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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Yay! I just about finished my recommendations - will stick more details in the appropriate thread tomorrow...must go to bed now...congrats and best wishes to all congratulatory people today!

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Is it okay to "quote" a photo, or should I put it in my photobucket first. I know nada about posting of photos etiquette. But, oh my, I could just not resist posting this again! Where was this taken. He is absolutely stunning in this photo. :hubbahubba:

"Quoting" a photo is perfectly fine.

Like this.....

Tomorrow morning will be the first anniversary of THIS ....



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I clicked on "view new posts" = Hee!!! Found some other threads! :RedGuy:

Good evening everyone!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

CARO Congrats on the new baby!!!! WooHoo!!

spikesmom my color doohickie doesn't work either but it you typy before and [/color ] after your typing, that works. just remove the space i put in.

Edited by canuck2010
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Was this posted here??? If true - ITS A SATURDAY NOT TOO, TOO FAR FROM ME!!!

From the CH:

From CV, a new Christmas date:


haven't seen it mentioned here, but it looks like Clay will be back at Williamsport PA again this Christmas. It's posted over at the CB and someone mentioned they spoke to the box office and they were told tickets go on sale next Tuesday--Sept. 25 at 10 A.M. It's not listed on their site yet.

The concert is scheduled for Saturday Dec. 15.

Edited by Claygasm
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Woohoo for CG getting a concert date close to her at a time she can go! YAY!!!!

And :F_05BL17blowkiss: for the pictures -- especially your sacrifice of the Glasses!Clay! picture, another of my favorite Clays!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to keepingfaith as well -- you're pulling out some MARVELOUS pictures tonight sweetie. I simply LURVE that one from scrypkym...

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Was this posted here??? If true - ITS A SATURDAY NOT TOO, TOO FAR FROM ME!!!

Yay! See, whining does work :cryingwlaughter: I know that made your night.

Your whining, or mine??? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Woohoo for CG getting a concert date close to her at a time she can go! YAY!!!!

And :F_05BL17blowkiss: for the pictures -- especially your sacrifice of the Glasses!Clay! picture, another of my favorite Clays!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to keepingfaith as well -- you're pulling out some MARVELOUS pictures tonight sweetie. I simply LURVE that one from scrypkym...

I did sacrifice and post Glasses Clay because I know you love the damn glasses and after all, it is your birthday!

Close is relative, by the way. Its like a 3 to 4 hour drive (although last yeat it took A LOT longer....) but at least its Saturday!


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It's nice to see you clygsm and the pictures you bring. Woo Hoo :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I don't think Cly could look bad under any circumstance, maybe some worse than others but never bad. Such a cute face and that smile just lights up his face and beautiful eyes.

Is it midnight somewhere...can we put the a's back in our vocabulary?

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My favorite all time look is Clay with the beard the night of the last BAF gala. Now that was a great look and his hair was perfect.

I lurved Gala Clay, too. The one CG posted is wonderful. Here are two more:



That rotating food pic is cute, CG! Except that it makes me hungry for KK, which I really shouldn't eat this late at night.

I'm glad to have you back, too!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: I loved the Gala hair, but this pic is my all-time fav of Clay in a beard. He's just heart-stoppingly gorgeous, and that it's taken when he was on a humanitarian mission makes my heart melt.


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And now Jerome has video to go with the "mostly harmless" description next to my name on his list.

Does Jerome really have a list?

Well, I am sure his year 3 package wasn't much to talk about.


Wow! You folks must be a bunch of Clay hoochies. The only person I'll sleep with, besides my DH, is JaMar. Some of us have morals.

I kinda always thought you'd sleep with Clay, but maybe I was wrong. :eusa_whistle:

Who can we get Clay in a feud with? Josh Groban? heee They can have a sing off.

Ew, no, not Josh Groban!

Tomorrow morning will be the first anniversary of THIS ....



Double yum!

All kinds of yum!

Was that really a year ago? A year ago I was heading to CA for Kimmel and the CD signing. Good times.

Canuck that's hilarious!

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And now Jerome has video to go with the "mostly harmless" description next to my name on his list.

I meant to comment on this from Solo....it had me laughing earlier. Mostly harmless? Clay has seen you in action missy. heee. Oh yeah, I don't think the list is urban legend.

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I know I'm a little late but I had to drop by and wish ldyjocely a belated Happy Birthday! :nature-smiley-014:

Congrats to Carolna Clay on the new grandbaby and to akim on your 25th!!!

Thanks for the reminder that one year ago today I was in a cab just arriving at Times Square. I swear I was ten times more excited than the couple who had spent the night in the room next to mine, the night before, in West Virginia. Sadly they ran out of batteries around 4:00 AM, but on the morning of the 19th I wasn't going to follow suit. Nope! No way! I had a dozen fully loaded rechargeables and lasted until the end and beyond. I love having back up.

It's been a while since I've looked at any of these but here are some from that day. He really did look amazing that morning and he sounded so fine.



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I haven't seen it mentioned here, but it looks like Clay will be back at Williamsport PA again this Christmas. It's posted over at the CB and someone mentioned they spoke to the box office and they were told tickets go on sale next Tuesday--Sept. 25 at 10 A.M. It's not listed on their site yet.

The concert is scheduled for Saturday Dec. 15.

*writes "I will behave and put family before Clay" 100 times* I have already committed to a Keith Urban concert with my cousin on that date. *cries* Williamsport was one of my favourite.concerts.ever. The bus line was to die for. Did I mention that I also have a thing for Glasses!Clay!?

Thanks for the reminder that one year ago today I was in a cab just arriving at Times Square. I swear I was ten times more excited than the couple who had spent the night in the room next to mine, the night before, in West Virginia. Sadly they ran out of batteries around 4:00 AM, but on the morning of the 19th I wasn't going to follow suit. Nope! No way! I had a dozen fully loaded rechargeables and lasted until the end and beyond. I love having back up.

Hee, you CMSU.

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