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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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YAY Alex and team!!!


The weather has been strange here. First snowing with big flakes, then almost nothing, then the big flakes, then sleety crap, then more big flakes, then almost nothing, then more big flakes, then more sleety crap etc, etc, etc. Right now is back to the snow.

Should make for an intereting commute tomorrow....

P.S. I am so glad there is no smelly fish around this place! And that around these parts you don't have to keep looking over your shoulder everytime you post!


ETA: Ryan Seacrist is already doing his Red Carpet thing on E!...

Edited by Claygasm
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Heh, I'm getting ready to go to an Oscar party (I love bribes from vendors)...

As for Clay's socks - you are ALL wrong - the ones that are best for him are knee high white athletic socks with 3 colored stripes - they are dimension to those chicken legs and bring back the joy that was the seventies!

Hugs to Diva and our hubby!

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Sex for Clay? Did somebody mention sex for Clay????


Ohhh. Sox.


These get my vote then.



Seriously folks, I know nuttin' from marketing. Now, if Clay decides he needs (another?) short, darkhaired, older Canadian woman to uhhh, produce for him - I'm there!!!

Meanwhile, I'll just admire the pretty.


Edited by cindilu2
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cindilu2, I have two things:

1) BWAH!!!


2) OMG, he's so beautiful.

Thank you for both. It makes me feel better after Ansa totally ignoring my post about there already being a thread about the Oscars (otherwise known as the Academy Awards). *g*

*sob* Ansa doesn't love me. *g*

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cindilu2, I have two things:

1) BWAH!!!


2) OMG, he's so beautiful.

Thank you for both. It makes me feel better after Ansa totally ignoring my post about there already being a thread about the Oscars (otherwise known as the Academy Awards). *g*

*sob* Ansa doesn't love me. *g*

oops sorry...heh...I have been bothered by tension headaceh the whole day...so thats my excuse...heh...

oh its TAR too!!!

sigh...so much to watch...

HEY !!! I'm smart I merged the two thread....

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On no if we start discussing scarves ...I am out of here! Is nothing sacred? What scarves Clay Aiken decides to wear is none of our business! There are some places a fan should not go!!! Before you know it people will be writing to congressional committees, writing press releases and hateful blogs about the poor cravat!


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On no if we start discussing scarves ...I am out of here! Is nothing sacred? What scarves Clay Aiken decides to wear is none of our business! There are some places a fan should not go!!! Before you know it people will be writing to congressional committees, writing press releases and hateful blogs about the poor cravat!


You can talk socks scarves and whatnot...just don't get into the hats....love the bucket and fedora...so leave that alone!!!!

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Excuse me, but if WE don't have the right to talk about Clay's socks, who does? After all, we made him what he is today. Without us ...where'd he be today? huh? Just some awkward, skinny, jug-eared kid in baggy pants who can hum well as he spends his days at the YMCA...

WE are his success....US! MWHAHAHAHHAAAAA!

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The scarf is what he is all about - socks you wear every day - scarves are things taht come close to his face and keep him warm and the scarf is what allows the bus walking and finger touching. Now if gloves were invovled it just would not be the same - NO! I credit the scarf! Would Clay have stood the cold at the UNICEF lighting without the scarf?

Ther is so much to discuss as well - Cashmere or silk? Plain or patterned? Fringed or not? So much to discuss and so little time - why are people worrying aboutthe little things like show appearances, This is the topic about the live man!!!

No, I will not talkof fame whores when there are things around Clay's neck - something that could be grabbed and used to draw him in!

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New week for Rose Radio. Be sure to listen in Monday for the preview of the new songs I will be adding. This week's selections will include tracks by Alison Krause, Carrie Underwood, Clay Aiken, Eliot Popkin, George Harrison, James Morrison, Justin Guarini, Katharine McPhee, Keane, Kelly Clarkson, Kim Carnes, Kimberley Locke, Kurt Nilsen, OK Go, Sara Evans, Taylor Hicks, The Bee Gees, and Van Morrison. On Tuesday you can read more about this week's selections on the Rose Radio blog.

Socks? How about some hot socks for a hot guy?

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That's what I love about this place the diversity ofthe opinions and the rude blunt way of stating them!

Well of course, anything that I say is my OPINION, even if I state it as a fact. I shouldn't have to clarify that - it's implied. But if any of you "let Clay be Clay" people want to bury your head in the sand and ignore the obvious (no matter what he says in his blogs), that is up to you. I know I am right, and I will send you a PM and attempt to convince you, if you continue to oppose me. ;)

Excuse me, but if WE don't have the right to talk about Clay's socks, who does? After all, we made him what he is today.

Absolutely. After all, this is a message board, and that's what we do here. We criticize discuss Clay.

Edited by luckiest1
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