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# 65: "Clay Aiken's Not Just Any Joe"


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I don't understand being angry at Clay for following his heart. I don't have any other fandoms that I follow. I guess I'll just follow whatever he is going to do. I plan to continue supporting the NIP as long as they are in existence. I've wrapped every year it has been around, 9 or 10 years,and truly support the mission. I plan on adding the Food Bank as a new charity this year. I'll still tutor and do tax returns. Due to a lousy computer syxtem NC is not accepting any new participants to the SNAP system. Grr! In other words I keep pretty busy despite not having a job so Clay not being available 24/7 has never bothered me.

Tijala and luckiest, I also love skating. I only wish the US would show the competitions more often. I see no reason to not post any other interests on this board when Clay is not doing anything that we can discuss. Perhaps we can reactivate some of the TV forums?

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I amuse easily. :rainbowsmile:

Thread title? Heh. I also amuse easily! :rainbowsmile:

Only if we can include the smiley guy...heh.

I just found this on the internet, via Entertainment Weekly. My husband, in the past three months, turned into one big "Breaking Bad" fan, and tomorrow night is that show's swan song. I'm not a fan, but I've been reading a lot of stuff and passing it on to him. However, I thought this article applied at least somewhat to this fandom as it does BB, or "Lost," or "Star Trek," or almost any other fandom out there.

"Breaking Bad," "Lost," and the Precarious Hysteria of TV Fandom

I love the last paragraph:

Maybe it’s time to rewrite the Bill of Rights for Fandom. To demand that everyone take a breath and realize that even great things aren’t perfect and even very bad things can be interesting. To acknowledge that The Thing You Like is not the Greatest Thing Ever just because you like it; indeed, to admit that your own personal preferences are interesting specifically because they are personal, because not everyone has to like everything that you like all of the time. At their worst, the modern fan is a nerd who doesn’t realize that they’ve become a monster — which sounds an awful lot like Walter White.
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After doing some reading this morning, I think I'm going to just avoid some of the boards today. Mercy!

Just back from niece's wedding and was checking the boards before we head to the reception..wish I hadn't..just makes me sad to see people who 6 weeks ago were loving Clay in Joseph and now are just so angry and bitter. He doesn't deserve that..the poor man is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I am so sick of hearing how unclear the blog was..I thought it was pretty clear and he gave us a lot of information..I am grateful he blogged so there wouldn't be 3 months of complaining about him being in his "Man cave" (can I tell you how much I hate that phrase) and not talking to us.

It so nice to have this place to come to where there is some sanity.


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After doing some reading this morning, I think I'm going to just avoid some of the boards today. Mercy!

Just back from niece's wedding and was checking the boards before we head to the reception..wish I hadn't..just makes me sad to see people who 6 weeks ago were loving Clay in Joseph and now are just so angry and bitter. He doesn't deserve that..the poor man is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I am so sick of hearing how unclear the blog was..I thought it was pretty clear and he gave us a lot of information..I am grateful he blogged so there wouldn't be 3 months of complaining about him being in his "Man cave" (can I tell you how much I hate that phrase) and not talking to us.

It so nice to have this place to come to where there is some sanity.


I am with you. I am so tired of the negativity. How they are so mad at him and how their feelings are more important. What gets me is the ones who keep saying that their will be a cloud over the Gala and they are not sure even if they want to go. I really do not know what is wrong with them. Whatever he has decided to do we have to accept. I am praying for something I can attend but if it is not entertaining I am glad he is following his heart. I have had a great 10 years and hope it continues.

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Tijala, there is still a Stars On Ice tour but in the US, it's down to something like 10 or less shows. Luckily, it's still doing ok in Canada. I used to cross the border for Champions On Ice too. This year, I am going to Skate America in Detroit in a couple of weeks. Skate Canada is too far away for me (New Brunswick). Detroit is just a hop, skip and a jump! LOL I hope they give you guys some TV coverage of the event. Argh, I still can't do a new line on this forum. I tried to put some white space in! Anyways, I haven't been to any other boards today. I need a break from it, I think. I just hope something changes before gala, so people are happy and excited, like they usually are for a Clay event.

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Not sorry to be missing all the action. I didn't think the blog was that gloomy. It was thoughtful. You know, sometimes in life you make changes that you feel will make you happy. And we all do that or we die. I think people venting is just how they enjoy their fandom. Hopefully not many will be cancelling the gala. We seem to get to this point every few years where the end of Clay's career is "imminent."

I agree that the organization needs to stand on its own and not be subject to the whims of folks who may be more a fan of him than of the organization. I admit that while I love what he is doing I don't know that it would be on my radar without him. But I think people support groups because of 1. someone they love has been touched or affected 2. someone they support is a spokesman. When I look at the groups I support it's for these reasons.

Went shopping today at Goodwill. Thanks LdyJ for the advice about shopping there instead of paying a lot of money for clothes that I won't be able to fit in a few months. It was actually fun and I bought 3 pairs of jeans and 3 tops for 26. I am now officially size 16 (I was up to 2x or size 22). It will be nice to have clothes that fit.

ooh let's talk tv shows for a minute. What new shows are you watching. I love Sleepy Hollow and Brooklyn 99. I watched a bunch of other stuff and taped some things I didn't watch yet. I didn't think Robin William's show was that good Probably won't watch again but I have to say that the best part about the premier was Kelly Clarkson. And with the powerhouse that is Robin Williams and pro that is Buffy that was surprising to me. Too bad she isn't a regular.

The only other fandom I had as long was my life long One Life To Live obsession. But it was pretty much a solo affair until the internet and wow it's amazing how sharing the experience with others changes your own. All the emotions that you see invested in Clay are the same ones that were invested in these soap characters. Soap writers equal RCA. Before the internet I don't know if I'd say the intensity wasn't there because I did spend money on the soap mags and energy taping and watching but it was an entirely different experience when the internet came along. I met a group of folks that I'm still friends with. We all met in New York and got studio tours. And I had my own soap column and got to interview some of the actors. The internet really just changes everything about our hobbies. Now I'm obsessed with dieting food blogs and forums. It makes you feel like you're not doing it all alone.

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Just been reading all the opinions over here the past few days and I have to say I love everyone's calm, rational posts. So much more refreshing to see than what I've been trying to avoid elsewhere all week! And everyone's saying what I'm feeling so I find myself just nodding along and agreeing with it all!

That said... TV is my current sad obsession. LOL Every fall it gets this way though! I watched the pilot of Sleepy Hollow and the production and acting side is absolutely brilliant! I was extremely disappointed in the overall plot line and for that reason I've decided not to watch. Shame too, I was really hoping for something different.

Breaking Bad.... everyone I know LOVES this show, except me. I've seen a few episodes from somewhere in the middle and I guess it's one of those shows you need to sit down and watch from the beginning. I really couldn't get into it though.

New shows I'm watching? Doesn't feel like many I'm really interested in.. watched The Goldbergs this week and it met expectations! The idea reminded me a bit of That 70's Show in that it's in another decade (and I loved that show), totally different premise of course but it did really well not having to force the 80s into everything.

I'm really looking forward to Once Upon A Time in Wonderland, mainly because of all the new characters they're bringing in! And I like that there's 2 worlds of OUAT now, just wonder how many crossovers they'll get to do.

Us & Them is the last of those I'm really excited about, won't air till mid-season though. It's an adaptation of BBC's Gavin & Stacey. I'll watch the pilot to see what it's like but I dunno how I'll like it, might just watch Gavin & Stacey instead. Or in addition to. We'll see.

Most of what I'm watching is returning shows... Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, New Girl, Parenthood, Elementary (this is fun watching a different Sherlock from Benedict Cumberbatch's, which I got REALLY into over the summer), Arrow, Boardwalk Empire, Downton Abbey (season premiere was last week in the UK and I found way to watch it..ooh they set up some wicked plot lines to unfold!!!!)... the last ones I'm waiting on are from across the pond and I just need air dates (except the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary--Nov 23rd!!!! eee!!)... these last couple shows BBC put in their fall drama 2013 trailer but who knows if it'll make it to air in 2013! I'm waiting on Sherlock and The Escape Artist. They're not making things easy for me!

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Couchie, that is a GREAT weight loss!!! And Goodwill is a good idea. Another might be ebay. Don't laugh. I found out that QVC and other shopping networks do not put their returned merchandise back in their warehouses. What they do is go through jobbers or bundlers who sell items on ebay. Often the merchandise is new with tags where a person maybe bought the wrong size or just did not like the way something looked on them. Some items are new w/o tags, so might have been worn once or twice. Many vendors accept returns. You can do great there...for example .just got a washable suede jacket with tags for ten bucks....and a two piece pant suit by Bob Mackie with tags for the same. If you are patient you can do very well. Those items sold for 89 and 79 on tv.

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I don't watch much network TV..Bing Bang Theory is must see TV in our house. Tried watching Michael J. Fox's new show and just could not get into it..it wasn't as funny as I expected, but sometimes it takes shows a few to get going so I will give it another chance. Meant to watch the Goldbergs and forgot.

Had a nice time at my niece's visiting with family; my sister was in from PA and of course those relatives you only see at weddings and funerals. And of course I had to annoy (hopefully not) people with pictures of my grandkids, LOL.

My counter tops are in so Mark will be starting on the kitchen floor today and hopefully in a week or two the new cabinets and counters will be in..I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project.


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When I was a kid, I was ALL OVER the new TV season. Used to watch anything and everything. Now, with school, life, and this crazy ride known as Clay Aiken -- I don't watch much network stuff anymore. The shows I still watch: Amazing Race (premiere tonight!), The Voice (got sucked into that again this year -- I love the blind auditions and then usually end up finding at least one contestant that I really like. I still follow Nicholas David and Michelle Chamuel...), and Glee (yes, I'm a sucker, but I'll follow it to the end. The show in a week and a half is going to be very sad). Oh, and Community, whenever it comes back.

I'm still addicted to many shows on the Food Network, and I love watching "The Little Couple" and "What Not to Wear" (only three more episodes!) on TLC.

I can't get into Breaking Bad either -- I'm not fond of violent, shady characters in general. However, I did read an article yesterday that said it really didn't kick into gear until about the 6th episode or so.

I've discovered that I just cannot binge watch. I can watch two episodes in a row, and then I'm done for a week or so. Must be my old school training.

My husband and I did start watching "House of Cards" on Netflix though. Now THOSE are shady characters I can get behind! Hee.

aikim, so glad the kitchen is almost finished.

Yay couchie! Glad you took my advice. I made that mistake when i lost my weight. I went shopping at Kohl's and found cute things....only to have to get rid of them 4 months later when I dropped another size. (If I had known you were going to do this, I would have held on to my clothes and shipped them to you...)

I think I'll stay here at FCA for most of the day....

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This is indeed a safe haven!

Ladyj you need to watch the British version of House of Cards. It was made many years ago and is fabulous. My fave shows right now are Last Tango in Halifax, Foyle's War and I'm going to get my early fix in on Downton Abbey real soon! Hee I also like Duck Dynasty and project Runway! Go figure!

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If you want to preserve your sanity do not go to CV. I have been zen about the blog, believing something good will happen and he will not be gone. Most of them are into him leaving and NIP going down the tube. I am so glad they have a crystal ball!!

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There is no reasoning with some! It is just so toxic right now that I cannot bring myself to post over there as I would not only get trouted I'd get banned!

The National Inclusion Project cannot stand only on Clays name no charity can. They have to be autonomous. There are people who would not give any support let alone money to anything associated with Clay for whatever reason.

I don't buy certain products because of certain stances or personalities and the National Inclusion Project is fully aware of these type situations. Surprise, surprise they are actually smart folks who seem to understand the circumstances a whole lot better than fickle fans!

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I don't believe that the fans bring in that much money to the NIP that if they all disappeared it would fall apart...they have to have other sources of income. It just seems very arrogant to say that "we are the NIP". I think that is problem with the fandom (not everybody) but some have gotten way too full of themselves and their importance to Clay. Yes we are important to an extent but we are not the be all and end all and I doubt that he spends 23 hours a day thinking of us. He cannot build his life and career around the fans and their wishes..sometimes those have to be put aside and decisions made that are right for him no matter what we think.

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I don't believe that the fans bring in that much money to the NIP that if they all disappeared it would fall apart...they have to have other sources of income. It just seems very arrogant to say that "we are the NIP". I think that is problem with the fandom (not everybody) but some have gotten way too full of themselves and their importance to Clay. Yes we are important to an extent but we are not the be all and end all and I doubt that he spends 23 hours a day thinking of us. He cannot build his life and career around the fans and their wishes..sometimes those have to be put aside and decisions made that are right for him no matter what we think.

I agree with this. I know it is the majority of fans at the Gala but if Clay has a change in careers, I think they have thought of this, and maybe in the future Gala may be gone but their income will be from other avenues.

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For all that I've gotten out of my Clay adventures, he owes me nothing. The OFC is so inexpensive and has made ordering good tickets so much easier. I've laughed at his video blogs as wellas his written blogs.

It really bothers me when anyone speaks of the NIP being nothing without Clay. It has formed alliances with many other organizations and has some prestigeous folks on it's board. Clay has done a lot towards separating himself as the total focus.

I'll be happy to see Clay work on his calling, whatever it might be. We will hear eventually.

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While I'm remembering, luckiest, I have trouble getting a new line too. If I toggle the editing mode - top left icon - that works. I can only get a new line on the source code side.

By the way, I'm running 8 now too--wonder if that's why. Yikes, what a change, and so buggy. Did a bunch of fixes and end-arounds to get the OS working the way I wanted it to. But I still have to restart once a day because the touch screen quits working. Computer was cheap tho - lol.

What I came to post:


I've seen this kind of thing happen where I live, which is a close enough community to have a powerful grapevine and the rumors fly.

People have completely distorted everything about the blog in favor of a new reality that they have created, which they hate, and are pissed about - and ironically, it's all a creation of certain message board fans on certain message boards. It's like they invited (that was supposed to be invented, but I think I'll keep it) a nightmare and decided to live in it. And try to get others to join them. It's the Nightmare car on the Clay train! No thanks!

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Thanks, jmh123! It works! Congrats on your weight loss, couchie!

TV...I have so many shows that are starting back up again...Grey's Anatomy, Glee, Elementary, Homeland, Bones, Criminal Minds, The Voice, Blue Bloods, Survivor, Drop Dead Diva, Revolution, Battle of the Blades (Canadian show that pairs figure skaters with hockey players), Biggest Loser (watching to support Ruben)....sad to see Dexter end, it was my absolute favourite! I also watched the first two episodes of the new Michael J. Fox show, and while I'm not usually into sitcoms, I will continue to give it a chance. I just finished watching the Canadian version of the Amazing Race, which was pretty neat, so I have PVRed the premiere of the US Amazing Race tonight for fun. Seeing as I already have so many PVRing, I will probably just wait until January to watch Downton Abbey, when it comes on PBS. I do have Tunnel Bear, and use it to watch British cooking shows mostly. It might also be handy once my daughter is in the UK, if she watches something and wants me to follow along. :)

Haven't read any boards this weekend. I get bored at work so I probably will check them out tomorrow. I keep hoping the tide will change.

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I don't believe that the fans bring in that much money to the NIP that if they all disappeared it would fall apart...they have to have other sources of income. It just seems very arrogant to say that "we are the NIP". I think that is problem with the fandom (not everybody) but some have gotten way too full of themselves and their importance to Clay. Yes we are important to an extent but we are not the be all and end all and I doubt that he spends 23 hours a day thinking of us. He cannot build his life and career around the fans and their wishes..sometimes those have to be put aside and decisions made that are right for him no matter what we think.


I hardly watched TV at all this summer because I crocheted 2 afghans, but usually had it on one of the digital music channels just for noise. DH loves The Military Channel. Me, not so much. I did get hooked on Restaurant impossible. I LOVE Parenthood. Downtown Abbey is another good one. I sometimes watch some pretty good shows on the free PBS app. I have Amazon Prime also, and I love watching some of the old TV series like The Twilight Zone.

That's so sad to hear that Stars on Ice is down to 10 shows! I remember they used to do at least 30. I heard Scott Hamilton discuss the decline in the popularity of skating, and it was really interesting. He seemed to think it has a lot to do with the new scoring system. I can see where it would cause a decline in TV viewership. I kinda miss the old 6.0 system myself.

Couch, congrats on the weight loss!

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I think it's sad, because the new system is much more fair, and less biased. It's harder to understand, especially if you are just a casual viewer, but ultimately the best skater wins. It's no longer just a jumping contest. Thankfully, we still get lots of coverage here in Canada, and I'd say it's still pretty popular. This season is even more exciting, because it's an Olympic year!

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luckiest -- I thought I watched a lot of TV, and then I read your list. Whew! I didn't get a chance to watch Amazing Race last night, so don't spoil it for me. I think everything I watch this week will be on one-day delay...

Many, many, MANY years ago, I bought tickets for Stars on Ice for my parents and I. My mom thought it was going to be an Ice Capades type of show, and I kept trying to explain to her that it was Olympic level stars! I think this was when Paul Wylie was around; he was my favorite. Now, sad to say, I don't watch much skating, and couldn't explain either scoring system if I tried!

You know, I don't like to talk bad about anyone...and that includes other fans at other boards. I really don't want this board to get into a "look at the others and laugh" mode. But...I do have to admit that I'd like to pull a Cher sometimes and say "Snap out of it!" What I have to keep telling myself is that, for some reason, this is the way they seem to express their fandom, by worrying about Clay. I don't understand it, never will. So, as much as I read at other places, I find myself just sitting on my hands (or doing as merrieeee said -- writing a post and then discarding it), because nothing will change their minds. They also won't change MY mind. 'Tis the way of life.

I've made a lot of good friends through this fandom, and have learned a lot. I will continue to support the National Inclusion Project because I really like their mission. I will admit I will support it less if Clay reduces his time with them, but I also realize that he "birthed" the whole idea, so he'll never fully be able to disengage from it. And since he's the founder, I'll continue to support.

How many people really pursue their "dream" job? IMO, there's not that many, so I admire Clay for going out and chasing his calling, whatever that might be. Be happy, Clay.

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I'll be honest.....I don't get to claim any of my NIP donations, which really sucks, because I could use the tax break for my gala ticket. To do so, I'd have to have US income. So if Clay should, for some reason, not be affiliated with the NIP anymore, I probably would stop donating, and donate to something locally. But I just don't see that happening.

ldyj, I PVR everything. I watch nothing live. I save things for a rainy day, when I'm bored. I generally only watch an hour or two of TV in the evenings, and I'm in bed by 9 pm. So I haven't watched Homeland or Amazing Race from last night yet. Sometimes I get bored of a series and just delete what i've PVRed. But I figure if I'm paying the big bucks for cable, I might as well use it! :)

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