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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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This kinda skeerin' me. I've never been to one, so I'm one of the ones who has decided to go cuz with no tour...I'm missin' hearing him sing live and I need my "fix".

Gee....I hope someone besides me is going to....you know....support the Foundation?

Hee, well I'm sure there are a few more...but seriously, if Clay wasn't performing, I doubt you'd have people flying in from all parts for this, whether or not they are BAF supporters. ;)

Argh, another long weekend over. Figures, we had temps as low as -1C, and what is the forecast for the next few days? Highs of 25C. Not that I'm complaining! It was one of those rare, wonderful weekends of puttering around the house, cooking for fun, napping, reading, surfing, playing with the dogs, watching movies...you know, actually staying home for a change! :cryingwlaughter:

Happy Monday Tuesday everyone. :) Nice to see reports from last night coming in.

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Huh?? When did Kelly ever go on a tirade against Clay?? Something else I've missed, obviously!


Kelly Ripa, not Kelly Clarkson. On the R&K show, after Clay put his hand over her mouth because she just would not stop interrupting. A quite vehement and ugly tirade. Ugly enough that Clay and Tori Spelling mocked it at a big awards show and everyone seemed to know exactly what happened. And Ripa puts her hand over other people's mouths quite a bit, it was not like Clay did something never before seen on TV.

My good friend David said to the person who said to number 3 "What exactly do you think goes on at a Clay Aiken concert?"

Bwah! When I was living in and working in Durham N.C., I was telling the guys I worked with about a great restaurant I had gone to, called Claire's. It was in a charming old house; dunno if it is still in business, this was around 1986 or so.. Anyway, one of the guys said he had heard the waiters were gay, so he wasn't going to go there, and I said "I don't know what YOU do when you go to a restaurant, but I just go to have a nice dinner!" Everybody started laughing, and that was the end of that.

Eeeeeee! A Crate and Barrel store is opening here in Tampa - I remember thinking nothing of driving about 160 or so miles each way from Bloomington Ill. with friends to go to the first C&B in Chicago's Old Town, shopping, then having pickles, cheeseburgers and beer at The Pickle Barrel.

I also lurve Kellie Pickler a lot!

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Kelly? Her tirade towards Clay was so unexpected. That's one case where my opinion of somebody really changed overnight. I thought that she was a bit self-centered before and I'd gotten tired of listening to her but it was like that tirade was her showing her real colours and it was not pretty. My opinion of her has nothing to do with what anybody else thinks about her. I just lost all respect for her. Done.

Huh?? When did Kelly ever go on a tirade against Clay?? Something else I've missed, obviously! Anyone??

:cryingwlaughter: You're thinking Kelly Clarkson, right? I'm laughing because I had the same reaction and started typing along the lines of "whatchatalkin'bout" until I realized it can only be that Ripa idjit. (TM Liney Canfly...)

Pretty much everything on television is manipulated and phony, or... in others words, pure illusion. I don't have a problem with it because I don't look to entertainment programs for honesty and integrity, they are meant to be fun, an escapism (that can be switched off and on at will) from the harsh realities of life. Sometimes they can even be useful in helping us realise that you can't always believe what you see, not even in the news programs, and that's even worse because people would tend to expect that a 'serious' news program has integrity. It doesn't, not if it means losing viewers ...because sensationalism sells.

Actually, I subscribe to the theory that people see what they believe, rather than the other way around but that's a whole other topic....


he definitely was talking about Carrie because he said to Kellie "I like you better than last years winner"

I like Kellie better than Carrie as well
so in that I agree with Simon:Iluvclaysbutt:

Thanks for the clarification, and yes Kellie Pickler is also my favorite blonde from Series #5, and I liked her even better after she thought Europe was a country on AYSTAFG. No kidding, there is something so real about that girl and I love people who make me laugh by just being themselves. Remember her first encounter with calamari? She's a hoot, no wonder Simon just loved her.

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Huh?? When did Kelly ever go on a tirade against Clay?? Something else I've missed, obviously!


Kelly Ripa, not Kelly Clarkson. On the R&K show, after Clay put his hand over her mouth because she just would not stop interrupting. A quite vehement and ugly tirade. Ugly enough that Clay and Tori Spelling mocked it at a big awards show and everyone seemed to know exactly what happened. And Ripa puts her hand over other people's mouths quite a bit, it was not like Clay did something never before seen on TV.

Thanks djs and claytonic! D101! Yes, it was definitely Kelly Clarkson my mind went to!

*smacksforehead* Shows how much I hold a grudge...and I never watched daytime shows anyway, as I have worked for more than 47 years. :lol: and eeek!

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From CV:

QUOTE (claygalsal @ May 19 2009, 09:30 AM)

A note in the program from last night said, "Tune in to WRAL on Saturday, June 20th at 3 p.m. to watch the 3rd annual Capital Awards.

Additional broadcasts will air on Channel 24 on Time Warner Cable."

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I have no real investment in either Carrie or Kellie, but in my opinion the comparison between them ends at the "They're both blondes." stage. Carrie Underwood can SING. She has a very beautiful voice, although sometimes it's disguised in the 'country thang'...I have YET to hear Kellie sing an entire song on AI and stay on pitch. Can't say anything about the studio recorded versions, of course, but it's the live performances that tell me about talent.

I'm going to see Jimmy Buffett tonight! A business contact gave me and hubby tickets...(good thing, too, since on the ticket the price is $130!!!!! WTF?) Should be fun...we'll be surrounded by a bunch of ole' duffers.

Wait. I already am. :hahaha:

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That's what CMSU about some critiques of who watches or doesn't watch whatever, and why or why not, as if watching TV was some sort of important thing to do. Maybe because I have gone for a year or two at various times with no TV at all because it broke and I couldn't afford to replace it, or that I worked overseas so much and got out of the habit - I just don't think of TV as a cornerstone of my entertainment world. Plus I would rather read a new murder mystery than watch most shows.


heee I wonder if I could go without watching TV anymore - do I get to keep my computer? HA. Anyway I think could give up everything but sports but if I got to keep my radio I could even do that. I couldn't give up my computer for 2 days though. :hahaha:

Off to get ready for my doctor's appt. This very small Indian woman is the scariest person I know. I know I'm about to get a major lecture.

Cool that there will be some clack of the event. LOL at the three different outfits.

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I think I could give up my TV pretty easily, as long as I got to keep my laptop and internet connection. :) Pretty much everything is available online anyways. I figure that when the kids all move out I'll cancel cable services.

Good luck at the doctor's, couchie. I have an appt to meet my new doctor this afternoon as well. My fingers are crossed, since the last GP I had (and liked) was well over 10 years ago. Since she retired it's been all walk-in clinics for me, 'till now.

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Kareneh, I see you are up and about. Did you sleep well last night?

BWAH!! My tea just went through my nose. Thanks for asking. I got about 5 hours.

Oh gosh, I'm not a huge TV watcher in general. My viewing tends to come in spurts depending on where I am and what I'm doing. I've gotten into watching entire series on DVD, something which started when I was in Baku and didn't have a lot of options. I think I watch more news and movies than anything else.....but as far as shows go.....my taste runs the gamut from Flip This House to just plain House. I don't think that I have a like or dislike for any particular genre of programming, I just like what I like I guess. I could watch What Not to Wear back to back for hours but 10 minutes of 10 Years Younger is 10 minutes too long for me. When I think of John & Kate all I hear is crying kids....but those Duggars, they're weird enough to be fascinating. Maybe because there was a family up the street, when I was a kid called the Duggans, who had 11 kids........ but they were Catholic and knew when enough was enough.

I agree djs111 it's hard to find the snark these days, priceless stuff out there in the archives. Thanks for the link. That was hilarious. Sometimes, when I've got nothing to do, I'll go back and read some of that older stuff. With the benefit of an aging brain, some of it seems new when I read, even though I know full well that it's not.

About the three different outfits, I don't know how many times I've left a Clay show to debate the color of a suit, or a tie, or a shirt on the way home with the person who brung me. Sometimes we can't even agree on the hair color......which happens to be totally divine at the moment.....no matter what color anyone says it is. :D (WHEE!! I got a smiley-like-Clay-in-the-banner-emoticon!)

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Good Morning, FCA! :hello:

Monday I posted a new Carolina On My Mind blog with LCV's DWTS montage of the final three couples dancing to "Everything I Don't Need". There's also a segment on the NCT Capital Awards with a link to the winners, as well as report from Sunday's spring recital. I sent my students the link, and I think a few mothers have visited this morning. :)

DRUM ROLL: The big news in our family is that granddaughter Maya became Lia on Sunday night. Of course, this happened right after I emailed "Maya" birth announcements to family and friends.

Lia comes from her first name Saipelia. She and Kai, who is visiting lots of playgrounds with his Poppy to burn off the excess energy of a 20-month-old, were featured in the 5/15 entry. I had to change my P/B setup, and here is the birth announcement picture, now from the "Lia" folder:


I have read about your blog on other boards, Kareneh, and am headed there soon! :)

Have a wonderful day, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Karen, I just read "Sally's" story and :huh-bwah: Holy shit, what a hoot! Which, of course, is easy for me to say since I was not the one encountering the disappointed trick at the door! :cryingwlaughter:

I am forever an admirer of your ability to roll with the punches of such a mobile life! :kiss::clap:

And PLEASE tell me you kept the heart! :hahaha:

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I have no real investment in either Carrie or Kellie, but in my opinion the comparison between them ends at the "They're both blondes." stage. Carrie Underwood can SING. She has a very beautiful voice, although sometimes it's disguised in the 'country thang'...I have YET to hear Kellie sing an entire song on AI and stay on pitch. Can't say anything about the studio recorded versions, of course, but it's the live performances that tell me about talent.

I'm going to see Jimmy Buffett tonight! A business contact gave me and hubby tickets...(good thing, too, since on the ticket the price is $130!!!!! WTF?) Should be fun...we'll be surrounded by a bunch of ole' duffers.

I agree about Kellie P. I think her voice must require engineering to stay on pitch, however I'm assuming her recorded voice is on pitch. Staying on key while singing live? Never happened when I was watching.

And Buffett? I loved him lots back in the day. Saw him at Armadillo World Headquarters and a couple of other places in Houston and Austin when he was God's Own Drunk and a fearless man, and before he was a cheeseburger in paradise. I jumped off the parrotswing when he stopped writing those emotional songs that touched my heart, songs like He Went to Paris, Death of an Unpopular Poet, A Pirate Looks at 40, Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season, The Captain and the Kid, and although he didn't write it, I wore out a couple of Changes in Latitude/Changes in Attitude albums just listening to Lovely Cruise. I still wish he had a pencil-thin mustache, the Boston Blackie kind, with a two-tone Ricky Ricardo jacket and an autographed picture of Andy Devine. Why? So he could do some cruisin' too! I wouldn't mind seeing Buffett again after all these years, 'cause life is just a tire swing after all. HAVE FUN!

Question: Is Clay a Hot Pocket in Paradise?

Buffett songs Clay would never sing: The Weather Is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful -- The Wino and I Know -- Boat Drinks -- My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, and I Don't Love Jesus -- and probably about 100 more!

Have I ever mentioned that I really enjoy a good Boat Drink?

ETA: Ole duffers, huh? Haven't seen a Buffett concert in 30 years, but I have seen a few Moody Blues and it's like people come out of caves for those shows -- geezers with long gray braids and headbands, wearing unfocused smiles -- the tribe gathers again. And, I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you, that the Moodies sold out to The Man and Tuesday Afternoon is featured on that VISA/aquarium commercial. Okay, so the song is 42 years old -- maybe I'll forgive it just this once.

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I'm afraid of all of Jimmy Buffett's stuff, all I know is Margaritaville. And didn't we drink stuff after the last DCAT at some sort of Buffett themed restaurant?

merrieee, can you remember the place in London where I had a nice spotted dick? I think Perusing One would like one too. Heh.

I can't stand Kellie Pickler. Never could. The fake boobies just make it worse. Though a bunch of AI alums are in this week's Newsweek. They all seem to get along, and no one says anything bad about Clive. Even Ruben and Hicks.

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I have no real investment in either Carrie or Kellie, but in my opinion the comparison between them ends at the "They're both blondes." stage. Carrie Underwood can SING. She has a very beautiful voice, although sometimes it's disguised in the 'country thang'...I have YET to hear Kellie sing an entire song on AI and stay on pitch. Can't say anything about the studio recorded versions, of course, but it's the live performances that tell me about talent.

I'm going to see Jimmy Buffett tonight! A business contact gave me and hubby tickets...(good thing, too, since on the ticket the price is $130!!!!! WTF?) Should be fun...we'll be surrounded by a bunch of ole' duffers.

Wait. I already am. :hahaha:

I have seen them both in concert Pure vocals = Carrie wins

putting emotion & soul into a song connecting with the audience = Kellie wins this all IMHO the song she wrote about her mom gets me every. single. time.

I have a question about Clay

did he really get booed at his college graduation?

someone asked him about it in the ask Clay thread. I have never heard that before.

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OMG, I feel so self-righteous! I just finished cleaning my garage--and went though the storage cupboards and threw out all food that said "best used by 2001" or thereabouts.

I see on Twitter that Clay was flying to NYC. I hope he's on his way to France.

(My little romantic fantasy.)

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(My little romantic fantasy.)
Scooch over, wanda!

Wheeeeee Springtime in Paris for the bois! Though they probably won't see much of the outdoors :hubbahubba:

Great mention and Mucho better pic of Clay along with the Forbes article in, of all places, a NY Post blog! Verrra niiiice


"Spamalot" gave this season two runner-up another notch on his entertainment industry belt, right behind author by way of penning a New York Times best-selling memoir.
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OMG, I feel so self-righteous! I just finished cleaning my garage--and went though the storage cupboards and threw out all food that said "best used by 2001" or thereabouts.

I see on Twitter that Clay was flying to NYC. I hope he's on his way to France.

(My little romantic fantasy.)


I was hoping to hold on to my disillusion that Clay would be on the AI finale this year.

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Question: Is Clay a Hot Pocket in Paradise?

Answer: Hot Paradise is in Clay's pocket. :tasty:

And, I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you, that the Moodies sold out to The Man and Tuesday Afternoon is featured on that VISA/aquarium commercial. Okay, so the song is 42 years old -- maybe I'll forgive it just this on

God, kf, me too! I thought I must be flashbacking (is SO a word) when I heard that haunting tune and saw it connected to a freakin' commercial! :huh:

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DRUM ROLL: The big news in our family is that granddaughter Maya became Lia on Sunday night. Of course, this happened right after I emailed "Maya" birth announcements to family and friends.

Lia comes from her first name Saipelia. She and Kai, who is visiting lots of playgrounds with his Poppy to burn off the excess energy of a 20-month-old, were featured in the 5/15 entry. I had to change my P/B setup, and here is the birth announcement picture, now from the "Lia" folder:


Caro listen.gif

Caro... what a sweetie! Name change and all. Both names are very pretty. Did you tell them they couldn't change the name cause you'd sent out announcements? :cryingwlaughter:

I have no real investment in either Carrie or Kellie, but in my opinion the comparison between them ends at the "They're both blondes." stage. Carrie Underwood can SING. She has a very beautiful voice, although sometimes it's disguised in the 'country thang'...I have YET to hear Kellie sing an entire song on AI and stay on pitch. Can't say anything about the studio recorded versions, of course, but it's the live performances that tell me about talent.

I'm going to see Jimmy Buffett tonight! A business contact gave me and hubby tickets...(good thing, too, since on the ticket the price is $130!!!!! WTF?) Should be fun...we'll be surrounded by a bunch of ole' duffers.

Wait. I already am. :hahaha:

I have seen them both in concert Pure vocals = Carrie wins

putting emotion & soul into a song connecting with the audience = Kellie wins this all IMHO the song she wrote about her mom gets me every. single. time.

I have a question about Clay

did he really get booed at his college graduation?

someone asked him about it in the ask Clay thread. I have never heard that before.

tribeca... yes, Clay got boo'd at his graduation. Because he chose to go thru the ceremony, the college said you had to have a ticket to attend and then put a limit on the number of tickets each graduate could have. This made a lot of people angry and they took it out on Clay. This is what the word IDJITS was coined for!!! Grrrr! He spoke a few sentences basically saying that this was more important than what he'd done on Idol. He was, of course, a class act. Wish I could say the same for some others there. I'm sure there must be clack of it. I know I've seen it. His hair and the cap were very strange together... :cryingwlaughter:

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