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#59: Forget life -- It's CLAY time!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • My life has been so enriched by knowing this Clay Aiken guy!
    • I love Clay !! Forever and ever !
    • It's About Damn Time for the Spaghetti & Meatball Show.
    • Let's do it again, girls!
    • Clay is hilarious and lickable at the same time
    • I l.o.v.e. my hawt humanatarianactivistsingersongwriterambassador boyfriend
    • Brad Pitt, Johnny Dep move over, way over, here comes Clay.
    • It's always like the first date all over again with Clay, and I always end up falling in love.
    • Whoever shrunk those jeans... thank you!
    • He branded me for life.
    • Clay Aiken: I am me.

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HOLY CRAP! Yup. And he was on my TV tonight for hours and hours.

Now THIS is something I hope to read one day on a "weekly" basis!

TV is where Clay belongs regularly!

So glad to read that UNC-TV's caller pledges exceeded their goal of 200. Reportedly they received support from 18 states and 3 countries.

And that picture above is slurpalicious. Which btw was taken by karebear I believe. The lucky bitch :wub:

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To see and hear Clay last night was amazing. I watched both showings. I was afraid to leave for a bathroom break. Although I was at the taping, I sat so far in the back I couldn't see his face, so it was like seeing a new show. The feed had some periods were it got really quiet and at one point speeded up and made it sound like Clay went way off key. But they were very few. I loved his version of Misty on tv much more than on the cd. I wonder if there is a way I could pull it off the dvd? I thought the editing was great but I did miss WKOFAI and Esso Besso. As I said yesterday I hadn't watched the dvd so had no idea how it had been edited.

Sometime during the day yesterday we saw a promo for TnT and Mr Fear said he was getting excited about tonight. I thought that was his usual teasing. But after dinner he went downstairs to watch his tv. Other than the newshour, there are very few tv shows we both enjoy. He came back upstairs around 10 to tell me that he had watched TnT and that it was great and Clay was great. Well knock me over with a feather, I've got a claymate in my house. :cryingwlaughter:

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32 Days until The Special Chicago Concert!:yahoo:

34 Days until The National Inclusion Project!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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luckiest1 and I have been looking at doing Windsor as our first 'Best of'. Mostly for selfish reasons, not for the abundance of clack so far. If anyone ANYONE, has any clack from Windsor that they have not uploaded. I would really appreciate it if you would share with us. As I've said many times no clack is bad clack. We really have only one main videographer for Windsor so far and that's canfly172 I believe she has the full show. Scarlett's is fragmented and split between two different cameras, mine is missing some songs too, due to file corruption and being ratted on and shut down. So anyone that has clack and has not uploaded as yet, please please consider it now. I would like to start on these things tomorrow, with a goal of being finished at the end of the month.

Thank you in advance.

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Hee! UNC-TV's Facebook page just posted this:

We all have to start somewhere. And our SeptemberFest pledge event has just begun. Simons everywhere: won't you show your support, now thru Sept. 19?

And they included the clip of Clay's Atlanta audition from AI. How cute is that?

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Hey there! It’s me! I know I’m not very prolific lately. But I'm still, here, hanging around. I made it to 6 concerts this summer, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Got to see some people, though not as many as I’d liked, and was lucky enough to have Scarlett as a travel buddy for 4 shows. Life was certainly good this summer!

I got all of five pictures in Windsor before I nearly lost my retina to a direct hit flashlight beam through my lens. That was the silliest man in a blue sport coat that I've ever seen! I think his wife must be mean to him and I'll never look at light blue sport coats in the same way again (which is likely due to retinal damage):-)

Those are some scrumptious photos from last night. Clay wears his scruffy very very very well. I think I bought a meet and greet for Charlotte from the other PBS station that offered them..…but I don’t seem to have a confirmation email. Oh well, they charged my card.... and I need 2 tickets anyway. I’m a little skeptical about that ticket’s location and right now my main interest in that meet and greet is just being there to see how they’re going to handle it, being oversold and all.....should be interesting. Fan club presale here I come....

Well, I think I’m pretty much over missing the Houston PBS evening with Clay, now. It was hard sitting way over here and knowing if it wasn’t for my husband’s job, I’d have been sitting in a Houston PBS station with my peeps and my boyfriend. (If it wasn’t for my husband’s job we never would have moved to Houston in the first place but I’m not going to think about that.) His job took me away and that’s the most important thing when you aren`t where you`re supposed to be, when you’re supposed to be there, right? **Sigh**

BUT! OMG! SERIOUSLY! How awesome a night was that?! Thanks, guys, for the great recaps....slurped up every word of them and licked the spoon. I’m glad it turned out to be such a fantastic time! Hanging out with Clay, indeed. Wow! I am so glad I got to see the pictures. I’ll just Photoshop myself into an empty seat. I can do that, I haz skillz.

I’m finally home…er…the Denmark one. It seems like such a long time since I was sitting in the car with Scarlett, and she was talking to the Houston PBS person about volunteering to take calls, not knowing anything at all about Clay actually being there. It was exactly a month, less a day, ago when we went our separate ways up in Verona. Maybe it’s the chilly fall weather I came back to….but it’s been a long month without Clay, LIVE. Thank God, and the goddesses, for clack!! And planning for the next tour! I’m bringing my Mom along with me in February. I figured it was time she went to a concert, and when we sat together at her place a couple of weeks ago to finally watch the TNT DVD, this woman....who usually is up, dressed, and going first thing in the morning……was still in her nightgown when it ended at ten, and wanted to know how many shows we were going to see. I think she is going to enjoy herself immensely. She also wanted to know if I could get her a front row seat...she must assume that after all this time I have connections, or something.

I can't believe how fast the gala is coming up. Unfortunately, I won't be there this time. I hadn't planned on it....but it looks like I'll be in Kuala Lumpur with the husband about that time anyway. He's got a business trip there and I'm taggin along since I've never been.

Since I’ve been back, I’ve been able to tag some photos and upload them. Here are some from Chautauqua. I had gotten this new little pocket camera a few months before and decided to use it for this show instead of my usual one….no special reason…..just because. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised at how well it did considering its size and me being 8 rows back. It’ll never make a full time concert camera, though, since like most of the newer small cameras, there is no EVF (are you listening Canon??). I checked, found everyone behind me was happily snapping away and didn’t seem to mind the LCD screen, but still, I tried to take fewer pictures for that reason. But, if you’re looking for a good, low light, small camera, I’d highly recommend it. It’s a Canon SX200 IS.

Anyhoo…too much yakking from me…I’ve brought some pics. Made some clickables from some of the ones that I liked. If the tennis match keeps being delayed, maybe I'll get some Verona ones up, too.

The full album is here










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Yea! Kareneh pictures. Don't make yourself scarce. Pictures are always welcome. I'm going to Charlotte too and haven't received any notification either. I think if you got them on line you got a confirmation number. If you called in you got an email confirming it.

Next stop- the Gala. :04:

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Hanging out with Clay, indeed.

For some reason I keep reading this as "Clay hanging out!". IYKWIMAITYD

Good to see you here, Karen eh?!Love that last picture especially. He just beams :flirtysmile3:

Well it's halftime and all I can say for the 49er game currently is :cry4: I'd hate to be in THAT locker room right now

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The new Carolina On My Mind blog is loaded with UNC-TV special party coverage, clack (graphic and photos), as well as SueReu's reciprocal voting links for the National Inclusion Project. We have moved to #25!

I replayed both telecasts of the UNC-TV telecast while writing the entry. Thank you to those who have already discovered the blog and dropped by. It only takes a moment, and your comments/hits help all Internet Clay blogs with Google placement. :)

Yea! Kareneh pictures. Don't make yourself scarce. Pictures are always welcome.

DITTO! Great to see you drop by, Kareneh, with such awesome pix! I'm going to send your album link to a couple of graphic artists. :dancetom:

Have an awesome new week, all! :flirtysmile3:

Caro :listen:

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Kareneh, I love your pictures! I can't wait to get through your album.

Treenuts... you're sad about your 49ers, be glad you're not a Lions fan. I guess they lost today, which is no surprise. :teehee1: I hear people are bummed! I could care less, of course. :lol:Is it hockey season yet?

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KF, I might actually get to come back in November or December. John's company uses people to courier tools and equipment to districts where those things are needed on short notice. Usually, it's someone from the shop who has to drop everything and go. He told me I could do it if I wanted, and since I'm a little short on status miles this year, I think this would be a good way to boost them up. I'll just have to grit my teeth and bear Lufthansa's 11 hour jaunt from Frankfurt. If, and when I come, I'll be sure to let you guys know. I figure once I do this once, I'll probably keep doing it, if only to get the air miles. Air miles get me to see Clay, so air miles are a very good thing. Have Pro Forma Invoice, will travel. :)

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31 Days until The Special Chicago Concert!:yahoo:

33 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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karebear65’s recap of her evening at UNCTV, via GCA:

Here is my sorta kinda recap.

The evening started as soon as we walked in the door. There was a sign greeting us and we met up with Jen from UNC tv, who was just terrific. Jen took us on a tour of the studios, which was really amazing to me. I had never been "behind the scenes" of anything before, so I was quite interested. After the tour of the studio, Jen showed us the dressing room for Clay. It was a typical dressing room I guess, sofas, chairs, tv, food. As we were in there, who should arrive but the man himself. Wearing cargo shorts and a white shirt.

We then moved to the studio, where I ran into 6 of my co line dancers, who were volunteering to answer the phones. It was like a big reunion. Everyone was so excited for Cherie! Jen took us to where we would be for the evening at the Twitter Party headquarters. We met so many UNC tv staffers and each and every one of them was thrilled and excited for us. I don't know much about Twitter, but I fed Jen things to tweet about. Like what he was wearing, hair, stubble etc. Jen was AMAZED at the fact that 197 people were signed up for the Twitter party. She said when Celtic Thunder was there and they did a Twitter party, they were so excited to have 22 signed up. LOL! I told Jen about the many clayisms like Clack, Claynation etc. She absolutely loved the Clack word and used it throughout the night!

We had full view of Clay throughout the evening, which was actually a wee bit awkward. When the camera was not on him, I tried to look somewhere else. I cannot count how many times I made eye contact with him. I so did not want to seem like I was staring. But let's face it...I was. When he was on camera and talking to Shannon, we could not hear what was being said, but I really didnt care, he was just so darned cute!

About 9:30 Clay came over to meet Cherie and I. He came over and gave me the 2 handed hand shake and said "I've met you before" I said something stupid like "but you havent met Cherie" I so wanted this to be HER moment. He asked about the Facebook contest , where we were from etc. Then it was picture time. There were cables on the floor and being the gentleman that he is...I THINK he took my hand or tried to take my hand, WHY can't I remember?!?!?! As we posed for pictures, there were about 8 people taking pics. smile smile smile over here, smile...I said "it feels like the paparazzi" Clay said "at least there are no flashes" and he patted my back. I found out after that he patted Cheries back as well, but she didnt know what he was saying or why he was patting her back. LOL! After pictures he signed our UNC signs for us, gave us a hug and was gone. It was very quick, but to be honest if it was any longer, I don't know if Cherie would have made it. LOL!

Shortly after. Cherie and I went to the ladies room which was down a looooonnng hall, past Clay's room. As we were coming out of the ladies room and walking back to the studio, we ended up in the hall behind Clay. Dont know what came over me, but I did the sexy whistle at him. Cherie about had a fit. LOL! Back in the studio for more staring time. I do remember at one point I got a wink (another getting caught in the act of staring). Jen and the UNC staff were VERY VERY impressed with Clay. They talked non stop about how wonderful he is. I think we and Clay converted tons of peeps that night! Around 10:30 pm they took us to the control room so we could watch up there. That was quite fascinating to watch the director at work. Back down to the studio for more pics with the staff. Started out with just Cherie, me, Clay, unc staffer Karen and her daughter. Then someone said "Gloria" get in there...Mitch get in there" About the 4th person, Clay said "are you kidding me?" Then they called over another and he said "you weren't kidding" Right before Clay left, he talked quite a bit with the staff and was cracking every one up!

Jen said all throughtout the night how amazed she was at all the pledges coming in and from all the people from out of state. I told her that was normal to us Clay fans. Clay fans are extremely generous! The other thing that Jen said quite a bit was "isnt he precious" "how precious" She is a fan for sure!

There are also more pictures, but someone else will have to bring them over.

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