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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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I think D101 is the new Duh

ITA is I totally agree

And to Kyrie Ashes would be exactly what they did - show a tantalizingly lovely bit and then brutally cut it off. GAH!!

I still don't quite get it, how is it that

D101 is the new Duh, and

Kyrie means to show something tantalizing and then it's cut off?

Regarding the D101, I believe it is a reference from a scene in Spamalot

I added a longer explanation to my earlier post. Kyrie, was a song he sang on Kimmel a couple of years ago, but it was at the end of the show (just like Ashes was last night) so the song was cut off after just a few lines and we never got to hear the full version of that performance. So, some have come to use the word Kyrie as a verb. ie, " I hope they don't Kyrie Ashes"

I hope this makes sense now, I think I need to get to bed.

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I am exhausted so I am commiting the cardinal sin of not catching up before posting my recap from Kimmel. I did read the posts on this page and so I can say with certainty that Clay looked gorgeous in that green sweater with the gold tie in person!!!

Kimmel recap...

Got to Kimmel at 11am. The person whose ticket I was on had gotten in line at 8am, so we were pretty close to the front of the line. They let us line up in front of the theatre, so we were in chairs in the shade and it was actually pretty nice until they made up pack up our chairs about 3:30pm-ish. They then put us out on the sidewalk, in the sun (Tho they were nice enough to give us umbrellas and remind us to drink water. It would have been nicer to leave us in the shade, dang it.). They didn't start taking tickets until after 5:30pm and I was so tired cause we were on our feet for over 2 hours and that bothered me more than the heat.

Saw someone I thought might be KAndre, but didn't recognize the woman she was with and so didn't yell out to her. Saw her later with Scarlett, so it was her, but was impossible at that point to get to them... should have followed my gut... next time for sure! :cry4: This fall, I hope!!!

They came out around 2:30ish to film to segments with the fans. I'm sure you have seen it and heard all about it, but I'll give you my viewpoint anyway. The first was Guiermo selling the Claymates lemonade for $8/cup. That was kind of cute, tho we groaned that they were making it about the fans again. Then they recruited fans to film another segment. They brought out this clay bust of Clay that you all have seen by now and asked some fans to act like it was really Clay and we could say and do anything we wanted to. After watching them film the first one, I left the area, then heard that they had some young man come up and kiss and slobber all over the bust. Not the guy that they showed. He did ok, comparitively. One of the gals in our group happened to spot Sal and actually went up to him and told him what they had filmed and told him she thought it was degrading and to please not let them show that part. It bummed us all out and we then spent the rest of the time worrying about what they were going to show. It might not have been the greatest bit, but it could have been soooo much worse that it was actually a relief when it was finally shown.

We got to hear a bit of Clay's rehearsal and knew he was going to sing Ashes. EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee

I got an aisle seat on the left side and was happy cause they told us we'd get out first to go to the lobby for the concert. Stupid warm up guy was a royal pain, but finally it started. They taped a segment with Matthew Fox first for next week. Then it was time... Ryan came out first and was pretty lame. Then Clay came out... He was gorgeous. Unfortunately the camera moved over between Clay and me and I couldn't see him on the couch, so only was able to watch him on screen just like you guys saw. I don't have to tell you about the interview segments, since you have seen them, I'm sure. So, I'll just tell you about the performance you didn't see.

Then the wonderful part... got in 3rd row right in front of the mic... closest I've ever been to him performing. 8-10 feet away... GAH!!! He was gorgeous and sounded even better. The girls were gorgeous, too. Then Ashes started. O.M.G... it was the most awesome experience. The music was loud enough for us to sing along, yet still be able to hear Clay. He KILLED on this song. We were bopping along and clapping and singing, then it approached the time for the "try to remind me now" part and our singing lessened just a bit while we anticipated this part... when it happened, we all shouted it together with Clay and it was just the most awesome happening I've ever been a part of. That room solidified as one in shouting this phrase that is like a defiance toward those who have and still are trying to keep this good man down. EVERYONE was talking about it afterwards and we all knew something really cool had happened. We had, once again, united for Clay and made our feelings known. I think it was a vent for many there who are sick and tired of the way Clay is too often treated, tho it has improved somewhat, I think.

I'm so glad PermaSwooned managed to get me a ticket. What a performance. They filmed the whole song and it is supposed to go up on the Pontiac Garage, so cross your fingers.

One thing I think is totally cool, is that Kimmel seems not to care that Clay is perceived as not cool. He continues to have him on and treats him like any other guest. I'd love it if he got past including the fans, tho... maybe one day.

One cool thing... as Clay was exiting thru this sorta hole in the wall in the lobby, Sara Silverman came up and Clay gave her a big hug and they went into the hole together with Jimmy.

Off to bed... I'll catch up tomorrow!

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Not even going to comment on the fan segment, other than to say I tried to fast forward my DVR and realized, to my chagrin, that I was watching live.
My immediate reaction was to switch channels! Couldn't help myself!


One girl had very littel on inthat photo, I wonder if she was wearing a Clay Aiken thong?
Are you referring to the woman on the right? Isn't that Hannah?

Presuming that it gets on the Pontiac Garage site, when someone finds the video clip of Clay can you post its location? I went there tonite and I don't know how you'd find a particular video among all of them.

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Anyway in some interview Clay said that Ashes may be the first single and some people latched on to that for dear life. Now wouldn't it be funny if RCA wanted it to be the first single and Clay fought them on it?
this is purely MO, but the way he included it in every appearance where he got to sing more than 1 song tells me that he'd like it as first single, too.

now can somebody tell me about the Octopus thing? I'm in another country and I have to wait until they upload it to the CU before watching. A couple of people said it might annoy some people and since I'm a Chinese myself that got my curiosity going.

ETA: Clay's wobbly voice. I remembered his voice wasn't in really good shape during ATDW promo either. I wonder if a lot of talking has influenced his voice in some ways. Strangely, he soared in songs that allow him to sing loud, like in Spamalot's Oy, Ashes and Easter Bonnet's The Prayer.

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I went to bed last night after our Kimmel party without checking in, so I am catching up now.

I thought Ryan was going to pull a Tom Cruise there in his chair a time or two.

:cryingwlaughter: Me too!

I need to get this off my chest....

If I read one more time that RCA FORCED Clay to release OMWH as the first single I may puke!!!!!! How did that ever become fact? Where did Clay ever say he wanted Ashes as the first single? Where did he ever indicate he and RCA were not on the same page when it came to choosing the first single? Yes, RCA ultimately gets to choose the single, but did he EVER indicate he was unhappy with the choice???????

Not that I know of, he didn't. I think people are making assumptions. Or maybe FC is texting them the info. ;)

I knowthose women inthe bust sequence. I can't tell you their names, but I know I know them. Ithink they were probably doing what was directed. As far as the guy, I did not get a "gay" thing from him, I think he was with his date. I just thought he was a Clay Dawg.

I was cringing a bit during that fan segment, but of them all, I thought the guy was the least embarrassing. And did you see him singing his heart out during OMWH? I really don't see that it matters whether or not he is gay, he is obviously a male fan of Clay, and that is ok in my books. But the older women petting and kissing the statue? WTF were they thinking? I'd be sooooooooooo embarrassed if Clay saw me doing something like that.

Then the wonderful part... got in 3rd row right in front of the mic... closest I've ever been to him performing. 8-10 feet away... GAH!!! He was gorgeous and sounded even better. The girls were gorgeous, too. Then Ashes started. O.M.G... it was the most awesome experience. The music was loud enough for us to sing along, yet still be able to hear Clay. He KILLED on this song. We were bopping along and clapping and singing, then it approached the time for the "try to remind me now" part and our singing lessened just a bit while we anticipated this part... when it happened, we all shouted it together with Clay and it was just the most awesome happening I've ever been a part of. That room solidified as one in shouting this phrase that is like a defiance toward those who have and still are trying to keep this good man down. EVERYONE was talking about it afterwards and we all knew something really cool had happened. We had, once again, united for Clay and made our feelings known. I think it was a vent for many there who are sick and tired of the way Clay is too often treated, tho it has improved somewhat, I think.

Liney, thanks for the recap! I'm interested to see this performance when it gets posted.....how did Clay react when everyone shouted the line "try and remind me now"? Was he surprised? Hee, I can see that becoming something that happens in every venue in concert...........kind of like the line "through the lies you were the truth" in BYLM last summer.

now can somebody tell me about the Octopus thing? I'm in another country and I have to wait until they upload it to the CU before watching. A couple of people said it might annoy some people and since I'm a Chinese myself that got my curiosity going.

I thought it was pretty funny. I can imagine one's first visit to Chinatown would be an eye opening experience......not that I have been to Chinatown in NYC but I have been a few times in Toronto, and it's a pretty big section there, too. Clay just described how crazy it can be at some of the markets, people shouting at him to get out of their way, and I'm sure he found it odd to see people dickering over such delicacies as octopus, etc. I wasn't annoyed or offended, I thought it was a funny part of the interview.

Off to rewatch the segment now that I've had a few hours sleep. I can't believe I made it until 1:00 am without a nap yesterday.....go me! :clap:

ETA: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I got my QVC order yesterday! I had no problems at all, it opened up the TITN video right away (YUM!) and when I opened iTunes it imported all the audio tracks in with the correct titles.

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OMG - this photo was too funny!!!


^^^Concept for the Ashes video: Flock of Seagulls meets Flashdance, with extra eyeliner just for CG. B)

I want to keep that picture in my photobucket, and bust it out whenever the complaining about how Jamie does Clay's hair starts. IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE!


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^^^Concept for the Ashes video: Flock of Seagulls meets Flashdance, with extra eyeliner just for CG.
ooooo now that will be great. and Clay doesn't have to pretend he's cool in the video. :cryingwlaughter: maybe someone can text him to suggest it?

thanks for answering my question luckiest1. i just got the download and yeah, it was pretty funny to me too. :D

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OK, after watching it with rested eyes..........I can say that he looked gorgeous, sounded gorgeous, was funny, and even the Clay bust part wasn't as bad as I thought it was last night. I am insanely jealous of those fans who got to see the performances live and in person (and especially the ones who got to stand right at the front! GUH!) I look forward to the day when we can all enjoy these performances in concert!

I'm not getting the green sweater/gold tie hate either. I thought he looked good. Very good. :hubbahubba: And that Flock of Seagulls picture? I was :cryingwlaughter: last night, but it's so cool to get a screencap of it and be able to study it in more detail. That would have been a hilarious night, can you imagine them all doing a run through of the show dressed like that? I wonder who the "new guy" was that night? Clay mentioned it being a knight, so maybe Chris Seiber's replacement?

Oh, and kind of off topic, but isn't it funny that weeks or even months later, you can find new things from Spamalot to laugh at? When we had our Kimmel party last night, we were reminiscing about our time in NYC, and cindilu2 brought up the word that sounds like "can-iggit" that Rick used during the French taunter scene. She said it took her quite a few shows to get the joke. I said "what joke"? Hee, apparently, he was pronouncing the word "knight" phonetically. BWAH! I just thought it was some British term for idiot. ;) So many layers to the humour in that show. God, I miss it already. Might have to take my son to see it when it comes to Toronto in September, just for old time's sake.

Well, crimsonice is winging her way to NC this morning without me, lucky beyotch. But my trade off was that final weekend at Spamalot, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. What amazing memories. I guess I'll do mundane things today like grocery shopping and laundry. Oh what fun. :P

Looking forward to more Kimmel recaps from the eHP and anyone else who was lucky enough to attend!

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Good morning. After only a few hours sleep I'm getting ready to drive to the Bay Area (I'm soooo tired of driving) but I got up early to watch Kimmel again. I liked the sweater. Thought he looked good in it. His hair did seem lighter than on Rachel but who knows with the lights and all. I didn't like the Clay Clay thing. Especially that elderly lady. God give us a freakin' break! Just once could they show a young'un? Didn't think his voice was wavery. Thought he and Jimmy were relaxed and enjoying each other and the Chinatown segment was hysterical. Some how it's hard to imagine Clay venturing to NY's Chinatown to by some potion for his voice! Bwah!!! I don't think it was disrespectful but you know some media asshat will pick it up and say Clay was dissing the Chinese population of NY. But having worked near Chinatown in SF I can tell you that some of the stuff in the grocery stores is pretty scarey looking....

I am glad he'll probably be out of the public eye for awhile because now I can enjoy him without all the talk of his clothes, what he says, how he looks or how he sounds on any given day! Just that glorious voice coming out of my speakers!!!

I bet right now he's winging his way to Raleigh and his pups. Rest well Clay!!!

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Clay is in 11th place on All Access spincrease chart, with 15 stations now playing it.

He is now in 32nd place on the 7 day report, by spins. He has 60 spins this week as opposed to 38 last week. That is a gain of 22 spins. :clap: He's a moving and a grooving............I think when he gets in the top 20? they will start adding him to the playlist of all AC stations. I think in a couple of weeks he'll be there. At the rate he is going now. I'm guessing RCA has bought him a number 1 spot on the charts, this time., too. I also think radio can not deny him play anymore. They simply can no longer ignore the sales and touring success he has had, in spite of their blackballing him on radio. His broadway success has also had rave reviews and was the talk of NYC. Everyone knows he is popular and that people do like and want to hear and see him. They have to jump on the train now, the way I see it. He can not be denied the success he is having. JMO There is a demand for him.

I missed seeing Kimmel last night. Could not stay awake. Loinger hours at work are draining my energy. Grrrr. Thank God I'll be back to regular hours next week. I did watch the singing portion from the clack at CU. However I missed the couch time clack over there. Am I blind or is there a a link for the interview part up yet?

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CG...I agree this wasn;t the best Kimmel for me...

I still like the horse thing better...hee

I think what seem different for me was this time...clay was not an active participant of the big joke. In the past he did the sara bit (which seem to be the precursor of I F Matt), the beat up Kimmel bit, the tattoo, the candy hearts, the horse...did I forget anything??? This time the Clay of Clay...he was just watching and it involved the fans which is always cringe worthy. I do think that the fans were directed to be as OTT as can be. This is a very typical Kimmel show humor...get people to act against type ....in such a OTT manner that its obviously a parody...unfortunately for people in the fandom, the behavior was a bit too close to the truth for comfort.

I do think that he is just very tired right now so a bit low in energy. Rachel ray was filmed when he was still in NY so he was still rather fresh. This appearance was right at the end of this promo schedule and I can see the circle around his eyes. I also think they cut off the second verse because without the buid up in instrumentation on the CD...it does sound rather flat and does not really show off his voice...so with this shortened time they probably think its best to make sure the bridge is in there and they just repeat the chorus whic has the hook of the song and the part where he can really sing full out and show off his voice.

But I don't think this appearance was bad at all...any time on Jimmy is good cos he was still very funny. There are several things I loved, the segment where he talks about NY, the Spamalot picture with the girls, the comment on the spamalot audience...and really when he sings, its still better than a lot of people out there.

I still bet that...in the fall there will be a second wave of promo...he will be visiting Jimmy again maybe for his upcoming tour or maybe to support his next Single. He will be better rested and more time to get involved with a skit...

I will miss him....

Have a good rest Clay...you did good...great run on Broadway and this CD was wonderful... take your time...you deserve it.

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The Ashes comment come from the "rockers" of this fan group. I think it might be referring to their favorite chairs, but I could be wrong on that.

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

I haven't watched the clip from last night again -- but here's my reactions after having seen it only once, and then sleeping on it: it wasn't his best Kimmel, IMO. I did like the sweater, especially with that pretty yellow tie. He seems to thrive on wearing "different" clothes for JK's show, so I'm good with that. The hair was dangerously close to Planet Hollywood hair *shudder*. I did hear a few wobbly notes, but I chalk that up to being a long three weeks for him. And the fan thing...was. Eh.

Having said all that, I thought the interview was adorable, and I simply love his sense of humor. That picture cracks me up! And I love that he thought they should ALL dress up for that particular rehearsal, that's really kind of sweet. I'm pretty sure that's Hannah in the barely-there outfit. Hopefully, Clay picked that out for her. *g*

liney, thank you for your perspective of being there. Can't wait to see Clay singing these things live!

aikim, I didn't find your post to requote, but I do have to agree with you -- having Clay "away" from us for a time will hopefully give some in the fandom a new perspective on some things. I do believe in the concept of "absence making the heart grow fonder." At the same time, I will start requesting OMWH on the radio, give the CD to those around me who have shown interest in him, and do what I can to help this album become the "album with legs."

OK, I have a ton of housework today, so I should stay off the boards. My best friend is coming down on Thursday evening. She and I met because of Raiders of the Lost Ark, so we decided we NEEDED to see the latest IJ movie together! But that means that she's going to see my not-cleaned-in-a-while house! AAAAGH! I'll just put on OMWH and clean with it!

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I am glad he'll probably be out of the public eye for awhile because now I can enjoy him without all the talk of his clothes, what he says, how he looks or how he sounds on any given day!

Aww. Not me...I'd rather see him than not see him. The rest I can ignore.

aikim -- having Clay "away" from us for a time will hopefully give some in the fandom a new perspective on some things.

MTRR*... I doubt it. :cryingwlaughter:


*eta...may the record reflect

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Here's what I posted in response to the inevitable kerfluffles this morning. Recycling because I have to dash out the door to a Scottish festival with my kids and niece. Should be fun. Taking my iPod (heh) Love y'all. Have a great, non-kerfluffly day!

Did I love the backstage outfit? God, yes. He looked amazing. But I thought the soft, torso-caressing sweater and yellow tie looked cool, too. Shoulders! Is he "too blond"? No blonder than those LA pics with Quiana and Jamie (Jaimie?)...but under those lights and with various television/computer settings, I can see how he might look "too" something or other. I thought he looked "too" yummy.

The bust segment? The fan bit was shudder-worthy on many levels, but I'd rather not focus on the fans, but in how Clay responded to that clip. Man has some quick wit and however he might actually have felt, all I saw was composure and humor where he sat in that chair. I had to laugh, because what else is there to do, really?

Disapproval and peer pressure don't seem to control other people's behaviors, much as I might like to think I have any power there. Since I have no direct influence over anyone involved in the situation, my opinions won't have much impact on them or on actions they can't now go back now and change, even if they wanted to.

Spilled milk, in my opinion.

The things Clay said about the Spam audience didn't seem offensive or insulting to me. The OTT 'laughing' and 'checking email' anecdote was not much different to me than David Hyde Pierce describing the family passing a bag of chips up and down the aisle. In this case, it wasn't some anonymous family, but 'fans'. As a fan myself, I didn't take offense because clearly he wasn't talking about ME or anyone I know. There were reports about this exact behavior, so was what he said 'untrue'? Painting all the fans with a "broad brush"? No, I didn't see that at all. I'm comfortable and confident with the level of esteem Clay seems to hold toward his fans, overall. Then again, Clay has a very deep well of good-will built up with me. He'd have to insult me to my face for me to take umbrage...and even then, I'd likely smile giddily and reply, "Gsfdsald gsdgd, Clay. Whatever you say!"

My biggest irritation about the Kimmel show was how much time was devoted to other not-really-funny things...to the detriment of Clay's time on-screen, talking or singing.


I'm going to be wearing out all my recent clack, wanting my Clay fix, until the next round of promotion. Until then, I hope Clay enjoys his time "off" and keeps in touch. Miss him already.

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Well, I know I'm going to miss the almost daily dose of Clay Aiken that I've had since January 18th. I think I will try to concentrate on doing some fan things that might help. Instead of listening to Clay through my I-tunes I think I will seek out other places on the net to stream the songs. I'm not into my-space at all, but maybe listening to songs on his my space would be good.

Someone on CV mentioned that A Simpson had 19 million listens on her my space. Ashlee freakin' Simpson, good god.

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Duh.............I am blind. :cryingwlaughter: I found and watched. He looked good & acted his normal silly self. I've heard him sound A LOT WORSE singing live. than last night. Hee....It seems to me, a lot of times, he is either sick, tired, or something when he is singing live on these promotional gigs, coming across as not very flattering. :imgtongue: So I thought he sounded great last night. I can't wait to hear him sing Ashes and Falling live. The bust was ugly. So is the attention that is always placed on his oldest of fans. I'm sure they were instructed to behave like that.....However, I doubt it took much encouragement. :cryingwlaughter: Embarrassing to Clay, I bet. Not trying to single out or put down those fans last night, in particular. Just speaking in general.

Have a good weekend ya'll............. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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OK, I just watched the download. Boy, did the lights change his outfit. The sweater was a pastel green and the shirt was pale yellowish gold and the tie was a gorgeous gold, not brassy. The rehearsal outfit would have been better, IMO, but he did look gorgeous.

The director did tell the ladies to let it all hang out, but did not tell them what to say other than to act like the bust was the real Clay. I forgot to say that they kept going up and down the line trying to find more people to do the bust thing and everyone was telling them "NO" in no uncertain terms.

Because of the camera and the yelling/loud band, I actually missed some of that interview. Glad to see it this morning. :cryingwlaughter:

:cry4: They cut off Ashes right where I was afraid they would... before it got to the fast part... Grrrr! They'd better put the whole thing on the Garage or I'm going to be supremely pissed!!! Supremely!!!

Now he's off to NC and I'm off to stream the single from any radio site that's hosting it.

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my 2c on Kimmel. i also don't think it's bad...but yeah, compared to previous Kimmel appearances, this somehow lacks energy. Maybe because they had too much to talk about in 10 mins...Spamalot, the album etc. It would've been much better if the bust segment had been eliminated to make more time for Ashes *sighs*, but maybe the Kimmel regulars would prefer the skit/silly jokes over 2 songs from an artist they barely know. I think the sweater was too baggy and the hair too yellow-ish...maybe it was the lighting, I dunno. But I like the interview and the Chinatown part...the idea that Clay probably drank the same throat elixir I drank cracks.me.up. :cryingwlaughter: As for the obnoxious fan behavior in Spamalot, I guess he zinged those fans but in a humorous way, which was very clever IMO. I don't feel offended at all by it...in fact, i find it rather funny. But then again, i'm not part of the Spamalot experience so I don't have the reason to feel offended.

And I want to kill whoever tells him to switch from the superhawt brown jacket and tees to the pale green sweater. Even if it's Clay himself :imgtongue:

the small bit when Ryan Seacrest mentioned Clay was a bit weird. It's like Ryan couldn't wait to get out of there or something.

I think what seem different for me was this time...clay was not an active participant of the big joke.
Well, i don't consider the bust thingy to be a joke or skit. It's similar to the tattoo girls segment from the ATDW Climmel and it's even shorter. Actually I think Clay pretty much dominated the whole conversation and Kimmel was just listening instead of milking it for laughs. He didn't even laugh when Clay said "that's me and my harems". Maybe he was tired or something...they only really bantered toward the end when they talked about Kipper and the clay Clay.

sorry if my grammar is all over place...it's been a long day.

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Thanks for the spin info, Clayzor. I think he may do very well indeed on AC this time.

I mentioned to two people to watch Kimmel last night and both were excited about seeing him, and this morning I got messages from both, separately, that they fell asleep before he came on -- one went to sleep during Ryan Seacrest and I can understand that, because Ryan was boring, and one fell asleep before the show even came on (but it airs at 1 a.m. in her market so that's not surprising). Did anyone else get the vibe that Ryan Seacrest is far from a Jimmy Kimmel favorite? I certainly did because some of his comments had a bite to them that barely masked contempt, especially regarding the Kardashians and Denise Richards reality shows.

Anyway, if Ryan Seacrest didn't put people to sleep, I think the Clay spot was fine, and as a fairly regular watcher of Jimmy Kimmel the Clay Clay bit appeared to be the usual set-up OTT comedy bit that Jimmy does all the time. While on this occasion it may have been completely for real, I think the average viewer would see it as bread 'n butter Kimmel, have a laugh, and that's about it. I thought Guillermo selling lemonade for $8 was funny. And I look forward to Ashes in the Pontiac Garage.

I think that Tyra and Rachel Ray had a bigger impact -- because two people out of the blue emailed me Thursday to let me know they had seen Clay on Tyra on Thursday. I guess she repeated the 500th episode show. Both mentioned that Tyra seems to be crazy about Clay and one mentioned the fan that fell down in the street.

My former DIL called me yesterday afternoon to ask me if I had seen Clay on Rachel Ray. She said her neighbor called her. I told her I was DVRing but hadn't seen it. She told me that Clay seemed more comfortable than she had ever seen him before. She said her mother called her from Austin and they talked for awhile about how Clay was so relaxed and funny. She doesn't like OMWH any more than she's liked anything else Clay has ever done musically -- pop music, and especially songs about love, are just not her thing -- so not singing on Rachel Ray didn't matter at all to her. I doubt she'll ever purchase a Clay CD, but she makes a point to watch whenever he's on TV and loves his humor. In fact, I know a few people who aren't crazy about Clay's style of music, but adore Clay the man, the humorist, and make a point to see him anytime he's on a talk show. I wonder if many fans have considered that there are a group of people out there who love Clay Aiken only when he's NOT singing!

BTW, my granddaughter who went to the Houston show last year -- her favorite song is still A Thousand Days. She's a young teen and nothing on OMWH does it for her like ATD. I accept what Clay wrote in the liner notes for OMWH -- this one's for us. And in the long run I don't see how several songs from the CD can be kept off AC radio.

Oh, did I mention my personal reaction to Seacrest last night. I've never had feelings one way or another about him before. But, he totally SUCKED as a person last night, and doesn't he think he's just the bees knees? He's inviting the kind of blowback that makes people want to see this cultural trashmeister brought down a few pegs. He'd better wake up and smell the overexposure.

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Someone on CV mentioned that A Simpson had 19 million listens on her my space. Ashlee freakin' Simpson, good god.

Heh. Every time I get into a discussion about AI recently, I have to remind the person I’m talking to that being the “best” singer doesn’t necessarily matter. What matters is how many teens and tweens and tiny girls love you. Same goes for Ashlee Simpson.

The commercials between Ryan and Clay? Eight freakin’ minutes!!! So it wasn’t just my imagination….

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QUOTE(atinal @ May 17 2008, 09:21 AM)

Someone on CV mentioned that A Simpson had 19 million listens on her my space. Ashlee freakin' Simpson, good god.

From an Ashlee Simpson fan site:

Ashlee Simpson Music

[bTW, Autobiography sold 398,000 copies its first week, and I Am Me sold 220,000 in its first week. Whereas Bittersweet World sold 47,000 copies its first week. And yet it still made it to number 4. But then it's a whole different, digital world now. The sales figures represent only store-bought albums. It does not include online digital sales, such as from iTunes, etc. Digital sales are up, album leaks and rips are way up, and overall the music industry is down.]

So IMO the 19 million listens may just have convinced people not to buy the CD :-) Presumably these were listens from people predisposed to like Ashlee Simpson's music.

I am assuming that the millions of listens are partially from Bittersweet World songs.

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Hee, just rewatched Kimmel again with my 20 yo son (who loves the song OMWH, btw, he is impressed by the Tedder connection). His first comment was "he looks like someone from the Harry Potter movie" which I took to mean either the style of his hair or his fashion sense. Hee. He laughed at parts of the interview, and he was impressed by the band for OMWH. He actually recognized Q & A (I didn't think he paid that much attention!). He said he really likes the lyric "faith has conquered fear".

*blows raspberries at anyone who thinks this single can't reach a wide audience*

I'm excited to hear that it keeps climbing the AC charts. Slow and steady wins the race. I'd love it if it actually got added to my local AC station.

The thing about Ashes being "kyried" (heh, that's a cool verb!) - does Kimmel ever show the second song of any artist? I don't think so, at least I've never seen him do it. I think it is specifically timed so that the TV audience gets a taste of the song and he wants the hits to his site for them to get the rest (which is why he mentions it). I hope he doesn't make us wait so long this time - I am dying to see it!

I wonder if crimsonice will run into Clay in RDU today..........LOL

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I thought Ryan was dismissive at best, of Clay. I would have expected him to mention Clay in a postive way, or something. He seemed uncomfortable. I do think Ryan always considers that the spotlight should be on himself. That whole interview seemed forced and odd, but then I was not there.

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Anyway in some interview Clay said that Ashes may be the first single and some people latched on to that for dear life. Now wouldn't it be funny if RCA wanted it to be the first single and Clay fought them on it?
this is purely MO, but the way he included it in every appearance where he got to sing more than 1 song tells me that he'd like it as first single, too.

If this is the case, why didn't he sing Ashes at the one appearance where he sang multiple songs--QVC?? He sang "Where I Draw the Line" and "Everything I Don't Need" so it wasn't that he was avoiding uptempo songs. If he were trying to undermine his own single and replace it with Ashes, like some fans want to do, you'd think he would've sung Ashes at QVC.

Jimmy, in one of his many mentions of Clay coming up, said that Clay would be riding in on a rhinoceros this time. I think that might have been led to Ryan's comment--that people were waiting for Clay to ride in on whatever. At any rate, when I heard it, that's what I thought, didn't catch the exact words, didn't imagine an insult, thought he just mumbled. Dunno--don't care enough to go back and listen again.

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