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#59: Forget life -- It's CLAY time!


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36 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • My life has been so enriched by knowing this Clay Aiken guy!
    • I love Clay !! Forever and ever !
    • It's About Damn Time for the Spaghetti & Meatball Show.
    • Let's do it again, girls!
    • Clay is hilarious and lickable at the same time
    • I l.o.v.e. my hawt humanatarianactivistsingersongwriterambassador boyfriend
    • Brad Pitt, Johnny Dep move over, way over, here comes Clay.
    • It's always like the first date all over again with Clay, and I always end up falling in love.
    • Whoever shrunk those jeans... thank you!
    • He branded me for life.
    • Clay Aiken: I am me.

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Let's see ..... what to do in Houston tonight ..... what to do ...

Go see Michael Bolton at Jones Hall? .... Nah.

Go watch Adam Lambert prance around at Sarofim Hall? .... HELL no, not for free if they were giving away free turkeys at the door!

Go work for Clay Aiken at HoutonPBS (and maybe grab a quick glance at his butt)? Oh Yeah, BAYBEEE!!!

I just hope there will be some folks left at home to actually....ya know....call in and pledge. LOL

You lucky bitches!!! :flirtysmile3:

No need to thank me either :lipstick: Hee

This post brought to you by the green eyed monster

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I just hope there will be some folks left at home to actually....ya know....call in and pledge. LOL

Don't worry, Jones Hall holds about 2,900 people and it's not sold out tonight. Sarofim Hall holds about 2,500 and it's not sold out either. I just checked and they are still selling orchestra seats. The Channel 8 viewing area is circa 6 million people.

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I just hope there will be some folks left at home to actually....ya know....call in and pledge. LOL

Don't worry, Jones Hall holds about 2,900 people and it's not sold out tonight. Sarofim Hall holds about 2,500 and it's not sold out either. I just checked and they are still selling orchestra seats. The Channel 8 viewing area is circa 6 million people.

Good to hear!

(and maybe grab a quick glance at his butt)?


On a serious note (not that Clay Aiken's butt isn't serious business)- HAVE FUN LADIES and remember DETAILS :twinklewhore:

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Go work for Clay Aiken at HoutonPBS (and maybe grab a quick glance at his butt)? Oh Yeah, BAYBEEE!!!

I will make the ultimate sacrifice and take one for the team! Yes I will stare at his butt all night if needs be!

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Well, my life is beginning to get back to semi-normal after the rush last week.

keeping and all other FCAers with Clay tonight... may your phones ring your ears off and may Clay blind you with his sexiness and funny (and everyone else who watches).

I was out of work when the AI2 finale aired on my tv. I recorded both nights, but zapped the last night as I couldn't believe Clay lost and didn't think I wanted to keep it around. The first night with his three songs became a blankie for me. Everytime I would feel down about the job hunt, I would play that tape, starting from the makeover, which blew me away. Then fast forward while counting to 25 to get to the second song, then fast forward 22 seconds to BOTW, then rewind and do it again. I wore that tape clean out.

After 8 months of unemployment, I found a job I really like and am still at and intend to stay at until they throw me out.

Once I fumbled my way to the message boards (funny story, that), I have never left. I have thought about it before and Clay was the first time I really allowed plain unadulterated joy into my life. He still brings that joy. I have learned a lot of computer stuff, of course, but most of all the friends I have made have added so much to my life. I am no longer afraid to travel anywhere by myself. It's so cool to know that even if you really don't know anyone where you are going, you soon will. In seven years, I have only met one Clay fan I didn't like and it had nothing to do with her being a fan.

Here are a few pictures from this tour that are my faves...

On my desktop at home...


On my desktop at work...


If he looked at me like that...


Perma again...


Shorty... :bdayparty2::bdayparty2:

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Put me in the jealous basket too! Everyone is remembering their cameras, right? :teehee1:

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes. I ordered new glasses (yay!) moved more stuff from the house to here (ugh, labor) and got a little downer finding out Clay won't be coming to Michigan. *sniffle* I haven't seen him in 2 1/2 years...I MISS HIM! smiley-sad046.gif

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Son of a bitch! I am TRYING to record the freakin' thing and my TV card won't pull in channel 8! I can see merrieeee and Scarlett and kf! And a really hairy Clay! In my bedroom! but not on my computer! Damn it all to hell! Why does their digital signal suck so much!!!!

Made my pledge - though I don't think I was speaking with anyone I knew and it wasn't Clay either, 'cause I sorta know him - and I told the volunteer I could see one of my friends behind the talking lady, then they put the camera on merrieeee! I waved, but she didn't wave back...

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From kf:


Looks good!

And I'm reading that he sat next to Scarlett and answered phones! Shoot, I would have called with a pledge!

ETA: Crap! She took the picture down. And I didn't try to save it! Crap!

ETA again: It's back! Whew!

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And a really hairy Clay! In my bedroom!

Whaaat?!? For some reason I lost my train of thought after this :Thud:
... then they put the camera on merrieeee! I waved, but she didn't wave back...

I read that Scarlett said he was laying on the cold cement floor because his back was hurting :hug: Any of you lucky bitches in Houston know what poor baby did to his back?

Any chance any of you lucky bitches are the cause? :naughtywag: LOL

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OMG best night evah! He was snarky, funny and gorgeous!!

He helped answer phones and leaned over my shoulder........I can't believe he was so close that I could feel his breath on my neck!!! He is the nicest man! The PBS peeps said they were very pleased with the amount of money raised tonight. He was joking with us and in fact made the evening so much fun. He asked me how to answer the phones I told him and he looked at me and said do you always answer the phones like that (in an English accent)or just for tonight? Then he launched into his Spamalot voice! I told him he did great and he said well of course!!

He had his picture taken with us all and they will email it to us! eee There were only 15 M& G and they went right away! Well of course some of us there bought them! OMG I got a Meet & Greet first ever!!!!

I am thrilled about the night.

Oh and he did an interview that will be aired later but if you pledged with a CC tonight you will get a copy!

OMG OMG I just cannot go to bed! I got a Meet & greet! OMG OMG

I just love him. He makes you feel so at ease. I was so snarky with him and he just laughed and at one point he said that he wouldn't come back to Houston because of me so I told him I'd move. I can't believe I was like that around him! We shared headphones what more could a girl ask for?

He looked wonderful, brown shirt, tie and jeans....at one point he was standing in front of me, leaning over keepingfaith and let me tell you those are some nice jeans!

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He looked wonderful, brown shirt, tie and jeans....at one point he was standing in front of me, leaning over keepingfaith and let me tell you those are some nice jeans!

The ass inside those jean, weren't too bad either, huh? And the stubble so close to my face, I could have licked it. And I can't spell while he's standing over me barking orders on how to fill out the form. At that point I couldn't find backspace on that computer to spell Ms. "Love"'s name correctly. He knew what he was doing to me. He knew I knew he knew. Merrieeee knew. Close contact, he was breathing on me, an autograph, a picture ...

Jesus Christ.

Best night of my life.

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Go work for Clay Aiken at HoutonPBS (and maybe grab a quick glance at his butt)? Oh Yeah, BAYBEEE!!!

I will make the ultimate sacrifice and take one for the team! Yes I will stare at his butt all night if needs be!

Merrieee :flirtysmile3: How do we start the cannonisation process?

Happy Birthday shorty

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When I pledged in Chicago, I got Scarlett on the phone lol, too bad I didn`t pledge tonight might have got Clay on the phone and probably would have fainted lol! Well I finally was able to book my flight to Chicago and Raleigh tonight!!! another claytrip in the works!!! will totally enjoy and savour each moment as there is a strong possibility that I won`t be able to make it to T&T concert in Miami in February as I was thinking of doing. Can`t have everything I guess. My youngest is in last year of high school, so lot of expenses there. I`m so thankful that I will see him again in October, knowing that not everyone has this opportunity, there will be always clack!!! :04:

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