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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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I'd say let's start a concert tour section. The Bethlehem date might be doable for us, but it's through the week so probably not. Still waiting to hear where the Michigan date might be!

I bit the bullet and cancelled my landline recently. It's just not worth the $$ anymore as I rarely use it. The only people who ever call it are my mother and telemarketers. Bell Canada assured me it wouldn't mess up my internet connection. They told me I had to wait the requisite 30 days to cancel, but it's been over 2 months now so I called back on the weekend. They apologized for the oversight and said they'd cancel it right away. It still continued to ring until yesterday morning, then suddenly our internet went kaput and we had no dial tone. Ugh. I spent 45 minutes on the phone last night trying to get my internet service reconnected. Why is there no accountablility by the service provider, when they are the ones who messed up? I apparently have to wait 48 hours for them to create a new dummy line to connect my service to. Why wasn't this done initially? Argh, I was fuming last night. And I will be fuming even more if they take away my unlimited bandwidth. We will see what happens.....in the meantime, thank goodness for work internet and my 3G iPhone!

ETA: Good luck with your ticket purchasing, Fear!

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I'm having my own phone issues but one more month and I can drop att on the cell phone.

Looks like I'm living on the wrong side of the country for a concert this year. Don't see me making a trip across the country twice in a 3 month period. On the other hand if I had the schedule a few months ago, which I know is impossible I probably would have chosen the concerts over the gala. But either way. I'm thrilled to be able to do something this year.

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Tweeter is at it again!


@clayaiken: James Taylor just represented NC so well performing on the #DNC2012 stage!

Retweet by Clay


@improvedme: Watching James Taylor singing Carolina in my Mind at DNC reminds me of @clayaiken and his first tour. Great memories.

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I missed James Taylor but there have been some rousing speeches tonight: Gov. Janet Grandholm, John Kerry. And who could watch Gabby Gifford lead the Pledge of Allegiance and not have a tear in his/her eye?

ETA Add the President and others as the rousing speeches. I posted this before the convention ended. :bangownhead: Duh! Watched parts of both conventions as I mostly enjoy watching the delegates having a ball.

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A day late and a dollar short as usual. LOL Happy birthday Ausdon!! :)

I had one whole thought on my mind yesterday... get to the Secretary of State's office. I completely forgot to go Wednesday when they had later hours so I had to rush to get there after my mom got home from work. I was lucky I had a full half hour to spare when I pulled up. I needed to get my license plate tabs renewed so if I do drive my car into town I won't get pulled over and handed a ticket. lol I also didn't want to pay the late fee, ick!

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Ausdon, happiest of birthdays!!!!!!!! :pushingcake:

Looks like I'm living on the wrong side of the country for a concert this year.

I still think there may be CA venues announced. There's certainly time at the end of the tour; his Christmas tours usually go right pretty close to the 25th, right?

Got row A at Durham from the OFC. Tickets sold at 1 at I got back from lunch at 12:59.

OMG, it's like the good old days. I couldn't get tickets yesterday because of a dental appointment, so this morning I sat and refreshed til the moment. Tried the Grand Tier first--closest was row F. Tried "best available"--only seats were on the very side of the left or right sections. Tried Grand Tier again, seats were moving farther back. And so on, until finally, row C in the Grand Tier center section came available so I took those. But of course, I had to keep searching just for fun didn't it? And all of a sudden row B in the orchestra came up! Row B as in right up front. Yikes. They are will-call only. What did I do? I bought them! So I will have to talk to my concert buddy and see if she wants to keep those, even though they cost quite a lot, or try to sell them within the fandom to someone who will meet me at will call. Or else I have to find a way to get rid of the Grand Tier tickets. Luckily this is local, so possible...... Yikes!! But row B. WOW!!

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At the OFC I kept getting no tickets available yesterday. I even turned down row C and was kicking myself for letting them go as I kept refreshing. When row A turned up I finally breathed a sign of relief. I was buying for a friend and myself so I didn't want to disappoint her. I wonder if they sold the pit tickets this morning? When I told her we were in row A I said now we have to get nice shoes. She said shoes, I'll have to get a new dress and get my hair done too! :hahaha:

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Congrats to everyone getting great tickets today (and yesterday)! This is gonna be so much fun. And yes, I agree with jmh that California still isn't out of the question quite yet. Maybe he'll end the tour there so that he could spend time with Jaymes and Parker at Christmas?

Totally off topic: my Trekker heart was happy today with Google. Go have fun playing with the Google homepage doodle. Information on today's Google Doodle.

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Looks like Clay has those kinds of days too:

Mary C Wilson ‏@BobbysBoo

@clayaiken Saw you in the grocery store when you lost that gallon of milk. Glad to see you didn't cry over it.

42 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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41 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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FOX THEATRE!! I am so there!!!!! The venue is GORGEOUS too. I never thought he'd play there just cause it's kinda big. So excited we have a date tho!!

I'm on the way home from a fun day with friends at the Renaissance Festival, this was a nice surprise to read up on! :)

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