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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

Wasn't it payola that got Invisible on the charts? The fans were spamming the radio stations then, too. What happened with The Way? The support ran out.

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It ws the IT rour. 19 went withthe best deal and the best deal was not clear channel. At that time clear channel radio also did concertg tours and if you did not go with them, your songs were not played, it took Disney clout and money to get kelly back on the radio with Breakaway.

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It ws the IT rour. 19 went withthe best deal and the best deal was not clear channel. At that time clear channel radio also did concertg tours and if you did not go with them, your songs were not played, it took Disney clout and money to get kelly back on the radio with Breakaway.

That just proves that there are many factors and fans spamming the stations is only part of it. I don't believe it is the main reason. Clay fans are not the only fans to spam the stations.

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LMF how did the payola settlement affect the current way of doing things. Do you have any links to any articles on the issue.

Couchie, I'm not LMF but I was curious about this so I googled.

$10M 'Payola' Settlement

While I believe the spamming does have an effect on many program directors, I truly believe the fan demographic has a huge impact too. After all, in the end, a station's advertisers pay the bills and if they are aiming their ads to the teens or 20 - 30 somethings and it is believed (and to a degree rightly so) that Clay's fans are in their 50's and above, I don't think they would be too happy with a station that used their air time to attract listeners of that age group.

Money talks, but not just payola.

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Couchie, the term "perfect storm" was going through my mind too. I think that so many things happened that compounded the issue with Clay and radio.

1 Clay's season of American Idol was probably the first time that radio programers and DJs started to see the possibility that maybe tv could replace radio as the "king maker" for musical artists. I think they may have pushed back or dug in their heels

2 The confusion on who to market Clay to may have also caused confusion as to which radio format to go for

3 Clay's fans, the aggressiveness of fans that helps in some things probably hurt him when it came to radio play. I remember understanding the fan frustration, but back then there were a lot more very enthusiastic fans and as play said it can be a double edged sword

4 There seemed to be confusion after Invisible on what should be the next single, the release of S/Way compounded that

5 The uncool factor/ DJs taking potshots at Clay

6 The selection of a tour promoter other than Clear Channel seemed to have had some impact on both Clay and Kelly for awhile, but I don't know it that was fact or just fan conjecture.

7 All of the above may have impacted how much or how little support RCA was willing to give to try to get Clay played

The usual disclaimer applies, (I don't know shit about radio play or much else really) but these are some of the things that come to mind to me regarding Clay and radio

Regardless, I won't let radio play or lack there of dampen my excitement for this CD. Radio play, sure I'd love for Clay to have it, he's so much better than most of what's out there, it's one of those things we will just have to wait and see if anything different happens this time.

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Do you think Clay said that to try and curtail any future practice of the same "spamming" of the radio stations? It's one of the many things 'we' have done that embarrass him. (using his words of recent interviews where he apologized for 'us')

For the record, I never called a radio station back in the day!

It's just sad.......... :(

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pkmiller, I just wanted to say that I'm so very sorry for the way you've been treated by Clay fans. I hope that you'll go to Spamalot, and that you'll enjoy your travels with your friend, too!

I don't find it difficult to believe that djs got sick of Claymates spamming their stations, and that it hurt Clay's radio play. I've been around as a fan from the start, and I well remember posts telling people all over the nation to call this station, talk to that dj, email that program manager, etc. And I remember seeing feedback from those people that they were sick of hearing from Claymates and that it made them not want to play his music.

However, I tend to think that most things happen for many reasons, and not just due to one factor. I'm sure that Claymates made it more difficult for Clay to get radio play, but there are likely many other things that played into it, as well, that have already been mentioned here. I do hope that many fans will read what Clay said about calls and emails to radio stations, and will tone down their behavior with radio stations.

Has it already been mentioned that clayaiken.com has new, pretty OMWH graphcis?

New OMWH clayaiken.com

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To anyone who is interested, I posted a link to an article about Josh and his new album in his thread in celebrity watch. I think that Clay said he went through a little of the big head period himself, but seems to be fine right now.

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I just remembered Clay said something about spamming in that recent interview, didn't he?

I guess it's a case of, "well, one little call won't hurt." But multiplied by 100s of "one little calls"........ I guess it adds up.

So I think ALL fans should adopt a "JUST DON'T DO IT" policy and then maybe some of the harm done could be reversed. MAYBE..... :shrug:

The enormity of the thing is just mind-boggling............


UGH! I really do have to go to BED!!! But I had to bring this over from morganette at the CH:


now I really do have to get in bed!!

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Good Morning Everyone,

29 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

31 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here!

Good news! She said yes!

Everyone have a great day!


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Does anyone know anything about the ebook version of Learning to Sing?

I've read the hardcopy (borrowed from the library since I couldn't find a copy at the bookshops here), and I've got the audio book, BUT I'd like the ebook version IF it has at least as many pics as the hardcopy did. I don't want it if it is text only.

Oh, and my library only had the paperback. Did the HARDback copy have MORE pics than the paperback? LOL I wish Marie Osmond would do a life-life doll of Clay when he was about 4 or 5, and capture that gorgeous face.

Is there a link that is an organized 'photo album' of pics of Clay since he was an infant? I really love his baby pics, and those cheeky pics of him as a little boy. I thought he was adorable, and sometimes I can see that cheeky expression in the pics we see of him today.

ETA: I've been browsing at Amazon.com..... I notice some other Clay books by authors I've not heard of. Are any of them recommended?

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I think the press release was fine and I'm thrilled that we'll get a song on Monday. I just hope it's available before I go to work. If not, it's going to be a very long day. I might have to bring my laptop with me and head to Barnes & Noble on my lunch for some free Wi-Fi.

Thanks for the idea, Thankful4Clay! I have a long day at work on Monday and there's no way I can listen on the networked computers. But I have a laptop with an air card for another job, and an office with a door that closes. Perfect! Why didn't I think of that?

I feel better now.

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Couchie, the term "perfect storm" was going through my mind too. I think that so many things happened that compounded the issue with Clay and radio.

1 Clay's season of American Idol was probably the first time that radio programers and DJs started to see the possibility that maybe tv could replace radio as the "king maker" for musical artists. I think they may have pushed back or dug in their heels

2 The confusion on who to market Clay to may have also caused confusion as to which radio format to go for

3 Clay's fans, the aggressiveness of fans that helps in some things probably hurt him when it came to radio play. I remember understanding the fan frustration, but back then there were a lot more very enthusiastic fans and as play said it can be a double edged sword

4 There seemed to be confusion after Invisible on what should be the next single, the release of S/Way compounded that

5 The uncool factor/ DJs taking potshots at Clay

6 The selection of a tour promoter other than Clear Channel seemed to have had some impact on both Clay and Kelly for awhile, but I don't know it that was fact or just fan conjecture.

7 All of the above may have impacted how much or how little support RCA was willing to give to try to get Clay played

The usual disclaimer applies, (I don't know shit about radio play or much else really) but these are some of the things that come to mind to me regarding Clay and radio

Regardless, I won't let radio play or lack there of dampen my excitement for this CD. Radio play, sure I'd love for Clay to have it, he's so much better than most of what's out there, it's one of those things we will just have to wait and see if anything different happens this time.

Couldn't cut a WORD out of this post (heh), I think atinal summed it all up quite nicely.

IMO, it seems that some in the fandom need a cut-and-dried "someone/something" to blame whenever something doesn't quite work to their standards for Clay. Unfortunately, the world isn't black and white. I can see every single one of these reasons being a piece of the puzzle in regards to radio play. I don't think any of them has more or less importance, and I also don't think blame should go to just one piece. The music business, just as in any business, is totally complicated. Like I really know anything about it. Heh.

Do I think that "perfect storm" will happen for Clay? Actually, yes, I do. Why? Well, let me tell you a story. I searched high and low for a husband in my twenties. Nothing much happened. By the time I hit my thirties, I was frustrated as hell....and finally said, "I give up." Stopped looking entirely. Of course, this is when I met my now-husband. I think if some fans can let go of the "he MUST be on radio," it might actually happen. As for Clay -- if he's got this attitude of not caring as much, IMO he'll either get radio play (thanks to some great songs) or he'll be in a better place mentally to deal with it.

One more thing: I reread that whole story again, and the thing that jumped out at me was that Clay asked the fans to try and guess the reason why. I think that is very interesting. It seems to me that he was trying to get "us" (royal) to look at our behaviors a bit...to see that maybe our enthusiasm, while he appreciates it, may be that infamous double-edged sword.

Of course, when he blogs about "not reading things into every word he writes," people still did it. He can't win for losing.


In other things...claytonic, I've thought about getting the electronic book version of LTS, but never did it. If I remember right, though -- the paperback version has the same pictures as the hardback version. I'll keep an eye out for a hardcover version for you!

YAY for aikim daughter!

cha cha, your site is gorgeous!

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Adding another reply to...well, vent a bit.

Does it seem weird to others besides me that we now know that this Amazon list is now "phony?" I mean, I thought it was kinda cool, and I guess I liked the illusion of it all. So I had no reason to follow up with Amazon to check the veracity of the list. *shrug*

I also am reading elsewhere that people now know the person (and company) that came up with the press release....name, address, telephone number, etc. Again, I'm finding it a bit...unnerving. I understand that people were questioning who wrote this, originally because it wasn't signed. But I went back through my files, and the ATDW press release wasn't signed either. And maybe my memory is faulty (it very well could be), but I don't remember others looking around for who wrote THAT release.

As a matter of fact, I'm seeing lots of interesting parallels between the release publicity for ATDW and OMWH. The press release timing is almost the same; also, the release of the first single. The first public place to see the release in both instances? USA Today. I honestly think the TV promos will be similar as well.

Of course, I suppose this all means that RCA isn't supporting OMWH either. [/snerk]

ME! I find it frightening. No wonder we have a bad rep. That said, however, way back in 2003-2004, it didn't bother me. In fact I thought it was cool. Now I am almost ashamed to admit I am part of this fandom. If I don't call myself a Claymate but rather a Clay fan, will people know the difference? :clay:

This is me. No, I doubt the public would know the difference between a normal Clay Fan and a Claymate. The OTT reputation is meant for all of his fans. Irregardless if it is just a small majority creating the problems for Clay. Always under the guise of helping him, to be sure.

There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

Preach it sistah! I agree with Clay's assessment too.........Plus!!! He seems, to me, to chose the wrong songs from his CDs to resonate with mainstream. That may not have anything to do with why radio doesn't play him, though. More to do with whether or not it gains him new fans. JMO though. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

Thanks for your perspective, lmf. Very interesting....

And it confirms what I always thought.

To me, blaming the lack of payola is the simplistic reason for lack of radio play. But it does offer some the opportunity to blame Clive for something else! ;)

Everything's always Clive's, RCA's, and his PR person's fault isn't it? Hee Hee!! Always a conspiracy theory somewhere to latch onto. Always well meaning fans thinking they are helping, and can't recognize that they ARE NOT.......Always those who know how to run his PR better. Always those with super secret info and contacts. And let us not forget all those that are just constant braggers and famewhores looking for Clay's attention and favor, or a job.

If I could give Clay a suggestion? Perhaps he should put what he said in the meet and greet, and the hints he gives his fans into a blog and post if on his OFC!. Tell ALL his fans outright that they need to stop "Helping" him. To just stop "embarrassing" him, and themselves. Stop the mass "emailing" and "calling" people who say or print something, remotely sounding like a diss or a "gay" comment about him.To stop "protecting" him.To leave other people alone. To stop "meddling" in his business affairs. Stop "digging, digging, digging" for every scrap of info, before he is ready for us to have it. Stop "spying" on each other. Stop "engaging the swamp" and "The Haters" therefore becoming no better than they are. Stop purposely trying to "rid the fandom" of people you don't think are good enough fans. Stop trying to dictate conversation and behavior on his OFC. Mind your own business. Just stop it, stop it, stop it. AND for Christ's sake stop "Calling marketing and distribution people!!!" WTF? Where do people get off doing that, out of line shit? Don't some people ever learn a lesson? Apparently not.

So what if his saying this honestly, out front, on his OFC, he loses a few fans? Those are precisely the fans he needs to lose IMHO. I have been praying for the last 2 years that he could turn his fan base over, but alas. The OTT ones, who should be going, stay and the good ones leave. Fortunately he still does have some good fans left online, but for how long?

His OTT fans have always been a detriment to his career and an ugly albatross around his neck.

They are responsible for a lot of damage to Clay and his online fandom. They have become so embarrassing. FCA is the most sane board around, that I have frequented. However, some of his fans from elswhere have made me want to throw in the towel because of their behavior. I don't want to be associated with it anymore...........

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Post-hoing to respond to Clayzor...

Don't some people ever learn a lesson? Apparently not.

I think you just answered your own question regarding why Clay doesn't just post a blog as you suggested. I feel that some don't WANT to learn this lesson. Too much power involved. I think he could hit some of them with a sledgehammer and they still wouldn't want to get it.

Having said that....as much as I find it personally distatsteful....they are, in essence, FANS of Clay. Their behaviors may suggest "good or bad," but I'm going to to not judge them for that. I'm just going to decide whether I want to hang with those people that I find do things that make me cringe...or not. It's why I don't go to many boards any more, and I stick with my little world at FCA, because I found my blood pressure boiling over certain behaviors of certain members, and I knew I couldn't change them....but I could change my reaction to them, by basically disassociating myself.

The words "good fan" and "bad fan" make me cringe too. I'm not going there. I know it's hard not to be judgmental, and I'm certainly not perfect, but I've got to TRY.

And yes, I realize that my "vent" last night was maybe not the best thing to post on a message board. Sometimes, though....I can't help it.

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I think you just answered your own question regarding why Clay doesn't just post a blog as you suggested. I feel that some don't WANT to learn this lesson. Too much power involved. I think he could hit some of them with a sledgehammer and they still wouldn't want to get it.

:cryingwlaughter: You're probably right about that........Even when they are publically called out by someone, they can't get a clue. That's why more and more people get disillusioned with the fandom and want to leave. IMHO

I don't frequent other boards much either. I haven't even rejoined the OFC and probably wont need to. Clay's fans dig out every morsel of news before the OFC or Clay even gets to post it. :cryingwlaughter: I know for sure my blood pressure would boil over there with all the attempts at fan policing going on.

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This is me. No, I doubt the public would know the difference between a normal Clay Fan and a Claymate

Hey I'm a claymate heh.

It's hard for me to condemn people for just wanting Clay to have everything. This all happened 4 years ago and not really since then. Maybe the collective "we" have learned a lot. I know there was a "I'm not going to bother attitude" during ATDW (which is fine if that is how you felt..just pissed me off that some tried to stomp over other's enthusiam)... but I didn't hear any OTT stories during that time. I think people tried to do things the right way and only put in requests to their area. And that is perfectly ok. The bottom line is people should know by know to understand format, look for local stations, check it out and see if's truly a possibility for Clay, and then do your thing in a logical, respectful way. That can happen this time and I hope it does.

The part I responded to was running to his defense everywhere online. Sometimes that comes with an ugly attitude and we leave our imprint. What is especially bothersome is when no named blogs are spammed, when writers are attacked for minor things which could cause Clay problems later, or when we get into screaming matches with haters by falling for the bait. I thought Clay Nation did a pretty great job handing that while posting their questions. It went a long time with no responses.... a few people couldn't resist addressing them but all in all...good job. So that is definite progress. Took 5 years but hey I'll take it. People just need to understand that Clay and US ..we will always be under attack and baited. I saw the google alert from JP telling his minions to go ask questions of Clay. Just recognize that we don't have to rise to that bait. Clay asked us to ignore this a lot time ago on his blog. Listen! This time I am proud to say we did.

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I have just a minute, but want to say that I'm so anxious for May 6! I weakened and found the As Long As We're Here song on Rhapsody that was released last year by a singer I had never heard of -- and I listened to the whole thing twice. The possibilities of what Clay's voice could do with this song are just WOW!

Whoa, I go away for awhile and my old buddies Clayzorback and LMF are posting again! Maybe I should stay away longer. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: Mom may get out of the hospital today, more likely Monday, but at least it's close.

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Reading the recent posts in this thread, I am reminded of a YouTube video I watched of Clay in concert... and he was about to walk in amongst the audience but before he did so, he said something along the lines of "you know, when I see my family, they don't rush to hug me. And all of you are like family, so ..... " . Clearly, he wanted to be able to walk into the audience singing without anyone jumping up and wanting to hug him. When you think about it, his fans ARE like family...after all, he didn't choose the people in his family and he didn't choose the people in his fandom. (Oh and if I remember correctly, his request for his audience "family" to NOT hug him worked like a charm - only one woman stood up and wanted a hug and he handled it beautifully. Clay is becoming an expert at handling his fans.) I guess what I am trying to say is that like family, just because we love him, it doesn't mean we are a perfect family member, or a perfect fan. We're all human.

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IMO, it seems that some in the fandom need a cut-and-dried "someone/something" to blame whenever something doesn't quite work to their standards for Clay. Unfortunately, the world isn't black and white.
This is true. There are many factors that come into play.

I also agree that people should stop posting long back and forth dialogues with the haters. What I have noticed that works best, depending on the site and the moderators, is to ignore, to post positive posts again without responding, or to note that the posters have an agenda. Think about the politicians. They often appear to be answering a question but change the subject. The haters, if they are fans of someone else don't like that fact to be commented upon. It can be a short comment, after checking their other posts, that notes the person is a huge fan of someone else and again not responding to any accusations. It is surprising how something like, "Well xx, I see that you are a YYY fan. Enough said." says everything about the agenda of the poster without getting into a fight to defend Clay. This puts the attention on the poster instead of on the nasty things they are saying about Clay. And if they post questions again, don't give them a response because that is what they want. After all, these are strangers. What do we owe them. They want nothing more than to start a fight and to keep the nasty stuff in the forefront.

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I hope that fans will let the new song grow "organically" on the radio if the single is released to radio stations.

Yes, but you see....HOW do things grow "organically" if noone is allowed to even WHISPER that they like this piece of music to a DJ?? :shrug:

Now, I think the pendulum has swung too far. As far as I can see (knowing nothing about current radio~I did work for 3 years at a radio station in my 20's. That's many years ago, in case y'all didn't understand that) there is no way we can win here. We're not allowed to call a DJ and request; payola is out...so how DO the DJ's/PD's know when something is popular and people want to hear it? Can someone answer that? This IS a serious question, by the way...

I agree with atinal that there were numerous reasons why Clay's music didn't get played on radio; likely a fan over-reaction is one item on the list, and IMHO one fairly far down on the list. It's way too easy to blame the fans.

It's hard for me to condemn people for just wanting Clay to have everything. This all happened 4 years ago and not really since then. Maybe the collective "we" have learned a lot. I know there was a "I'm not going to bother attitude" during ATDW (which if fine if that is how you felt..just pissed me off that some tried to stomp over other's enthusiam)... but I didn't hear any oTT stories during that time. I think people tried to do things the right way and only put in requests to their area. And that is perfectly ok. The bottom line is people should know by know to understand format, look for local stations, check it out and see if's truly a possibility for Clay, and then do your thing in a logical, respectful way. That can happen this time and I hope it does.

Me too! :clap:

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Why respond to the "haters" at all? That is the question. Especially when Clay has said to ignore.

And for the record, people who are gay, or think Clay might be, are not necessarily Clay haters. So why try to run them out of the fandom, on his OFC? The more you antagonize them the more you photoshop their heads on everything and make fun of them the worse the situation becomes. I know some mighty ugly people who have the nerve to sit and laugh at someone elses looks. I sure don't know where they get off.

Hey keepingfaith. Good news about momma. I've missed reading you on here. You better get your parents well before Spamalot time............... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I think we should let the regular listeners, of stations playing Clay, call in and request and give the feed back. This way it is unsolicited, honest, and objective. DJs and programmers know their regular listeners and know when they are being spammed by fans. IMO

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I don't think Clay was exactly saying "don't call" so much as "call, but keep your reactions in check." I've heard WAY too many stories of fans who did call their local radio stations, right format for Clay, etc. -- and then either two things would happen. Either the DJ turned out to be a first class ass with some rude comments (which, IMO, the best thing to do is say "sorry you feel that way. Goodbye."), or, the person doing the calling gushes and gushes and gushes, and it turns into first class overkill. I know that Clay is the best thing to happen for many of us, and we (royal) want to share that excitement. But, just as I hated "Titanic" because almost everyone told me I would simply LOVE that movie, the same thing can happen with Clay if the reactions go OTT.

And also what Clayzor said.

kf -- MUAH! Glad to hear Mom is doing better.

I'm at work now, trying to do some things before I head out with hubby to the local car show. I will be proudly wearing my new "Brave Sir Robin" shirt. *g*

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Good Morning Everyone,

29 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

31 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here!

Good news! She said yes!

Everyone have a great day!


Kim... YAY!!! Here comes the bride and bride's momma!!!

I have just a minute, but want to say that I'm so anxious for May 6! I weakened and found the As Long As We're Here song on Rhapsody that was released last year by a singer I had never heard of -- and I listened to the whole thing twice. The possibilities of what Clay's voice could do with this song are just WOW!

Whoa, I go away for awhile and my old buddies Clayzorback and LMF are posting again! Maybe I should stay away longer. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: Mom may get out of the hospital today, more likely Monday, but at least it's close.

keeping... missed you! Crossing fingers for healthy parents and daughters for an appreciable time to come!

IMO, it seems that some in the fandom need a cut-and-dried "someone/something" to blame whenever something doesn't quite work to their standards for Clay. Unfortunately, the world isn't black and white.
This is true. There are many factors that come into play.

I also agree that people should stop posting long back and forth dialogues with the haters. What I have noticed that works best, depending on the site and the moderators, is to ignore, to post positive posts again without responding, or to note that the posters have an agenda. Think about the politicians. They often appear to be answering a question but change the subject. The haters, if they are fans of someone else don't like that fact to be commented upon. It can be a short comment, after checking their other posts, that notes the person is a huge fan of someone else and again not responding to any accusations. It is surprising how something like, "Well xx, I see that you are a YYY fan. Enough said." says everything about the agenda of the poster without getting into a fight to defend Clay. This puts the attention on the poster instead of on the nasty things they are saying about Clay. And if they post questions again, don't give them a response because that is what they want. After all, these are strangers. What do we owe them. They want nothing more than to start a fight and to keep the nasty stuff in the forefront.

Ivy... great ideas!

I hope that fans will let the new song grow "organically" on the radio if the single is released to radio stations.

Yes, but you see....HOW do things grow "organically" if noone is allowed to even WHISPER that they like this piece of music to a DJ?? :shrug:

Now, I think the pendulum has swung too far. As far as I can see (knowing nothing about current radio~I did work for 3 years at a radio station in my 20's. That's many years ago, in case y'all didn't understand that) there is no way we can win here. We're not allowed to call a DJ and request; payola is out...so how DO the DJ's/PD's know when something is popular and people want to hear it? Can someone answer that? This IS a serious question, by the way...

I agree with atinal that there were numerous reasons why Clay's music didn't get played on radio; likely a fan over-reaction is one item on the list, and IMHO one fairly far down on the list. It's way too easy to blame the fans.

It's hard for me to condemn people for just wanting Clay to have everything. This all happened 4 years ago and not really since then. Maybe the collective "we" have learned a lot. I know there was a "I'm not going to bother attitude" during ATDW (which if fine if that is how you felt..just pissed me off that some tried to stomp over other's enthusiam)... but I didn't hear any oTT stories during that time. I think people tried to do things the right way and only put in requests to their area. And that is perfectly ok. The bottom line is people should know by know to understand format, look for local stations, check it out and see if's truly a possibility for Clay, and then do your thing in a logical, respectful way. That can happen this time and I hope it does.

Me too! :clap:

FromClaygary... let's become one of the regular listeners and call and comment on other stuff we hear, then we can call for Clay as a regular listener. Also, if we don't spam, then NJU can call and have more impact. If the music doesn't grab the NJU, then it won't be successful. JMHO

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