Nomads for Inclusion are running many, many BAF auctions currently on ebay. There is some really cool stuff, and it changes weekly as the auctions finish. I've won a Clay watch and a signed Solitaire and a signed Christmas book already; 100% of the proceeds go to BAF.

Here is a link to the current list.

Oooh, I forgot, a PS: If you have the Igive toolbar...your purchase and donation will give twice, as ebay contributes a portion of your purchase to your designated charity....which could be BAF.

DL'ing Pala as we speak :)

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Hee, annabear and FromClaygary, Jersey is the one with the wrinkly forehead. Piper is the one with the dark triangle on her forehead. At times it's quite confusing, I often am not sure which pug I'm talking to, LOL. It was beautiful dog walking weather here this afternoon, too. I took both pugs to the park where I let them run free for a few minutes, after I was sure there were no other dogs around. They had a blast! Piper has so much energy, if I don't let her use it up, she doesn't sleep. Her stitches are looking good today, even with all the activity. Currently, she's crashed here on the couch, and Jersey has gone home again. Back to the grind tomorrow, ugh.

Take care, those under tornado watch!

ETA: How come The Amazing Race isn't on????

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Awe Luckiest1 the puppies are adorable. Emily came over and got Trixie today, so we are once again down to one dog...he is sleeping right now so it is really quiet. I always miss Trixie after she has been here...but not enough to get a second dog.

Rain and hail here today and possibly snow tonight! I know it will get warm eventually but I am running out of patience!

Opening Day for my Cubbies tomorrow in Houston; sort of nervous about this season with all the trades...as always though I will take it one game at a time.


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Awe Luckiest1 the puppies are adorable. Emily came over and got Trixie today, so we are once again down to one dog...he is sleeping right now so it is really quiet. I always miss Trixie after she has been here...but not enough to get a second dog.
:cryingwlaughter: I have to laugh at this, aikim! My mom has been down here almost every weekend since I got Gnocchi and she loves him to pieces, but when I teasingly ask her if she wants to take him home with her for a visit, she's like, "No way - that's why I'm the grandma!"


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Awe Luckiest1 the puppies are adorable. Emily came over and got Trixie today, so we are once again down to one dog...he is sleeping right now so it is really quiet. I always miss Trixie after she has been here...but not enough to get a second dog.
:cryingwlaughter: I have to laugh at this, aikim! My mom has been down here almost every weekend since I got Gnocchi and she loves him to pieces, but when I teasingly ask her if she wants to take him home with her for a visit, she's like, "No way - that's why I'm the grandma!"


Yeah, it is so much fun to spoil them and enjoy them when you know you can send them home. My daughter says it always takes at least a week for her to get Trixie back into her routine at home because at "Grandma's" she pretty much has the run of the house...wait until she has kids!


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Love the pictures, luckiest1....who's who? They look SO much alike! Is that Piper in the front of the right picture?

Just wanted to remind everyone that NC Nomads for Inclusion are running many, many BAF auctions currently on ebay. There is some really cool stuff, and it changes weekly as the auctions finish. I've won a Clay watch and a signed Solitaire and a signed Christmas book already; 100% of the proceeds go to BAF.

Here is a link to the current list.

Oooh, I forgot, a PS: If you have the Igive toolbar...your purchase and donation will give twice, as ebay contributes a portion of your purchase to your designated charity....which could be BAF.

DL'ing Pala as we speak :)

thanks for the link!! My niece put a bid on webkinz gift bag even though I don't think she plays with webkinz anymore

the bear is cute too


This is the 4th in a series of "Talking/Singing Bears" commemorating the sometimes extraordinary, and sometimes ordinary, moments in the life of Clay Aiken. If you have been "waiting forever", then, quite possibly, "this is the night"!

What are the other bears ? Is this counting the spamalot bear?

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luckiest1, they are just adorable! Are they related? Isn't amazing how they recover from surgery... pretty much overnight? Me, I couldn't walk properly for a couple for weeks (different surgery... :hahaha: but still surgery...)!


There are also many other photohosting sites out there -- Flickr and Smugmug are two others you might want to try.

I joined Flickr but couldn't see how to post a link to a forum for a pic I have uploaded there. Was about to try Smugmug but thought I would check with you first. The main reason I used Photobucket (which doesn't work for me anymore) was to be able to upload pics to forums, and not all forums have the option to upload directly from my harddrive, as annabear suggested ... although it works for FCA, which is great!


Extreme Shepherding... this is very, very clever. (Amazingly trained dogs...)


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Good Morning Everyone,

We got snow overnight...it is April, right? Appears to be a wet heavy snow, I see tree branches down in our yard. I really hate that I will have to go out and scrape car windows this morning!

2 Days until Judge Aiken is holding court on ANTM!


15 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor!


21 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit!


38 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock!


Everyone have a great day!


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Pfffffft to snow in April. :P It rained here through the night, but this morning it was a wet snow (almost ice pellet) coming down.

My mom has been down here almost every weekend since I got Gnocchi and she loves him to pieces, but when I teasingly ask her if she wants to take him home with her for a visit, she's like, "No way - that's why I'm the grandma!"

Hee, I used to say that too. ;)

luckiest1, they are just adorable! Are they related? Isn't amazing how they recover from surgery... pretty much overnight? Me, I couldn't walk properly for a couple for weeks (different surgery... :hahaha: but still surgery...)!

Nope, not related at all, but pugs are all pretty similar. Piper is much furrier, almost like a teddy bear, and is called an apricot fawn. Jersey is called a silver fawn.

Yesterday I went out and bought all the fixings I will need for my kitchen renovation.....flooring, grout, sink, taps, lights.....I have this week to empty the cupboards and find places for everything, and then next week the rip out begins. I can't even fathom 10 days without a kitchen....as long as I have my fridge, stove and sink I'll be ok. I think. Heh.

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awwwwwwwwww I love the puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally understand the pet people here. I have 2 cats. My mom has 7 cats and 3 dogs and my sister has 9 cats and 2 dogs. I think its in the blood! lol But the cool thing is except for 2 dogs all of those animals are rescues. I have said many times that we need to start an animal sanctuary! hee

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Just read this at CV.. The source was .... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../e105353D85.DTL (you may need to copy and paste)

Interesting last couple of lines....

Aiken judges aspiring models' acting abilities

Performer Clay Aiken says he thinks his "American Idol" experience helped contestants appreciate his comments when he was a judge in an episode of "America's Next Top Model" due to be aired Wednesday.

"It was interesting to be on the other side of the table and think of all these things that I went through in 2003," Aiken told The Associated Press in a phone interview, referring to the year he finished second to Ruben Studdard during the second season of Fox's hit reality show.

"I think the girls kind of appreciated that, the fact that I had been in a similar position," Aiken, 30, said in the Friday interview. "I was going to be a judge, yes, but be a judge who understood a little bit about what they're going through."

Aiken's stint as a judge and opposite the contestants in an acting scene airs Wednesday night on the CW Network. He said he was selected to judge acting because of his time in "Monty Python's Spamalot" on Broadway and because the competition focused on stage acting.

It also didn't hurt that the show's host and creator, Tyra Banks, has been a friend since Aiken appeared on her talk show in 2006.

Aiken appears with the contestants in a quick scene designed "to show their ability to act in a large and comedic way," he said. "A lot of the struggle for these contestants is to be able to come out of their shells."

He doesn't know who won the season, although he does know who gets voted off Wednesday. One clue is that the women who stay are "the people who are willing to be themselves and not worry," he said.

Aiken, who was famously remade during his time on "Idol," said he was out of his element for the fashion part of "ANTM.""I'm wearing a UNICEF T-shirt and University of Tennessee pajama pants," he said. "I can't judge that."

Except for a temporary gig in New York while performing on Broadway, Aiken has lived in Raleigh for the past three years. Right after "Idol" ended, he lived in Los Angeles, but was unhappy there.

Aiken demurred from answering any questions about his son, Parker Foster Aiken, who was born in August to his friend, Jaymes Foster, and was conceived by in-vitro fertilization. Her brother, music producer David Foster, told AP Radio last week that Aiken is a "spectacular father" and Jaymes is "a natural mother."

Aiken's recording contract with RCA has ended, and he said he's considering other labels, while also looking at stage and television offers.

"All three look enticing, and I'm in the luxurious position of letting them sit down and come to me," he said

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Just read this at CV.. The source was .... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../e105353D85.DTL (you may need to copy and paste)

Interesting last couple of lines....

Aiken judges aspiring models' acting abilities

Aiken's recording contract with RCA has ended, and he said he's considering other labels, while also looking at stage and television offers.

"All three look enticing, and I'm in the luxurious position of letting them sit down and come to me," he said

Wow, that's great! Thanks for bringing the article over here! :BlowKiss:

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That's an AP story -- and I read it here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30072665/ -- and the photo is from the GLAAD Awards.

Best part is:

Aiken’s recording contract with RCA has ended, and he said he’s considering other labels, while also looking at stage and television offers.

“All three look enticing, and I’m in the luxurious position of letting them sit down and come to me,” he said.

Yeah, I got your luxurious position, Clay. :hubbahubba:

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I think there's a thread title in there: Clay Aiken - Luxuriously Enticing :BlowKiss:

BWAH...and second! I'll add it to the thread title thread in a minute...

Can't wait to see what happens next - it's sure to be something I've never even thought of as the man never ceases to surprise.


*back to dreaming about Clay in his pajama pants, looking sexy as hell I'm sure*

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I LOVED that interview! Enticing things that they are coming to him about... YUM!

And, I love how he got a plug in for UNICEF! :cryingwlaughter: I am absolutely sure he really was wearing a UNICEF shirt, but did he wear it on purpose so that he could plug it??? Smart man!

I can't wait to see this episode!

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Wow nothing self deprecating about that interview. So now can we trust that he is not going away? :hahaha:

I am more than happy to see him on my tv all the time. Sure, I want to hear him sing and perhaps some of these will be singing gigs but I enjoy his personality as much. :tongue57:

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