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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Happy Birthday, luckiest1!!!


Happy Birthday Luckiest!!

I love Annabear's pic so had to repeat it!

p.s. I watched this on YouTube, it is the announcement of the Wildcard winners. Kimberly C is about to be named at the first one, but it seems as if Clay is already kissing her before her name is announced. Can someone explain it? At first I thought that the audio was out of synch but from the look of Kim's face, it isn't .

(I never watched series#2, that is why I am asking. Just curious about Clay kissing her as if he knows she is about to be picked)

oh that is not happening live...they just slowed down the video and wasn't really syncing the audio...its for effect. In other words...it didn't happen that way live...they actually showed Randy saying his pick then cut to the reaction. At the time they simply had audio of cheering for kimberley and Ryan was saying something. I think there are full episodes of the AI2 shows that you can download somewhere...



Yup...I think I will stay away from certain boards for a bit until conversation moves on...not interested in all the baseless speculation that simply drives people's paranoia and get some fans worrying and stressing...don't really need that.

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lawdjesus2-new.gif...it's luckiest1's birthday!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day. Enjoy the new laptop!!!!

Speculation amongst the fandom?!?!?! Surely you can't be serious. That never happens in this fandom. Nuh-huh. Can't be.

*eye roll*

Oh well. It happens. I'll just stay here where it's nice and warm. And cuddly with Clay in that green sweater.

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:hb2: Luckiest1!!! Have a great day!


The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round....'round and 'round....'round and 'round.... :EmoticonRingAround:

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...all 'round the town!

Eh-vryeeee-body-now! :family1:

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Dang....that Clay Aiken guy is so freakin' cute. :DoClay:

And if my understanding is correct, this wheel spinning is a result of the fact that Clive didn't mention Clay in a interview where he *gasp* mentioned other artists??? You mean, Clive isn't thinking about Clay's career 24/7?

Hell, he probably figures he doesn't have to, what with some of Clay's fans planning Clay's career out for him!

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Yes, I'm going to post-ho rather than edit. Now that I've gotten a bit more coffee in me, at least....

I just finished watching Rewind, top 11 and got very nostalgic. I loved Ruben's comment about loving Disney. There is this big, burly guy talking about Disney love. What a sweetie he is. The show seemed so innocent and different from what it is today. I think the kids all living together made a difference too. I really liked the bunch of them except for 1 or 2. The talent in that group was also excellent. Still loved Clay the best and always have. Magic, pure magic per Gladys Knight!

skybar, while I haven't watched this weeks episode yet, I can agree with this. That "cast" was magical, and I think they do seem like a bunch of "kids" who to this day, still keep tabs on each other. I wasn't really turned off by any of them either, other than maybe Kimbermeeeee and Corey. Yeah, Carmen's vibrato was a bit jarring, but I've actually heard worse in other amateur singers. *shrug*

As far as Tyra being at the LA show....I did a quick search on this board, and here is what I found. I posted this on August 6; I had just chatted with Ansa, who was at the LA show:

ETA: Ansa reports that there's a rumor out there....one that's pretty cool IMO. Rumor has it that Tyra was in the audience in LA. EEEEEEE! I like that rumor....

I don't know if there was any confirmation over it though. I'll keep looking.

Hell, he probably figures he doesn't have to, what with some of Clay's fans planning Clay's career out for him!

So damn true.

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Can someone give me the Cliff notes version of what the angsting is about? I don't wanna go out to other boards. It's nice and warm and safe here.

The more I think about it, the more excited I'm getting about the new CD. I can't wait to find out what Clay has in store for us. He said something about it reflecting his journey, didn't he? Or am I misremembering? I can't for the life of me think of what type of songs would reflect his journey. And mostly, I think most of us don't know the half of it, as far as what this journey has been for him. We only know what he allows us to know....So this CD could be a whole big surprise for us!


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Can someone give me the Cliff notes version of what the angsting is about?

Chapter 1

RCA IS EVIL!!!!!!!

They hate Clay!!!!!

They want to ruin his career!!!!

disclaimer ---I do not subscribe to this theory or any other of the multitude of conspiracy theories. Just reportin.


E and I are off to see the touring production of Phantom of the Opera today. Neither of us has ever seen it. Should be fun.

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We only know what he allows us to know....So this CD could be a whole big surprise for us!

Bookwhore, I only read about 3 posts at my old haunt before I backed out as quickly as I could, so my theory could be incorrect here. But I think you've pretty much summed it up with this one sentence, actually. There are some that feel that we should have news from RCA about now regarding the album, since Clay has mentioned the May date. They are expecting information handed on a silver platter, and since it's not coming from RCA....well, can you fill out there rest? In a way, it's back to "same old same old." Oh, and I think some feel that since RCA hasn't said anything, the album probably won't be released in May.

Personally -- it's not my job to know what's going to be happening with this next album. I actually like the secrecy involved with so much of this. Before the internet, most of us didn't know much about our favorite artists and their albums until about 2 weeks before the release date, anyway! I also feel that release dates are so nebulous. Delays happen. *shrug* Anyway, I'm excited too, and looking forward to getting information when it's time. And then hearing that album the day it is released. I've been incredibly good about staying unspoiled for all three Clay's albums; no need for me to start now!

So, can someone confirm if my theory is correct?

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Can someone give me the Cliff notes version of what the angsting is about? I don't wanna go out to other boards. It's nice and warm and safe here.

The more I think about it, the more excited I'm getting about the new CD. I can't wait to find out what Clay has in store for us. He said something about it reflecting his journey, didn't he? Or am I misremembering? I can't for the life of me think of what type of songs would reflect his journey. And mostly, I think most of us don't know the half of it, as far as what this journey has been for him. We only know what he allows us to know....So this CD could be a whole big surprise for us!


From what I have seen, it is just the same stuff....worrying about promotion or the lack there of, worrying about radio play...support from RCA and Clive...I think a lot of it was because of the picture of Clive and his class of 2008 in People Magazine and Clay was not included.


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This epi reminded me why I thought Josh could win. I didn't remember him "coming out" quite this soon either.
I can't figure out what this means?

There was talk by both Josh and Simon about him "coming out" as a country singer (as opposed to pop) on this show. I thought that happened later.

And yes...they used that terminology....just going with the flow....not trying to start any rumors or anything *g*

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Muski, if you are coughing at night and it's keeping you from sleeping, try this remedy. It's supposed to work. Put Vicks on the bottom of your feet. Wear sox. Go to bed. Have not tried this myself, but have been told it absolutely works.

It works. My husband laughed at me when I told him about it... but he tried it....... it works.... then he told his doctor. :cryingwlaughter:

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EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee - I love me some messy-haired CLAY! :F_05BL17blowkiss:







did someone say Tyra!!??



Re Idol Rewind, I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but now I have "Can't Beat the Moonlight - noo-o-o-o-o-o-o" in my head!! THANKS!

Went to an 80th BDay party for my niece's hubby's father last night. It wasn't too happenin' but it was pleasant! The mini-crabcakes were delish!!! Today we are helping my daughter move into her new place. She left lots of stuff here when she went to SF 3 years ago! Now I will have an empty corner of the garage to store some Christmas decorations!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY luckiest1!!!


Happy Birthday, luckiest1!!!


Happy Birthday Luckiest!!

I love Annabear's pic so had to repeat it!

Repeating once more. Could it be somebody's birthday every day? Cute-NESS!

OY! Which one do I want more? Cuteness or Sunday morning hair?



Thank God, I don't really HAVE to make that decision. There's space on my bulletin board for both. :D

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So there's another RCA hatefest brewing? When it comes to speculation, I can easily do that. Why do I always seem to be speculating about things other than RCA and Clive? Simon Renshaw has publicly stated that he's heavily involved with the label in promotion of his clients. So what kind of total mind trip promotion would it be for Clay to be on Letterman promoting an SNL appearance, either as host or musical guest, the week after he closes in Spamalot? And then how kick ass would it be it be for him to follow that with the AI7 finale? Umma, umma, followed by word of Clay starring in a future original Broadway show? Maybe Clay has an original career path and he knows exactly what he wants to do. I do think that Clay will be a huge star on Broadway, but also that, ultimately, Broadway won't be big enough for Clay.

You may say I'm a dreamer ... but I'm happy. Do I expect all my dreams to come true? Am I counting on it and I'll be totally bummed if it doesn't happen? No, but it beats the hell out of thinking about tired old crap.

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I don't mind discussing or reading about Clay's next album but I don't think it takes much thought to panic and blame RCA. I guess I was never fully convinced there would be an album in May and if there is I suspect we'll start hearing things soon. Isn't it listed on a couple of sites already like Amazon? Anyway, call me at the end of March if there's no concrete news. I'm busy panicking and extrapolating over NYC lodgings. I can panic and extrapolate with the best of them though but not this soon and I'll try to come up with some new and inventive reasons for everything. Mark your calendars. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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birthdaybox.gifLuckiest1! Hope your day is very special!

Wanna know the story behind Annabear's pix of young Clay with the balloons? I was a member of a private board back then, and the person in charge sent Clay flowers and gifts on special occasions. The envelope he is holding contains a disposable camera for someone to take a picture and return to sender. He did, and that pix has become a fixture in Clay Cyberspace. :lol:



I won't bore you with another grandson picture, but you really should see the one running in my current blog. Kai is five months old today, and Sally was very creative with his first picture ever wearing a two-piece outfit ... but that's not the funny part! :imgtongue:

The blog is at the OFC (still not the way I want it to look, but we're getting there) and at Carolina On My Mind. This is the lead graphic by Cindilu2 in wallpaper form:


Double clickable by Cindilu2

Have a super new week, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Hell, he probably figures he doesn't have to, what with some of Clay's fans planning Clay's career out for him!

CG... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter: I'm laughing, but that statement is tooo dang true!

So there's another RCA hatefest brewing? When it comes to speculation, I can easily do that. Why do I always seem to be speculating about things other than RCA and Clive? Simon Renshaw has publicly stated that he's heavily involved with the label in promotion of his clients. So what kind of total mind trip promotion would it be for Clay to be on Letterman promoting an SNL appearance, either as host or musical guest, the week after he closes in Spamalot? And then how kick ass would it be it be for him to follow that with the AI7 finale? Umma, umma, followed by word of Clay starring in a future original Broadway show? Maybe Clay has an original career path and he knows exactly what he wants to do. I do think that Clay will be a huge star on Broadway, but also that, ultimately, Broadway won't be big enough for Clay.

You may say I'm a dreamer ... but I'm happy. Do I expect all my dreams to come true? Am I counting on it and I'll be totally bummed if it doesn't happen? No, but it beats the hell out of thinking about tired old crap.

keeping... I like your speculation! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think Clay will continue to surprise us with his career path. I think he knows that he's not going to take the usual pop star path cause that's not all he wants to be. I'm speculating that rather than another role on Broadway, that a part in a movie could be next... how's that? :cryingwlaughter: I really don't care as long as he's happy and doing stuff he likes to do and I can watch him do it! Bottom line for me! Oh, yes, and that he can make enough money doing it to support himself in the style to which he has become accustomed! LOL

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So there's another RCA hatefest brewing? When it comes to speculation, I can easily do that. Why do I always seem to be speculating about things other than RCA and Clive? Simon Renshaw has publicly stated that he's heavily involved with the label in promotion of his clients. So what kind of total mind trip promotion would it be for Clay to be on Letterman promoting an SNL appearance, either as host or musical guest, the week after he closes in Spamalot? And then how kick ass would it be it be for him to follow that with the AI7 finale? Umma, umma, followed by word of Clay starring in a future original Broadway show? Maybe Clay has an original career path and he knows exactly what he wants to do. I do think that Clay will be a huge star on Broadway, but also that, ultimately, Broadway won't be big enough for Clay.

You may say I'm a dreamer ... but I'm happy. Do I expect all my dreams to come true? Am I counting on it and I'll be totally bummed if it doesn't happen? No, but it beats the hell out of thinking about tired old crap.

kf - I like this scenario!!! And I'm not going anywhere near the rca-is-evil bullcrap!! :polon:

bolding mine!

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Happy Birthday luckiest1!!!

Hell, he probably figures he doesn't have to, what with some of Clay's fans planning Clay's career out for him!

Ain't that the truth!! It gets a bit tiring after about two minutes... I know extrapolating is "what the fans do", but I think the problem is that too many people may be like me the first time around and actually think, wow, these people exude so much confidence in their statements that they must know what they're talking about. I've learned that whatever I read is simply that person's opinion and nothing more... basically, I say most of them are just "good bullshitters". And I should add, that here I see people talking about what might happen but it's all in fun and just discussing, not trying to sound like you're the font of all information and must be believed...

The more I think about it, the more excited I'm getting about the new CD. I can't wait to find out what Clay has in store for us. He said something about it reflecting his journey, didn't he? Or am I misremembering? I can't for the life of me think of what type of songs would reflect his journey. And mostly, I think most of us don't know the half of it, as far as what this journey has been for him. We only know what he allows us to know....So this CD could be a whole big surprise for us!

This is one thing that I find most intriguing about the new CD (I still want to say album - old habits die hard!) I'd love to see how he tells us the story of his journey through music.

Personally -- it's not my job to know what's going to be happening with this next album. I actually like the secrecy involved with so much of this. Before the internet, most of us didn't know much about our favorite artists and their albums until about 2 weeks before the release date, anyway!

So true! Until I hitched a ride on this train, I only knew what was coming out until I read and/or heard something. I actually didn't even care.. I figured something new came out whenever it came out... What's the point of analyzing to death something you have no control over? I guess it's one way to pass the time while waiting, but I'll opt for other things... hey, muski, when's your muse going to hit you again? ;-)

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So what kind of total mind trip promotion would it be for Clay to be on Letterman promoting an SNL appearance, either as host or musical guest, the week after he closes in Spamalot? And then how kick ass would it be it be for him to follow that with the AI7 finale?

Sounds perfectly plausible to me - it's been my fantasy since I saw Clay in Spamalot in January. I stopped short of the starring role in an original Broadway show, though. Not that it's not a great idea - just beyond my vision. I like the way you think, keepingfaith!

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