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#57: Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • My, my, my...my boyfriend is making me feel all cougarish and slinky and growly
    • I'd better hold on to my fedora cos I ain't seen nothing yet!
    • He exhilarates me!
    • Unremitting Fangirl reporting for duty. I'm easy and I'm proud of it!
    • The man is made of awesome.
    • Clay Aiken can still curl my toes.
    • Clay Aiken = happy sigh
    • I'm a satisfied Clay fan.

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Fox DC Clip

Starts with tour talk -- not just Clay singing, Ruben singing, but they are an "entity."

"Sonny and Cher." LOL

Involved from the beginning for this album, so it was the most fun for him of all albums. Had his hand in almost everything, even the design of the album cover and where they shot the pictures.

PBS special shown all over in August.

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At the rate we keep getting "stuff" I don't know if we can keep up!

I know, and I'm SUPPOSED to be working! LOL

Work...what's that? Oh i know a four letter word!

I guess there's one benefit to being unemployed! ''like lots'' of free time! :cocktail:

guess i better start burning my d/l's to a disc! s.o.o.n.! :whistling-1:

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Yesterday I heard, on the View, about the cover being inspired by an old one his Mother had on her wall! He said it while everyone was clapping for the pics from the CD. It was difficult to hear.

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Since y'all news-bringers are on the way home from work.... from the CH:

New AP pictures, from May 28 (looks like in Faye's house)


Few more at the AP site


The caption says it is from an interview. Print? TV? What? When? Can't wait.

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EEEEEEEEE! I got my CD from Amazon...said I wouldn't get it until the 5th...but what do I see sitting on the kitchen table when I get home! Can't wait to listen to the bonus songs and watch the DVD!

Did you know the US Weekly Video is on the OFC under News...and yay! for all interviews today and pictures and goodness...I can hardly keep up...not that I am complaining...not getting sick of Clay yet!

And it looks like an AP interview...:yahoo:

I love being a Clay Aiken fan!


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Watching all my high-def DVR clack, AGAIN. I love how Clay sings "my daarlin'" and not dar-LING. He changed up Crying like that too. Roy sang "cry-ing" and Clay sing's "cryin'". It sounds so natural for him, and makes his version distinctive. I absolutely adore Clay's rrrrrr's. I hope he never loses that. It's so HIM.

Last but not least, that jawline of his, since the under-the-chin-lipo, is nothing but GAH! He's perfect.

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Sorry I'm so late getting over here, but there's so much going on. Not to mention a bit of real life, too! What's next? Bring it on, Clay! :yahoo:

The Clay Nation aside, everybody everywhere seems to be talking, texting, and tweeting about Clay Aiken's signature performance of "Unchained Melody" on 'The View' Wednesday.

The new Carolina On My Mind blog features ABC video of Clay singing UM, NJU reactions to his performance, screen caps (dancermom2, gerwhisp, Cotton), links to other videos from "The View," a small player with the Fox Atlanta promo from this morning.

Thank you for your visits and comments. We are up against some nasty stuff today on Google; plus I always like to hear from you. Your comments do help, so many thnx! :clay:

Sigh. Clay still rocks my world.


HEEEE -- DITTO!!! :flirtysmile3:

<-------- New avatar

Just sayin'

Yeah, call me, baybee!Idyj :cryingwlaughter:

The Clack gods are smiling.

AMEN ... and let's have a little prayer meeting -- or a clack dance -- that they continue to do so. :dancetom:


Another interview. Basically the same stuff but we found out he likes Blue Cheese dressing, Target better than WM, Dogs over cats, favourite singer...himself ha ha no Ruben, Chinese over Mexican food and New York over LA.

Favourite subject: social studies

mac or pc: mac

fav. salad dressing: bluecheese

walmart or target: target

born where: raleigh

mexican or chinese: chinese

favourite season: fall

LA or NY: NY

Do you facebook: I do

cat or dog: dog

first job: bagger at win dixie

favourite sport to watch: college basketball

favourite band or singer: can i say myself? ha ha I'll say ruben studdard

What every CA fan needs to know!!! :snoopy:

Looking forward to all that's around the corner. Have a great weekend, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro :listen:

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I never knew what a multi-tasker I have become! I have become so good at texting, copying, posting and watching Clay Aiken videos all while answering boring Junior Golf questions on the phone. (oh and playing with my iPad) Good job the boss is out of town.

I think I have finally lost it as I am considering buying a new iPad so I can get 3G as well as wi-fi! Trouble is mine is only 3 weeks old. See I could get Clay Aiken tidbits all the time then! Ok go ahead and talk me down off the ledge!

Psst: anyone want a slightly used iPad?

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I never knew what a multi-tasker I have become! I have become so good at texting, copying, posting and watching Clay Aiken videos all while answering boring Junior Golf questions on the phone. (oh and playing with my iPad) Good job the boss is out of town.

I think I have finally lost it as I am considering buying a new iPad so I can get 3G as well as wi-fi! Trouble is mine is only 3 weeks old. See I could get Clay Aiken tidbits all the time then! Ok go ahead and talk me down off the ledge!

Psst: anyone want a slightly used iPad?

LOL, next thing you know we will be seeing you in am iPad video with Clay, merrieeee! :cryingwlaughter:

Caro :listen:

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Context for the Indiana interview, via 2old4Clay at CV:

Just a quick recap/tease about the Indy interview as I need to get in the tub and get on the road quite soon.

There were two promos, early in the a.m. sections and then about 9:15 they started with Clay. The newslady referred to us as 'classmates' and her partner corrected her and said 'claymates'.. but just before Clay's segment they did two stories..the first about what women think about during sex, and the second about a lady fired from a bank for being too sexy and she is suing because she loves her body and is not too sexy. Anyway, when they got to Clay he told them he would rather talk about the stories that preceded him and he wondered what that lady thought about during sex, and then commented he thought she was very 'into herself' in regard to her body image. (paraphrasing here) Really pretty cute (as usual). Much conversation about the cd, and the tour with Ruben and his appearance in Hammond on August 13th. Of course, they had to end with a question about AI (his opinion of Lee)..which he did not give, and his opinion of Simon leaving.

Really sorry I can't provide the video till much much later. He looked good, stubble, very dark plaid shirt...looks like dk green and navy with a dk blue blazer, hair still looking good.....perhaps it will be on the site...the station letters are WXIN Fox59 out of Indianapolis. (Directv)

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Now why does Clay want to know what a woman thinks of during sex...Stay tuned*g*

Indiana Interview

Clay must be exhausted answering the same questions over and over and over!

Good Day Colorado

Want another one?

Acapella Clay

That's a different CD cover they show at the beginning of the Indiana interview. Hmmmmm.Is that the deluxe version? (a poor Canadian here)

Gosh, his eyes are so gorgeous in these interviews. Talk about sexy CFM eyes. Rawrrr!

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New Promo with Interview on Youtube -


Very Yummy looking here. I think it may have been done the same day as GMA. :hubbahubba:

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I think I have died and gone to clack heaven...just loving all these interviews!

1 Day until Clay is on CBS Early Show!:yahoo:

8 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago!:yahoo:

17 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC!:yahoo:

34 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention!:yahoo:

49 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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FM 100 Memphis

A tweet from this station:

FM100Memphis The crazy things that kids do......Clay Aiken checks in with us at 7:45.....AND we'll chat with the Movie Mom and... http://bit.ly/9tck74 14 minutes ago from Facebook

That's 7:45 CENTRAL time.

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Another one:

MIX 105.1 Orlando

Guess who will be joining “The Morning MIX with Scott McKenzie” tomorrow morning at 8:10? You got it, Clay Aiken! He has a new album out and he’ll be on to chat about it and what he’s been up to Friday morning. Plus, don’t forget you can win $255 in under 60 seconds with the Pyramid tomorrow too at 7:30 AM!
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I hope one from West Palm Beach doesn't show up because I will have a hard time clicking on it. The female anchor had a not so nice Tweet about Clay last night!

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I walked back into my office as the interview in Orlando was going.

New story: asked about weirdest request from him. He talks about someone giving him, 7 years ago, a basketball from the college basketball championships the year Michael Jordan was part of the team. The ball was signed by MJ. 2 months ago, the person who gave the ball to him asked for it back! And guess what? Clay doesn't know where it is! LOL!

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