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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Canfly, I am shocked to hear that you don't do rules well. Never would have guessed.

And Heinz, unfortunately, I am on dial-up at the moment because I am unable to steal it here at work. I hate it because even with broadband I complain about waiting. Of course, there is nobody awake to listen to me gripe, nor would they care if they were awake.

Also wanted to say that my son made me watch I am Legend, and it was actually pretty good.

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Well, here's one I'd never read!

I like it! (from CV)

#8 - Fly Magazine - December 2005

In other words, even after selling millions of albums and becoming one of America's biggest pop stars, it appears that Clay Aiken is still the same lovable goof we first met three years ago. There's something strangely comforting about that.

FM: In a position like yours, everybody's so interested in your personal life. Suddenly I'm reading things about you, everything from stories about your childhood pets to speculation on your sexual orientation and everything in between. Does that weird you out?

CA: It's tough. At the very beginning of the process, it's quite a shock. You don't understand why people are asking these things. I had a goat - who cares? And I didn't tell anybody that. There are times that I look on the internet or read a message board and they'll know things about me that I didn't know. [laughs] "I never told anybody that! How did they find out?" So at first it's a shock. And then later on it's not as shocking but still upsetting. And then after a while, it's just like having a gnat in your nose. You just want to kill it. [laughs] It becomes unfortunately a negative part of what you do, and you need to kind of live with it. But if you could get up your nose and kill it, you would do it. [laughs] It's not so easy sometimes.

Is this where the whole "gnat" descriptive derived from?

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...makes me wonder if Clay feels like he has a whole swarm up there at times.

Ain't that the truth!

and it's such a lovely nose, too!

Damned gnats!



Off to the beach tomorrow so I'll be behind again.

Hope the Texas Revelers are having FUN!

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Canfly, I am shocked to hear that you don't do rules well. Never would have guessed.

Who you bin talkin' to??? panic-1.gif

Didn't we start out with no emoticons?

My worse nightmare!!! panic-1.gif

Love the emoticon wars..
Wars? We can have wars with emotes??? Ooooooooooooooooooh! Count me in!


Oh and we have a thread where people can post the emoticons they want added.
Where? Where? Where?


Forgive me if this has been posted before, but I laughed my head off at this.

It's a made up Soup interview. He asks questions about Clay getting "the sample" and it's Clay's answers from a 2003 interview. Maybe some won't think it's funny, butcha gotta laugh right???

At least it's blatantly ridiculous, lol.


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Forgive me if this has been posted before, but I laughed my head off at this.

It's a made up Soup interview. He asks questions about Clay getting "the sample" and it's Clay's answers from a 2003 interview. Maybe some won't think it's funny, butcha gotta laugh right???

At least it's blatantly ridiculous, lol.

I guess I should be happy this is going over a lot of people's heads, or that it doesn't bother them because they don't interpret it as I do, but the part about masturbating in front of children at school or in camp squicks me right out.

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Well, I said I would post again when I had something to say, I didn't want to talk about the weather and kind of nyah, nyah, but it is great here, which is odd because there are so few people down this weekend.

From CB

You can rate and further down you can listen to each song.

I can only see 1 Review/Comment. I hope this is not the case (I see 11 on the page link).Maybe it is just because I have not been able to register for some reason. When I click on the Register button....I get nothing. Tried last night and again just now.

Clay needs some play and comments in this important magazine.


Anyone want to spin a little music and add a rating?

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...makes me wonder if Clay feels like he has a whole swarm up there at times.

Ain't that the truth!

and it's such a lovely nose, too!

Damned gnats!



Off to the beach tomorrow so I'll be behind again.

Hope the Texas Revelers are having FUN!

Hi Cotton!

(Scarlett posting from merrieeee's laptop):

*waves wildly to all y'all!!!* MUAH!

Had a long fun but exhausting day, well as exhausting as sitting in a floater with a can of Coke while listening to merrieeee's amplified all-Clay iPod until the sun went down and then standing around the kitchen table just talking and laughing can be!!! We need to set up that FCA spa and soon!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Missing everyone!!!

Welcome newbies!


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jmh...I had the same reaction to that one thing in the 'interview'. Too bad because except for that, it really was pretty funny. But that they'd even include that reference negates any of the humor for me. Assholes. They need to rethink 'where THEY draw the line'.

play...I'm always in awe at these things you find--how the heck do you know about all these sites? :cryingwlaughter:

Hubby, Carrie and visited with my mom today. She was in good spirits so things went well. Then the three of us went to get some new softball cleats for Carrie and were going to grab some pizza at a joint in town. Thing is that walking to the pizza joint, we passed by a little Italian place that we'd never been to (one of those situations where something in your home town never catches your eye even though you see it all the time?)..and on a whim decided to try it.

We were dressed like bums---Carrie still had on floppy basketball shorts and her softball jersey; Hubby pretty much the same and I had a sweatshirt and jeans on. Most of the others in the restaurant were kinda dressed better, you know? It being Saturday night and all. But man oh man, what a treat it turned out to be. It was very 'authentic' as an Italian restaurant--the way it is decorated, etc. And there was a man standing on an inside balcony playing guitar. The waiter's Italian accent was so heavy I wondered if it was fake! :cryingwlaughter: But we talked with him and he said that the owners are true Italians who only moved here from Tuscany in 2000, as he also did. Food was GREAT! and we had an unexpected, lovely time there. Alex is at an all-day concert with two buddies so she'll be disappointed to hear she missed it.

Ah...one of those lovely, unplanned delights of life, you know?

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I wanted to bring this post over from CH earlier but I've been waiting to hear back from the poster, LemonTwist, with permission to do so. I just heard from her so here it is. I really, really like how she's synthesized so much of this latest episode in Clay's journey and the fans' reactions to it.

Well, our microscope has been turned WAY up over this and while I certainly do not speak for all, I’ve been to the other boards and I’ve seen the vitriol and it ain’t pretty. Many have said that they were surprised to learn a little bit more about HIM (IIT). But after reading here and elsewhere, might Clay be saying WTF about US? That perhaps he’s learning a little more about us as well? That we are quick to criticize (me included in my own thoughts), that we sound selfish in what WE want for US and what we expected of HIM?? And if he’s reading any of this (and how could he not) he may just be saying, “Where is the love? I thought I could do no wrong in your eyes?” because THAT is the very PEDESTAL we have put him on.

I’ve been on all sides of this multi-faceted gem stone here—one day, confused—then, anger—another day, happy for him—the next, wanting to strangle him—I know, that's two for anger. And right now, I’m just on the side of perhaps I got a little too close and THOUGHT I knew him. So many of us have said we’ve never felt this way about a celebrity before—parts of me say that maybe we should have just enjoyed the talent and the good looks and simply backed off. We all have other actors or musicians that we are fond of and we don’t follow their every freckle or rivet. How DID we ever get sucked into this thing the way we did? I almost feel guilty for being this interested, this close and this prying into someone else’s life. This whole thing, if true, is a reality check to pull back and just enjoy the music. And let the man live his life. Whether what we now know is true or there is another shoe left to drop.

I’ve kind of accepted this new outlook over the last few days and to my surprise, it is very freeing. Not to have to compare him to Josh’s or Madonna’s sales. Not to have to check out the “numbers,” the spins, worry about tabloids, Conan, and the like. He’s an artist and trying to make his own way and like any other artist it is up to HIM and his record label (!) and his executive producer (!) and his PR people (!) and his lawyers to get him away from said people and get this artist out there to be heard—not US, the NJU withstanding.

So, I’m going to go to the outside and I'm going to start looking in instead of thinking I am on the inside looking in.

At least for this fan, that is where I squarely belong.

I'm not suggesting that everything she's saying is exactly 'right' and I'm sure she doesn't mean to include everyone when she says 'we'. But I like the questions she raises and I can see the wisdom in how she's come to her own 'solution'...just wanted to share with y'all. :)

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Forgive me if this has been posted before, but I laughed my head off at this.

It's a made up Soup interview. He asks questions about Clay getting "the sample" and it's Clay's answers from a 2003 interview. Maybe some won't think it's funny, butcha gotta laugh right???

At least it's blatantly ridiculous, lol.

I guess I should be happy this is going over a lot of people's heads, or that it doesn't bother them because they don't interpret it as I do, but the part about masturbating in front of children at school or in camp squicks me right out.

Ok, so that part isn't so funny thinking about it that way...unsure.gif

I guess I laughed at the "running around in circles part" and his lipbite re: the centrifuge and his big yawn at the end.

Actually, I'd like to see the orginal interview.

I’ve been to the other boards and I’ve seen the vitriol and it ain’t pretty.
I'm glad that I havent' been to the other "skeery" boards to read it. Out of curiousity after resisting for a couple of days and only cuz I'd heard how insane it had gotten...I decided to go to the OFC to see the train wreck. I only read the last page and a half of the OFC thread before it got locked and then disappeared and it was nuts and that's all that I've read outside of here and the shed. I think that I'll keep it that way.

If it's as bad at some of the boards as it was at OFC and as bad as I've heard that it is, I have no interest in reading it and I hope that nobody's passing it onto Clay or Jaymes.

I think that this oughta be a wake up call for a few people to take a few steps baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack if it's affecting them this greatly.

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Cha Cha,

Here's the Canadian Interview:


Primetime Live interview, where Diane says that he says he's not gay and he says that it's high time that there's somebody to represent the people who aren't gay but don't sleep around:


Edited cuz I pasted the wrong URL and it was Primetime Live not GMA. Ooops.

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I found that other montage Cotton was talking about...

it's here......... Setting the Record Straight...Again

I think this person did a really good job.

Actually, I saw that right after it was made. It's really good.

It does have the DS Primetime Live stuff in it.

This youtube has the Vancouver Standard stuff and the Ryan Seacrest stuff re: wife material.

Edited cuz I realized that I missed adding the link:

One More Time


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QUOTE(cha cha trusty @ Jun 8 2008, 02:12 AM) *

I found that other montage Cotton was talking about...

it's here......... Setting the Record Straight...Again

I think this person did a really good job.

His interview with The Insider... wow how sizzling HAWT does he look? :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba:

(To think at one point...Simon called him.. er... ugly?? )

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It's early am and the fog is slowly working it's way up and out of the harbour...I'm sipping my coffee, praying the temp goes higher than 10(50) and catching up on the many posts I've missed since last night. This board is like reading a "new novel" everyday....love it.

I thought I would add my 2 cents reguarding the montages made in Clay's defense.On the positive side they are extremely well done and the message is clear and unmistakable.(to sane people that is) Why some refute his denials is beyond me but then again what WOULD they have to gossip about.

The downside to these montages, IMO, is that they just stir the pot once agian and all the sludge that has somewhat settled to the bottom, slowly works it's way to the surface. All the anti-Clay "gnats" are buzzing around again, blogging,posting, spewing their drivel and filling the comment columns with filth. The defense rises again and the circle continues....it's never ending. This is why I agree with Clay's "silence" strategy...sometimes the more you try and explain or defend yourself, the worse things become. This is JMO.

As for "The Soup's" interview......leave out the part about the children and I definetely snickered once or twice.......maybe once, I wasn't REALLY counting. :whistling-1:

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Thanks for the warnings on the "soup" thing, not worth the laugh if it's going to piss me off in the process.

Overcast and muggy here today, good thing I at least weeded the front garden yesterday. Now I just need to plant something in it before it weeds up again! :cryingwlaughter:

Working on finishing off the Kalamazoo montage series with goldarngirl this morning, then I think we are moving on to Sterling Heights DCAT next. It's a nice distraction from the angst in Clayland for the moment. I love concert Clay. Can't wait until the next tour, whatever & whenever it may be. I'm sure he'll surprise us all again!

Today I am going to visit an old friend who has been housebound the past month after a surgery. So I'll be offline all afternoon. Heh, maybe that'll be a good luck charm for y'all who are waiting for news. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Simple solution to the slimy comments:

Turn comments off or require approval. *shrug*

I don't get why people don't do that.

Why not? If you put something on youtube, you can set it up the way you want to.

Yup. Setting the Record Straight - that's the one I remember. :)

Have fun, you pool-floatin, Clay talkin, parytin, makin me jeolous, lucky ducks gathered in Texas!

But - KAndre! Listen here, girl, don't be trashing my NC BBQ!!

Oh - btw, Ruben was performing at the Sun Fun Festival right across the street from where I work yesterday. I wish I could have seen ol' Ruben. I think he's a nice fella.

But - MAN! I but he was hotter shit on a biscuit out there! Poor Guy!

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Good Morning,

Heading to downtown Chicago this morning for a book fair (like I need more books, lol); they close off a couple of streets and set up tents for all the vendors; it is a great way to spend an afternoon even though it is going to be hotter than blazes outside today. Had all kinds of rain and tornado warnings yesterday; fortunately we just got rain.

I've delcared a moratorium on the topic de jour for myself; think I have talked way too much about it and really, there isn't much more to say. I know what I believe and I love that man to death and can't wait to see what he has in store for us in the future.

Have a great day all,


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Well, I said I would post again when I had something to say, I didn't want to talk about the weather and kind of nyah, nyah, but it is great here, which is odd because there are so few people down this weekend.

From CB

You can rate and further down you can listen to each song.

I can only see 1 Review/Comment. I hope this is not the case (I see 11 on the page link).Maybe it is just because I have not been able to register for some reason. When I click on the Register button....I get nothing. Tried last night and again just now.

Clay needs some play and comments in this important magazine.


Anyone want to spin a little music and add a rating?

Play... thanks for this! I've been wanting to do this but didn't know where to go. Took me forever to figure out who to leave a reveiw, but I finally found it. I just hadn't waited long enough for the page to load... LOL His other cds need better ratings, so when I have time I'm going back and do that. ATDW has one star and MOAM has two. MCWL doesn't have any ratings. That's just not right!

Muski... thanks for bringing over LemonTwist's post. I agree with most of it, too. It's his life to live, ours is to enjoy what he gives us as entertainment and I think I can do that jest fine! I think many fear that his private life affects/effects??? what he can bring us, but you know, we can't do anything about that. So, I'm just going to enjoy the heck out of what we have and what comes in the future. I'm betting he keeps on keeping on and so can the fans who stick.

Off to my DGS#3's 8th Birthday party so won't be back until tonight. Have a great Sunday everyone!!!

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Scarlett again posting on merrieeee's laptop...

We're all still sitting here waiting for a roof guy because the one who was supposed to show up yesterday (see merrieeee's post) didn't -- eh, his loss. He missed the scintillating company of the eHP (or maybe he peeked in, got scared and ran off).

It hasn't been merrieeee's weekend -- at the pool she picked up a large bag of "our favorite snack" and it was open at the bottom so everything dropped out. Typical for the eHP, we laughed and agreed that all the ants were now concentrated on one side of the pool. Then a tree branch fell right right on the exact spot where merrieeee had been standing -- so most of us took that as a sign as hurried inside. I stayed an extra hour because it was just fun to sit in the water with the pretty sounds coming from merrieeee's iPod. Today there's supposed to be a thunderstorm brewing and we're thinking the hole in the roof (not a leak, but a shoebox-sized hole) just might be a problem. It's right close to the planned media center and we are all rather fond of merrieeee's electronics, especially when there's a cute guy on the screen and speakers. We called someone else and he promised to get here in 10 minutes -- merrieeee's hoping that he's tall and blond; I'm just hoping he knows geography.

I don't say it enough but I really love these guys. We were reminiscing about the Frisco concert, going over every single detail, recalling how that afternoon we were driving to Dallas and all the soundcheck comments on the boards -- how his career was over because of "Like A Virgin" and how horrible the TV show tunes were (ok, we didn't actually believe that part at that point), etc. (Solo pops by to remind me that I need to render the Frisco clips). Then KAndre re-retold the saga of the "You Were There" battles on the board, it was great to laugh at that too! Wish we could all do this periodically someplace because it would be great to see more FCA'ers!!!

ETA: We can hardly wait for all the headrolling when the announcement comes of the arrival of "Clive Roger Vernon Ray Foster-Aiken" or "Paula Kimbermee KLo Kelly Fran Spike Faye Foster-Aiken" (through the backchannels via our sooper sekrit source)

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WLNP-FM Wilkes-Barre

KKMY-FM Beaumont, TX

Are playing Clay. In fact he is being played on 21 stations now. If anybody cares..........................

I've been watching for OMWH to show up all morning on 95.7 WLHT-FM Grand Rapids, MI. They stream, and they're not that far from home that it's odd that I'm listening, but nada so far.

yep. I care :)

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