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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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playbiller - I've been missing my sisters today. You gave me a good laugh. I bought Clay's CD for them but now that I'm ready to mail them their copies, I can't find the CDs. Sigh. I guess I'll have to go out and buy more. Where the heck would I have put them!
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YSRN I agree with the most part of what you said, but you know what every fan board has its problems and is not perfect. I don't belong to the CH, but I read there and I have seen them rake some fans over the coals pretty good. Before people start pointing fingers at FCA, they ought to look at their own houses.

And vice versa. That's all I'm sayin'.

The reason I am here is because of the conversation; intelligent, logical...I'm sorry but I read at other boards and it is like they went back to the archives of 2006, dusted off their old posts, slapped 2008 on them and called it a day. I said it before and I will say it again, lazy thinking.

THEY is very broad, ya know. I'm "out there" posting away, and I have not gone back into the archives of 2006 to bring out my old thoughts. And again, I say, "and vice versa". It's one big repeat if you ask me. On all "sides".

However, that's VERY broad and unfair to the 99% of fans who are just meandering along posting their true and current thoughts. That's why I dislike the "some fans" and "they" conversations. It just builds walls and creates sides. And nobody really knows if they're part of the "some fans". It's pretty difficult to be a part of any community that makes such gross generalizations.

If I learned anything from 2006, it's that not one single person is going to change any other single person's way of thinking, no matter how much they fuss about it. Well, that and liars never change their spots. But that's a whole 'nother topic.

No, play, I didn't miss the rest of your post.

I think all the angst about Clay being dropped is totally ridiculous and premature. And the idea that it would be a good thing if he was? Blows my mind. Again.

I think the IDEAs about Clay being dropped is totally ridiculous and premature. And the idea that it would be a good thing if he was? Esp. given the option of signing on with any other major that also has half a foot in the ground? Dumb. So, see, we agree on that. I just don't call it angst. And I don't think I participated in any pile on. I thought it was a conversation. I also agree that people were driven away by "angst". IMO, angst goes both ways... both in the bitching and (cues jmh) in the bitching about the bitching. Truly and honestly. I think if people were left to bitch on their own, THEY are the only ones bitching. To drag it out by continuing it on and on, just perpetuates the bitching. Which is why I can't understand if people don't like the bitching, why do they want to drag it out. I'm being sincere here. Let people bitch to dead air. Ya know? You (universal you) can't "fix" it.

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Well, I'll just WORD a bunch of folks today and add... others are entitled to handle their fandom as they wish... I'm a fan to have fun... enough real crap exists in my life and the world around me that if this isn't fun for me, I'm outta here - this is my "Calgon take me away" kind of thing... so I have a choice, as does everyone else... I choose looking at the bright side, being happy, rejoicing the good/fun/happy and not worrying about nor spending time talking about the negative if I can at all avoid it... if people think that makes me stupid or unrealistic, then tough titty, won't be the first time nor the last that people to have thought that about me I'm sure. I realize it's up to me how I handle my fandom and I choose happy.

Thanks for the great pics today! It's been so long since I've posted any, I don't know how to do the reduced size ones so won't take a change that I whack out the margins, but thanks to all those who brought the pretty today (and every day!)!

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I think if people were left to bitch on their own, THEY are the only ones bitching. To drag it out by continuing it on and on, just perpetuates the bitching. Which is why I can't understand if people don't like the bitching, why do they want to drag it out. I'm being sincere here. Let people bitch to dead air. Ya know? You (universal you) can't "fix" it.

I know you are right about this. I just momentarily had a brain fart today. Next time I step outside these walls, someone smack me. ;)

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This is my home. If I come here to vent, so be it. I belong to just about every major board out there. Today I attempted to post some thoughts on one in what I thought was a pretty respectful manor. And I was piled on and told, in so many words, to go find somewhere else to post, somewhere where the atmosphere was more to my liking. So I did. Maybe I brought some anger and resentment over with me. I was not a happy camper. Sorry if it offended anyone. But I stand by the point I made elsewhere - all the bitching and moaning on the message boards, when there is so much to be celebrating instead, is a real turn off to many people, particularly new fans who may have bought OMWH and are either googling Clay or have typed in a url they found on the CD case. I never said that the boards were created to help Clay (although the word "fan" seems synomymous with wanting to help and support the object of one's fandom, to me). I said that we needed to find a way to stop driving people away from the online fandom, because that was hurting Clay. I know some people disagree that that is the case but I have spoken with many, many fans who have told me they were driven away because of the angst, so it's not just my assumption, it's fact.

In any case, I'm done with it. My own fault for giving one last kick at the can, thinking that maybe, after all the crap that we went through together with ATDW and everything that came after it, some fans might realize that we need to do things differently this time. But back to my happy place. I think all the angst about Clay being dropped is totally ridiculous and premature. And the idea that it would be a good thing if he was? Blows my mind. Again.

I agree, because I am one of them. I have been a member of many boards over the years, and have sadly turned my back on many of them during that time because of what I have considered to be atmospheres of disrespect and disdain- toward Clay, his associates, his friends and family, etc. When the prevailing attitude ANYWHERE seems to go from one of celebrating Clay's accomplishments and achievements to personal attacks, second-guessing, attitudes of superiority about his life, his career, his choices- yeah, it is a MAJOR turn-off to me. Sadly, on certain boards I can sometimes read a post and know exactly who wrote it without even looking at the screen-name- and it is normally the unrelentingly negative, argumentative posters that I'm referring to.

It is frustrating to me, because I WANT my fandom to be fun- what other reason is there to be here day after day? But constant criticism and negativity is a real downer- and when attempts to offset the negativity are met with green ink and flying fish- well, censorship is censorship, no matter how you try to rationalize it. At least here we can speak our minds- and although it may get somewhat pointed at times, I am pleased that at least I can express my feelings of frustration without someone deciding that I don't have the right to be heard. (I haven't crossed that line here yet- so far, so good! :sickyet: )

In some ways I am jealous of my cousin who goes to all of the Clay functions with me. She adores Clay, as I do, but she bailed out of the message boards alltogether several years ago- and she is much happier for it! So, she gets all of the good news from me, and on the occasions when I am so pissed at the over-all tone of the boards, I'll vent to her and she'll remind me of how glad she is that she doesn't read them anymore- and then I'll wonder what the hell I'm still doing here? So, I try to gravitate toward the more fun, upbeat, less angsty, less "superior' message boards- which is why I settled here a while back. So far, I've been happy that I made that decision.

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I will admit that there are those in the fandom that push my buttons and in the past I was more than happy to get into with them; now after 5 years, I have learned to just roll my eyes and scroll past their posts. I know that coming here and bitching about what goes on at other boards could be considered talking behind their backs; but sometimes you need to vent and when the guidelines at other boards prevent you from saying what you like; it's nice to have some place to come where you can.


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I no longer go to any other board...except for non Clay threads.. so I don't really care about whats being said on other boards.

I CARE about our members. The reason why we suspended the no talk about the boards rule here is so that the members can have a SAFE place to vent whether they are talking about this board or others. The idea is that we can say our piece let it go and move on. So when I read about what people are observing in other boards for me that is a way for our members to deal with the stress they are feeling. These posts are for this board to read and reflects people's honest opinions. I hope we can all respect that.

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Crap. Looks like I skeered away 'dummie' down there! I really wanted her to say 'Hi!'

Well, I'm a lucky bitch because right now I get to take my dog for a long walk on a beautiful evening and listen to a hellaciously delicious CD through excellent headphones while I enjoy the scenery! Life is good. :lilredani::fca:

And Clay is good. (I bet) He's sold over 100,000 cds in just two weeks. Excuse me, but can you name some other artists out there who have sold fewer than that? Hmmm?

You can, you say? Oh, do you mean all those people with numbers 24 and higher? Oh yeah. Those. (Well, that is...if the numbers have any validity at all. :ninja: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of the record industry? cue eerie music Only the Shadow knows...."

Speaking of Shadow...I'm going to take him for a walk right now.

Muski puts headphones on, gathers plastic poop bags, dons groovy shades and bops out the door to the far out sounds of Clay growling 'nnnhh well welllllll' to ONLY HER!

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Oh honestly, we're all judgmental, hell, more like disapproving of each other - because that man Clay Aiken has seriously tumbled together some amazingly disparate people - and some get rubbed smooth and some get all jagged and pointed and other float to the top for one reason or another. Ha! Writing original metaphorical crap is easy - still don't like it. Cliches seem to work better for moi.

I think I said no one gets to define someone else's fandom - no one has to defend their fandom (as far as I'm concerned, either on or off the board) - but then again calling any and everything someone does "just their version of fanhood" isn't gonna fly either. Being a fan doesn't grant a free pass excusing people from just behaving downright shittily or getting called on it. Venting is perfectly fine, hell, bitching is perfectly fine, criticism is perfectly fine, talking out of your ass is perfectly fine (not admitting you're just talking out of your ass is NOT fine though) - Wallowing in it forever and a day is not perfectly fine. Unfair as it might be, wallowing around in happiness and joy and sweet music simply works better for most people. I personally enjoy it more. Not as much as snark. Wallowing in really good snark (tagalong, chick, that was funny), as far as I'm concerned, you get float around in snark like a pig in mud.

Clay Aiken is one of the most glorious tenors I've heard recently. I still hate the blond. Was totally entertained by Usher on DwtS. There is no frickin' way on this green earth Clay could do what Usher does. And frankly that gets radio play. But you know what? It took him four albums to get where he is. And it was ten years after his debut. Ten years. That song that Clay did so well? Yeah? The album it was on? It sold 1.1 million in it's first week back in 2004. (Usher went on to do Broadway too. I think he got not good reviews). As wonderful as Clay's debut was, it really wasn't the end all and be all some make it out to be. Clay is working the hand he was played like a pro. Ask a successful performer, like some of the ones I follow? Their career arc is a lot like Clay's. I just get tired of the stupid speculation. And really, much of it is stupid. Like taking medical advice from that dude who plays "House". There is also no frickin' way on this green earth Usher could do what Clay does. And that's why Clay has a pretty good fucking career too.

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I read a little bit here most every day but haven't posted lately. I too am staying away from the angst. I was down for one day and now I think what will be will be. I'm a fan and I want success not only for Clay but for ME.

There are things we can do. Roseviolet at CH suggesting voting for Clay's video as a wildcard at VH1. Apparently, Bo's fans got him on the countdown by doing this.


Claymazing at ChP suggested making your own playlist at aol and playing Clay's songs there too. http://music.aol.com/song/on-my-way-here/10852957. I did this last night and tonight, and it was fun for me. If enough of us do this we can get a couple of songs at least high up on that chart. Haven't created my own playlist but will try that soon.

I found a new Hot AC station in my area and I'm going to try and request the song. I don't know much about them but tried it today.

For myself, I'm not going to look at numbers but enjoy the music and hope for the best but not hang my hat on an anticipated outcome. I'm going for my happiness and will do this as I have time. If I become too obsessed, it will take the fun out of it for me.

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Wow. Go off with my husband to pick up a new gas grill and all heck has broken loose.

YSRN, I understand what you are saying in many ways. And yes, I know I participate in the "some fans" talk -- do it all the time actually. But I've always thought that "some fans" was better than the even broader generalization of "the fans," or on the opposite end of the spectrum, calling out someone totally by name. As far as bitching toward dead air -- sure, that can be done. But as Ansa said here....

I no longer go to any other board...except for non Clay threads.. so I don't really care about whats being said on other boards.

I CARE about our members. The reason why we suspended the no talk about the boards rule here is so that the members can have a SAFE place to vent whether they are talking about this board or others. The idea is that we can say our piece let it go and move on. So when I read about what people are observing in other boards for me that is a way for our members to deal with the stress they are feeling. These posts are for this board to read and reflects people's honest opinions. I hope we can all respect that.

Yes, I can see that our bitching about the bitching isn't conducive to anything much in particular, and that the original bitching is just a vent as well. But everyone needs a release, and this is the place that I personally choose to do it. I also like the fact that I do this on an open board. If people don't like what's being said here, there's really nothing stopping them from joining in.

I think for me, the key word for so much of what I read anymore is "tone." I find what I see as the "tone of angst" at other boards rather tiring. Some won't see that tone at all, even if they read the exact same words. I don't want pearl clutching about Clay's career, I want to just clutch Clay. Anyway, I like a good speculation from time to time, but when the overriding tone is "he's gotta do this and this and this and this," I'm outta there. If the overriding tone here ever turns into "do you believe what's going on elsewhere?" I might be outta here. Thing is, "tone" is personal, and what I'm seeing is that FCA has it's "tone." Some won't like it, sure; but the members set the tone (with a lot of guidance from the admins heh) and if the members are happy...I'm good to go.

KAndre, I wanna marry you. Think my husband would mind?

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I get what my Twin is saying and agree for the most part. I also know I am sometimes one of the guilty. So Twin, next time I do that, slap me!

Or better yet, send Clay over to spank me! :imgtongue:

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If I weren't packing andcooking and... well stuff, I would say, let's get together, Ivy and put a good thread out on it at the OFC - now that IS a fan board to support Clay and people still pick pick there.

RVZ lady started an interesting thread, maybe we can steal from it and create a one post thread with all suggestions in it.

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If I weren't packing andcooking and... well stuff, I would say, let's get together, Ivy and put a good thread out on it at the OFC - now that IS a fan board to support Clay and people still pick pick there.

RVZ lady started an interesting thread, maybe we can steal from it and create a one post thread with all suggestions in it.

pretty good idea play...

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Oh I missed the speculation! Now, do I have this right? He was having lunch with PH because PH was about to sign him to hs new label????

Or maybe he was just having lunch.........

HEE ...he was seen having lunch at a restuarant that is in the Warner Bros Record building...PH is in negotiatons with Warners. as far as I know really no connection.

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If I weren't packing andcooking and... well stuff, I would say, let's get together, Ivy and put a good thread out on it at the OFC - now that IS a fan board to support Clay and people still pick pick there.

RVZ lady started an interesting thread, maybe we can steal from it and create a one post thread with all suggestions in it.

Great idea playbiller. I never joined the OFCB but I think positive posts and talking around those with agendas is the way to go.

Here is another post about the VH1 stuff from clanaic24 at ChP:



Write Clay's name and OMWH in the Wild Card box. Click "Add to List". Drag Clay's listing [on top left] to the #1 spot on the grid. Click on "Submit" button. Let's get Clay on the Top 20 List!! [bo Bice's fans did it!] [Thanks to CLAYAM for bringing us this poll]

I skipped DWTS for the last 3 weeks for various reasons but am watching tonight and I love how they give love to their contestants. They were all teary eyed at letting the 3rd place couple go tonight. How sweet. I guess I'm "talking" a lot tonight. I've been head's down at work and worked almost all night the other night. I should be working tonight but just can't do it. I'll get up early - maybe - and get back to it.

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Fear, the reasonable one in our family, is without internet for the week, so I can feel safe to post this one



Hey YSRN... I'm glad you spoke up cuz you are us too. I know this is your peeve and I always listen with open mind cuz I love ya.

I won't say I NEVER go to any other boards to read but it's really REALLY rare. Especially compared to the way I was 3 years ago. I probably spend an hour a month reading all other boards. It used to be 3 hours a day. And the reason is simple. They aren't conducive to my good health. I understand that so I stay away. I miss some things but not enought to make me go look. I know it's hard to break the ties or take a break when emotions are running high but I highly recommend it...even if it's from here :cryingwlaughter:

I don't think anyone here is happy with Clay's numbers. And I want people to feel free to express concern. I feel fairly confident that we have enough variety that we won't fall into the "pit of despair." And I really don't want the album to get lost in the mix because it is special.

And finally I agree with AIKim. I'm not going to get caught up in the crazy ass business of figuring out what the gnats and crazy ass fans are up to because just like with Clay's album sales, there ain't a damn thing I can do about it. It's deep and it's this really underground nasty thing. It's dirty and I don't want to get involved. I would hope that people remember all the crap that never came true in 2006, the names of people spreading lies or spouting constant nonsense, and don't get caught up in the cult of insider info and experts again. Maybe you miss out on that one thing that's right but the way I look at it, you'll know soon enough anyway.

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I don't know shit about anything, so you can believe anything I say--since I say nothing of consequence.

I'm not remotely worried about OMWH since most people haven't heard it yet.

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Crap. Looks like I skeered away 'dummie' down there! I really wanted her to say 'Hi!'

Hey, dummie here.

I always come here to catch my breath when it gets to be too much out there in Clayland. Thank you all for allowing me to do that.

I joined as part of that big wave of new members during some other crisis, but I've forgotten now what that one was about. I didn't intend to be so quiet, but after the dust settled from whatever it was, you guys went back to being a pretty close knit group. Like, close enough to hurt each other's feelings sometimes. That scared me some.

I don't have any Clay friends in real life- I'm actually pretty much closeted except for family, who think it has something to do with menopause. Curiously enough, I got into this five years ago because of "the women" as much as an interest in Clay. I was new to the internet and I thought it was so neat that these women of all different ages and backgrounds were sharing their experiences with each other.

I posted every so often, voted when I was supposed to, supported the boards I joined financially, and generally tried to be a worthwhile citizen of Clay Nation.

As time went on though, everybody split up into teams. As a very casual poster, it was hard not to feel more and more out of the flow. Yeah, go ahead, call me a lurker. May as well call me a Claymate lurker. As lurkers go, I'm pretty OTT.

Anyway. It wasn't insecurity that made me pick my board name. You see, my Clay fantasy was my own messageboard for *urkers to be called Clay Aiken for Dummies.


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Hey Dummie!!!

great first post and that board name is pretty cute!!!

glad muski got you to post today and hope you will do so more often, best way to get to know people.

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