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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Clazorback---quote I say poor Clay merryclay. He has all the fans that think they are helping him by some of the things they do. Too bad they can't see themselves in the mirror. If Faye is reading my posts, she will see that I love her son irregardless of his sexuality and irregardless if she is going to be a grandma or not. Perhaps I should turn her on to some of some other's post, on some other unamed board. Oh wait, she is already aware of that and does not approve. So have a good evening everyone. Waves at all the Chexmates.............

You speak with no more authority than the rest of us, so, I'll just bet Faye knows her son better than we do and that Clay has a right to be believed. I'm not sure why you want to go against that. The people that actually know him are the people that have credibility. Clay, his friends and family. Mercy, Why would you mention Chexxxy's? Is that supposed to be insulting. What does that have to do with two opinions. Stand on your own. I'll stand on my own. Grace and dignity to accept a good man at his word. If he chooses to tell me differently, that's fine, too.

I feel that Faye gets this helpful fan stuff a lot. I've often thought some think she is weak or sheltered. She is exactly the opposite. In the grand scheme of things, she's had to put up with a lot because of people that think they know their family better than they know themselves.

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I don't care if eveyone wants to come and pummel me about what I believe.

Heeeeee...no one is pummeling, some of us are just disagreeing. You listed the reasons you think he is gay - I agree you didn't say "proof" - others said they don't think those reasons are things they would consider any sort of valid "clues".

If Faye reads the boards, she must be a glutton for punishment - ugh. I doubt she is worried that all the fans will stop "loving" Clay - and I believe some stop loving him for all kinds of things, so what. I bet she sure wouldn't read the boards hoping to get advice or enlightenment. Yikes!

I feel you are trying to manufacture outrage or "pummelling", I only see disagreement, I don't see anyone telling you that you need to believe or not believe anything, just that we don't join you. No one thinks Clay is perfect , not posters that I have read on this board, anyway. Okay, I would think you rude to talk directly to Clay about his sexuality, and he has said he thinks that is rude, so I wouldn't see the point, really. I wouldn't talk to a lot of my personal friends about their sexuality, much less a total stranger, which is what Clay really is, as far as his personal life is concerned.

Besides, I think ALL the fan stuff is not any different than fan behavior for other singers and actors - I bet there is a little pie chart somewhere with all the categories and behaviors neatly assigned percentages and colors - and I bet people new to the industry are given a little heads-up about what to expect.

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I've just always wanted to use that emoticon. Now seemed like as good a time as any.

And just for KAndre:

Top 10 Things to do in Hong Kong

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Fun, people!

I need some entertainment STAT!

Or people can suggest fun cheap things to do in Hong Kong.

Go to the Hong Kong Museum. Sit on the 3rd floor and watch the boats in the harbor. Take the ferry across the harbor and back. Stay on the Central side and save big bucks on hotels. Buy groceries at Pacific Place and save money--they might even have cheese doodles there. Eat at the Cosmic Cafe next to the Wesley Hotel. Walk around Central and enjoy the architecture, from high rises to ancient old temples. Take the train to Wong Tai Sin Taoist temple. Ride the turbo jet to Macao (trip is not so cheap but reasonable and fun). If you are crazy, walk all over Macao like I did. Take the bus to Stanley Market and enjoy the ride. Walk around Kowloon (Tsim Sha Tsui) but don't go into the stores. Go to the Jade Market and look for bargains. Avoid taxis everywhere because the traffic is so bad you pay big bucks to stand still. There are pedestrian walkways above the ground all over Central. Walk a lot.

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I've just always wanted to use that emoticon. Now seemed like as good a time as any.

And just for KAndre:

Top 10 Things to do in Hong Kong

Hmmm...not sure KAndre would enjoy this place: The Man Mo Temple

Now if it were The Mo Man Temple...I'm sure she'd be the first in line! :sleezy: (since I won't be there.)

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I snatched that emoticon up as quick as you can say "copy and save!" It's wayyyy too perfect!

I'm wondering if Clay is taking a UNICEF trip this summer! He has mentioned it a few times. There certainly are enough places in the world right now suffering natural disasters where UNICEF could be very needed!

Ivy - you may want to rethink your title. MongrelMate sounds like another word for bitch! :cryingwlaughter:

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Clayzor, if what you say is true, you'll have to add "fucking stupid" to the list, because you'd have to be fucking stupid to ask someone Jaymes' age to bear a child for you.
OK, so I'll keep out of the fucking stupid debate BUT I will say that after re-watching Leno once cuz somebody was reading something into the Baby song and Clay joking about doing the extended version later. I didn't think that he'd be joking about that but here's the thing that DID stick with me: He had gone on recently about looking old and fat...well since getting off of the Paxil, he can't joke about getting fat, but he continues to joke about getting older. If he were having a child with Jaymes, I really can't see him going on and on about how old 30 is. Wouldn't that be kind of insulting? I know, I know...some are going to say that it proves that he thought he needed to get started on the father thing NOW cuz he's getting so old and all...


I noticed in that CNN piece that Clay stated that he hadn't been in LA in 9 months. That was from an interview when the AOL Sessions were recorded, which was mid-May. That got me to thinking--this scenario of Clay being the father, given the time period involved, requires that he drop off some sperm and then head off to Raleigh for tour rehearsals, go off on a Christmas tour, head to Mexico with his family (and no Jaymes) for UNICEF, off to NY for Spamalot rehearsals, followed by months of a grueling schedule of recording and doing the show every night, as well as some advance PR for the album. So if the actual gestation period is longer than 9 months, there was probably time to be present for an IVF process in late October somewhere and then take off for the rest of the time, otherwise, the sperm was frozen and he wasn't even around at all.

Makes me wonder IIT.

Good girl. Basically. Stuff could have had to have been frozen for a long time. But he's been verra, verra busy for quite some time. He did a Summer tour. He did a Christmas tour. He went to Mexico for Christmas. He jumped right into rigorus (sp?) Spamalot rehearsals, then a grueling schedule of Spamalot and recording the album.

I had a funny dream last night which led to me waking up thinking, he's going to be in a movie in which he's a father, and somehow this got twisted into him being a father in RL. And it was a girl.
lmao. Actually, unless medical records were leaked, how would anybody know that the baby is going to be a boy. Would serve 'em right, if it's a girl, lol.

They may not agree with with his stance to not attempt to clear this up but did you see Brad and Angelina trying to clear it up when the rags were saying Brad was moving out and leaving Angelina? No. It was all over the newstands. Next thing you know, they're having twins. Oh and then they were born and had names and then oops... They've taken the exact same stance of not addressing what's being said about them.

I posted here last week about channel-surfing onto a bit on CNN Showbiz about an actress who was really angry because a magazine article had implied she'd had an affair with Bill Clinton. Her statement was very specific about the three times she'd met him and what the circumstances were. Someone from TMZ was commenting that her strong denial was PROOF that it's true. LOL. So last night I came home and turned on headline news to see if they were still showing the Clay bit, and Showbiz started up, and what are they talking about?? This woman who supposedly had an affair with Bill Clinton. So, no, denying it will not kill the story.

It's pretty apparent that denying a story will NOT kill it. There really isn't much point in Clay denying anything to the rags or on TV programs.

IIT, I wish everyone concerned all happiness, but IINT, I would really enjoy seeing the egg on the faces of a whole bunch of media who have run with this, with the only confirmation that Clay is the father coming from a statement from David Foster's publicist, who says he was misquoted. As for fans that will be pissed that he didn't deny it IINT, I'd say, you shoulda known better than to believe it.

:clap::word: X 100

He won't, but if he was to ever ask me, I would advise him to just come out. Let the chips fall where they are and live his life. Find true love. It would be the best thing to happen to his career in my opinion. He would probably be surprised at the amount of respect it would give him from the industry and his peers. Seing as how I believe his OTT fans are an albatross around his neck, way more than who he sleeps with has ever been. If he came out, then there would be no need for fans to engage the swamp people. No need to even go to sights like PH or John what's his name? No need for fans to go and protect him on every site they can find with a gay inuendo made on there. Or a less than flattering statement made about Clay in some obscure person's blog. There would be no need for the late night comics and others to make jokes insinuating his sexuality. There would be no need for fans keeping tabs on other fans who might believe he is gay. It would put an end to fans at OFC trying to run other fans off who belong to the OC board, or who think he is gay. It would put an end to sooooooo much. Mainly, and more importantly, it would be the most freeing thing Clay could do for himself.
And if he's not (and I really believe that he's not). If he was gay, don't you think that he WOULD have said so by now? Really? Why put himself through all of this crap?

All these things are on my list of why he probably isn't gay. My Fake Clay wouldn't mind at all coming out if he were gay, but he can't come out if he isn't gay. Hence, "It would not make sense for me to do that," to Diane Sawyer.


When I first listened to his new cd I came away feeling very sad for Clay. Just listen to the words of the songs that he chose to put on this cd. Yes, I know he said they don't necessarily relate to him. However, I disagree somewhat. They had to resonate with him, somewhat, otherwise he wouldn't of chosen them. I hear a man who is terribly lonely, and conflicted. A man struggling with the idea of staying in this business or giving it up so that he could live his life, A man who is tired and weary of his fans and their unsatiable needs that he can't seem to satisfy no matter how hard he tries.
LAA aside, I think that we listened to a different CD. I got an overall feeling of rising above it all.

(mind outta the gutter Muski)

I gave Clay the benefit of believing him, when he says he is not, but no more.
You've suddenly stopped believing him becaussssssssssssssse?


OK, so a good chunk of that page got too heavy for canfly, so back to the fluff...

Everyone has their own private 'Fake Clay', though very few have attempted to communicate via text messages.

MY private Fake Clay? Anybody read fanfic?


Speaking of which...you write any lately?

One of the funniest typos in the history of the world!


the size of his hose - that is right, even if he never mentioned it,

You got THAT right, Play!

Even funnier, that she went back in and edited it to be "shoes" and then went on talking about houses, lol.

That was just page 60? Man. You people talk a lot.

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More on Hong Kong on the cheap:

Hong Kong Tourist Association - main site There's an office near the clock tower - lots of brochures and helpful information.

Walking tour - Central and Western

Walking tour - Wan Chai

Go to the University of Hong Kong and visit the University Museum and Art Gallery and the Geology Museum there. Walk around the campus (warning, it's on a steep slope).

Take the cable car to the Peak. If you're nuts, take the local bus like I did and pray you don't die. Enjoy the view and bemoan the touristy nature of the buildings up there.

Go to Chater Garden and Statue Square. On Sundays many Filapina maids and nannies meet there to chat.

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How about some oldies but goodies.


Such a CUTE goofball. :)

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Jesus. The battle continues.

All I can say is this, if someone came up to me and told me that they'd love my daughter even if she were gay, I'd tell them not to bother because my daughter doesn't associate with bigots.

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For me, there are two truths (that I am sure about):

1) See my sig.

Those who decided that Clay was gay were just waiting for confirmation... and for some, it's the AI baby news. YOU see what YOU believe.

2) The bolded part of Kandre's post (below), especially what's underlined.

Most people are so busy trying to get to know others and figure them out yet they don't even know themselves. I firmly feel everyone should periodically spend a chunk of time in retreat, by themselves. Far away from their daily lives. Just with their own thoughts. It would drive some people crazy; and I know quite a few people who can't stand their own company. I also know you can be at your loneliest when surrounded by a lot of people.

QUOTE(KAndre @ Jun 9 2008, 07:40 AM) *

Learning to Sing, at 256 pages in paperback, doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of one Clay Aiken. It's a small, limited glimpse in a small, limited portion of his life put out for a specific purpose. With lots of white space. All the M&Gs, all the dedications, all the interviews don't really say who is Clay Aiken. My girl, 00lsee was totally right this weekend - we are alone in our skin. Little bits of us interact with little bits of others, but hell, you can be surprised every day by a child who you brought up. By someone you've been married to for 20 years. By yourself.

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I had an acquaintance try to tell me that maybe Clay had really good reasons for stating he is strait. I said BULLCRAP! (a lie is a lie) (eta - he is totally strait as he stated)

Clay is not a liar, he would have answered differently or round about if he did not want to state the truth. He stated the truth.

Clay said he is not gay and all the message board fans have seen the videos of same (I would imagine).

Anyone who has seen the statements and who continues to think he 'might' be gay or who still 'doesn't know' for sure after seeing him state it himself - is calling Clay a liar!

What else could it be?

As far as his relationship with Jaymes or any other woman, I have no idea really except for what he has said himself.

If Jaymes is having a baby I wish her well. If Clay tells me it is his, then I will allow my excitement to rise.

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Jesus. The battle continues.

All I can say is this, if someone came up to me and told me that they'd love my daughter even if she were gay, I'd tell them not to bother because my daughter doesn't associate with bigots.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:Wanda, I could kiss you on the lips!

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Pretty pitchurs!!! I saw pretty pitchurs!!!


Gonna keep reading though so I gets the reward of the purdy pitchurs in the end!


should be playing OMWH in the next 10 minutes.

they stream

Oops. Too late.

This tickled me 'coss last year in Houston I met someone who only knew me by my stories. When she was introduced to me, she about had a cow. I kept feeling her looking at me and when I asked her what was wrong, she just said in a daze, "You...you just look so.....NORMAL."



Looks can be deceiving huh?


Just a few thoughts based on this morning's comments....

There are two scenarios which make sense to me on the baby issue.

1) Clay and Jaymes are in a committed relationship.

  • Because, I don't believe anyone would ask a 50 yr old 'friend' to carry a baby for you.

2) Clay is not the father, and Jaymes just decided to get PG with someone else's swimmers.

then another possibility rears its head.

IF she wanted a baby, and Clay was available to her, or he volunteered to do it.

but also this would take a huge committment.........

You can't just count back 7 months and say Clay was busy doing this or that.

IF this is Clay's baby, they would have had to plan, the procedures alone would take preparation and time. At any given time in the past year and a half, Clay could have had sperm frozen anywhere in the US or Canada. The procedure may not have 'taken' the first time.

Bottom line, we still don't know if Clay is involved, and if he is, I personally don't believe it has anything to do with his being gay. Which I don't believe he is.

Makes sense...but it just hit me that I've had enough of the damned speculating...

So...I'm doing a quick scroll for anything amusing and then heading for the purdy pitchurs that I saw last time I posted...

Heh. Found something amusing...

I'm confused...

So, should I scratch "Nice hose, dude!" off the list of appropriate things to scream at Clay when he's on-stage / in the bus line / at another stage door or not?

Likely. :lmaosmiley-1:

3. Showing feministic traits or not showing them doesn't mean diddly squat!!!! Unless, of course, you're looking for an excuse to put a label on someone.

4. Saying Clay is lonely because of the songs he sings is like saying he really soils his jeans in real life because of doing it in a part he played. He has said repeatedly that these songs are not necessarily about him but some people keep trying to make OMWH biographical!!! He loves good lyrics. All these songs have good lyrics (IMO) and he has quite easily interpreted them. He sells songs. We know that. He sells them very well. But I don't think that necessarily means they're about him.


I'm confused... :blink:

So, should I scratch "Nice hose, dude!" off the list of appropriate things to scream at Clay when he's on-stage / in the bus line / at another stage door or not?

Screaming it at him? No. But you could text him....


"it's exactly why I don't buy the suggestion that she is doing this just for him, like a vessel."

Oooh, you mean there was a boat??

Was it sort of like a dinner cruise?????????

BWAH! I can so hear him in my head!

"it's exactly why I don't buy the suggestion that she is doing this just for him, like a vessel."

Oooh, you mean there was a boat??

Was it sort of like a dinner cruise?????????

Wait...so does this mean that, as King Arthur said, the hose is withIN us? And if anybody asks if somebody swallowed it?

:PickMe-1: :lipstick:

BWAH again!!!


I would love him even if he was from Jupiter and smoked illegal Cuban cigars and had a secret swimming pool in his basement because he liked lying to his fans.

Hell no. If that's the case, then I'm walkin'.


Now where da pitchurs at????

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QUOTE(wandacleo @ Jun 9 2008, 06:31 PM) *

Jesus. The battle continues.

All I can say is this, if someone came up to me and told me that they'd love my daughter even if she were gay, I'd tell them not to bother because my daughter doesn't associate with bigots.

WOW I will have to save that and use it next time i hear someone state "I'd love... even if..... "

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If Faye reads the boards, she must be a glutton for punishment - ugh. I doubt she is worried that all the fans will stop "loving" Clay -

And may even sorta wish they would. :cryingwlaughter:


I've noticed that when people make it a point of saying they are done discussing something...they rarely are.



eta...and AMEN Wanda!

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