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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Oh what an absolute treat to come home to. I'm truly loving all the news we are getting from Afghanistan. This is what I wanted for Africa. We got bits and peices but this is so wonderful. Now back to watch the video and then catch up for the day.

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Hugs to the Clayzorback family....

Will you settle for a stirring rendition of "If You're Happy and You Know It" instead? New updates on the UNICEF Afghanistan page, including a link to a video. EEEEEE! Afghani Clack and a new song!!!

Oh. My. God.....on so many levels.

No kidding. I think, in the past week, my heart has burst with pride for Clay and UNICEF about 50,000 times. This man, this humble man, has done so much, in so little time. I'm floored.

And he looks hawt too. Damn, I hate when those shallow moments sneak up on me.

Frisco is definitely out for me, I think I'll be coming back from a family visit that day. I'm still debating on Tulsa, but I think I might be crazy enough to try that one. Spending 8 hours (or 7, depending on speed *g*) with the eHP could be a whole lotta fun.

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Damn, I hate when those shallow moments sneak up on me.

Be honest you love it!!!!

I'm still debating on Tulsa, but I think I might be crazy enough to try that one. Spending 8 hours (or 7, depending on speed *g*) with the eHP could be a whole lotta fun.

You can have no idea how much fun it is. No Target anywhere on any of our trips is safe*g*

Well my eye op went OK today but I am a litle bit woozy! Could not wait to get back on the boards to see the UNICEF total. Wow...we done good!

I'm loving the hat.....I bet he was told to wear the whole national dress so he would not stand out. (safer that way)

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Hey all!

Just wanted to update you on Oklahoma concert plans. I have been working with the Crowne Plaza, which is within walking distance to the Historic Brady Theater. It is beautiful. They are totally remodeling and should be completed by the time of the concert. We will be getting a special rate. I should have the password tomorrow (it has to be put into the system). The preparty will probably be held at the hotel also so it should be easy for everyone!


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ldyjocelyn, I'm giving some serious thought to going to Tulsa. It is the closest concert to me, and I still think it would be about an 8 hour drive. I'm supposed to see my old boss this weekend. She lives in Tulsa so she can give me a good idea how long the trip should take.

I seem to have developed a nasty cold so I hope I am still able to make this weekends trip.

Claygasm, I'm glad you located your old friend and that he is physically "fine". I'm sure this horrific event is taking it's toll on him emotionally. His words really touched me. Life is indeed fragile.

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And yes, he's hot. That's part of the problem. That's why I am spending more money than I have a right to to follow him. Live!Clay! is my addiction, but somewhere along the line I might have to get real.

I can so relate to the addiction and the get real part of this. I never get tired of being in the audience whe he is on that stage. I've seen Clay so many times and the only time I stretched my resources a bit further than I should have was going to the NC for the final 3 NAT concerts. I had already flown 3000 miles a few months before to do my family reunion in Washington DC by way of Greensboro, Greenville, Charleston and Virginia LOL. What? At least I didn't leave my family reunion's opening night to go to Baltimore. I did consider it. heee.

Thank you for sharing part of your friend's letter with us. I hadn't watched the news for a day but the latest news is just so shocking and senseless.

Aw it is so nice to see Clay has the top off his thermometer now. I guess they will leave it up yet.

Might Clay be invited to dancing with the stars and be voted off? not to worry, he won't dance, don't ask him.

YAY for Clay going over the top...and I haven't even given yet. I'm rooting for 200K

And Play..laughing at your things to really worry over heee. You can't fight DNA so he better hope he has more of Faye's than his dads cuz he will be losing the hair.

Gosh, I just went back an read over some of this thread and I sure do see "like lots" of familar names here. Hi rcknrllmom There are more that I recognize too so hi to all of you too!!!!!

Welcome ClayLilly!

And Muski..now you see why I'm not a mom. OH MY GOD. I'm already worried about my little niece Alex and she's only 4. You did the right thing!!

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it is so nice to see Clay has the top off his thermometer now.


Muski gives this tidbit a sidelong gaze....hesitates, then decides to take the high road and go to bed without commenting.

G'night, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I do think it's important for all of us to appreciate what we have when we have it, because one never knows what could happen tomorrow. That's why I find so much of the whining, complaining, and doom-and-gloom speculation exasperating. I mean, I understand the desire to vent, but there's so much in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate and savor. Claygasm,

Beautifully said. And that bolded part is a thread title suggestion. heee...

This is cool. I also hope that they are going to do the M&G contests again this year through the OFC, for those of us who don't have (and frankly never will have) the kind of money to bid on these expensive auctions.

I hope they have more meet and greets as well. I knew I'd never get the chance without the fan club. And I had my day. It was wonderful ...I was only in a half Clay Aiken fog as I remember every word but didn't know he was wearing glasses LOL. Good luck to you. I'll never put my name in the hat again and I hope those who have met Clay multiple times won't either.

CG, I wouldn't worry too much about hecklers (although I understand that reaction totally). Just looks at your avatar, and imagine that Clay will be doing that to anyone that heckles him. He'll be good to go!

Yep I believe can handle them as well. If he can handle a room full of rowdy "claymates" he can handle the amateur soccer fans!!

I had to post and run. Husband came back from the Ear Nose and Throat doctor. Not good news. I then had to go get prescriptions filled and get him a nice cold Banana Cream Pie shake. To soothe his tongue after they cut a piece for biospy. Doctor thinks it's Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the tongue. So I need to get off here and show him some loving. I also need to research it a bit on the computer so I know what the doctor is talking about. Have a good evening girls.

Sending prayers and good wishes your way Clayzorback.

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And .... I see that the new thread title is from one of my posts. What a nice surprise for a newbie, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Waves to keepingfaith

Oh. My. God.....on so many levels.

Thread title?... someone stop me please heeee.

Hugs to Merrieeee

it is so nice to see Clay has the top off his thermometer now.


Muski gives this tidbit a sidelong gaze....hesitates, then decides to take the high road and go to bed without commenting.

G'night, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

bwah! And yay, I caught up!!

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Yummy screencap from artquest


WOW - this is yummy!! I was trying to figure out how to make screencaps of that video - anybody know? artquest - you have a mac, don't you!!?? (I don't!)

I would also like to know if anyone knows how to convert a .ram file to a .wmv or any other format for that matter!!



Can't wait to hear the final figure....

muski... I feel for you with your daughters and the sex thing. As the mother of girls myself, I know of which you speak. Sometime when you have a few hours, I could bend your ear with some stories!! But they are all grown up now, mostly out of college and married. So, this too shall pass. One thing I used to do with my kids was to go into their rooms at bedtime and ask them if they had any burning questions. And to use that time to tell them important things. I always used to caution them to be careful, and use protection. Telling them to abstain never works! I used current events to bring up topics to discuss. These were the days before Amber Alerts. And yes, I agree with you that you should hit the library with a vengeance and get the dialogue going! Good Luck!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


eta: RATS! I forgot what I came over here to share with you!!

I know it's not Christmas anymore, but I just ran across this video on youtube

- It's hilarious! Someone did a lot of work on the photos that went into this montage!! It's been up since Feb and only has 121 hits. It needs more!! (does anyone recognise that name claytageous?)


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In case you missed it, there is an article on the UNICEF website that ties to the video....

UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken Visits Afghanistan

Full text in the Fast Forward News Section There's also two new small pictures with the article, I will guess that larger ones will come soon.



Glad your surgery went well merieee! Looking forward to meeting you in Texas!

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(((Clayzorback, Mr Clayzorback and family)))...keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers...

(((merieeee))) yay for the successful surgery...

thanks for bringing that articel over ldyjocelyn...I like that picture of Clay surrounded by Afghan women.

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cha cha!surely you weren't typing with a straight face when you typed these words!



I mean, REALLY!.......'big'? BIG? BIG?

Puh Leeze. :glare:

When we rally round the Clay pole, honey.....ain't no other way to rally but HUMONGOUS!


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I read that line too muski...and figured you were just the person for the job to comment! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Experience LA

The Greek Theatre is proud to host an evening with multi-platinum recording artist Clay Aiken on Saturday, August 4 at 8:00 PM. Aiken’s latest album, A Thousand Different Ways, released September 2006, offers fans 10 cover versions of love songs spanning the last three decades, as well as four brand-new songs that are destined to become Aiken classics in their own right. "This album is very different than my first, Measure Of A Man, in that I had a lot more say in how I wanted things to be," says the singer. Debuting at number 2 on the Billboard chart, it made Aiken the 4th artist ever to have his first 3 albums debut in the Top 5 and scan over 200,000 in the first week. Though his fans have come to expect him to knock each song into the heavens with his transcendently powerful voice-which he does here quite masterfully, particularly on Harry Nillson’s "Without You," the Bad English hit "When I See You Smile" (written by Diane Warren), and the Foreigner classic "I Want to Know What Love Is" his latest album also shows off a more mature Aiken, one who is able to add beautiful vocal nuances to such unexpected choices as Bryan Adams’s "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)," Paul Young’s "Everytime You Go Away" (written by Daryl Hall), and Dolly Parton’s "Here You Come. Don’t miss An Evening With Clay Aiken on Saturday, August 4 at 8:00 PM.

I like this description....a lot. To me, it tells exactly what this show is going to be about. I also have my suspicions that there's some PR going on in the background here... *g*

Oh, and they've included a tiny picture -- a full body shot of one of the pictures we've seen before:


Boy, I'd sure like to see that one full size. *g*

OT venting: my workplace is going to hell in a handbasket. Guess what? I'm probably going to be the boss pretty soon -- except I'm getting all the headaches and none of the perks (such as money, rank, etc.). My current boss (the one who is retiring within the next year or so) feels terrible about it, but her hands are tied, because it's HER boss that's instigating the changes. In a way, I feel honored, because they think I'm the only person on staff who can do the work and get it done. But do I want it? And the extra stress it involves? There's a meeting this afternoon with all involved that will start to hash out what exactly will be happening, and I'm not motivated at all to attend. I could go in and try to fight the whole situation -- but I don't think it will do any good. Or, I could go in like a good employee and try to figure out how to make it work. Either situation makes me feel like crap, really. OK, I'm done now.

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muski - you crack me up!!

Well, my day started off well. I over slept and then in my hurry to get out of my house I left all my keys inside. My car keys. My house keys. My one and only neighbor usually has an extra key to my house on top of her refrigerator (yes, this has happened before). We looked but couldn't find it. We think it must have fallen behind but we couldn't move the refrigerator. Luckily, someone from the manager's office was coming by to do some work at her house. So I had to wait for him and then he had to drive back to the office to get a key. Good thing he's a really nice guy!

Things like that exhaust you before the day even begins.

So while I was waiting I started thinking about concerts. I started thinking that all someone has to do is suggest a concert and I am so there! I am such a whore when it comes to Clay!

I even started thinking about Frisco. I mean, I am going to Houston anyway and the reason I wanted to go there (other than to party with the eHP of course) was to be at the first concert and even though nothing about this soccer game/concert/firework show is attractive to me (excpet of course for Clay...), I am actually thinking about it! Yesterday I was ready to forgo Houston and today I am thinking about Frisco!! Tomorrow, who knows!

How nuts am I?? (don't answer that!)

I saw this post by farouche over at CV and it made me laugh out loud because it perfectly reflects my feelings - for today anyway!

Hosaa: I'm trying to decide whether to thank you for that information or not.

I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.I don't want to go to Frisco. I don't want to go to Frisco. I want to see the first show. I don't want to go to Frisco.

:cryingwlaughter: :TourExcite:

ETA: Talk about funny and being addicted to Live!Clay!....... I saw this posted at the CH. Its from a review of a play:

The play features Brian Hemmingsen as a Dublin theater critic who revels in the terror his reviews strike in the hearts of young thespians. "Everyone was afraid of me," he boasts. "I loved it."

The unnamed critic loathes his colleagues, neglects his wife and children and pretty much single-handedly keeps the whiskey industry afloat.

That is, until he sees Helen, who plays the title role in a mediocre production of Oscar Wilde's "Salome." He abandons his job and family to follow her on tour in a manner usually reserved for Clay Aiken fans.


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Wouldn't Clay have been quite the dashing figure in the old silent movies ? He carries himself with such grace .

Hugs to all going through difficulties- Saturn has gone direct (out of retrograde) and things should lighten up for all of us- it was a tough period of introspection and rethinking all of our plans.

Back to practicing for my open mike night tomorrow at the park. It's all ages, all abilities and is always magical. Wish you guys could be there at Cafe Cattail.

Oh, ldyjocelyn, you will be a magnificent boss. Those people are lucky!

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Back to practicing for my open mike night tomorrow
OOoh, Diva....will there be DACK of you doing naughty things to the mic stand? :rainbowsmile:

Hugs to the world and especially FCA women! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And I find absolutely NOTHING askew about my spending mucho minutos this morning checking out flights from my neck of the woods to Texas on July 4th. Hey, that's my birthday, so my family will want me to do something I want to do, right?

So I have a week-long conference for 350 people beginning Sunday in Miami...so what? I'm going to Houston July 6th anyway. What's the big deal? :rolleyes:

Soccer? I LOVE soccer! I've watched my kids play soccer and softball when the thermometer read 105 F! I can be rowdy and drunk on a hot afternoon with the best of them!

So what's the problem? :mellow:

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And I find absolutely NOTHING askew about my spending mucho minutos this morning checking out flights from my neck of the woods to Texas on July 4th. Hey, that's my birthday, so my family will want me to do something I want to do, right?

So I have a week-long conference for 350 people beginning Sunday in Miami...so what? I'm going to Houston July 6th anyway. What's the big deal? :rolleyes:

Soccer? I LOVE soccer! I've watched my kids play soccer and softball when the thermometer read 105 F! I can be rowdy and drunk on a hot afternoon with the best of them!

So what's the problem? :mellow:

(Talk about an enabler.....) Um, I'll do it if you do it, muski!!

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Haven't seen this posted yet:

Aiken show causes buzz at SSO

Posted by Mark Bialczak April 18, 2007 2:12PM

Yes, Clay Aiken appeals to the symphony crowd.

The folks at the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra report that they sold a quarter of the seats available for the collaboration between the "American Idol" runner-up on July 18 at Crouse Hinds concert theater even before they went on sale to the general public this morning.

Fans from as far away at Alberta, Canada, and Oregon bought tickets available to Aiken fan club members on Monday and Tuesday.

Wheeee! for Syracuse! Can't wait as this will be my first concert. :rainbowsmile:

On the topic of the Pizza Hut Park in Frisco, TX: You know.....as much as I can understand the reservations about attending an outdoor concert in Texas in July (especially for those with health problems).....I keep seeing people angsting about the soccer game and the fireworks and how a symphony concert won't fit in with that crowd. To me, the organizers obviously know that it's a symphony concert, so they wouldn't have booked it unless they had some pretty good reasons to think it would fly. They're out to make money, after all! And the fact that it's the FIRST concert should be a draw all unto itself! I'd give my eye teeth to attend a first concert on any tour. So I'm confuzzled about people not wanting to attend....

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes for my husband. Once we got past the initial shock of the "C" word and looked more into what we are dealing with, we feel much better about it. It's pretty sure the biopsy will be positive for cancer, but it is treatable and not a life or death situation. Won't have results until Tuesday. They will probably have to do surgery on the bottom of his tongue. It looks like a boil or a cyst. He has been a life long smoker. Recently quit for 2 months and then broke down and bought him some cigars. *sigh* I told him if this wasn't enough incentive for him to quit, and stay quit, then I don't know what is. I quit 4 years ago. It is extrememly hard to do. Thanks for that nice PM keepingfaith. You made me feel better. Now enough of doom and gloom illness stuff. Nobody wants to hear that. Thanks again for the PM's and hugs.

Claygasm and muskifest, you both are cracking me up. Shall I go? Shall I not go? I think you might have talked yourselves into going. Heck why not. I wish Tulsa was an outdoor venue. I really enjoyed seeing Clay at the Hutchison, Kansas State Fair. I would love to go to this 4th of July venue but, looks like my money will be going for doctor bills.

I am going to go inventory my stash of Clay stuff. I think I have some extras of things I don't need. I want to donate them to pkmiller and the Oklahoma fans to use for prizes for whatever games they plan for the pre-party.

I forgot who all is attending Tulsa. Are you going to be staying at the Crown Center that the OK fans have lined up for us? I think I am. The party is going to be there too. It is also within walking distance to Brady Theatre. I'm getting so excited.

Great video on UNICEF's site about Clay and his trip. He looks so Afghani in his garb and beard. SEXY Man that he is.

He holds us captivated in his palms. Suddenly I see, why the hell he means so much to me.

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Clazorback -- good thoughts heading your way as we all pray/hope for good news. I have a brother that just won't quit smoking - we've tried to convince him especially now that he has adopted these two young kids. No luck yet.

Things like that exhaust you before the day even begins.

I know what you mean. It's so hard for me to get started in the morning...and there's nothing like a "where the heck are my keys" moment. We are somehow down to one car key and of course my office key is on the ring too. I got through this at least once a week heee.

Back to practicing for my open mike night tomorrow at the park. It's all ages, all abilities and is always magical. Wish you guys could be there at Cafe Cattail.

Good luck Diva and have fun!!

(Talk about an enabler.....) Um, I'll do it if you do it, muski!!


Haven't seen this posted yet:

Aiken show causes buzz at SSO

Posted by Mark Bialczak April 18, 2007 2:12PM

Yes, Clay Aiken appeals to the symphony crowd.

Thanks for bringing that over...and I liked the LA blurb as well. Better something updated rather than an AI picture and some old facts they usually throw up on these sites. Maybe we should write them and tell them they left out Moon River :Tour3:

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Latest UNICEF Fieldnote

Afternoon update on Clay Aiken's Afghanistan Appeal

Here's our afternoon update. As of an hour ago (1:34 p.m.), we've raised $150,802.31 for UNICEF's work in Afghanistan. Thank you!

Today's Day 7 and we're already more than $50,000 ahead of the goal. Three more days to go . . .

Thanks diva. I'm feeling a little better about the situation now that I'm out of the meeting, but I still think it's going to be crazy for a while. Anyway -- good luck with your "open mike night!"

Tulsa? Sanity? Tulsa? Sanity? Hmmm....

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To the Houston fans and those traveling for the July 6 concert: Are there meet up/dinner/party plans in the works for Houston before/after the concert? I've met 0 Clay fans from the boards and really look forward to meeting some of you. Also, is there an unofficial headquarters hotel, because even though I live here, I'm 25 miles out of downtown and may want to book a room if there are some serious parties going down!

Tulsa may be too tempting to miss. In addition to the allure of the Magical Mr. Aiken, it's on 07/07/07 -- and that's got to be lucky! Also, the three 7s adds up to 21 and 2+1 = 3 and that's my personal lucky number, which is reason enough to travel to Tulsa. And, while there I can commune with my Cherokee heritage. I've got a feeling I'm going to talk miyself into Frisco and Tulsa before this is over.


And I'm thinking about Cary, too. And the Biltmore would be fantastic ......

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