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#61: Eight years of freakishly fun tours...and yes, he's still the one!


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20 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'm not a regular drinker, but after every Clay concert I need something hard.
    • So I'm a filty-mouthed degenerate, with the hots for a gay singer. I don't see a problem.
    • I drank the koolaid and it was mighty fine.
    • It is a good cult!
    • I think that caused another kerfuffle.
    • I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving.
    • The Worst Bad Boys For You: The Ones That Only Look Non-Threatening

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Just posted on the National Inclusion Project's wall on Facebook:

First, we are sorry! A switch in our email servers caused an error with our ticket page. We are resolving the issue, & in the meantime: 1) Any transactions made today have been voided. (If you purchased a VIP ticket earlier, there is no issue.) 2) We will do a reset & open purchases for tickets next Tue, May 3 at 12pm eastern. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing you at the 2011 Champions Gala!
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Hope everyone had a good Easter.

We were on a tropical island for a week and got back late yesterday. It was my first Club Med and we all had a great time.

The only thing is that today I went to my dining room and there was no giant buffet, no barman with cocktails...... :cry4:

Is there angst out there? Think I'll stay here and drink the kool-aide. Of course we don't get Kool-aide here so I'm having a cuppa tea instead.

And if anyone gets the shower hologram, then I'll join the OFC......I do like a good bit of..err..hygiene.

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Personally, I loved "Just You" :listen:

Good luck in your search, Couchie! And we should all be so lucky as your mom at her age :lipstick:

Forgot to say Yeah Sharks!!!

eta - Clay stuff? hmmm....well, since I haven't been a fan as long as most and since I hates collecting stuff in general I'll just say this...what very

little I have of Clay's stuff :hubbahubba: resides under my undies in a drawer....appropriately enough....with one exception, the key ring from OFC. I use it daily and would miss it terribly. But what I really wish I had is a mug like couchie use to have. The one with the pink laces on it I think. Mmmmm... thinking of "tying his laces" whilst "face down" in his mug has me all :flirtysmile3:

this eta brought to you by the punctuation mark ....

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There was an article posted yesterday that DDD Season Premier has been pushed back to June 19, which means Clay's episode will not be shown until July 24th..pooh.

FOD Video Premier in May! :yahoo:

88 Days until Clay is on DDD! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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ETA: I read the facebook posts..they aren't so bad to me..just a few rude ones. Most people want communication from Clay, not stuff. I can understand that. And if they didn't really want to know they shouldn't have asked. I don't really expect anything from the fan club and when I have money I join just to support. Others join for different reasons. Nothing wrong in that.

I thought some were quite kind in their asking for an unreleased song or picture or blog. Some, though, were really rude. I guess in my mind, there's a couple of things here.

I'm OK with the fan club asking what kind of swag they should offer next. I must be the only one on the planet who kinda likes the swag! And I'm of the opinion that if you can't find anything you like in the list -- don't vote, and if you can't find anything nice to say, don't say it. (I'm hoping my Mom raised me right in that regard).

Personally, I think Clay will start communicating more when either a) he has something ready to tell us; and B) when people stop demanding he communicate with us. That stubborn streak that was celebrated several years ago ("balls of steel," if I remember correctly) could possibly be coming back to bite us in the butt.

That's kind of my feelings on the matter too ldyj. Couchie, I was actually surprised that the responses were as polite as what they were considering what I had been reading elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'd read elsewhere first so by the time I got to facebook I was in a pissy mood myself. I don't get nearly as frustrated or angsty with Clay or the status of his career as I do with the fans who keep bringing all the negative stuff up all the time. Whether the complaints are valid or not, I don't see where it helps anyone to keep rehashing the same stuff all the time.

Now I got to go back and catch up on the last two pages. I must have gotten a spring cleaning bug or something cuz I'm actually doing some. Had to take advantage of it since it doesn't happen often.

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Ok, I'm caught up. Couchie, so sorry to hear about your friend even though it was 15 years ago. I can't imagine what it would be like to have been close to someone who was murdered. Good luck on your search.

I have a big tub of Clay stuff too. I'm not a dedicated gatherer though. I have some friends who have to have everything Clay related and will search on ebay to get stuff. I collect enough by accident without searching for it. I did get a lot of free pins from a couple of those friends though because they went crazy during the pin days. I do like those pins and put them up on a board, along with some Clay Christmas cards that I've gotten, and it's hanging on my wall. I liked the key chains too cuz they were cheap to buy and didn't take up a lot of space. I was going to start collecting them because a lot of the ones I had got broken from using them but he hasn't been putting any out anymore.

kf, I agree with what you said about not knowing Clay or being in his shoes so none of us has the right to judge his decisions. I'm sure there are some things he's done that probably even he wishes he hadn't done but that's the same with everyone. The thing is we should all be learning and growing from our mistakes, and I see Clay doing that more than most anyone I know. He's not afraid of trying things and then making adjustments as he goes along. We've seen it in every tour, how he adapts things to audience response.

As far as the RCA thing goes, and the AI conglomerate, I do think there was some shady stuff going on there. And it does piss me off when I see everyone but Clay appear on AI. At this point, I'm expecting to see William Hung singing a song on AI before they'll have Clay on. However, I do get annoyed when I see someone throwing it out on the boards when I see it's just to stir things up. I don't mind if someone just feels the need to blow off some steam, like when they see someone on AI or DWTS's or some of these other shows, like Constantine (blech) or Pia (who in my opinion was deservedly given the boot on AI. Great voice but seemed very remote and didn't seem to connect with the songs or to the audience). I know I've wanted to bash a few heads here lately when I see things like that. Somebody work on finding out whose heads to bash please.

With all the bitching though, I still like to read at those boards, I'm just grateful for boards like FCA and NNHB where I detoxify after reading there. Places where either sanity or insanity reigns. Not sure which but either way it's more fun.

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Enjoyed catching up here today. I don't have any music students on Wednesdays.

The new Carolina blog features UPDATED info RE Gala ticket sales (now set for 5/3), as well as Clay's recognition as a "cool dad, a Mama Mac cane story, new AmazingCA wallpaper (small version below), Ultimate Idol voting, and Scarlett's 2010 Gala video of "Both Sides Now".


Graphic by AmazingCA, photos by Kareneh.

Hope you enjoy! Thnx for your visits/comments/support of the Clay blogs. I am also very appreciative of this "no angst" board. Others could take notes. :flirtysmile3:

:hug: for all who need one.

Have an awesome day, all! :twinklewhore:

Caro :listen:

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So we are having a "Staff Appreciating Staff Day" today...translation..while the cat (library Director) is away, the mice are having a party..waiting for the pizza to get here.

You know, I like to read around other boards too, just to get differing opinions, but I am beginning to think that this fandom is now happy unless they are worrying about something...so now I am reading that Clay must be depressed because he is being so quiet. I don't know, the pictures I saw of him on DDD and with Tori Spelling he looked pretty happy. Actually think there is some projection going on. I figure if Clay has something to say to us he will.


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Wow pretty quiet here yesterday..did I scare everyone away? Well, it is not raining and I see some blue sky out there..nice for a change! Hope any FCA'ers in the south are doing okay..nasty storms down there.

FOD Video Premier in May! :yahoo:

87 Days until Clay is on DDD! :yahoo:

From a blog by the writer of Drop Dead Diva's "Prom" episode:

Last week we filmed my episode with a stunning list of guest stars: Wanda Sykes, Clay Aiken, Lance Bass and Michael Gross (the dad from TVs Family Ties) The dailies look great and I'm so proud of this episode, I think you guys will be too as it addresses a very important issue. Gay prom! Which is interesting since I was never invited to prom and never went to a prom, dab those tears away… My episode should air sometime in July. I'll keep you guys updated.

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Sorry I haven't checked in.....one of the dogs was hit by a car Tuesday night, so I've been monitoring his condition closely after taking him to the after hours vet. He has this phobia of cars, and whenever one goes by and we are out for a walk, he tries to chase it. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to keep ahold of his leash the other night, and he caught up with the car, and was thrown by the rear tire. It was a horrible thing to see, one I hope I never have to witness again. Amazingly, he appears to have come off with no injuries! We were worried that maybe we might have missed something internal, but as far as I can tell, he is just fine. I stayed home with him yesterday, just to be safe.

And of course the World Figure Skating Championships have started, so I've been glued to the TV for that. Patrick Chan won the gold medal in the men's event this morning, wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :) Yesterday was also my daughter's birthday, so I had a houseful of her friends over for a take-out boxed Asian dinner last night.

I've already watched through the two existing seasons of Drop Dead Diva, but now my daughter has become addicted as well, so I'm rewatching them with her as she goes through them. It's a really great show, and I am so glad that the Clay fandom brought it to my attention. I can't wait for the prom episode, I love it when fandoms collide!

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Aww the poor dog! :(

I don't have much here either. Dropped by my friend's last night to donate some cat toys for her cat. Ours doesn't use them so I'll give them to a cat who appreciates them! lol We do have another busy weekend though, more stuff at the house, a baby shower and my grandma's birthday. This week feels like it'll never end!

I still haven't watched any episodes of DDD. Would it be a good idea just to get a feel for the show? Will I be lost if I don't watch any?

My fandoms rarely collide, especially when it's Clay, but when it does I totally freak out. :)*points to new avi*

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Glad your dog is okay luckiest1; our dog does the same thing. Not sure what they are thinking...I thought for a while maybe he sees the cars as a threat and is just trying to protect my daughter. She usually cuts the walk short when he does that and brings him right home.


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(((luckiest's doggie)))

OMG, I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a Nook today. They just approved giving employee discounts on a few of the related items, which is the only way I could afford this. I'm very excited y'all :twinklewhore:

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Lucky! It seems that you have a life eee.

Sorry about your dog though.

I'm officially into my 2 month obsession known as the NBA playoffs.

Congrats on your nook Tree. Everybody in my family has a book reader but me. I've downloaded kobo software to my laptop though.

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Did not get up for the wedding but am watching now; what a beautiful couple!

FOD Video Premier in May! :yahoo:

86 Days until Clay is on DDD! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to those celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Congrats treenuts on the Nook -- my husband loves his! And I enjoy reading books on my iPad as well.

I love Kate's wedding dress! Very simple, and yet very elegant. It seems to "fit" her.

I'm off for an all day meeting. I'll have my iPad with me, but will not be sure if I will be able to access WiFi. I'm hoping that this is a sign that Clay does something today.

Wonder if he's watching the wedding? Maybe too early in the morning for him?

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No wedding watching for me, conflicts with the figure skating. *g* I'm loving the time difference between here and Russia because it means that the competition starts every morning around 5:30 am, which is generally when my dogs get me up. Today, we slept in until 6:20 am, thank goodness for PVR!

Thank you for all the well wishes for Ringo. He is back to his normal, yappy self. No ill effects from the car incident at all. I really need to figure out a way to break him of the phobia though. It is becoming increasingly difficult to walk him. I am terrifed to take all 3 of them out at the same time anymore. So far my kids and assorted kids' friends have helped out, but I'm sure that won't last. I'm glad the warmer weather is on it's way because it looks like, to walk them separately, I'll need to be taking twice the number of walks per day (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since walking is about the only exercise I get).

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Another one here who watched the wedding. :) I didn't care for all the hype but I definitely wanted to see it. Kate's gown was gorgeous. I loved how it looked so modern and yet so traditional! I stayed up long enough to see the double kiss and then I went back to bed and woke up again not that long ago. :teehee1:

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I got up at 2am to start watching the "stuff".........yeah I know...surprise surprise! I was so homesick I couldn't believe it. I loved the dress. How the sides fell into pleats was just a masterpiece.

We sure know how to put on a party!

That really was a Barbara Cartland moment!

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The wedding was on about 8pm here so good time to watch. I couldn't stand the hours of coverage though - I fell asleep.

Kates dress was lovely, not too OTT. Of course she is tall and thin so would look nice in anything.

I can't imagine Clay watching but I am often wrong!

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Sorry I haven't checked in.....one of the dogs was hit by a car Tuesday night, so I've been monitoring his condition closely after taking him to the after hours vet. He has this phobia of cars, and whenever one goes by and we are out for a walk, he tries to chase it. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to keep ahold of his leash the other night, and he caught up with the car, and was thrown by the rear tire. It was a horrible thing to see, one I hope I never have to witness again. Amazingly, he appears to have come off with no injuries! We were worried that maybe we might have missed something internal, but as far as I can tell, he is just fine. I stayed home with him yesterday, just to be safe.

And of course the World Figure Skating Championships have started, so I've been glued to the TV for that. Patrick Chan won the gold medal in the men's event this morning, wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :) Yesterday was also my daughter's birthday, so I had a houseful of her friends over for a take-out boxed Asian dinner last night.

I've already watched through the two existing seasons of Drop Dead Diva, but now my daughter has become addicted as well, so I'm rewatching them with her as she goes through them. It's a really great show, and I am so glad that the Clay fandom brought it to my attention. I can't wait for the prom episode, I love it when fandoms collide!

That must have been so awful to see your dog hit by a car. Glad that he appears not to be injured. I am happy that you have discovered DDD. I have watched it from the very beginning and just love it. It is very well done. I hope that because of Clay, it picks up a lot of new viewers. I also hope that Clay's cameo is a long one, and that we get to see a lot of him on this episode.

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