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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Kandre says to tell everyone to get a decent set of speakers!

Being sober helps too!

You can get a decent pair of Sony headphones for 50 bucks at Best Buy.

Does anyone have a Spork?

Solo says a good whack upside the head would probably solve all hearing issues!

Perusing One says she didn't know CD release parties were this much fun......and they sound good too!

I'm having so much fun, I wish I'd stayed home for all the release parties. The Woodlands, TX CD Release Party rocks!!! -- thanks, merrieeee!!! (love your speakers, btw)

*waves to luckiest1!! missing ya*

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Apparently my computer is too old to install the needed updates in order to DL OMWH on iTunes. :P

I will listen in my own way tonight, and tomorrow, I will be at K-Mart when the doors open.

It really is a beautiful album, isn't it? :clap:

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*waves at Scarlett* We missed you, too.

I think my favourite will change constantly. Every one I listen to is my favourite so far! Hee!

Freaking love Falling, love the cool effects, love the low voice, love the guitar at the end.

Listening to Where I Draw The Line now, love these lyrics. Love the harmonies, love the change of key, love the glory note!

laughn, you do what you gotta do. This is too good not to listen to!!!!!!

Oh God, The Real Me just started. This one kills me. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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University of Delaware Review

Clay Aiken -- On My Way Here Reviewed

Clay Aiken - On My Way Here reviewed

By: Brian Anderson

Posted: 5/6/08

On My Way Here

Clay Aiken

RCA Records

Rating: 4 stars (out of 5)

In his fourth studio release, titled On My Way Here, Clay Aiken continues to impress listeners with a soothing voice, sweet lyrics and overall solid songs. Albums like this make it clear why the former runner-up of American Idol is still putting out records - he's talented.

Aiken's first single off the album, title track "On My Way Here," is somewhat autobiographical about growing up and learning from the past. Written by OneRepublic frontman Ryan Tedder, the song is a great way to promote and start an album.

"Where I Draw The Line" is clearly the best track off the album although each one is worth more than one listen. "The Real Me," written by Natalie Grant but sung by Aiken, also adds to the album as a whole.

On My Way Here is filled with easy-listening songs. Whether you're a Claymate or not, his newest effort is definitely worth a listen.

Cool. A college guy liking the album. Hee.

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This must be the real Washington Post Review:

Reviewer: Allison Stewart

Aiken Finds His 'Way'; Diamond Is Right at 'Home'

Of all the "American Idol" contestants, Clay Aiken has always been the most suspiciously pliable. His post-"Idol" debut was a respectable prefab adult contemporary collection, but he stumbled hard with its official follow-up, "A Thousand Different Ways," a collection of the-record-company-made-me-do-it covers of Bryan Adams and Mr. Mister songs (among others) so flawlessly bad, so devoid of personality, it's hard to imagine that Kelly Clarkson would have consented to record such a thing on her first day off the bus.

Like Neil Diamond (whose latest album, "Home Before Dark," also arrives today), Aiken intends his new disc, "On My Way Here," to be a career-defining work of autobiography. Aiken's whiz-bang team of producers and songwriters has crafted a declaration of independence that sounds a lot like the one created by the producers and songwriters of his first disc. But it's better, and livelier, than anything else he's done, a baseline adult contemporary album that occasionally expands to include synthy R&B ("Weight of the World"), lite rock ("Ashes") and hooky pop (the title track, written by OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder).

Aiken has always seemed more interesting than his material and his public would allow for: beatific in voice, prickly in personality. At its best, "On My Way Here" is a recessive blend of sweetness, piety, confusion and barely concealed resentment that occasionally, if unintentionally, bares its teeth. The subtext of every song seems to be, How did I wind up here? Or, alternately, What do you want from me?

Aiken may sing through gritted teeth, but Diamond, who found himself similarly adrift in schlock during his post-"Jazz Singer" years, always seemed to enjoy himself immensely. At least until he met producer Rick Rubin, who rescued Diamond from his rhinestone leisure-suited purgatory more than a decade after working similar magic on Johnny Cash.

Their latest collaboration, "Home Before Dark," is a follow-up to 2005's stark and nifty career resuscitator, "12 Songs." Like its predecessor, it's steeped in the sort of somberness Rubin confuses with authenticity, though Diamond now occasionally seems more exuberant and less straitjacketed. He sounds more like Neil Diamond -- and less like Neil Diamond trying to sound like Johnny Cash trying to sound like Neil Diamond. Though Rubin is accompanied by a band that includes two Heartbreakers, Dixie Chick Natalie Maines -- on the perfunctory but pretty duet "Another Day (That Time Forgot)" -- and a string section, "Dark" still feels as stripped-down and immediate as "12 Songs," even when a bigger sound might serve it better.

"Dark" features a similar mix of love songs, homespun homilies and tales of woe, in roughly similar proportions: "Don't Go There" is one of a host of advice-dispensing ballads; "Pretty Amazing Grace" is one of several "I found love again! And I'm pretty old"-type ballads; the record opening "If I Don't See You Again" couldn't offer more tomblike gravitas if it had been sung by Tommy Lee Jones.

On its best track, "Act Like a Man," Diamond addresses the difficulties facing male musicians who follow the charts instead of their hearts ("Song maker/You heartbreaker/You faker/You better stop it while you can"). Clay Aiken could probably sing the heck out of it, if given half the chance.

DOWNLOAD THESE: Aiken: "On My Way Here," "Ashes"; Diamond: "If I Don't See You Again," "Act Like a Man"

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Aiken Finds His "Way"; Diamond is Right at "Home"

Aiken Finds His 'Way'; Diamond Is Right at 'Home'

By Allison Stewart

Special to The Washington Post

Tuesday, May 6, 2008; C05

Of all the "American Idol" contestants, Clay Aiken has always been the most suspiciously pliable. His post-"Idol" debut was a respectable prefab adult contemporary collection, but he stumbled hard with its official follow-up, "A Thousand Different Ways," a collection of the-record-company-made-me-do-it covers of Bryan Adams and Mr. Mister songs (among others) so flawlessly bad, so devoid of personality, it's hard to imagine that Kelly Clarkson would have consented to record such a thing on her first day off the bus.

Like Neil Diamond (whose latest album, "Home Before Dark," also arrives today), Aiken intends his new disc, "On My Way Here," to be a career-defining work of autobiography. Aiken's whiz-bang team of producers and songwriters has crafted a declaration of independence that sounds a lot like the one created by the producers and songwriters of his first disc. But it's better, and livelier, than anything else he's done, a baseline adult contemporary album that occasionally expands to include synthy R&B ("Weight of the World"), lite rock ("Ashes") and hooky pop (the title track, written by OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder).

Aiken has always seemed more interesting than his material and his public would allow for: beatific in voice, prickly in personality. At its best, "On My Way Here" is a recessive blend of sweetness, piety, confusion and barely concealed resentment that occasionally, if unintentionally, bares its teeth. The subtext of every song seems to be, How did I wind up here? Or, alternately, What do you want from me?

Aiken may sing through gritted teeth, but Diamond, who found himself similarly adrift in schlock during his post-"Jazz Singer" years, always seemed to enjoy himself immensely. At least until he met producer Rick Rubin, who rescued Diamond from his rhinestone leisure-suited purgatory more than a decade after working similar magic on Johnny Cash.

Their latest collaboration, "Home Before Dark," is a follow-up to 2005's stark and nifty career resuscitator, "12 Songs." Like its predecessor, it's steeped in the sort of somberness Rubin confuses with authenticity, though Diamond now occasionally seems more exuberant and less straitjacketed. He sounds more like Neil Diamond -- and less like Neil Diamond trying to sound like Johnny Cash trying to sound like Neil Diamond. Though Rubin is accompanied by a band that includes two Heartbreakers, Dixie Chick Natalie Maines -- on the perfunctory but pretty duet "Another Day (That Time Forgot)" -- and a string section, "Dark" still feels as stripped-down and immediate as "12 Songs," even when a bigger sound might serve it better.

"Dark" features a similar mix of love songs, homespun homilies and tales of woe, in roughly similar proportions: "Don't Go There" is one of a host of advice-dispensing ballads; "Pretty Amazing Grace" is one of several "I found love again! And I'm pretty old"-type ballads; the record opening "If I Don't See You Again" couldn't offer more tomblike gravitas if it had been sung by Tommy Lee Jones.

On its best track, "Act Like a Man," Diamond addresses the difficulties facing male musicians who follow the charts instead of their hearts ("Song maker/You heartbreaker/You faker/You better stop it while you can"). Clay Aiken could probably sing the heck out of it, if given half the chance.

DOWNLOAD THESE: Aiken: "On My Way Here," "Ashes"; Diamond: "If I Don't See You Again," "Act Like a Man"

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I love the whole thing, every song. So many different flavors: gospel, blues, pop, jazz, r&b, country, deep voice, choir boy voice, growls, hooks, more hooks, electronica, complexity, simplicity.... Lots more listening to do.


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Kandre says to tell everyone to get a decent set of speakers!

Being sober helps too!

You can get a decent pair of Sony headphones for 50 bucks at Best Buy.

Does anyone have a Spork?

Solo says a good whack upside the head would probably solve all hearing issues!

Perusing One says she didn't know CD release parties were this much fun......and they sound good too!

Damn thing is finally downloading!! Tonight I HATE ITUNES..making me upgrade. Grrrrr.

I'm having so much fun, I wish I'd stayed home for all the release parties. The Woodlands, TX CD Release Party rocks!!! -- thanks, merrieeee!!! (love your speakers, btw)

oh so the eHP are having a CD release party? Did you get your swag from RCA? LOL.

Just finihsed downloading ..YAY.

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OK did all the eHP bring their laptop tonight...hee

you guys are cracking me up!!!

OMG I am really loving this CD

I agree with CG...LAA is still my favorite...but I love so much of this CD...

I love listening with the lyrics...

I think its easier for me to choose my least fave...and I think thats OMWH I still like it...but I like the others better.

Falling actually reminds me of invisible in some parts...probably my least favorite of the fast songs....but I also love a lot of it...yeah the guitars are prety cool

Sacrificial love is making me cry...

the love themes songs can be a story...he meets a new person he is very attracted to but is wary... WIDTL, they fall in love and he is all schmoopie....SAU, but then he feels something is changing.... SL, Then they break up ....EIDN, then he realized that he hasn;t found THE ONE...LAA, then he learns that at least he loved and he is a better person for that...Ashes.

Now I wonder how personal these songs are...

This album is soooo Clay!!!

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Point to Couchie!!!!

We were lacking the unannounced two week lead time!

Certain levels of marketing ain't what it's cracked up to be!

Apparently leaving out party games is some of sin...so we are entertaining ourselves (and you people!)

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I'm through Sacrificial Love so far, and I am blown away. Haven't heard a note or word that hasn't thrilled me yet.

You know what? Reviews, shmeviews. If we keep enough good buzz going around this CD (unlike the trashing ATDW took at the hands of fans) then what the critics say won't matter. THEY only say it once, and then the papers line a bird cage somewhere. WE can keep saying how great it is over and over and over. Because honestly, if a person who loves good music and a great voice listens to this CD - there's no way it won't catch on. I'm not talking about 'clayverting' (lord that word bugs me) anybody, or badgering people to listen to something they don't want. I'm talking more about the mood of the fandom, the 'buzz' in the world. More about the abstract. I don't know if that makes sense (it's really late!) but I hope I'm being understood.

All I know for sure is, this is one beautiful body of work.

BRAVO CLAY!!!!!!!!!!!

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great cd - I love EIDN, and Ashes, and WIDTL and Falling, and Weight of the World....... and DAMN!

too tired to listen more tonight!!

I went by the Shubert today on the way out and took pictures of the new posters......



and watched them change the marquis.... :cry4:


The guy who is replacing Clay as Sir Robin is Robert Petkoff:


I also have some videos to share -- but I think they may have to wait until tomorrow!!

waves to everyone from O'Lunney's last night!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :nightienight:

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Hee, trying to update my iPod, and the new CD must be too hot to handle, because it's saying my iPod is corrupt. BWAH! This better fix itself by morning cuz I can't be going to work without it. May have to hit a brick & mortar!

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thank you all...I'm so loving the reports. I finally have it downloaded and in my ipod but I feel so tired...like I'm going to pass out any second..and I don't want to fall asleep on my boyfriend so will get up one hour early in the morning and listen to it all the way through...and then all day at work. Enjoy everyone.

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whew! Finally! I got home quite a while ago but have been catching up--first wit the family and then with FCA! And I had to take a few detours, of course--to watch the YouTube of Clay on the roof...never mind that I was THERE! waiting by the barricades for his autograph and so couldn't see him at all because I was TOO CLOSE to the building! <_< ..and then I had to check out the AOL CD listening thingy (Although I didn't listen to all the songs...saving myself for my solitude tomorrow when I'm home and can listen to my HARD copy of OMWH all by myself--gotta go to Target in the morning to buy a CD copy and some speaker wire. One of the speakers in our home theater audio system doesn't work because the speaker got too close to the fireplace. I REFUSE to listen to the cd with only four out of the five speakers working!)...

Y'all are CMSU! with all the ooohs and ahhhhs...I'm so in love with Clay Aiken right now, it's like deja vu all over again. Dayum! And that picture that Perma's daughter or son took of Clay on the roof? Holy HotBod, Batman! low slung jeans, long torso...big furry forearms...mussed hair.


Anyhoo, a big shoutout to all the FCAers I met in person for the first time!---luckiest, FearofH20, annabear, cindilu2, chacha, duckyvee, cagney ~ and hugs all around for the old and new!

As for this closing weekend of shows? While I was in the plane in Philly waiting to take off, I called my hubby. Got his voice mail. I left a message that went something like this: "Hey, babe. I just wanted to tell you I'm getting ready to head home and I had to say 'thank you'. This weekend really turned into something super special--I've had so much fun and the shows were even better than I expected. Lots of great friends...the weather cooperated...Clay was freakin' amazing. It was all sooooo wonderful. Thanks for being so supportive and "letting" me get to experience it all. Home soon...I miss you guys!" (heh...just a note to make sure you all understand that the 'letting' me go is a joke between hubby and me---neither one of us 'lets' the other do anything, you know? Just ain't our way.)

Honestly, I'm soooo happy that I made it to this weekend. Special hugs and thanks to CG... :whistling-1: Another special hug to 'lurker friend extraordinaire!"...

I feel happy!

Now...off to bed...with dreams of waking in the morning to

1. get daughter to school

2. get speaker wire and cd

3. get grande nonfat latte

4. install new speaker wire

5. heat up latte

6. take phone off hook; turn off cell phone

7. get comfy

8. listen

9. clean up


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I love this cd. It has depth and variety and message and... oh, the singer has a great voice!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I went to the LA CD Release party. About 60 people and we raised $700 for BAF. There was a door prize for everyone and great prizes for the raffle. Fred Bronson was there. Talked a lot about the current AI. It was his idea to have the kids sing Billboard #1's and his idea to have the kids tour Billboard and learn about the charting. In AI2, in case you didn't figure that out already.

Went down to Virgin Megastore about 11:30 pm. They were already playing his cd. Walked in on Ashes and it sounded just like it belonged on the speakers at Virgin Megastore. I listened to the cd while driving home. My current favorite, after listening thru once, is As Long As We're Here. I love Falling and Everything I Don't Need!

I don't know what serendipity needs to occur to have Clay's music be accepted except for him to just keep plugging away and for us to keep supporting him as best we can. He is just so dang talented. He and Kipper and Jaymes put together an awesome cd.

I cannot wait for the tour for this... but Clay needs a vacation, so I guess I'll just have to. And, do a lot of praying, in the meantime, for any of his songs to be on a tv show or movie or... something to wake the world up!

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YAY, after rebooting and using a different USB slot, my iPod updated and synched no problem (but it needed to install an iPod software bug fix too). I can take the preciousssssssssssss to work with me!!!!!!!!

Thanks for checking in from the LA party, liney. Hope we hear from more cities as well. I am hoping to attend the Toronto party, but it's not until this weekend.

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Finally, I am listening to OMWH! :woohoo:

Of course it took an hour of Itunes hell to get it downloaded; had to upgrade my Itunes and then; since I have never used Itunes before, figure out how to download the CD. Then a mad dash around the house looking for a blank CD to burn it on.

Honestly, it would have been quicker to go to the store and buy a CD!

But I am loving this CD...I am just sitting here with a huge grin on my face...good job Clay!


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oh so the eHP are having a CD release party? Did you get your swag from RCA? LOL.


Here's hoping annabear or ldyjocelyn has extra K-mart cds today. PM me. I have PayPal. I plan to listen to the whole CD before I go to work this morning. My favorites will change from day to day. They always do. I love Clay for trying to be edgy and putting some angst into EIDN. He tries so hard to please all of his fans. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :thankyou:Clay!!!

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